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Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behaviour of the application or software. This technique has no rules no proper methods and works on user’s mood and gut feeling.

There are two types of monkey testing:

Smart monkey testing and Dumb Monkey testing

  1. Smart Monkey Testing: 

This type of testing is identified by the following characteristics:

  1. It has a brief idea about the application
  2. To know the location where exactly results can go and where it was.
  3. Know its capacity and the system’s capability.
  4. Focus on breaking the system.
  5. Reporting the bugs

This type of testing is performed as per the user’s behaviour and can identify some bugs which can occur.

2. Dumb Monkey Testing: 

This type of testing is identified by the following characteristics.

  1. Users don’t have any idea about the application.
  2. They are not aware of the inputs they are providing are correct or valid.
  3. They don’t know about the application and do not know starting point and end flow they test randomly.
  4. They can identify the bugs like environmental failure or hardware failure.
  5. They don’t have any idea about the UI or functionality.

Whenever we are releasing the big web application we have to be aware of different kind of users who are using these applications. There are good users who use the application but there are also a kind of users who can be nasty they want and play around the application like a  monkey provide all invalid inputs and sometimes break the applications with large inputs.


Advantages of monkey testing

  1. It will identify some out of box errors
  2. Setup and execution is easier than any other testing methods
  3. Do not need any skilled resources to perform the testing
  4. It is a good technique for reliability testing
  5. Higher impact bugs are identified
  6. It is not expensive

Disadvantages of Monkey testing

  1. This will be prolong for days till the bugs are found
  2. Number of bugs can be less
  3. Reproducing the bugs is not easier
  4. Other than bugs there can some unexpected output scenario where analysis becomes difficult and time consuming

The difference between the monkey testing and Ad-hoc testing:

  • Monkey testing has no rules. It can be performed randomly. Ad-hoc testing is performed without planning & documentation.
  • The objective of monkey testing is to check the system crash. For ad-hoc testing, it is to divide systems into subparts and check their functionality.


  1. What is Monkey testing?

29 Responses

  1. What is Monkey testing?
    Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid
    inputs to test the behaviour of the application or software. This technique has no
    rules no proper methods and works on user’s mood and gut feeling.

  2. Monkey testing is technique where the user tests the application or system by providing random invalid inputs and checking or seeing whether the system or application will crash. This technique has no rules no proper methods and works on user’s mood and gut feeling.

  3. Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behaviour of the application or software. This technique has no rules no proper methods and works on user’s mood and gut feeling.

    There are two types of monkey testing:

    Smart monkey testing and Dumb Monkey testing

  4. Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behaviour of the application or software. This technique has no rules no proper methods and works on user’s mood and gut feeling.
    There are two types of monkey testing:
    1. Smart monkey testing: where user has brief idea about the application.
    2. Dumb Monkey testing: where user doesn’t have any idea about the application.

  5. Monkey testing is a technique where the user tests the application or system by providing random inputs without following any rules, no proper methods and works on the user’s mood and gut feeling.
    The objective of monkey testing is to check the system crash.
    They fallow two types of testing dumb testing and smart testing.
    In smart Testing:
    they will have proper knowledge about the application, in terms of systems capacity and capability, reporting the bugs, focus on breaking the system.
    In dumb testing :
    in this testing, users don’t know about the application whether it is in UI or functionality.
    They test the application with random data and to identify bugs like environmental failure or hardware failure.
    Advantages: Higher impact bugs are identified, Setup and execution is easier
    than any other testing methods and not expensive.
    Disadvantages: it is time taking, Number of bugs can be less, Reproducing the bugs is not easier

  6. Monkey testing is a software testing technique where the user tests the application or system by providing random inputs and checking the behavior, or seeing whether the application or system will crash.
    There are two types of monkey testing:
    1. Smart monkey testing:where the user has brief idea about the application to know the location where exactly results can go and where it was.
    2.Dumb monkey testing:Users don’t have any idea about the application and they are not aware of the inputs they are providing are correct or valid.They don’t know about the application and do not know starting point and end flow they test randomly.

  7. Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behavior of the application or software. The objective of monkey testing is to check the system crash.
    There are two types of monkey testing:
    Smart monkey testing and Dumb Monkey testing

  8. Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behaviour of the application or software. the application is test with random data and to identify bugs like environmental failure or hardware failure.Setup and execution is easier than any other testing methods.

    There are two types of monkey testing:
    1. Smart monkey testing
    2. Dumb Monkey testing

  9. Monkey testing to test the behavior of the application by random inputs by users. It has two types Smart monkey testing and dumb monkey testing.
    Smart testing: They have brief idea about the application.
    They know the idea about where results will located
    the capacity and capability of the system is know
    Report the bugs
    Dumb testing: User will have no idea about the application.
    Not sure about the inputs they have to apply to test
    They think the defects are related to environmental
    The user doesnt have any idea about user interface and functionalities.
    So Monkey testing mainly to avoid system crash because when we release the software , some users will have idea about the application and some dosent have any idea about it and they just play with application with random inputs, so this testing useful identify the out box errors and avoid system crash.

  10. Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behavior of the application or software. This technique has no rules no proper methods. Setup and execution is easier, do not need any skilled resources to perform the testing. It is a good technique for reliability testing. Higher impact bugs are identified and not expensive at all.
    The objective of monkey testing is to check the system crash.
    There are two types of monkey testing:
    Smart Monkey Testing:
    To know the location where exactly results can go and where it was.
    Know its capacity and the system’s capability.
    Focus on breaking the system.
    Reporting the bugs

    2. Dumb Monkey Testing:
    They are not aware of the inputs they are providing are correct or valid.
    They don’t know about the application and do not know starting point and end flow they test randomly.
    They can identify the bugs like environmental failure or hardware failure.
    They don’t have any idea about the UI or functionality.

    Disadvantages of Monkey testing
    Other than bugs there can some unexpected output scenario where analysis becomes difficult and time consuming

  11. Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behaviour of the application or software.
    Monkey testing has no rules. It can be performed randomly.
    The objective of monkey testing is to check the system crash

  12. Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behavior of the application or software. This technique has no rules no proper methods and works on user’s mood and gut feeling.

  13. Monkey testing is a type of testing where user provides
    random invalid inputs to test the system/ application or
    software crash. This technique has no rules no proper methods and works
    on user’s mood and gut feeling.

  14. Monkey testing is a technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behavior of the application or software.
    It will perform the testing on 2 types i.e., smart monkey testing and dumb monkey testing
    In smart monkey testing, this type of testing is performed as per the user’s behavior and can identify some bugs which can occur.
    In dumb monkey testing, here the users don’t know about the application and do not know starting point and end flow they test randomly. Without knowing the functionality this type of testing can’t be done by the user.

  15. testing the behaviour of application or software randomly giving invalid inputs. This testing has no rules and proper method.
    There is two types of Monkey testing:
    1)Smart monkey testing
    2)Dumb monkey testing

    Smart monkey testing:Users have brief idea about the application. This testing knows its capacity and systems capability.
    Dumb monkey testing: Where as users doesn’t have any idea bout the application or input data or how the application works.

    -some out of box errors will be identified.
    -does not need any skilled resource to perform testing
    -not expensive
    -set up and execution are easy compared to other testing techniques.
    -time consuming
    -number of bugs can be less.

  16. Monkey testing
    Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behaviour of the application or software. This technique has no rules no proper methods and works on user’s mood and gut feeling.

  17. Monkey testing tests the behavior of the application or software by providing random invalid inputs. It has no rules or proper methods and works largely based on the user’s mood and gut feeling.

  18. Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behaviour of the application or software.
    There are two types of Monkey testing:
    1)Smart monkey testing
    2)Dumb monkey testing
    Smart monkey testing: Users have brief idea about the application. This testing knows its capacity and systems capability.
    Dumb monkey testing: In this testing users doesn’t have any idea bout the application or input data or how the application works.

  19. Monkey testing is a technique in software testing where the user tests the application by providing random inputs and checking the behavior or try to crash the application. Mostly this technique is done automatically where the user enters any random invalid inputs and checks the behavior.

  20. What is Monkey testing?
    Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behavior of the application or software. This technique has no rules no proper methods and works on user’s mood and gut feeling.

  21. Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behavior of the application or software. This technique has no rules no proper methods and works on user’s mood and gut feeling. it is classified into two smart & dump monkey testing & it Do not need any skilled resources to perform the testing
    smart monkey testing – user should have a brief idea about how application works
    Dump monkey testing- user have no idea about how application works

  22. Monkey Testing is a method to testing where the tester inputs random invalid inputs to see how the software behaves.

  23. t is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behaviour of the application or software. Monkey testing doesn’t have any rule and it is just to check the system crash

  24. Monkey Testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behaviour of the application/software.
    This testing has no rules, no proper methods and works on user’s mood and gut feeling.
    The objective of Monkey Testing is to check the system crash.

  25. In Monkey testing, user provides random invalid inputs to test the behavior of the application/software. This type of testing technique has no rules or methods and depends on user’s mood.

  26. In the Monkey Testing user provide random invalid data to check the behaviour of software application . This type of testing dont have any specific method , it performance depends on users mood.

  27. Monkey testing to test the behavior of the application by random inputs by users. It has two types Smart monkey testing and dumb monkey testing.
    1 Smart monkey testing: Users have brief idea about the application.
    2 Dumb monkey testing : user have no idea about how application works

  28. Monkey testing is a type of testing technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the behaviour of the application or software. This technique has no rules no proper methods and works on user’s mood and gut feeling.
    There are 2 types of monkey testing:
    1. Smart Monkey Testing
    Here the tester has some idea of what the application/software does. They have some idea of the flow of the system.
    2. Dumb Monkey Testing
    Here the testing is completely random.

  29. Technique where user provides random invalid inputs to test the application or software.
    Smart monkey testing:
    Users have brief idea about the application, location, capacity, capability, focus on breaking and reporting bugs.
    This type of testing is performed as per the user’s behavior and can identify some bugs which can occur.

    Dumb Monkey testing:
    Where Users end randomly without having any good idea about the application
    Advantages: do not need any skilled resources setup and execution is easier.
    Disadvantages: this will be prolong for days till the bugs are found.

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