The software functionalities are tested with different test data sets. The process of testing with multiple data sets is a laborious task. Hence it is often automated using test execution tools. In data driven testing technique, the script is separated from the test data inputs into a spreadsheet.
The popular automation test execution techniques  often used are : data driven testing, keyword driven testing and hybrid framework.
Data Driven Testing:
   Data driven testing is a process of testing where the values are read form the test script or codes every time the program is executed for output. The data driven testing can be understood better by the following diagram.

Data driven testing is mainly done when you have lot of data from external data source files based on those data directly it is tested. The data driven testing reads a data from the external source for example from File or Database instead of some hard codes. This rather makes data logically simpler to modify and maintain. One of the best example is Customer Order Form. it contains a set of different data values as you record. Each time when you record the order you pass a new set of data and test accordingly.
This approach increases the maintainability of the script. The input test data sets can be refreshed without affecting the script. Automation testing can be applied.
Check your understanding:
- Write the examples of automation testing tools.
51 Responses
Ans. : Examples of automation testing tools:
– Selenium by Apache
– UFT by micro focus
– Rational tools by IBM
– TestingWhiz
– HPE Unified Functional Testing
Examples of automation testing tools:
. Selenium
. Katalon studio
. Unified functional testing
. Testcomplete
. Tricentrix
. Zephyr
. TestingWhiz
Examples of automation testing tools
– Selenium by Apache
-Test studio
-IBM Rational Functional Tester
-QMetry Automation Studio
Example of Automation Testing tool :
*IBM- Rational functional tester
*Test studio
Examples for automation testing tools are:
1. Selenium
2. TestComplete
4. QMetry Automation Studio
6. IBM Rational Functional Teaser
7. Test Studio
8. Cypress
9. Katalon Studio
10. Appium
examples of automation testing tools:
Rational software
Robot framework
Examples of automation testing tools:
– QTP( quick tool professional )
– UFT ( unified functional testing)
– selenium by Apache
– rational functional tester by IBM
These are some of the examples of Automation testing tools
Selenium by Apache
Rational tool by IBM
UFT & Load runner
HP Quality Center (HP ALM)
Test Complete
Test Studio
Katalon Studio
Automation testing tools examples are Selenium, Unified Functional testing (UFT), Leap work, etc.
Automation testing tools are Selenium, UFT, rational functional tester by IBM
1. Selenium by Apache
2. UFT (Unified Functional Testing) by Micro Focus (now HP).
3.Rational tools by IBM
UFT (Unified Functional Testing) from Micro focus taken over by HP
Selenium available from 2004, free and open source
IBM Rational Functional Tester
Examples of automation testing tools:
-UFT by micro focus
-HPE unified functional testing
-rational tool by IBM
Automation testing tools:
• selenium
• Appium
• Cucumber
• Test studio
• SOAtest
• Performance tester
1.Write the examples of automation testing tools
• Telerik Test Studio.
• Selenium.
• Robotium.
• TestComplete.
• Watir.
• Visual Studio Test Professional.
• SoapUI.
Write the examples of automation testing tools.
A wide variety of Automation Testing tools are used by companies. Some of them are
1. Selenium
2. Katalon Studio
3. UFT
4. Test Complete
5. SoapUI
6. IBM Rational Functional Tester(RFT)
7. Tricentis Tosca
8. Ranorex
9. Postman
10. Apache JMeter
The different types of automation testing tools by different companies are:
ST(silk test) by Micro Focus
HP Winrunner by Mercury Interative
UFT(Unified Functional Testing)tool by Micro focus (has taken over HP)
IBM Rational Functional Tester
Some examples of automation tools are:
1. Telerik Test Studio
2. Watir
3. QTP (UFT)
4. Test Drive
5. Selenium
6. SoupUI
7. Robotium
Rational Functional Tester by IBM
Unified Functional Testing by Micro Focus
Write the examples of automation testing tools.
Functional and Regression Testing Tools
Unified Functional Testing(UFT) by micro focus
Selenium by thoughtworks
IBM rational functional tester by IBM
Web services tools
SOAPUI by smartbear
Performance Testing Tools
Loadrunner by micro focus
J meter by Apache
Examples of automation testing
Selenium: Its a web application testing tool,and it can be executed in multiple browsers and operating system
Ranorex : Its a all in one tool for desktop,web and mobile application testing
UFT ( unified functional testing): it supports both record and playback
Test complete: Its a automated UI testing tool,that makes it fast,easy to create,maintain and execute functional test across desktop,web and mobile application
IBM Rational functional tester(RFT): Its used by quality assurance teams to perform automated regression testing
and some more are
Katalon studio
soap UI
Apache meter
Test stigma
Automation Testing Tools:
HP Quality Center
Test Studio
IBM Rational Functional Tester
• 1. TestingWhiz: This is a Codeless Automated Software Testing Tool for Web, Mobile, Database, Cloud, Web Services and API testing. It provides multi-functionalities like automated Web services testing, Cross browser test automation, Database test automation, Mobile test Automation, Regression testing, etc.
• 2. Selenium: This tool provides functionalities like web UI testing, cross browser testing, mobile testing.
• 3. Ranorex: This tool provides functionalities like functional testing, GUI testing, cross browser testing, regression testing, etc.
• 4. Appium: This tool is widely used for Mobile Apps testing.
The input test data sets can be refreshed without affecting the script is called the automation testing in the data driven testing. The following are the examples of automation testing tools:
• the automation testing tool should meet the project requirement
• the ability of the automation testing tool to test the software developed with a specific technology
• usability of the automation testing tool by the automation testers
• compatibility of the automation testing tool with the test environment
• budget of the project
• check if the tool is a good fit in the organizational process
• ability of vendor of the automation testing tool to provide technical support
• trustworthiness of the vendor
• training needs within organization to introduce new tool
• evaluation of efforts required to store the test assets generated from the tools
Automation testing tools:
1. Selenium
2. SoapUI
3. Test complete
4. Katalon
Examples of automation testing tools:
-UFT by micro focus
-HPE unified functional testing
Micro Focus UFT
Examples of Automation Tools
Micro Focus QC
Test Studio
IBM Rational Functional Tester
Examples of Automation Tools are UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester
Write the examples of automation testing tools.
1. Selenium
2. UFT
3.Test Complete
5.IBM Rational Functional Tester
6 .Ranorex
7.Test Studio
8.Web Services Tool
9. Appium
10. Testing Whiz
Write the examples of automation testing tools.
1. Selenium
2. UFT
3.Test Complete
5.IBM Rational Functional Tester
6 Ranorex
7.Test Studio
8.Web Services Tool
The most popular automated testing tools in trend are
Selenium by Apache
Testing Whiz by Cygnet Infotech
HP UFT – hp
Test Complete by Smart Bear software
Tosca Testsuite by Tricentis
Telerik TestStudio by Telerik
Examples of automation testing tools are
1. UFT ( Unified Functional Testing ) by Micro Focus.
It is one of the best automation testing software for functional testing. It was previously known as QuickTest Professional (QTP).
2. Selenium.
It is the #1 automation testing tool for all web application testing tools. Selenium can be executed in multiple browsers and Operating systems. It is compatible with several programming languages and automation testing frameworks.
3. Telerik Test Studio by progress.
Telerik Test Studio is a comprehensive test automation solution. It is well suited for GUI, performance, load and API testing.
It allows you to test desktop, mobile and web applications.
Its main features include Point-and-click test recorder, support for real coding languages like C# and VB.NET, central object repository and continuous integration with source control.
Robotium is an open-source test automation framework primarily meant for Android UI testing. It supports both native and hybrid applications.
Using Robotium, you can write time-saving, readable and easy to use automated gray box UI tests intended for android apps. You can also perform system testing, functional testing, and user acceptance testing over Android-based apps with the help of Robotium.
5. SoapUI by Smart Bear
SoapUI by Smartbear is an open source functional testing tool. It provides an end to end API Test Automation Framework for SOAP and REST.
6. Visual Studio Test Professional by Microsoft
This tool provides exploratory browser-based testing. It is a helpful licensed tool for streamlining quality and continuous delivery.
7. Load Runner by Micro Focus
This is again an automated load and performance testing tool provided by Micro Focus. It supports testing in various environments and over different types of applications.
Though it’s a licensed tool it is quite affordable. It supports mobile and cloud testing as well. Micro Focus LoadRunner gives a clear picture of the system performance, allows you to do the RCA and fix the bugs before the application is released to the live environment.
8. IBM Rational Performance Tester
9. Apache JMeter
Data Driven Testing Examples:
Examples of automation testing tools are
• TestingWhiz. …
• HPE Unified Functional Testing (HP – UFT formerly QTP) …
• TestComplete. …
• Ranorex. …
• Sahi. …
• Watir. …
• Tosca Testsuite.
• Selenium by Apache
TestComplete by SmartBear Software
Watir by Ruby Libraries
Unified Functional Testing (UFT) by HP
Write the examples of automation testing tools
1. Selenium
2. UFT
3.Test Complete
5.IBM Rational Functional Tester
6 Ranorex
7.Test Studio
The licensed versions of HP UFT (Unified Functional Testing), IBM Rational Functional Tester, open source automation testing tools like Selenium are very popular automation testing tools. To support the testing activities there are test management tools like Microsoft test manager (try it for free: ) / Team foundation server (can also manage the testing activities along with development), HP ALM (Application Lifecycle Management). HP (former software division of Hewlett Packard) is now part of Micro Focus: . These tools are used to create, store, and create the traceability matrices, test cases, defects, generate the various customized reports & graphs. The defect management tools like Bugzilla, JIRA, inbuilt tools are specifically used for reporting & tracking the software testing defects. The tools like LoadRunner, Apache JMeter are popular software performance testing tools. There are plenty other tools to test Web services (ex: SOAP UI), mobile app testing tools, data warehousing testing tools like Informatics, database testing using SQL.
Automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, and distributed environment testing capabilities are popularly used and include; UFT (Unified Functional Testing) , Selenium, and IBM Rational Functional Tester.
Automation testing tools:
-Selenium is a most popular open source testautomstion framework for web applications.
-katalon studio for web applications, mobile and web services.
– UFT( Uniform Functional Testing) is a commercial testing tool for functional testing.
– Watir open source testing tool for web automation testing based on Ruby libraries.
– IBM Rational Functional tester for functional and regression testing.
-TestComplete by Smartbear is a commercial tool for web, mobile and desktop testing.
-Ranorex for web , mobile and desktop testers.
-Robot Framework is an open source framework for different test automation needs.
2. UFT
3.Test Complete
5.IBM Rational Functional Tester
6 Ranorex
7.Test Studio
8.Web Services Tool
Examples of automation testing tools:
Selenium by Apache
Cucumber by MIT
TestComplete by smart bear
Rational functional tester by IBM
Examples of automation testing tools
Test complete
Robot frame
Unified functional testing (UFT)
Automation tool Examples:
test studio
1. Write the examples of automation testing tools.
-Test Complete
An example would be:
Telerik test studio
Visual studio test professional
1. UFT (Unified Functional Testing)
2. Selenium
3. IBM Rational functional tester
3.Katalon Studio
5.MicroFocus Unified Functional Testing
9.Apache JMeter
10.Soap UI
Examples of automation testing tools:
LambdaTest, Ranorex, Appium, Katalon Studio, Selenium
Examples of automation testing tools:
1. Selenium
2. Appium
3. Katalon Studio
4. Cucumber
5. HPE Unified Functional Testing (UFT)
6. Tosca
7. TestComplete
8. Cypress
9. IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT)
10. Karate
Examples of automation testing tools:
Test Complete
Katalon Studio
Here are the examples of automation testing tools are below:
a) Selenium by Apache.
b) Zephyr by Smart Bear.
c) Rational testing by IBM.