LIST OF SOFTWARE TESTING TYPES – 100 Software testing types- set 1

LIST OF SOFTWARE TESTING TYPES – 100 Software testing types- set 1

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The software testing is to identify the defects in the software and verify the compliance of the software with client requirements. The software testing is to be conducted at different levels of software development. There is an endless list of software testing types. Most of them are variations of the main types of software testing. Sometimes  the testing types are known with different names. The first 50 software testing types are listed in this article. To view next 50 software testing types, click here.

List of Software Testing Types:

  • Acceptance testing
  • Accessibility testing
  • Accuracy testing
  • Ad hoc testing
  • Adaptability testing
  • Agile testing
  • Alpha testing
  • Analytical testing
  • API testing
  • Beta testing
  • Big bang testing
  • Bottom up testing
  • Black box testing or specification based testing
  • Application based testing
  • Functional Testing
  • Non- functional testing
  • Decision testing
  • Initial level testing or Initial testing
  • Smoke testing
  • Sanity testing
  • Build verification testing or Build acceptance testing
  • Manual testing
  • Automation testing
  • Statement coverage testing
  • Decision coverage testing or branch testing or condition testing
  • Compliance testing
  • Component testing or unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • System testing
  • System integration testing
  • Component integration testing
  • Configuration testing
  • Confirmation testing
  • Consultative testing
  • Control flow testing
  • Database testing
  • Datawarehouse testing
  • Data driven testing
  • Decision table testing
  • White box testing / glass box testing / Structure based testing
  • dynamic testing
  • static testing
  • Efficiency testing
  • Error guessing
  • Experience based testing
  • Exhaustive testing
  • Exploratory testing
  • User acceptance testing
  • Negative testing
  • Fault attack

Check your understanding: 

  1. List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
  2. Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences

108 Responses

  1. Performance Testing
    Stress testing
    Load testing
    Browser compatibility testing
    Compatibility testing
    1. Boundary value testing : This type of testing is done to check the behavior of the application at boundary level.
    2. Compatibility testing : This type of testing is done to check how software behaves and runs in different environment .

  2. Regression testing
    Performance testing
    Stress testing
    Load testing
    Browser compatibility testing

    1. Acceptance testing : Acceptance testing is often done by the customer to ensure that the delivered product meets the requirements and works as the customer expected. It falls under the class of black box testing.
    2. Functional testing: Functional testing is the testing to ensure that the specified functionality required in the system requirements works. It falls under the class of black box testing.

  3. 1. -External Interface Testing
    – Unit Testing
    – Regression Testing
    – Selenium Testing
    – Performance Testing

    2. Beta Testing: Beta testing is also known as field testing. It is performed by customers or potential customers at their own
    Cross Browser testing: It test compatibility of the software with different browser of different versions using cross browser
    testing tools. Example: fire fox, chrome etc.

  4. Not mentioned in the list are regression testing and retesting.

    White Box testing: Developers do this testing of the code. White box is also called glass box testing because the codes are available during this testing.
    Black box: Software testers do this kind of testing where they test the software according to the client requirements. Black box because the codes are not visible during this testing.

  5. Age Testing: Type of testing which evaluates a system’s ability to perform in the future.
    Assertion Testing: Type of testing consisting in verifying if the conditions confirm the product requirements.
    Basis Path Testing: A testing mechanism which derives a logical complexity measure of a procedural design and use this as a guide for defining a basic set of execution paths.
    Condition Coverage Testing: Type of software testing where each condition is executed by making it true and false, in each of the ways at least once.
    Domain Testing: White box testing technique which contains checking’s that the program accepts only valid input.

    End-to-end Testing: Similar to system testing, involves testing of a complete application environment in a situation that mimics real-world use, such as interacting with a database, using network communications, or interacting with other hardware, applications, or systems if appropriate. It is performed by QA teams.

    Qualification Testing: Testing against the specifications of the previous release, usually conducted by the developer for the consumer, to demonstrate that the software meets its specified requirements.
    Ramp Testing: Type of testing consisting in raising an input signal continuously until the system breaks down. It may be conducted by the testing team or the performance engineer.

  6. 5 (Five) Types of testing:
    1. Regression Testing
    2. Stress testing
    3. Performance testing
    4. User acceptance testing
    5. Retesting
    -Beta Testing- This kind of testing is carried out in the pre- production phase of the software. It compromises of two types system testing and User acceptance testing.

    -Static Testing- static testing is inexpensive form of testing. The QA’s review all the project documents from the BA as a team or individually to determine any errors or missing piece of information. This kind of review minimizes defects & delays during actual testing.

  7. 1. unit testing
    2. load testing
    3. user acceptance testing
    4. Regression testing
    5. Compatibility testing

    Accessibility testing: In the accessibility testing, the software is tested for its usability by the users with disabilities. T
    Accuracy testing: In the accuracy testing, the software is tested for its accuracy in the results. Accuracy testing is performed on the software that include mostly the calculations.

  8. 1)Performance testing
    2)Browser compability testing
    3)Cross browser testing
    4)Security testing
    5)High availaibity testing

    A) Acceptance testing:- In the acceptance testing, software is tested to check if it satisfies the acceptance criteria of the client with respect to their requirements.
    B) Accessibility testing:- In the accessibility testing, the software is tested for its usability by the users with disabilities. The disabilities include hearing, colour blindness, and so on.

  9. 1).Regression testing -: if new defects are introduced into software due to change in software and its environment.
    2).Browser compatibilty testing -: test compatibilty of the software with specific browser.
    3). Croos browser testing
    4). Security testing
    5). External interface / intersystem testing

  10. 1. Retesting, Regression, performance testing, browser compatibility testing, cross browser testing, external interface or intersystem testing, security testing, high availability test
    2. Functional testing: It is system testing by QA, and it is to test each functionality in depth and in detail with differenct steps and data.
    Sanity Testing: It is the initial level testing like smoke testing, but it should be done after the defect is fixed. It is to test the initial step of functionaility in which defects are fixed.

  11. Performance testing
    Load testing
    Stress testing
    Soak testing
    Volume testing

    Smoke testing: test initial steps of each functionality of the software
    Sanity testing: test initial steps of functionality in which defects are fixed

  12. Performance testing: The s/w is performing as expected adheres to various use case requirements
    Load testing: The s/w is able to provide results and is efficient during peak usage time
    Stress testing
    Soak testing
    Volume testing

  13. Types of software Testing:
    1).Manual Testing.
    2).Automation Testing.
    3).Functional and Regression Testing .
    4)Non Functional Testing.
    5)Stress Testing.
    6).User Acceptance Testing(UAT).
    7).Smoke Testing.
    8).System Testing.
    9).Black Box Testing.
    10).White Box Testing.
    11).Negative Testing
    1).Smoke Testing: It is first step of testing wherein basic functionalities of the designed software are tested to identify defects if any.
    2). Functional Testing: It is system testing by QA, and it is to test each functionality in depth and in detail with differenct steps and data.

  14. Different types of Software Testing :

    1.) Localization Testing
    2.) Browser Compatibility Testing
    3.) Cross browser Testing
    4.) External Interface Testing
    5.) High Availability Testing

    Unit Testing : Testing of an individual software component is called Unit Testing and generally done by Developers.
    Load Testing : Test Performance of the software with different number of users and identify maximum no of users supported by the software .

  15. -Dynamic Testing
    White Box Testing
    Black Box Testing
    Unit/Component Testing
    System Testing

    Acceptance Testing–In the acceptance testing, software is tested to check if it satisfies the acceptance criteria of the client with respect to their requirements. The software is tested against the customer contracts, government regulations, operational requirements etc.

    Smoke Testing–Type of system that test the initial steps of each functionality of the software.

  16. FIVE more different software testing types not mentioned in the above list are:
    1.Hybrid testing
    2.Random Testing
    3.Risk based testing
    4.Usability testing
    5.Gray box testing

    Alpha Testing:
    Alpha testing is to refine the software product by finding and fixing the bugs that were not discovered through previous tests.
    Alpha testing is typically performed by software engineers or QA staff.
    It is the final testing stage before the software is released into the real world.
    Static Testing :
    In this testing project documents are reviewed to identify the errors. The software testers can perform a static testing at different levels of software development, however, developers can review the programs without execution. The other members of the IT project team can also review the project documents.

  17. 1.Regression Testing
    2. Interface Testing
    3. Browser Compatibility
    4. Cross browsing testing
    5. Performance Testing

    Acceptance Testing- Test done by the client to see of the software works and if it aligns with their initial requirements. If the software is defective the client has a right to refuse until the bugs in the system are fixed.

    Functional Testing-In depth testing of all the functionalities of the system. This testing method will identify the defects for each use case of the system.

  18. 1. Ans:
    a: API and web services testing
    b. keyword or script-based testing
    c. collaborating testing
    d. code driven testing
    e. active testing.
    2. Ans
    Manual Testing: A type of software testing where the testers manually execute the tests and find the results to keep in record.The defects are identified, reported to developer and tracked.
    Automation testing: It is a use of tools to execute test cases. Automated testing is recommended only for stable systems and is mostly used for Regression Testing.

  19. 1. Ans;
    The SDLC steps are : scope identification, planning, analysis, design, development, software testing, deployment and user acceptance testing.
    2. Ans:
    Clients gethar high level requirements by the business analyst or project manager. End users develop the software requirements as per the client expectations.
    Adobe Flash, Microsoft Office, Google Chrome, Paypal,Amazon, etc .

  20. 1. End to end testing
    2. GUI testing
    3.Regressing testing
    4. Retesting
    5. Unit testing
    A.Smoke testing: This type of testing is done to make sure the build received from the developer is testable or not. Just check whether the page is loading and the main functionality is functioning.
    B.Functional testing: To test whether all the functionalities mentioned in the requirements are working the way it is suppose to work and make sure no functionality is left out by mistake,

  21. Unit Testing : Testing of an individual software component is called Unit Testing and generally done by Developers
    Compatibility Testing: Testing the compatility of the software with different browsers like IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.
    five type of testing are –
    system testing
    White Box Testing
    Black Box Testing
    dynamic testing
    regression testing

  22. Five types of testing
    1.Performance testing
    2.random testing
    3.Maintainability testing
    4.Volume testing
    . Acceptance Testing – software is tested to check if it satisfies the acceptance criteria of the client with respect to their requirements. The software is tested against the customer contracts, government regulations, operational requirements and so on
    Static Testing- Static testing is one such effective way, wherein, the project documents are reviewed to identify the errors

  23. 5 testing types:
    1. Grey Box testing
    2. Hybrid testing
    3. Monkey testing
    4. Mutation testing
    5. Failover testing

    A. Manual testing – is a type of testing where qa’s uses test cases without using automation tools. They call it the most primitive way of software testing to find defects.
    B. Automation testing – on the other hand, this type of testing uses automation tools like selenium as an aid to test/find defects through test cases.

  24. 1. API testing
    2. Beta testing
    3. Fault testing
    4. Error guessing
    5. Big bang testing

    A. Security testing – is a type of testing that tries to uncover bugs or vulnerabilities of the system. It usually checks the weakness through Operating systems or database and other systems.
    B. Fuzzy testing – this a type of security testing where they used massive amounts of data called fuzz to try to break the system and try to make it less vulnerable or rather a secured system.

  25. Load testing
    Volume testing
    Stress testing or Spike testing
    Soak testing or endurance testing
    Maintainability testing
    Acceptance Testing:software is tested to check if it satisfies the acceptance criteria of the client with respect to their requirements. Accessibility Testing:the software is tested for its usability by the users with disabilities. The disabilities include hearing, color blindness, and so on.

  26. Five testing techniques not mentioned in above list:
    1. Regression testing
    2. Retesting
    3. Use case testing
    4. Load testing
    5. volume testing
    6. Soak testing
    White/Structured/Glass testing: Programming based testing. It is mainly done in development environment by developers. Testers must have the knowledge of programming language to do white box testing.
    Black Box/Specification Testing : Testers don’t need to know programming language. Testing is based on specifications/ requirements of the software given by client.

  27. Five tests not mentioned here in article :
    1.Regression testing
    2.Performance testing
    3. Load testing
    4. Volume testing
    5. Risk based testing
    Automation Testing :
    In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools.The regression testing is most often automated. The repeated steps can be automated by creating test scripts. There are many popular automation testing tools like micro focus UFT, selenium and so on.

    Performance Testing — it is further classified into load, volume, soak and stress testing. Each of these factors is analyzed while doing performance testing to make sure software will work properly under real time conditions.

  28. 1. Performance Testing
    2. Load Testing
    3. Volume Testing
    4. Stress Testing
    5. Soak Testing
    2.Black box Testing: This type of testing is done by QA. This testing is done in the IT environment and the real environment
    Beta Testing: This software testing is done in a real environment before releasing for everyone.

  29. 1. Five more testing types
    – Positive testing
    – Portability testing
    – Interoperability testing
    – Cross browser testing
    – Performance testing
    2. Alpha testing: Users test the software for user acceptability testing in the IT environment.
    Beta testing: Users test the software for user acceptability testing in the real time environment.

  30. Five types of testing not mentioned in the above list are

    Stress testing
    volume testing
    soak testing
    alpha testing : testing done in IT environment
    beta testing: testing done in real time environment

  31. 1.Smoke test.
    3.Functional testing
    4.volume testing
    Sanity testing-test initial steps of functionality in which defects are fixed.
    Functional testing-to test each functionality in detail and in depth.

  32. Regression testing
    soap testing
    Volume testing
    stress testing
    Load testing
    Alpha testing- testing done is IT environment
    Beta testing- Testing done in real environment

  33. The Five software testing are as follows:
    1.Performance Testing
    2.Security Testing
    3.Browser Compatibility Testing
    4.External Interface Testing
    5.High Avaibility Testing

    1.System Testing:The type of testing done by QA is called system testing.The requirement of it is functionality, data,performance,security etc.
    2. Static Testing:Review the project document to identify the errors by QA.Eg:missing information, not in logical order etc.

  34. Regression testing, ETL testing, performance testing, monkey testing, soap testing, buddy testing etc

    Big bang testing: it is a type of integration testing in which all components or modules are integrated simultaneously, after which everything is tested as a whole.
    EX: in a shopping site all the modules like Product Catalogue, Shopping Cart, Billing, order details etc are integrated simultaneously and tested whole as a system.

    Accessibility testing: the software is tested for its usability by the users with disabilities. The disabilities include hearing, color blindness, and so on. And one should follow the rules under section508, World wide web consortium(W3C) – web content accessibility guidelines, etc. very strictly

  35. 1. List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list

    1. Browser compatibility testing-test the compatibility of the software with specific browser
    2. Cross browser testing-test the compatibility of the software with different browsers or different versions
    3. External interface or intersystem testing-test the interface between two independent software.
    4. Security testing- test the security of the software
    5. High availability testing- checks the availability of back up server when the actual server fails
    2. Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    Acceptance testing:
    In the acceptance testing, software is tested to check if it satisfies the acceptance criteria of the client with respect to their requirements. The software is tested against the customer contracts, government regulations, operational requirements and so on.
    Accuracy testing:
    In the accuracy testing, the software is tested for its accuracy in the results. Accuracy testing is performed on the software that include mostly the calculations. The precision of data storage, data transfer, calculated results need a degree of precision. For example: software used for market research, spacecrafts, etc.

  36. 1. Portability testing
    2. High availability testing
    3. Negative testing
    4. Grey box testing
    5. Hybrid testing
    1. Portability testing: Using risk matrix to evaluate and rank potential problems by giving more weight to the probability or severity values as necessary and to classify the potential problem into priority categories.
    2. Grey box testing: is a strategy where software tester has limited knowledge of the internal details of the program. A gray box is a device or program whose workings are partially understood.

  37. 1.List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
    – Volume Testing
    – Regression Testing
    – cross browser Testing
    – Exploratory Testing
    – Load Testing

    2.Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    _ User Acceptance Testing – UAT – It can be explained as end level testing done at the user level in two phases Alpha and Beta Testing done by testers at client level and in the real environment.
    – Experience based Testing – Done by the senior and experienced testers. They will decide the testing techniques based on the requirements, usability, Budget, time…and all

  38. 1. List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list

    • Graphical User Interface (GUI) Testing
    • Gorilla Testing
    • Install/Uninstall Testing
    • Recovery Testing
    • Vulnerability Testing
    • Mutation Testing

    2. Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    Acceptance Testing: An acceptance test is performed by the client and verifies whether the end to end the flow of the system is as per the business requirements or not and if it is as per the needs of the end user.
    Browser Compatibility Testing: Browser Compatibility Testing is performed for web applications and it ensures that the software can run with the combination of different browser and operating system.

  39. Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    Regression Testing : Whenever the developers do any modification in the software program there is a possibility of defects in the program, so it goes through the test to identify new defects due to the changes in the SW and SW environment.
    Exploratory Testing: Testing is done by the tester in order to explore the software and prepare the test document which helps to create test design.

  40. Performance testing
    Load testing
    Volume testing
    Stress testing
    Soak testing
    Sanity Testing: Test the initial steps of functionality in which defects are fixed.
    User Acceptance Testing: Test the software function in user/client environment

  41. Five different software testing types are
    1. Stress Testing
    2. Soak Testing
    3. Retesting
    4. Regression Testing
    5. Volume Testing
    Alpha Testing; An Alpha test is a preliminary software field test carried out by a team of users in order to find bugs that were not found previously through other tests.
    Beta Testing: Beta Testing of a product is performed by real users of the software in the real environment. This is the final test before the release of the software. This testing helps to tests the product in customer’s environment.

  42. Pingback: USABILITY TESTING BY H2KINFOSYS – Site Title
  43. 1.List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
    re testing
    regression testing
    performance testing
    gui testing
    error handling testing
    security testing
    2.Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    smoke testing: test the basic functionalities of the software when build received from the developer.
    sanity testing: test basic functionalities of the software when the defects are fixed.

  44. List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
    Browser compatibility Testing
    Cross browser Testing
    Security Testing
    End to end testing
    High availability testing

    Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    Exhaustive Testing – Testing the software with all possible data combinations is called exhaustive testing. Though practically exhaustive testing is impossible, specification based techniques, structure based testing, risk based testing etc can be used.
    So , the software testing doesnot show the absence of defects it shows the presence of defects and reduces the risk of failure. All the possible input and output combinations are tested. It is suited when the project size is small but not for big projects, it can be time consuming and impossible. A better option is to prioritize the risk areas, instead of doing exhaustive testing.

    Statement Coverage Testing – It is a type of white box testing. Also known as line or segment coverage testing.
    In statement coverage testing , the lines of statement is tested when executing the code or programs. To achieve 100% statement coverage , all the lines of the code have to be tested. The developers do this type of testing. The main disadvantage in type of testing is it cannot test the false conditions. Only the true conditions are tested.

  45. Five more different software testing types:
    Soak testing
    stress testing
    unit testing
    Browser compatibility testing
    Cross browser testing
    Browser compatibility testing is to test the compatibility of the software with specific browser.
    Cross browser testing is to test compatibility of the software with different versions using cross browser testing tools.

  46. 1. List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
    • Regression Testing
    • Retesting
    • Load testing
    • Usability Testing
    • Browser Compatibility Testing

    2. Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    • Usability Testing: Testing the user friendliness of the software.
    • Load Testing: Testing the load the system can handle without crashing i.e. number if users the system can handle at one time.

  47. 1. List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
    • Happy Path Testing
    • Gorilla Testing
    • Boundary Value Testing
    • Negative Testing
    • Database testing

    2. Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    • Alpha Testing: UAT done in the IT environment by client.
    • Beta Testing: UAT done in the real world environment by the client.

  48. Five more software testing types are
    Soak testing
    Stress testing
    unit testing
    Browser compatibility testing
    cross browser testing
    Browser compatibility testing is to test compatibility of the software with specific browser.
    Cross browser testing is to test the compatibility of the software with different browsers of different version using cross browser testing tools.

  49. performance testing,volume testing,retesting,soak testing,hybrid testing

    alpha testing- it is a type of black box testing.If the uat is performed the IT environment it is called alpha testing.
    beta testing- it is a type of black box testing.If the uat is performed in the real world it is called beta testing.

  50. 1)List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
    Performance testing
    Load testing
    Security testing
    GUI testing
    2)Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    Acceptance testing:
    Software is tested to check if it satisfies the acceptance criteria like customer contracts,government regulation, operational requirements of the client with respect to their requirements.
    Ad hoc testing:
    It is a informal method of testing, especially for new technology software. Testers use their experience and skills to perform and there is no formal documentation or plan.

  51. 1, Load testing
    Stress Testing
    Soak testing
    Security testing
    Cross Browser testing

    2,Load Testing: Test the performance of the software with different number of users.
    Stress Testing: Test the performance of the softwarewith different number of resources and identify the number of resources required by the software.

  52. FIVE different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list are :
    1. Age Testing:
    Type of testing which evaluates a system’s ability to perform in the future

    2. Active Testing:
    Type of testing consisting in introducing test data and analyzing the execution results.

    3. Endurance Testing:
    Type of performance testing which checks for memory leaks or other problems that may occur with prolonged execution.

    4. Gorilla Testing:
    Software testing technique which focuses on heavily testing of one particular module. It is performed by quality assurance teams, usually when running full testing.

    5. Globalization (Internationalization) Testing:
    The process which ensures that product’s functionality is not broken and all the messages are properly externalized when used in different languages and locale.

    Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    1. Functional testing :
    It is a type of testing which verifies that each function of the software application operates in conformance with the requirement specification. This testing mainly involves black box testing, and it is not concerned about the source code of the application.Every functionality of the system is tested by providing appropriate input, verifying the output and comparing the actual results with the expected results. This testing involves checking of User Interface, APIs, Database, security, client/ server applications and functionality of the Application Under Test.
    2.Non-functional testing :
    It is a type of testing to check non-functional aspects (performance, usability, reliability, etc.) of a software application. It is performed after the functional testing. It focusses on customer’s expectation. It is done to validate the performance of the software. It describes how the product works.

  53. 1.Regression Testing
    Load Testing
    Volume Testing
    Performance Testing
    Hybrid Testing

    2. White Box testing – also called as structure based testing and are done at the program level by the developers to test the loops, path, design and logic in the programs.

    Black box Testing – also called specification testing and is done by the testers during the system testing to see how the system behaves.

  54. Testing not mentioned above:
    1. Browser Compatibility Testing
    2. Regression Testing
    3. Retesting
    4. Performance Testing
    5. Security Testing

    Explanation of two testing from above list:
    Functional Testing: It is the test of each functions in details with different steps and data. It is done by testing buttons, text box, clicking link and checking if they are valid.

    Performance Testing: It is related with the speed and efficiency of the software. It is performed by checking user numbers, data traffic, resource required, using software continuously.

  55. 1. Retesting
    2. Reusability testing
    3. Regression testing
    4. Static testing
    5. Dynamic testing

    Ad-hoc Testing: Adhoc testing is a type of informal testing. No testing techniques will be followed. in this testing, The application will be tested randomly to find the defects. Usually, this testing will be performed when there is limited time for testing.
    Positive testing: Positive testing is a type of testing that can be performed on the system by giving valid input values. It checks whether the system behaves as expected or not.

  56. Robustness testing: Used to describe the process of verifying the robustness (correctness) of test cases in a test process. It has been defined to the degree to which a system or component can work properly in the instance of invalid inputs or stressful environmental conditions.
    Fuzzy testing: An automated software testing technique that includes providing invalid, unexpected, or random data inputs to a computer program. After this is done, the program is then watched for crashes, potential memory leaks, or failing built-in code assertions.

  57. • Portability testing
    • External interface testing or intersystem testing
    • High availability testing
    • Interoperability testing or compatibility testing
    • Happy path testing
    Adaptability testing- Functional test to verify that the software can perform all of its intended behaviors in each of the target environments.
    Beta test is the second phase of software testing in which a sampling of the intended audience tries the product out.

  58. 1)
    A)Inter system testing
    B)Security testing
    C)High availability testing
    D)Soak testing
    E)User interface testing
    2)Static testing:Reviewing of project documents to identify the errors. By reviewing each document we can be able to reduce the errors. Qa can review all the documents except source code.
    Exploratory testing:It is nothing but exploring/understanding the requirement and it is done by testers.Understanding the requirement helps to prepare test documents but usually without documentation we can perform this testing.

  59. Load Testing: Test the software application whether it can handle optimal load condition.
    Stress Testing: increase the load on the application or take away resources and test at what point the application fails.

  60. 1) 5 more software testing types not mentioned in the article are:
    Performance testing, Load testing, Browser Compatibility testing, Cross browser testing, Stress testing
    2) Smoke testing
    Smoke testing tests the initial steps of each functionality. Eg – login link, valid links, buttons, tabs etc. QA reports these defects to developer who will fix defects and prepare a new version of the software.
    User acceptance testing
    The end users test the software to make sure the software meets their requirements. The software testers and business analysts assist the users in testing. The user manual can be referred by users to understand the functioning of software.

  61. 5 (Five) Types of testing:
    1. Regression Testing
    2. Stress testing
    3. Performance testing
    4. User acceptance testing
    5. Retesting
    -Beta Testing- This kind of testing is carried out in the pre- production phase of the software. It compromises of two types system testing and User acceptance testing.

    -Static Testing- static testing is inexpensive form of testing. The QA’s review all the project documents from the BA as a team or individually to determine any errors or missing piece of information. This kind of review minimizes defects & delays during actual testing.

  62. Unit Testing, Stress Testing, Performance Testing, Active Testing, Assertion Testing.

    Ad-hoc testing is a type of testing where the tester randomly tests the functionality of the software; it is not planned.

    Beta Testing is done when the software is in its final stage and is ready to be released.

  63. Performance testing
    Load testing
    Stress testing
    Soak testing
    Volume testing

    Smoke testing: test initial steps of each functionality of the software
    Sanity testing: test initial steps of functionality in which defects are fixed.

  64. Domain Testing: White box testing technique which contains checkings that the program accepts only valid input. It is usually done by software development teams and occasionally by automation testing teams.

    Error-Handling Testing: Software testing type which determines the ability of the system to properly process erroneous transactions. It is usually performed by the testing teams.
    Endurance Testing: Type of testing which checks for memory leaks or other problems that may occur with prolonged execution. It is usually performed by performance engineers. Read More on Endurance Testing

    Destructive Testing: Type of testing in which the tests are carried out to the specimen’s failure, in order to understand a specimen’s structural performance or material behavior under different loads. It is usually performed by QA teams. Read More on Destructive Testing
    Equivalence Partitioning Testing: Software testing technique that divides the input data of a software unit into partitions of data from which test cases can be derived. it is usually performed by the QA teams. Read More on Equivalence Partitioning Testing

    Statement coverage type of white box software testing technique. It is called line or segment coverage testing.

    Module testing
    Gamma Testing: Gamma testing is done when the software is ready for release with specified requirements. It is done at the client place. It is done directly by skipping all the in-house testing activities.

    Equivalence partitioning testing: Equivalence Partitioning is also known as Equivalence Class Partitioning. In equivalence partitioning, inputs to the software or system are divided into groups that are expected to exhibit similar behavior, so they are likely to be proposed in the same way. Hence selecting one input from each group to design the test cases.

    Boundary value analysis testing: Boundary value analysis (BVA) is based on testing the boundary values of valid and invalid partitions. The Behavior at the edge of each equivalence partition is more likely to be incorrect than the behavior within the partition, so boundaries are an area where testing is likely to yield defects. Every partition has its maximum and minimum values and these maximum and minimum values are the boundary values of a partition. A boundary value for a valid partition is a valid boundary value. Similarly, a boundary value for an invalid partition is an invalid boundary value.

    Equivalence partitioning testing: Equivalence Partitioning is also known as Equivalence Class Partitioning. In equivalence partitioning, inputs to the software or system are divided into groups that are expected to exhibit similar behavior, so they are likely to be proposed in the same way. Hence selecting one input from each group to design the test cases.

    2.Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences.
    Bottom-up testing is an approach to integrated testing where the lowest level components are tested first, then used to facilitate the testing of higher level components. The process is repeated until the component at the top of the hierarchy is tested.
    Decision coverage or Branch coverage is a testing method, which aims to ensure that each one of the possible branch from each decision point is executed at least once and thereby ensuring that all reachable code is executed. That is, every decision is taken each way, true and false.

  66. 1.List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
    1. Regression Testing
    2. Stress testing
    3.Negative testing
    4. User acceptance testing
    5. Grey box testing
    2 .Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    Manual testing : In the manual testing ,human tester is testing steps with input data and observe the result .
    Automation testing :in the automation testing testing the software is testing with using the automation testing tools.

  67. The five more software testing type are:
    1. Regression testing
    2.Unit testing
    3.Performance testing
    4.Grey-box testing
    5.Scalability testing.

    Integration testing: Testing technique which integrates individual program modules only when everything is ready. It is performed by testing team.

    Acceptance testing: Formal testing conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies its acceptance criteria and enable the customer to determine whether or not to accept the system. It is usually performed by the customer.

  68. Back-end Testing, Backward Compatibility Testing,Example Testing,Incremental Integration Testing,Recovery Testing.

    Alpha Testing : Alpha testing is conducted at the developer’s site. In-house virtual user environment can be created for this type of testing.
    Negative Testing : A negative testing technique is performed using incorrect data, invalid data or input. It validates that if the system throws an error of invalid input and behaves as expected.

    Functional Testing
    Non- functional testing
    Smoke testing
    Sanity testing
    Manual testing
    Automation testing
    dynamic testing
    static testing

  70. 1.List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list are:
    1.Regression testing
    2.Performance testing
    3.Stress testing
    4.Grey box testing
    5.Load testing
    Explanation of two testing from above list:
    -Functional Testing: It is the test of each functions in details with different steps and data. It is done by testing buttons, text box, clicking link and checking if they are valid.
    -Ad-hoc Testing: Adhoc testing is a type of informal testing. No testing techniques will be followed. in this testing, The application will be tested randomly to find the defects. Usually, this testing will be performed when there is limited time for testing.

  71. 1. Five more different software testing types:
    Retesting, Regression testing, Stress Testing, Unit Testing, Soak Testing.
    2. UAT Testing & Functionality Testing:
    UAT (User Acceptance Testing): also called application testing and end user testing is a phase in which the software is tested in the IT environment and Real environment by the users.
    Functionality Testing: test each functionality with different steps and data in depth and detail.

  72. 1.Portability testing
    2.External interface testing or intersystem testing
    3.High availability testing
    4.Interoperability testing or compatibility testing
    5.Negative testing
    Functional Testing : Functional testing is a type of software testing whereby the system is tested against the functional requirements or specifications. Where each and every function to be tested by the QA .
    Non-Functional-testing: Non-Functional- testing is defined as a type of Software testing to check nonfunctional aspects (performance, usability, reliability, etc) of a software application.

  73. 1. FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
    Performance testing
    Load testing
    Volume testing
    Stress testing or Spike testing
    Soak testing or endurance testing
    2. Explanation of two testing from above list:
    Alpha testing:- Alpha Testing is performed at developer’s site. An Alpha test is a preliminary software field test carried out by a team of users in order to find bugs that were not found previously through other tests.
    Beta Testing:- Beta Testing is performed by real users of the software application in real environment. This is the final test before the release of the software. This testing helps to tests the product in customer’s environment.

  74. Software testing types:
    Stress testing
    Volume testing
    Soak testing
    Load testing
    Regression testing.
    Unit Testing : Testing of an individual software component is called Unit Testing.
    Load Testing : Test Performance of the software with different number of users and identify maximum no of users supported by the software .

  75. Unit testing.
    Volume testing.
    Compatibility testing.
    Install testing.
    Recovery testing.

    Alpha testing: It is done to identify all possible issues/defects before releasing to the user. It is the most common type used in software testing.
    Exploratory testing: It is done to explore the application and look for defects that exist in the application. It is an informal testing performed by the testing team.

  76. Performance testing
    Load testing
    Volume testing
    Stress testing
    Soak testing

    FUNCTIONAL TESTING: is a type of software testing that validates the software system against the functional requirements/specifications

    SANITY TESTING: After receiving the software build, sanity testing is performed to ensure that the code changes introduced are working as expected

  77. 1) Five different software testing types not mentioned above are:-
    Load testing
    Soak testing
    Stress testing
    Volume testing
    Regression testing
    2) Two types of Testing are:-
    a)Manual Testing: In the Manual Testing human testers perform the testing steps without using any automated tools. It identifies bugs, issues and defects in the software.
    b)System Testing:- It is the testing which is performed on the entire system in context to the functional requirements and particularly satisfies all the business workflows and processes of the Application from one end (GUI) of the application to another (db/GUI).

  78. Load Testing
    Volume Testing
    Cross Border Testing
    Browser Compatibility Testing
    Regression testing

    Load Testing :Test the performance of the software using different number of users and identify the maximum number of users supported by the software.
    Volume testing : Test the performance of the software with different volumes of data and identify teh maximum volume of data.

    Cross border Testing : Testing many browsers at the same time.

    Browser Compatibility testing : Testing different browsers at the same time.
    Regression Testing :Test to check if new defects are introduced in the software due to changes in the software and the environment.

  79. Browser Compatibility
    Load Testing
    Stress Testing
    End to End Testing
    Random Testing

    Smoke Testing is done by developers and Testers and is done to evaluate critical functionalities.
    Sanity Testing is done by Testers and ensures that no new bugs were introduced during the bug fix period.

  80. List of 5 different types of software testing
    load testing
    volume testing
    stress testing
    regression testing
    Alpha testing: when the software testing in the IT environment. It is known as alpha testing.
    Beta testing: when the software testing is done in the real time environment. It is known as beta testing.

  81. List FIVE more different software testing types are Browser Compatibility Testing, Cross Browser Compatibility Testing, External Interface/Intersystem Testing, Security Testing, High Availability Testing.

    Unit Testing or Component Testing: Testing each program independently. This type of testing is done by developers.
    Integration Testing: Testing interfaces between programs. This type of testing is also done by developers.
    Unit Testing & Integration testing come under White box Testing.

  82. Assignment No: 5
    1. List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list.
    a) Unit Testing
    b) Performance Testing
    c) Soak Testing
    d) Stress Testing
    e) Load Testing
    2. Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences.
    a) Unit Testing :- Unit is testing each module individually. This is basically done by the developers.
    b) Performance Testing : – This kind of testing is done to test how the software behaves, basically to test the performance testing.

  83. a. List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
    1. Regression testing
    2. Retesting
    3. Load testing
    4. Volume testing
    5. Stress testing

    b. Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences.
    1. Component testing or Unit testing : It is done by the developer. after coding is done for module or unit, it is compiled to check the error and then get them fixed.
    2. Static Testing : It is review of all the supported documents like FSD, BRD, designs etc. to find errors and fix them. No execution is needed. It has 3 types : Informal, Formal and Walkthrough.

  84. 1.Probe testing
    2.Fuzz testing
    3.Regression testing
    4.Parallel testing
    5.Stress testing

    1.In Manual testing the human testers perform the testing steps with the input data and observe results.
    Automation testing-The software is tested using the automation testing tools. They perform the steps with different data sets and display the detailed results of the software tested.

  85. 1.List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
    1. Unit testing
    2. Performance testing
    3. Regression testing
    4. Retesting
    5.compatability testing.
    2. Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences.
    User Acceptance Testing: Testing the software in the client based environment to accept the software before moving to production environment is called User Acceptance Testing. It is the final phase of testing after Funtional, Integration and System testing is done.
    Automation Testing: Testing the Software using automated tools to improve the efficency and reliability is called test automation. Tools are used in based on different levels of testing.

  86. Regression testing
    Load testing
    Volume testing
    Stress testing
    Soak testing
    White box testing: This testing is done by the developers. The structure of the software, loops and conditions are tested.
    Smoke testing: This testing is done by software testers. It’s an initial level testing. Here all the functionalities are tested.
    Sanity testing: This testing is also done by software testers. It’s also an initial level testing. Here the functionalities are tested in which defects are identified.

  87. Regression testing
    Load testing
    Volume testing
    Stress testing
    Soak testing
    Cross browser testing
    Performance testing

  88. 1.
    -Regression testing
    -Performance testing
    – Volume testing
    -Stress testing
    -Soak testing
    Alpha testing: it is done by testers and quality analysts inside the organization. t is an end to end testing done in a testing environment that makes sure the software developed meets all the expectations and works according to the requirements discussed in the starting of development.
    Beta testing: it is done by real users who will be actually using the software. This testing is done by clients who are not part of the organization and this does not require any environment for testing.

  89. 1. List FIVE more different software testing types NOT mentioned in the above list
    Positive Testing
    Globalization Testing
    Recovery Testing
    Security Testing

    2. Pick any TWO types of testing from the above list of software testing types and describe in two sentences
    Static Testing:
    Static Testing is a type of a Software Testing method which is performed to check the defects in software without actually executing the code of the software application.
    Static testing is performed in early stage of development to avoid errors as it is easier to find sources of failures and it can be fixed easily. The errors that can’t not be found using Dynamic Testing, can be easily found by Static Testing.
    Dynamic Testing:
    Dynamic Testing is a type of Software Testing which is performed to analyze the dynamic behavior of the code. It includes the testing of the software for the input values and output values that are analyzed

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