Happy Path Testing

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In the realm of software testing, ensuring that the application behaves as expected is paramount. This is where the concept of Happy Path Testing comes into play. It is an essential technique that testers use to verify that the application works as intended under normal conditions, ensuring a smooth user experience.

In this blog, we’ll delve deep into what Happy Path Testing is, how it works, its benefits, challenges, and best practices to implement it effectively.

What is Happy Path Testing?

Happy Path QA Testing is a testing technique where the application is tested with valid input data to verify its expected behavior. The term “happy path” refers to the scenario where everything works perfectly there are no errors, no unexpected user inputs, and no edge cases. In other words, this technique assumes that the user follows the optimal flow through the application.

Happy Path Testing is commonly used in functional testing to ensure that core features work as expected under ideal conditions. For example, when testing a login feature, Happy Path Testing would involve using valid credentials to ensure the login process works correctly.

How Does Happy Path Testing Work?

The goal of Happy Path Testing is to validate the system’s main functionality by testing the most common and straightforward user journeys. This involves the following steps:

Identify the Happy Path

The first step in Happy Path Testing is identifying the most common or optimal path through the application. This path is typically the one users are most likely to follow. For example, in an e-commerce application, the happy path might include browsing for products, adding them to the cart, entering valid payment details, and completing the checkout process.

Create Test Scenarios

Once the happy path is identified, test scenarios are created to cover this flow. These scenarios should include all the necessary steps for a successful transaction or operation. For instance, in the case of a login feature, the test scenario might include the following steps:

  • Open the login page
  • Enter valid username and password
  • Click the login button
  • Verify that the user is redirected to the homepage

Execute the Tests

With the test scenarios defined, the next step is to execute the tests using valid data. The goal is to ensure that everything works smoothly when the application is used as intended. During this stage, testers monitor the system for any issues, such as unexpected delays or errors.

Validate the Results

Finally, the results are validated to ensure that the application behaves as expected. If the tests pass, it indicates that the application works well under normal conditions. If any issues are encountered, they are documented and reported for further investigation.

Recommended To Read Also: QA Software Testing Course

Benefits of Happy Path Testing

Happy Path Testing offers several benefits for software development teams and product managers. Here are some of the key advantages:

Quick Validation of Core Functionality

Happy Path Testing focuses on the most critical parts of the application—the functionality that users are most likely to interact with. By ensuring that this core functionality works as expected, development teams can quickly validate that the product is on the right track.

Reduces Testing Effort

Since Happy Path Testing is limited to optimal user scenarios, it requires fewer test cases compared to more exhaustive testing approaches like exploratory or negative testing. This makes it a time-efficient testing technique, especially for teams working on tight deadlines.

Early Detection of Issues

Happy Path Testing is typically performed early in the testing process. This allows teams to identify and resolve issues with core functionality before moving on to more complex or edge-case scenarios. By catching problems early, development teams can prevent costly delays and ensure smoother releases.

Improves User Experience

By focusing on the most common user journeys, Happy Path Testing helps ensure a seamless user experience. When the core features of an application work without issues, users are less likely to encounter frustrating problems, which can increase satisfaction and retention.

Challenges of Happy Path Testing

While Happy Path Testing offers numerous benefits, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Understanding these challenges can help teams address potential pitfalls and optimize their testing efforts.

Limited Coverage

Happy Path Testing only covers the most common scenarios, which means it doesn’t test edge cases, invalid inputs, or alternative paths through the application. This can result in untested areas of the system, potentially leaving bugs undiscovered.

Overreliance on Ideal Conditions

Happy Path Testing assumes that everything works perfectly, which isn’t always realistic in a production environment. Users may input invalid data, perform unexpected actions, or experience system failures. By focusing solely on the happy path, teams may overlook potential issues that arise in real-world usage.

Does Not Test Error Handling

Error handling is a critical aspect of software systems, but Happy Path Testing doesn’t focus on this area. If the application fails to handle errors gracefully, users could encounter crashes or other problems. To address this, teams should complement Happy Path Testing with other techniques, such as Negative Testing or Exploratory Testing, to ensure robust error handling.

May Create a False Sense of Security

When Happy Path Testing passes, it can create a false sense of security that the application is ready for release. However, without testing alternative scenarios or edge cases, there is still a risk of undiscovered bugs. Teams should be cautious about relying solely on Happy Path Testing to make release decisions.

Best Practices for Effective Happy Path Testing

To maximize the effectiveness of Happy Path Testing, consider implementing the following best practices:

Combine with Other Testing Techniques

While Happy Path Testing is valuable, it should not be the only testing technique used. To ensure comprehensive coverage, combine it with other methods such as:

  • Negative Testing to check how the system handles invalid inputs and errors.
  • Exploratory Testing to discover unexpected issues through ad-hoc testing.
  • Boundary Testing to validate how the system behaves at its limits.
  • Regression Testing to ensure that new changes don’t break existing functionality.

Use Automated Testing for Repeated Happy Path Scenarios

Since Happy Path Testing focuses on core functionality that is likely to be used repeatedly, automating these tests can save time and effort. Automated tests can be run frequently, ensuring that the happy path remains functional throughout the development process, especially after code changes.

Document Test Scenarios Clearly

It’s important to have well-documented test scenarios for Happy Path Testing. This ensures that testers and developers understand the intended flow and can easily reproduce the tests if needed. Clear documentation also helps in the creation of automated test scripts.

Prioritize Happy Path Testing Early in Development

Happy Path Testing should be performed early in the development process to validate that the core features work as expected. Catching issues early reduces the cost and effort required to fix them later in the development cycle.

Update Happy Path Tests as the Application Evolves

As the application evolves and new features are added, the happy path may change. It’s important to review and update Happy Path Testing scenarios regularly to ensure that they remain relevant and cover the most important user journeys.

When to Use Happy Path Testing

Happy Path Testing is particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • During Initial Development Phases: When developing a new feature or application, Happy Path Testing can be used to quickly validate that the core functionality is working as expected.
  • For User Acceptance Testing (UAT): In UAT, stakeholders often focus on ensuring that the application works as expected under normal conditions. Happy Path Testing can help demonstrate that the system meets user requirements.
  • After Major System Updates: After significant changes to the system, such as a new version release or a major bug fix, Happy Path Testing can verify that the main functionality still works as intended.
  • For Automated Regression Testing: Automating Happy Path Tests ensures that core functionality is continuously validated, especially when frequent updates are made to the codebase.

Real-World Example of Happy Path Testing

Consider an online banking application where users can transfer funds between accounts. The Happy Path Testing scenario for the “Transfer Funds” feature might include the following steps:

  1. Login: User logs in with valid credentials.
  2. Select Account: User selects the account from which funds will be transferred.
  3. Enter Amount: User enters a valid amount to transfer.
  4. Confirm Transfer: User confirms the transfer.
  5. Success Message: The system displays a success message, and the user can see the updated balance.

In this example, Happy Path Testing verifies that the funds transfer feature works under normal conditions with valid inputs. However, it doesn’t cover scenarios where the user enters an invalid amount or encounters a system error.

The test cases are categorised into

  • Happy path
  • Sad path
  • Bad path

A test case which yields in positive result is called as happy path testing. For example entering proper user name and password in the login page. The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as Sad path. Example entering wrong password and username. A test scenarios which does not fetch any result and makes us lost is called as bad path. Example entering the junk characters in the username.

In any use case analysis scenarios there is only one happy path but there are many additional path scenarios which has valid results. The analysis results in one or more exception paths. The use case and its interactions are commonly used in graphical languages. Focusing on the happy path and creating the proper and required functionality causes bugs in the software production where end users choose from happy path to exception path. Developer doesn’t see the happy path functionality from user’s point of view instead he sees from code point view.

The happy paths can produce gaps or nulls or incorrect values or host of error checking slip into production system because no one has checked these paths.


Happy Path Testing is a crucial technique for validating the core functionality of an application under normal conditions. While it offers several benefits, including quick validation and improved user experience, it’s important to complement it with other testing techniques to ensure comprehensive coverage.

By following best practices such as combining Happy Path Testing with Negative Testing and automating key scenarios, teams can ensure that their applications provide a seamless user experience while also addressing potential edge cases and errors. Happy Path Testing may not cover every scenario, but it is an essential tool for building confidence in the reliability of your application’s core functionality.

Check your understanding:

  1. What is happy path testing?
  2. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
  3. What are the categories of happy path testing?

55 Responses

  1. 1.A test case which yields in positive result is called as happy path testing.Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and results is coming as its is expected.There is no error in this testing.It operates exactly behave the way according to the software.
    2.To find out a store location..
    enter a valid zip code/state is happy path.enter a invalid zip code/state is sad.enter blank is bad path.
    3.The characteristic of happy path testing are
    1.There is only one happy path but there are many additional path scenarios which has valid results.
    2.The analysis results in one or more exception paths.
    3.The use case and its interactions are commonly used in graphical languages.

  2. Happy path testing : A happy path is a default scenario featuring no exceptional or error conditions. … Happy path testing is a well-defined test case using known input, which executes without exception and produces an expected output. In this testing tester uses the specific input and perform without any exception and produce expected result.

    Example to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures : The happy path for a function validating credit card numbers would be where none of the validation rules raise an error, thus letting execution continue successfully to the end, generating a positive response.

    Categories of happy path testing?
    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path

  3. 1. What is happy path testing?
    Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output. In Happy path testing a test case yields a in positive result.

    2. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    Eg1. In a Store locator Application entering valid Zip code or choosing a State is a Happy Path testing
    Eg2. In a Currency converter Application Entering the valid amount of currency to be converted and choosing the currency to be converted is a Happy Path testing
    3. what are the categories of happy path testing?
    The test cases are categorized into
    • Happy path
    • Sad path
    • Bad path

  4. Happy path testing is where the test uses known input and produces expected result without any exceptions:
    Test cases are categorized into:
    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path
    Happy path is which provides positive results. Eg valid username and password.
    Sad path is which gets us stuck and does not take any further.eg invalid username and password.
    Bad path is one which doesn’t yield any result and gets us lost. Eg junk characters in username and password.

  5. 1.What is happy path testing?
    a test which yield the expected result is called happy path testing.It uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    2.Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    entering correct information as expected such as correct username/password, correct zipcode /store name etc

    3.What are the categories of happy path testing?
    operates exactly the way software expects it to
    user interface friendly
    remembers everything
    dont make any mistakes

  6. Q. What is happy path testing?
    – Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produces expected output.

    Q. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    – Entering proper username and password on login page is Happy path testing.
    On the other hand,
    Entering wrong password and username is Sad path.
    Entering the junk characters in the username is Bad path.
    Q. What are the categories of happy path testing?
    – Happy path
    – Sad path
    – Bad path

  7. What is happy path testing?
    The procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    Happy Path testing-A test case which gives a positive result is called as happy path testing. Eg. Entering valid user name and password in the login page and page opens successfully.
    Sad Testing-A test case which does not take us further and get stuck is called as Sad path. Eg. Entering invalid password and username.
    Bad path testing-A test case where it does not show any result and makes confuse is called as bad path. Eg. Entering junk characters in the username.
    What are the categories of happy path testing?
    >Happy path testing
    >Sad path testing
    >Bad path testing

  8. 1.What is happy path testing?
    Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    2.Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    Entering valid username and password for gmail login gives happy results.
    Entering username and password blank gives false results.

  9. 1. The testing of software where always gives expected results with no exception is called Happy path testing.
    2. Valid user name and pass word => Inbox (happy testing)
    Invalid username and invalid password => message: Sorry we did not recognize this email (bad testing)
    Invalid user name and invalid password => error page (bad testing)
    3. In happy path testing the test cases are categorized in to 3 groups:
    Happy path, Sad path and Bad path.

  10. What is happy path testing?

    Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.

    Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?

    In the google login page , entering valid user name and password and google allows to login with out error is happy path.

    What are the categories of happy path testing?
    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path

  11. What is happy path testing?
    In happy path testing the test uses known input and execute without any execution and produce expected output.

    Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    Entering correct username and password leads to login page open is called happy path.
    If the username and password entered is correct it will not open the login page and this process is called sad path testing
    If the test case do not show any result and seems lost. This type of testing is called bad path testing.
    What are the categories of happy path testing?
    1- bad path testing
    2- sad path testing
    3- happy path testing

  12. 1. What is Happy Path Testing?
    * Happy Path Testing is a procedure where the known inputs will be entered and executes to get expected and error free output.
    2. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    * In Happy Path Testing the expected results will be positive – Eg: entering the valid Id and Password will make you log in correctly. Other thing is not proceeding further, getting stuck with same thing. Eg – leaving blank and trying to login or entering invalid id and passwords. One more is Getting lost somewhere by entering fake or junk Id and passwords.
    3. What are the categories of happy path testing?
    * 1. Happy path
    2. Sad path
    3. Bad path

  13. The objective of Happy Path Testing is to test an application successfully on a positive flow. It does not look for negative or error conditions. The focus is only on the valid and positive inputs through which application generates the expected output.
    Some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures is entering or expecting user to only enter valid data as identified in the test data of Equivalence class partition. For examples Google login and Store Locator input specifications.
    Happy path testing is categorized in in three different test cases such as:
    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path

  14. 1. What is Happy Path Testing?
    – Happy Path is the procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    2. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    – Entering proper username and password on login page
    – Entering correct (valid) credit card number and password in the banking login page.
    – Entering valid zip code on the search criteria to find the store location.
    3.What are the categories of happy path testing?
    – The test cases are categorized into
    • Happy path
    • Sad path
    • Bad path

  15. 1. What is happy path testing?
    Is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.

    2. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    Happy Path
    Entering proper user name and password in the login page.
    Sad path
    Entering wrong password and username.
    Bad path
    Entering the junk characters in the username.

    3. What are the categories of happy path testing?
    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path

  16. 1. What is happy path testing?
    It is a procedure where test uses the known input and executes without exception and produce expected output.
    Ex: entering proper user name and password in the login page results the expected page.

    2. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    Happy path testing: The test case which yields the positive result is called happy path testing.
    Ex: the username accepts only 6-8 characters then enter characters with in 6 or 8 yields the expected results.

    Sad path testing: The scenario where it does not take us further but gets stuck in the situation is called sad path testing
    Ex: Entering wrong username and password.

    Bad path testing: The scenario which does not fetch any results and makes us lost is called bad path testing.
    Ex: Entering the junk characters in username.

    3. What are the categories of happy path testing?
    In Use case analysis scenarios there is only one happy path but there are many additional path scenarios which has valid results. The analysis results in one or more exception paths. Focusing on the happy path and creating the proper and required functionality causes bugs in the software production where end users choose from happy path to exception path.

  17. 1. What is happy path testing?
    Happy path testing is a procedure to test data with known and valid input and receiving expected output.

    2. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    1. Happy Path Testing: Log In account page with known inputs.
    2. Sad Path Testing: Log In account with invalid input or leaving blank.
    3. Bad Path Testing: junk characters in input fields.

    What are the categories of happy path testing?

  18. 1. What is happy path testing ?
    Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    2. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    A test case which yields in positive result is called as happy path testing. For example entering proper user name and password in the login page. The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as Sad path. Example entering wrong password and username. A test scenarios which does not fetch any result and makes us lost is called as bad path. Example entering the junk characters in the username.
    3.What are the categories of happy path testing?
    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path.

  19. Happy path testing
    In Happy path testing the test case is designed only with valid data and it excludes all kind of invalid data which may give unexpected results.
    Types of testing Results Examples
    Happy path test case Positive results Valid user name, password in login page
    Sad path test case Error (Does not take us further& get stuck) Invalid user name, password
    Bath path test case Error ( Does not give any result) Invalid username ( junk character in the username) 100 or random characters

  20. HAPPY PATH TESTING: Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    A test case which yields in positive result is called as happy path testing. For example entering proper user name and password in the login page. The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as Sad path. Example entering wrong password and username. A test scenarios which does not fetch any result and makes us lost is called as bad path. Example entering the junk characters in the username.
    The test cases are categorised into
    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path

  21. 1.The procedure where the test uses the known input and execute without any exception and result in expected output is called happy path testing.
    2.The scenarios which differs from other is when entering valid username and password leads toGmail account inbox is happy path testing.If wrong username and password enters, the error message is displayed which get stuck and not display further result is called sad testing.If we enter random or junk character in username and password, which does not fetch any further result is called as bad testing.
    3.The categories of happy path testing are:
    a.happy path
    b.sad path
    c.bad path

  22. 1. Happy path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output. A test case which yields in positive result is called as happy path testing.
    2. Entering proper username and password in the login page is happy path testing. The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as sad path testing. A test scenarios which does not fetch any result when entering wrong password and username and makes us lost is called as bad path testing.
    3. The test cases are categorised into Happy path, Sad path, and Bad path.

    1. Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output. The happy path user will understand clearly.A test case which yields in positive result is called as happy path testing.

      For example entering proper user name and password in the login page. The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as Sad path. Example entering wrong password and username. A test scenarios which does not fetch any result and makes us lost is called as bad path. Example entering the junk characters in the username.
      The test cases are catagorized into:
      Happy path
      Sad path
      Bad path

  23. Q. What is happy path testing?
    – Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produces expected output.

    Q. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    – Entering proper username and password on login page is Happy path testing.
    On the other hand,
    Entering wrong password and username is Sad path.
    Entering the junk characters in the username is Bad path.
    Q. What are the categories of happy path testing?
    – Happy path
    – Sad path
    – Bad path

  24. Q1
    Happy path software testing is a well-defined test procedure using known input, which executes without exception and produces an expected output. It is a default scenario featuring no exceptional or error conditions. A test case which yields in positive result is called as happy path testing.

    Examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?

    • Happy path: A test case which yields in positive result is called as happy path testing. For example entering proper user name and password in the login page.
    • Sad path: The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as Sad Path testing. Example entering wrong password and username.
    • Bad path: A test scenarios which does not fetch any result and makes us lost is called as bad path. Example entering the junk characters in the username.

    The test cases are categorized into the following
    • Happy path
    • Sad path
    • Bad path

  25. 1.Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output. The happy path user will understand clearly.A test case which yields in positive result is called as happy path testing.
    2.For example entering proper user name and password in the login page. The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as Sad path. Example entering wrong password and username. A test scenarios which does not fetch any result and makes us lost is called as bad path. Example entering the junk characters in the username.
    3.The test cases are catagorized into:
    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path

  26. 1. What is happy path testing? It is a case when the user uses software as expected with valid input data and everything is smooth.
    2. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures? Sad and bad paths also exist, sad is when user uses invalid data and gets stuck, before eventually finding the happy path. Bad path is when the user is lost.
    3. What are the categories of happy path testing?Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output. The happy path user will understand clearly

  27. Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.

    Entering proper username and password in the login page is happy path testing. The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as sad path testing. A test scenarios which does not fetch any result when entering wrong password and username and makes us lost is called as bad path testing.

    The test cases are categorized into
    – Happy path
    – Sad path
    – Bad path

  28. 1. Happy Path Testing:
    It is a test case in which we give the valid input and the software is executed without any exception/errors and produces the same output as its purpose/expected.
    2. For example, while transferring money:
    -If we enter valid/correct account number and routing number the money will be transferred successfully and is called Happy Path.
    -If we enter Invalid/wrong account number or routing number the amount will not be transferred and is called Sad Path.
    -Where, if we enter the account number of recipient and routing number of sender’s account is known as Bad Path.
    3. In any use case analysis scenarios there is only one happy path but there are many additional path scenarios which has valid results. The analysis may also show exception paths which are the result of invalid condition like sad path and bad path.

  29. 1. Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    a. Entering valid username and password on Bank account login page is Happy path testing. On the other hand, entering wrong password and username is Sad path.
    b. In the google login page, entering valid user name and password and google allows to login without error is happy path. On the other hand, entering the junk characters in the username is bad path.
    Entering wrong password and username is Sad path.
    c. Entering zip code or choose state and then find the store location is happy path testing.
    3. The categories of happy path testing.
    In any use case analysis scenarios there is only one happy path but there are many additional path scenarios which has valid results. The analysis results in one or more exception paths. The use case and its interactions are commonly used in graphical languages. Focusing on the happy path and creating the proper and required functionality causes bugs in the software production where end users choose from happy path to exception path.

  30. 1) Happy path testing is where test uses known input and produce expected output without any exception.
    2) entering the correct and known information in username and password field.
    3)Happy path: Where the test case yields positive result is happy path testing
    2)Sad path: Where the test scenario does not allow us to move forward and make us stuck there itself is Sad Path
    3)Bad path: Where the test scenario does not fetch any result and make us lost is Bad path.

  31. 1. What is happy path testing?
    Happy path testing is testing of an application using valid or known input and applying the correct test steps to reach an expected outcome. It could be synonymous with positive testing where valid data is used to check if an application works. In other words, it is a test which yields a positive result.
    2. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    In an online banking application, entering valid username and password results in opening of user account. If incorrect/invalid data is used, an error message will pop up and the expected result-account opening will not happen. If data fields are left blank, account will not open.
    In an application which provides driving directions, correct start and end address will provide correct directions. If an invalid address is entered, there will be an error message. If one of the fields is left blank, the application will reset and directions will not be available.
    3. What are the categories of happy path testing?
    Categories of happy path testing are:
    Happy Path, Sad Path and Bad Path.

  32. 1.What is happy path testing?
    Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    2.Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    For example entering proper user name and password in the login page. The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as Sad path. Example entering wrong password and username. A test scenarios which does not fetch any result and makes us lost is called as bad path. Example entering the junk characters in the username.

    3.What are the categories of happy path testing?
    Focusing on the happy path and creating the proper and required functionality causes bugs in the software production where end users choose from happy path to exception path.
    The happy paths can produce gaps or nulls or incorrect values or host of error checking slip into production system because no one has checked these paths.

  33. 1) Happy path testing is to use valid inputs to test without any exception and the results are expected.
    2) It is categorized into 3 groups called happy, sad and bad testing.
    -gmail login, when you enter valid username and password, you expect to see the login into gmail called happy testing
    -entering invalid username and password wont let you to login into gmail called sad testing
    -entering junk characters in the login and it wont let you to get any results and wont let us go anywhere with the testing called bad testing.
    In any use case analysis scenarios there is only one happy path but there are many additional path scenarios which has valid results. The analysis results in one or more exception paths. The use case and its interactions are commonly used in graphical languages. Focusing on the happy path and creating the proper and required functionality causes bugs in the software production where end users choose from happy path to exception path. Developer doesn’t see the happy path functionality from user’s point of view instead he sees from code point view.

  34. What is happy path testing?
    where the tester uses the known input and executes without any exceptions
    Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    entering valid login id and password in email account, is happy path and entering invalid login id using special characters in password is example sad test.
    entering valid data in creating a new apple id, is happy path, and entering special char, alpha numeric and not entering the required fields is sad test.

  35. 1. Happy path testing is where the test uses the known data and produces expected output.
    2.Example of happy path testing are entering proper user name and password in the login page, whereas Sad path testing entering the wrong username and password and getting a proper error message which is programmed. Bad path testing is entering junk characters as inputs and getting error page.
    3. The test cases of testing are categorized into Happy path, Sad path, Bad path.

  36. 1.Happy path testing is the procedure where the known input which executes without any exceptions &produce expected output
    2.Example for happy path testing is , using a correct username & password or Zip code in the login page,it direct us to the exact location without any exceptions
    sad path testing means using any username 0r password or Zip code & error occures
    3.Happy path testing,Sad path testing & Bad path testing

  37. 1. What is happy path testing ?
    Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    Examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    A test case which yields in positive result is called as happy path testing. For example entering proper user name and password in the login page. The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as Sad path. Example entering wrong password and username. A test scenarios which does not fetch any result and makes us lost is called as bad path. Example entering the junk characters in the username.
    3.What are the categories of happy path testing?
    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path.

  38. Happy Path Testing – is when we test an application with expected or known inputs and get an expected result.
    Examples –
    Happy Path – in email login, we enter the correct characteristics and are able to log in.
    Sad Path – in email login, we enter incorrect inputs and are unable to log in.

  39. What is happy path testing?
    The Test case which gives you a positive result is called happy path testing for example user login with valid username and valid password which takes you through beyond the login page

    Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    The example of happy path testing user login with valid username and valid password which takes you through beyond the login page

    What are the categories of happy path testing?
    we can do the testing with positive sets of data and record the result of application

  40. Happy path testing is when the result gives an expected output. For example, entering valid date input.

    Happy path testing e.g enter vaild username and password during log in while Sad path e.g enter invaild username and password during log in, this result will not take us any further.

    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path

  41. Happy path testing is testing that the software responds to the expected input appropriately. It is different in that it focuses on checking required functionality. The categories are happy path, sad path, and bad path.

  42. In happy path testing, the data inputs are always valid and give expected result. A test case which yields in positive result is called as happy path testing.
    Some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures:
    In Happy Path testing, the result is always as expected. For example, in Happy Path testing, entering valid account information to access ATM will open the account. In Alpha Testing, the user is testing the ATM in IT environment. User can enter invalid account information and the account does not open, meaning result is not as expected.
    One more example is online shopping at Walmart.com – At the payment page, entering correct card payment details will result in order processing. This is Happy testing where only valid data is entered to get the desired output. For invalid card details, missing card details or blank data, the order is not processed and error message is displayed. In other types of testing, like negative testing invalid data is entered to see how the system copes.
    The categories of Happy Path Testing are: Happy Path, Sad Path and Bad Path. Example, by entering Correct Username and Password on a bank website, transactions can be seen. This is known as Happy Path.
    If the Username or Password are incorrect, the account does not open. Testing does not go further. This is known as Sad Path.
    If the Username and Password are junk and no results are shown instead takes to different pages. This is known as Bad path where testing path is lost.

  43. 1. Happy path testing only has inputs that are valid which receives a positive output.
    2. Examples of Happy Path testing are for example going to Youtube.com and signing in, the tester will input the correct username/email and password and the output is that the tester is now logged in.
    3. Happy Path, Sad Path and Bad Path are the different categories.

  44. Happy path testing: It is testing where the tests use known inputs and produces an expected output.

    For example,
    Happy path testing: Giving the valid city name or valid zip code in weather.com and finding out particular area’s weather.
    Sad path testing : Giving Invalid city name or invalid zip code in weather .com which will give the error message.
    Bad test pathing : Giving a junk input in the city name or zip code field which will gives no result.

  45. -Happy path testing is done by providing the known inputs and gets the expected output.

    -Enter proper/valid username and password for login is happy path.
    Enter wrong/invalid username and password for login is sad path.
    Enter blank/junk username and password for login is bad path.

  46. . Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.

    2. Example: entering proper user name and password in the login page.
    The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as Sad path.
    Example entering wrong password and username.
    A test scenarios which does not fetch any result and makes us lost is called as bad path. Example entering the junk characters in the username.

    3. Categories of happy path testing are:
    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path

  47. What is happy path testing?
    The procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    Happy Path testing-A test case which gives a positive result is called as happy path testing. Eg. Entering valid user name and password in the login page and page opens successfully.
    Sad Testing-A test case which does not take us further and get stuck is called as Sad path. Eg. Entering invalid password and username.
    Bad path testing-A test case where it does not show any result and makes confuse is called as bad path. Eg. Entering junk characters in the username.
    What are the categories of happy path testing?
    Happy path testing
    Sad path testing
    Bad path testing

  48. 1.) Happy path testing is a method in which the test uses known input and excutes without any exception and produces expected out out. In order to use this method the user must clearly understand, be familiarized with and remember everything in the software.

    2.) A real world example if happy path testing is as simple as entering the valid username and password and logging in successfully, a sad path example would be invalid username or password and a bad path would be entering junk or no username or password. This method only has one happy path but there are many alternate paths that produce valid results. Being that there is only one happy path only one path is tested in this method, this leaves gaps, null, incorrect values, and errors because the other paths were not checked.

    3.) The catagories of happy path testing are as follows:
    -Happy path: Using proper inputs this type produces positive results.
    -Sad Path: Some incorrect data is input this produces a stand still result with no further outcome.
    -Bad path: This scenario does not produce any results and is considered lost.

  49. 1. Happy path testing is the process of utilizing known input values to execute without any exceptions and produce the expected output.
    2. In happy path testing, the outcome of a test case is positive. For example: entering valid login credentials on a login page, entering valid zip code on a store locator page, entering a valid amount on a transfer funds page. In sad path testing, the outcome results in the inability to proceed further. For example, entering invalid login credentials on a login page, entering an invalid zip code on a store locator page, entering an invalid amount on a transfer funds page. In bad path testing, there is no outcome. For example, entering junk characters for login credentials, entering junk characters for the zip code, and entering junk characters for the amount to transfer.
    3. The categories of Happy Path Testing are happy path, sad path, and bad path.

  50. 1. Happy Path Testing is the process of using known input and executing without any exception and producing an expected outcome.
    2. A Happy path real life example would be entering the right username and password and it working as should, a sad path real world example is an invalid username or password, a bad path is entering junk or nothing.
    3. The three types of happy testing is happy, sad, bad

  51. 1. Happy Path testing is a testing procedure in which the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    2. An example of happy path testing can include logging into a login form where it asks the user for the expected username and password. If you enter the wrong username and password that example from bad path.
    3. Categories of Happy Path testing are happy path, sad path, and bad path.

  52. 1)Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output. The happy path user will understand clearly
    2)example entering proper user name and password in the login page. The scenarios which does not take us further and get stuck there itself is called as Sad path. Example entering wrong password and username. A test scenarios which does not fetch any result and makes us lost is called as bad path.
    3)Happy path,Sad path,Bad path.

  53. Happy path testing is used to test the application through a positive flow to generate a default output.
    Difference: Happy path testing focuses on the Happy scenarios which the end user will be performing While other testing deals more or less the same but focuses on a deep level testing.
    Categories of happy path testing:
    Happy path
    Sad path
    Bad path

  54. 1. What is happy path testing?
    Happy Path testing is a procedure where the test uses the known input and executes without any exception and produce expected output.
    2. Write some examples to differentiate happy path testing from other testing procedures?
    Enter valid email and password and click sign-in button.
    Result: user should be navigated the homepage
    3. What are the categories of happy path testing?
    Happy path, sad path, and bad path

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