Table of Contents

The list of software testing types with 100 types of software testing types are published in two articles –

Some of the software testing types are explained in below article:

Software Testing Types:

  • Adaptability testing:

The software is tested for its ability to adapt in the different system environments without any additional efforts. The system environment includes the hardware configuration like processor types, RAM, so on and software configuration like operating systems, browsers, other tools etc. The software is used by variety of users with different devices such as tablets, computers and smart phones.

  • Agile testing:

The Agile testing is performed in the agile software development approaches. The agile testing is based on the agile principles and practices. The agile software development process can be understood in the below articles.

The software testers are frequently expected to re organise to perform the testing in agile environment. The exploratory test, experience based test approaches are often used in agile testing.

  • Alpha testing:

Alpha testing is a type of user acceptance testing. The end users test the software in the development site.

  • Analytical testing:

The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis for analytical testing approach.

  • API testing:

API is acronym for Application Programming Interface. The API is a set of tools, protocols, objects to interface between the different software. The API functionality, performance, reliability is tested in API testing

Check your understanding: 

1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.

58 Responses

  1. Adaptability testing: The software is tested for its ability to adapt in the different system environments without any additional efforts. The software is used by variety of users with different devices such as tablets, computers and smart phones.

    Agile testing: The Agile testing is performed in the agile software development approaches. The agile testing is based on the agile principles and practices. Error can be fixed in the middle of the project. At the end of every sprint, user acceptance is performed.

    Alpha testing: This testing is conducted in the presence of developers & in the absence of end users. It’s also know as user acceptance testing ( UAT )

    Analytical testing: This testing is referred as material testing.The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis for analytical testing approach.

    API testing: API is acronym for Application Programming Interface. The API functionality, performance, reliability is tested in API testing.

  2. Ans.: Adaptability testing: The software is tested for its ability to adapt in the different system environments without any additional efforts. The system environment includes the hardware configuration like processor types, RAM, so on and software configuration like operating systems, browsers, other tools etc. The software is used by variety of users with different devices such as tablets, computers and smart phones.
    Agile testing:.A software testing practice that follows the principles of agile software development is called Agile Testing. Agile is an iterative development methodology, where requirements evolve through collaboration between the customer and self-organizing teams and agile aligns development with customer needs.
    Alpha testing: Alpha testing is a type of user acceptance testing. It is performed by customer or potential customers at developing organization’s site.
    Analytical testing: The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis for analytical testing approach.
    API testing: API is acronym for Application Programming Interface. The API is a set of tools, protocols, objects to interface between the different software. The API functionality, performance, reliability is tested in API testing

  3. Adaptability testing: The whole purpose is to check whether application is able to run and can be deployed in different applicable environment, in order to satisfy business needs of the customer. If we are deploying application, we need to check if it is working fine in environment with different hardware configuration such as Memory(RAM) Hard Disk space or different Processors which may be Dual Core, Triple core or Quad Core processors. Also application can be checked on different Operating system to check whether it is supported by that operating system.
    Agile testing: Agile requires a depth of continuous collaboration between stakeholders—including managers, developers, testers, and customers—throughout the production process. Agile proposes to be a faster, more priority & risk focused, and more flexible, adaptable, and efficient way of conducting the complicated business of software production.
    Alpha testing: Alpha Testing is not open for market or public. Since Alpha Testing is done onsite therefore developers as well as business analyst are involved with the testing team, and it is done before the launch of software product into the market
    Analytical testing:Analytical testing, also called as materials testing, is a broad term used to describe various techniques that are used to identify the chemical makeup or characteristics of a particular sample. Manufacturers in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food, electronics and plastics often use analytical testing for reverse engineering or failure analysis, and identifying contaminants or stains on products.
    API testing: Since APIs lack a GUI, API testing is performed at the message layer.

  4. 1. Adaptibilty Testing: The software is tested to check its ability to adapt to different system environments without extra efforts. System environment includes hardware configuration like RAM, prcessor types etc and software configuration like operating systems, browsers etc.
    2. Agile Testing: Agile testing is based on Agile pronciples and practices. The software tester are frequently expected to reorganize and perform in an agile environment. Exploratory testing and experienced based testing are often used in aile environments.
    3. Alpha Testing: A type of User Acceptance Testing. It is done by the client. Eg: When the client checks the software in the IT company environment it is called Alpha Testing.
    4. Analytical Testing: This type of testing does a systematic analysis of the risks, requirements, software design, data paths etc.
    5. API Testing: Application Programming Interface is a set of tools, programs, objects to interface between different software. The API functionality, reliability and performance is tested in API testing.

  5. Adaptability: software upgrade, component or application migrated from one platform to another. Made to run on different OS.
    Alpha testing: New OS in the market, any online site to be launched, then the product is first tested by developers before given to end users or beta testing.
    Agile: For applications that are huge and complex and where short releases are made. Agile Methods break the product into small incremental builds. These builds are provided in iterations.
    API testing: APIs enable communication and data exchange between two separate software systems. Used in all on line applications, mobile &/or electronic banking, payments systems to name a few uses.

  6. Adaptability testing–The software is tested for its ability to adapt in the different system environments without any additional efforts.
    Agile testing–The Agile testing is performed in the agile software development approaches. The agile testing is based on the agile principles and practices.
    Alpha testing–Alpha testing is a type of user acceptance testing.
    Analytical testing–The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis for analytical testing approach.
    Api testing–API is acronym for Application Programming Interface. The API is a set of tools, protocols, objects to interface between the different software. The API functionality, performance, reliability is tested in API testing

  7. Adaptability testing:
    Application is tested for hardware configuration in different environment such as RAM,Hard Disk space or different Processors which may be Dual Core, Triple core or Quad Core processors. Also application can be checked on different Operating system to check whether it is supported by that operating system.

    Agile testing:
    For applications that are huge and complex and where short releases are made. Agile Methods break the product into small incremental builds. These builds are provided in iterations.The exploratory test, experience based test approaches are often used in agile testing.

    Alpha testing:
    When a company for example IBM or Microsoft wants to launch a new product (like operating system) in the market they do alpha testing. alpha testing is done by high-level developers before the product launch.

    Analytical testing:
    The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis for analytical testing approach.

    API testing:
    APIs enable communication and data exchange between two separate software systems. Used in all on line applications, mobile &/or electronic banking, etc.

  8. Adaptability Testing- The software’s ability to adapt to any environment Ex. To test computer Hardware Configuration/Software Configuration.
    Agile Testing-. Testing done at the end of each sprint before its release to the client.
    Alpha Testing- user acceptance testing done at the development site
    Analytical Testing- An analysis of the risk, requirements and design of the system
    API Testing-Application Programming Interface (API) which tests the functionality, reliability and performance of the software.

  9. 1.Adaptability testing: Testing done to check whether the program runs in any type of software and hardware environment eg. Facebook.
    2. API testing:
    3. Analytical testing: Testing the Requirement, software , tools and the risk involved. eg. Spacecraft project
    4.Alpha testing: Testing done by the client under testers environment before the release. Eg. Healthcare program , test as a patient to check their healthcare benefits using their given ID
    5. Agile testing: A product which undergoes new release frequently and with new technology eg. Amazon website. Everyday they have specials and offers.

  10. Adaptability testing:
    In this type pf testing software is tested for its ability to adapt in the different system environments ike processor types, RAM, operating systems, browsers, other tools etc.
    Agile testing:
    The Agile testing is performed in the agile software development approaches. The software testers are frequently expected to re organise to perform the testing in agile environment.
    Alpha testing:
    Alpha testing is a type of user acceptance testing. The end users test the software in the development site.
    Analytical testing:
    In this type of testing the software is tested with risk, requirements, design, the paths in program, data sets and so on.
    API testing:
    Application Programming Interface. In this type of testing the functionality, performance, reliability is tested with set of tools, protocols, objects to interface between the different software.

  11. adaptability testing – in this type of testing, the adaptability or the ability to adapt in different system is being tested both in hardware and software.
    agile testing – one of the most used testing especially if project/s is complex and time to push the software is little.
    – exploratory and experienced-based testing is used
    alpha testing – testing where users test the software at the development site therefore it is a type of user acceptability testing
    analytical testing – this type of testing uses a systematic approach. I would say it is the opposite of agile testing. it is more of processes and tools
    API testing – is it an API functionality type of testing. tests its reliability and performance.

  12. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    1.Adaptability testing: A software should have ability to perform properly with different tablets, smart phones, computers in system environment that have hardware configuration like processor type, RAM etc with different browsers, operating system. e.g., Online Ticket Booking Softwares, Banking Softwares. users can use in different devices.

    2.Agile testing: a type of testing that is based on agile principles and practices.Big complex projects like Airlines ticketing softwares , Vacations Tours Booking Softwares

    3.Analytical testing: This is an analytical testing approach for System testing in detail. Softwares which has lots of data sets and analytical functions like Thermal Gravity metric softwares ,Risk data sets.

    4.API testing: Application Programming Interface testing mainly focused on software’s performance, reliability, and functionality with the help of software interface tools, protocols. Ex. Social networking and Emailing softwares.

  13. Adaptability testing:The software is tested for its ability to adapt in the different system environments without any additional efforts for example if one app is working in the phone,it should work in other systems like PC,Tablets and TV etc.,software tester will make sure the kind of software should work in all kind of operating systems.
    Agile Testing:it is kind of software approach,it is a frame work. Agile software development is an iterative or incremental design method. the complex projects ,frequently changing requirements in the software,new technology based development,quick release of software…these kind need agile development.
    Alpha Testing:Alpha testing is a type of user acceptance testing. The end users test the software in the development site. for example ATM machines which need to be upgraded first tested by the end users in the development environment in few machines,if it is pass,then they implement in all remaining ATMs with same software.
    Analytical Testing:The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis for analytical testing approach.
    API testing: The API is a set of tools, protocols, objects to interface between the different software.

  14. Adaptability Testing: this type of testing is used to check the ability or we can say compatibility of the software with different hardware, software, platforms without any additional effort. eg: some app works only in Mac operating system while some works in windows.
    Agile Testing: this testing technique is used when there is frequent changes in client requirements, it is done with small set of requirements in two to three weeks of time. it is also known as iterative testing.
    Alpha testing: It is user acceptance testing. The developed software is tested by the end users/ customers to check the functionality of the software. eg: A banking website wants to add online banking to transfer money, a software is developed by IT team and at the end publish to only small number of users for feedback.
    Analytical Testing: This type of testing analyses the requirement, software , tools required and the risk involved in developing the software. eg. Spacecraft project
    API testing: This is middle layer testing. API is used to make sure the communication between two different platforms/operating systems. Eg: to make connection between unix and windowsbased applications API comes in picture & to test this connection API testing is used.

  15. This article touched upon these types of software testing – Alpha tresting, Analytical testing, Agile testing, Adaptability testing and API testing.

  16. Examples for the below types of testing
    – Adaptability testing: Gotomeeting software adaptable to different environments like Mac, Windows, etc
    – Agile testing: As a feature is developed, it gets tested. Testing is done while implementation.
    – Alpha testing: ATM machine testing by the users at the development site
    – Analytical testing: Suppose you are testing the performance of some application program which searches through a database store of book title information. Analytical testing would specify a certain time value that if results are returned in that time or less, then the test case result is a pass, but if results are returned in longer than the specified time value, then the test result is fail.
    – API testing: Java Scanner API, Selenium API

  17. Adaptability Testing: This type of testing is done to know whether the software/application can work on any other browser/OS, devices or not. Google can work on any device /OS/browser etc.
    Agile Testing: In Agile testing, testing is not done in phases. Testers and developers work side by side. So that work can progress quickly, and quick release can be possible.
    Alpha Testing: This testing is done by the end of the software development when Software is almost ready to use. It is done by QA team and some of potential users in IT environment just before of its release to the client.
    Analytical Testing: Suppose developers have developed the new version of the web browser but testers have to do testing which will check this new version’s complexity level, the risk of failure, whether they are user-friendly or not, compatibility with diff OS etc. This whole process is called Analytical Testing.
    API Testing: eg: REST-Assured, Postman etc.

  18. Adaptability Testing: The software is tested for its ability to adapt in the different system environments without any additional efforts. docs are adaptable to all operating systems
    Agile Testing : The agile testing is based on the agile principles and practices.
    Alpha Testing: Alpha testing is a type of user acceptance testing. The end users test the software in the development site. eg. testing online banking in IT environment.

    Analytical testing:The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis for analytical testing approach.

    API testing: The API is a set of tools, protocols, objects to interface between the different software.

  19. Adaptability Testing- The software’s ability to adapt to any environment .
    The Agile testing is performed in the agile software development approaches and each module is released as sprint.
    Alpha Testing- user acceptance testing done at the development site
    Analytical Testing- An analysis of the risk, requirements and design of the system
    API Testing-Application Programming Interface (API) which tests the functionality, reliability and performance of the software.

  20. • Adaptability testing: Testing the ability to adapt to different system environments like h/w processor, RAM etc., s/w OS, browsers etc.
    EX: some websites opened in mobile do not support all the operations available as in the desktop version. So, the adaptability testing is very important to be carried out.
    • Agile testing: this testing is used when we do not have all the requirements or stories initially as the client himself is not clear. New or change in requirements are given as and when available, and within limited time a week or so the sprints should be released.
    This testing is good for frequent changes in stories/ req’s and quick releases are necessary for new technology.
    EX: the project is broken into several iterations. Rather than spending the whole initial months in gathering req’s and analyzing we will decide the basic core features that can be developed in the first iteration. remaining features that cannot be delivered in the first iteration will be taken up in the next iteration or subsequent based on priority. In each iteration the working s/w that were finalized for that iteration will be delivered. –
    • Alpha testing: This is an UAT where the end users tests the software or application in testing environment.
    EX: when Microsoft launches their new s/w the high-level developers tests the s/w using alpha testing. –
    • Analytical testing: The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis for analytical testing approach.
    • API testing: The API (application programming interface) is a set of tools, protocols, objects to interface between the different software. This is a testing to determine if they meet expectations for functionality, reliability, performance, and security.
    EX: Google Express, you can order anything from best buy, Walmart, target, Costco etc. from this site without logging into that account.
    Trivago where expedia, goibibo, etc can be accessed without logging into those accounts in a single platform.

  21. Adaptability Testing:The ability to adapt in the different system environment without any additional efforts is tested in the software.It is used by different users with different devices.
    Agile Testing:With the Agile principle and practice,it is performed in Agile software development.The process of it can be known by its 12 principles of Agile manifesto,Agile methodologies and Agile scrum team roles.
    Alpha Testing:It’s one of the type of UATtesting.Testing is done in IT environment.
    Analytical Testing:The basis for analytical testing is the systematic analysis of the risk, requirement,datasets etc.
    API Testing:Its a set of tools, protocol,objects to interface between software.In it the API functionality ,reliability,performance is tested.

  22. 1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    Adaptability Testing: Facebook , Gmail
    Agile testing: Agile software development is an iterative or incremental design method.
    Alpha testing: Testing done by the user before the product is finally released
    Analytical testing: The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on
    API testing: The API is a set of tools, protocols, objects to interface between the different software. The API functionality, performance, reliability are tested.

  23. Adaptability testing the software is tested for its ability to adapt to different system environment . The system is used in different devices such as tablets ,computers and smart phones .example :shopping and banking software.

    Agile testing is performed for application that are huge and complex which are released in modules . The IT team works closely with the customer to incorporate frequent changes.

    Alpha testing is a type of UTA the end user tests the software.

    Analytic testing the systematic analysis of the risk , requirement software design are the test basis for analytic testing approach.

    The API is a set of tools ,protocols ,objects to interface between the different software.

  24. Adaptability testing: Testing to see software adaptability to different environments like laptop, desktop, mobiles, ipads etc. For example adaptability testing on gaming apps.
    Agile testing: Testing done on software developed using agile models. For example : online shopping portal of Macys.
    Alpha testing: UAT done in IT environment. For example: Met Life Underwriters testing new website feature at IT company’s office on developer’s computer.
    Analytical testing: Testing done in highly structured and organized manner to make sure everything possibility is checked and defects identified and fixed. For example:
    API testing: Application Programming Interface testing is important when the system interacts with an outside system. For example: When Facebook market place interacts with paypal to get payments done.

  25. Adaptability testing: As designed software will be used for different devices, during this type of testing the designed software is tested for it adaptability to different system environments like hardware configurations, operating system, browser etc.
    Agile: The Agile testing is performed in the agile software development approaches.The exploratory test, experience based test approaches are often used in agile testing.
    Alpha testing is a type of user acceptance testing. The end users test the software in the development site.
    Analytical testing: The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis for analytical testing approach.
    API Testing: For example, a Google website can have API for various functions like search, translations, calendars, etc.

  26. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    example would be, Testing if the software works as expected on both iOS operating system used by iPhone
    and android operating system used by android phones.
    exploratory testing is a type of agile testing,
    if you open a web application like amazon, you have added a product to cart.The tester should observe all the details of what happens with series of actions performed on the website, is it working as expected.
    Alpha testing:
    For example online banking website: load the website in a test environment, login with real account details.Try transferring funds between accounts. Make sure everything is working as expected.
    Analytical testing:
    Example would be, making sure the test cases are in line with the BRD
    API testing:
    We don’t use a GUI to test. Testing is done in the API or the business logic layer.
    example: when u click a option on amazon website,
    the information travels to the API layer,
    where the relevant function is triggered and
    the information is then sent to database layer, from where the right information
    is sent back via API layer back to the amazon website, which displays the right page.
    Testing is done in API layer by writing testcases, test scripts to call the functions
    and make sure they are working as expected.

  27. Adaptability: Check the adaptability of s/w when it is upgraded or a component or application migrated from one platform to another. Made to run on different OS.
    Alpha testing:This is a type of uat.The product is first tested by IT people before given to end users .eg; any web applications
    Agile: Applications that are huge and complex and need a quick releases follow this are method. in tthis the system is break down into small sprints. each sprint is tested and release to use.
    API testing:To integrate two separate s/w we need API. APIs enable communication and data exchange between two separate software systems. online shopping ,the shopping site and bank are linked by API.It is used in all on line applications, mobile &/or electronic banking, payments systems to name a few uses.
    Analytical testing:
    The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on
    is the test basis for analytical testing approach.

  28. Adaptability Testing -A game running on Windows XP is said to be portable if the same game can be run on Windows 7 without any change in the behavior of the application
    Alpha Testing – When a new OS is to be released in the market , the alpha testing is done by the developers before releasing
    Agile Testing – project is developed in iterations and the software is tested during the iteration and at the end of each iteration a workable software is produced. eg. Amazon track package
    Analytical Testing -procedures and process are tested to ensure consistent result -laboratory analysis
    API Testing – the waiter’s role is similar to an API. As a waiter, the API takes a request from a source, takes that request to the database, fetches the requested data from the database and returns a response to the source.

  29. Examples of Adaptability Testing:
    Bank of America application working on google android, laptops, windows IOS, iPads etc
    Examples of agile testing:
    Exploratory Testing and experience based techniques are used in agile testing. Companies which use agile methodology are noble energy, google etc
    Example of alpha testing :
    ATM software tested in the IT environment
    Examples of API testing:
    Kayak is very popular ticketing website. We enter the origin , destination, the dates, people traveling and click on search. We get the results back from different airlines. How does kayak communicate with these airlines? It’s through API.
    Examples of analytical testing:
    QA analysing if all the requirements are tested.

  30. Examples of the scenarios/ software for different types of testing:
    Adaptability testing: testing if software works on different environment like application running on laptop, phone, tablet.
    Agile testing: Testing in agile environment.
    Alpha testing: Testing software in development side. Eg: Installing application in one device and checking if it works properly.
    Analytical testing: It is analyzing the risk, requirements, design, program path, data sets for analytical testing purpose.
    API testing: Testing set of tools, protocol, objects to interface between software.

  31. Adaptability testing: is performed to test the software behavior in different environments like laptop, tablet, smartphone etc.

    Agile testing: is performed in projects based on the agile principles and practices. Here, the software testers are expected to be able to re-organize and prform iterative tseting

    Alpha testing: is conducted by skilled testers on the development environment. as opposed to beta testing, which is always conducted by the end user in the real time environment.

    Analytical testing: This involves systematic analysis of the risks and requirements.

    API testing: Application Programming Interface is a set of tools or protocols to interface between different software. This has to be tested to ensure the system interaction with other software.

  32. Adaptability testing:- is the capacity of a software product to adapt to different environments. Adaptability testing should be done if the software system is designed to move from one hardware platform, operating system, or web browser to another.
    Eg. – Video Games or other graphic intensive software
    – Software that should be compatible with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers

    Agile testing:- different testing tools are used to test various functionalities within the application. Many agile development teams have different approaches to testing like Functional Testing, Exploratory Testing, and Automation Testing etc.
    Eg. Jira, SoapUI, Selenium web driver, TestRail, Junio one, Version one.

    Alpha testing:- is a type of acceptance testing; performed to identify all possible issues/bugs before releasing to users.
    Eg. Banking system, Mobile application, Shopping sites.

    Analytical testing:- The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis for analytical testing approach.
    Eg, Space craft, Traffic system, Alarm

    Api testing:- Functionality, performance, reliability is earlier tested in API testing.
    Eg. Security testing like login, sigh up,
    performance testing:- speed/efficiency. a computer, mobile, Atm

  33. 1. Adaptabilty Testing: The software is tested to check its ability to adapt to different system environments without extra efforts. System environment includes hardware configuration like RAM, processor types etc and software configuration like operating systems, browsers etc.
    2. Agile Testing: Agile testing is based on Agile principles and practices. The software tester are frequently expected to reorganize and perform in an agile environment. Exploratory testing and experienced based testing are often used in agile environments.
    3. Alpha Testing: A type of User Acceptance Testing. It is done by the client. Eg: When the client checks the software in the IT company environment it is called Alpha Testing.
    4. Analytical Testing: This type of testing does a systematic analysis of the risks, requirements, software design, data paths etc.
    5. API Testing: Application Programming Interface is a set of tools, programs, objects to interface between different software. The API functionality, reliability and performance is tested in API testing.a

  34. Alpha testing is the beginning stage of a software, it is mostly tested by users; it is done at the development site and is considered a type of acceptance testing.

    Analytical testing tests the requirements, design, risks of a software.

    API testing is used to test the reliability and performance of a software.

  35. 1) Adaptability testing – It is a functional test to verify that the software can perform all of its intended behaviors in each of the target environments. It may include testing in hardware and software dependency, etc. It is impossible to anticipate the requirements of all users and the configuration of their devices.. For example, testing software that can run on both Windows 7 and Mac operating systems. Testing mobile applications that can run on Apple iOS and Android devices.
    2) Agile Testing – Agile testing follows the principles of agile software development. It is incremental and iterative, starts early in the development life cycle and involves all members of IT project team on a daily basis. For example, our smartphones constantly download updates to apps in the background and this is possible because of an Agile team that fixes and updates bugs or defects in the apps on a daily basis.
    3) Alpha Testing – It is a type of acceptance testing where the software is tested by users in a lab environment before being released to the actual end users. For example, if an Airline is going to launch a new promotional offer on its website, it would be prudent to test the software – its navigation, usability, verbiage, etc for that offer on the site by company employees before making the offer public.
    4) Analytical testing – An analytical testing approach would use analytical methods and techniques to examine raw data and provide insights on risk, requirements, software design etc. For example, the testing team will analyze project documents and requirements to finalise on a testing plan.
    5) API testing – API is short for Application Programming Interface. The API is a set of tools, protocols, objects to interface between the different software. It is tested to ensure the system interaction with other software.

  36. 1. Adaptibilty Testing: The software is tested to check its ability to adapt to different system environments without extra efforts. System environment includes hardware configuration like RAM, prcessor types etc and software configuration like operating systems, browsers etc.
    2. Agile Testing: Agile testing is based on Agile pronciples and practices. The software tester are frequently expected to reorganize and perform in an agile environment. Exploratory testing and experienced based testing are often used in aile environments.
    3. Alpha Testing: A type of User Acceptance Testing. It is done by the client. Eg: When the client checks the software in the IT company environment it is called Alpha Testing.
    4. Analytical Testing: This type of testing does a systematic analysis of the risks, requirements, software design, data paths etc.
    5. API Testing: Application Programming Interface is a set of tools, programs, objects to interface between different software. The API functionality, reliability and performance is tested in API testing.

  37. 1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    1. Adaptability Testing: This is test is to check its ability to adapt in different system environments with out extra efforts.
    2.Agile Testing: Agile testing is based on Agile principles and practice.
    3.Alpha Testing: This type of testing is done by the users, like a pilots cockpit software will be tested by the pilots.
    4.Analytical Testing: This type of testing will check all the factors like software design , data path etc
    5.API Testing: Application Programming Interface is a set of tools, programs, objects to interface between different software. The API functionality, reliability and performance is tested in API testing.

  38. 1. Adaptibilty Testing: The software is tested to check its ability to adapt to different system environments without extra efforts. System environment includes hardware configuration like RAM, prcessor types etc and software configuration like operating systems, browsers etc.
    2. Agile Testing: Agile testing is based on Agile pronciples and practices. The software tester are frequently expected to reorganize and perform in an agile environment. Exploratory testing and experienced based testing are often used in aile environments.
    3. Alpha Testing: A type of User Acceptance Testing. It is done by the client. Eg: When the client checks the software in the IT company environment it is called Alpha Testing.
    4. Analytical Testing: This type of testing does a systematic analysis of the risks, requirements, software design, data paths etc.
    5. API Testing: Application Programming Interface is a set of tools, programs, objects to interface between different software. The API functionality, reliability and performance is tested in API testing.

  39. 1. Adaptability testing: Functional test to verify that the software can perform all of its intended behaviors in each of the target environment.The system environment includes the hardware configuration like processor types, RAM, son on and software configuration like operating system, browser, other tools etc.
    2.Agile testing: Agile testing is a software testing process that follows principles of agile software development.Agile testing aligns with iterative Development Methodology in which requirements develop gradually from customer and testing team.The development is aligned with customer team.
    3.Alpha testing: Alpha testing is a type of software testing performed to identify bugs before releasing the product to real user or the public.It is user acceptance testing.The end user test software in development site.
    4.Analytical testing:The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements,software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis of analytical testing approach.
    5.API testing: API testing is a type of software testing that involves testing application programming interfaces(APIs) directly and as part of integration testing to determine if they meet expectation for functionality, reliability,performance and security. For example Google website can have API for various functions like search,translation, calendars etc.

    Adaptability testing:The software is tested for its ability to adapt in the different system environments without any additional efforts.
    Agile testing:The Agile testing is performed in the agile software development approaches based on the agile principles and practices. The software testers are frequently expected to re organise to perform the testing in agile environment.
    Alpha testing:Alpha testing is a type of user acceptance testing. The end users test the software in the development site.
    Analytical testing:The systematic analysis of the risk, requirements, software design, the paths in program, data sets and so on is the test basis for analytical testing approach.
    API testing:The API is a set of tools, protocols, objects to interface between the different software.

  41. The examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing are:
    1.Adaptability Testing: The software is tested for its ability to adapt in different system environment without any additional afford. The software should run on all the browser, and in different devices such as tablet, smartphones, tablets, computers etc.
    2. Agile Testing: Agile testing is based on Agile pronciples and practices. The software tester are frequently expected to reorganize and perform in an agile environment. Exploratory testing and experienced based testing are often used in aile environments.
    3.Alpha Testing: This type of testing is done by the users, like a pilots cockpit software will be tested by the pilots.
    4. Analytical Testing: This type of testing does a systematic analysis of the risks, requirements, software design, data paths etc.
    5. API Testing: Application Programming Interface is a set of tools, programs, objects to interface between different software. The API functionality, reliability and performance is tested in API testing.

  42. 1. Adaptability testing: Example –Browsers, Operating systems
    2. Agile testing: Usually for complex projects where requirements can change any time or very frequently. Example: Banking projects, Shopping Projects, Education system software.
    3. Alpha testing: Done in IT environment by the end user before releasing the software. It could be the any type of project like banking, ATM machine etc.
    4. Analytical testing: Laboratory Projects, Pharmacy projects.
    5. API Testing: Inter between the software Like eBay or any shopping website where payment option is interface between to sites or link the site like PayPal.

  43. 1) Adaptability testing: smartphones
    2) Agile testing: Banking system and hospital records
    3) Alpha testing : The testing done in developer environment, for example ATM’s.
    4) Analytical testing : Testing the risk of failure and complexity of the environment.
    5) API testing : Testing software in all kinds of interfaces

  44. Adaptability testing: Adaptability testing is the process of validating if the system is adaptable to each of the target environments Example: smartphones, computers etc.,
    Agile testing: is software testing that follows the best practices of Agile development. For example, Agile development takes an incremental approach to design. Bank, network, health care etc.,
    Alpha testing: Alpha testing can also be done by the potential users or customers of the application. But still, this is a form of in-house acceptance testing example: Game testing
    Analytical testing: which is also referred to as materials testing, is a broad term used to describe various techniques that are used to identify the chemical makeup or characteristics of a particular sample Example: pharmaceuticals, food, electronics etc.,
    API testing: The purpose of API Testing is to check the functionality, reliability, performance, and security of the programming interfaces Example: Translations, calendar etc.,

  45. 1. Adaptability testing: Example –Browsers, Operating systems
    2. Agile testing: Usually for complex projects where requirements can change any time or very frequently. Example: Banking projects, Shopping Projects, Education system software.
    3. Alpha testing: Done in IT environment by the end user before releasing the software. It could be the any type of project like banking, ATM machine etc.
    4. Analytical testing: Laboratory Projects, Pharmacy projects.
    5. API Testing: Inter between the software Like eBay or any shopping website where payment option is interface between to sites or link the site like PayPal.

  46. . Adaptability testing: ability to adapt in the different system environments without any additional efforts.
    2. Alpha testing: its type of user acceptance testing. The end users test the software in the development site.
    3. API testing: is a set of tools, protocols, objects to interface between the different software.
    Examples: Travel booking system, online shopping etc.

  47. Adaptability – cross browser testing
    Agile – Feature driven development where a small set of features are developed and tested during a Sprint Cycle.
    Alpha – End user testing of a banking module,
    Analytical – is type of testing where you analyze the potential problems or defects
    API – This is when two different softwares talk to each other to get results. This type of testing concentrates on the logic of the expected result.

  48. Alfa Testing – this type of testing comes under the UAT testing. and this type of testing preforms under the IT environment
    Analytical Testing – in this testing we have to analysis the risk ,requirement ,model . as per the project compacity.
    API testing – in this testing we have to test the API with the different tools like postman , soup etc. and check the response of the API.

  49. Adaptability testing: The software’s ability to adapt to any environment without any additional effort.
    Agile testing: the agile testing is performed in the agile software development approaches. This is based on its principles and practices.
    Experience based test approaches are often used in the agile testing.
    Analytical testing: Systematic analysis of the risk , requirements , and design of the system.
    API testing: Application Programming Interface (API) which tests the functionality, reliability and performance of the software.

  50. Adaptability Testing: In this type of testing, the software adaptability is tested in different system environments. For Example, a software should adapt/work in different browsers, different browser versions, Operating Systems, Screens & devices. Software testing in the above scenarios is done in adaptability testing.
    Agile Testing: Agile testing is based on Agile software development model. In Agile testing, the goal is to find the defects and fix them immediately rather than waiting till the end of the development. Example: A gaming software development. As the software is developed and tested in one iteration, defects are found and fixed. Then the next iteration of development starts and testing is done and so on.
    Alpha Testing: Alpha testing comes under User Acceptance testing where the software is tested by the users in the IT Environment. Example: Chase Bank ATM software is tested on few real ATMs installed (for testing purposes) in the software company that developed the software.
    Analytical Testing: Analytical testing is based on the organized/methodical/systematic analysis of software requirements, design, data sets, risks etc. Example: Analytical testing is used in food manufacturing, materials testing, Census. Data collected by Census is analyzed systematically to distribute federal funds to local communities. This data is tested using various analytical testing tools.
    API testing: In (Application Programming Interface) API testing, the functionality, reliability and performance of API is tested. Example: expedia website is used to check travel fares. With input data, the site checks with different airlines and gives the results to user. Here, website is communicating with these airlines through APIs by giving details and user data to get the results. API testing tests the performance, stable behavior, & functionality of this communication between website and the airlines.

  51. Assignment No: 8
    1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    a) Alpha Testing: – It is a kind of user acceptance testing and the end users perform this type of testing in real environment. For Example: Banking projects, Railway Ticket booking.
    b) Agile Testing : – It is a kind of software model followed to develop and release the software. This kind of methodology can be used in any kind of projects where the requirements is not complete. For Example: – Health care domain.
    c) Analytical Testing: – It is kind of approach to analyze the risk, requirements, paths in the program. For Example: It can be used as an initial stage of testing to analyze the risk and resources needed.
    d) API Testing: – It is kind of testing to test the interface between the software. For Example: Interface between shopping site and banking accounts.

  52. 1.Adapability testing-The software is tested for its ability to adapt in different system environment without any additional efforts.
    2.Agile testing-Agile testing is a software testing process that follows principles of agile software development .The software testers are frequently expected to reorganize to perform the testing in agile environment.
    3.Alpha testing-It is a kind of user acceptance testing .It is often performed by potential users/customers or an independent test team at the developers site
    4.Analytical testing: The systematic analysis of the risk requirements, software design, the paths in program data sets and so on is the test basis of analytical testing approach.
    5.API testing-It is a type of software testing that involves testing application programming interfaces directly and as a part of integration testing to determine if they meet expectation for functionality, reliability, performance and security.

  53. 1. Adaptability : Take an example of Online banking. User can use different browsers like IE, Firefox or chrome to open the website. It can run on different OS like Mac or windows. Can be opened with different devices and different devices like computer, tablet and smart phones.
    2. Agile Testing : If a client wants to develop a software using new technology, It is done through iterative method called agile scrum and this testing is needed. The s/w is developed, tested and delivered in small modules called sprints. As the technology is new for client as well as development team, frequent changes in the requirements are expected.
    3. testing: Most of the software goes through this testing. A team of real time users come to the IT company and test the software in the development environment.
    4. Analytical testing: This type of testing is done to do the systematic analysis of the requirements, risks, designs of the software. It is done when the risk involves are quite big. Example: spacecraft software.
    5. API: Application Programming Interface testing is done to see how to different software communicate with each other. Example: In the telecommunication website, if you want to pay the bill, one of the options is using your bank account. So, in this case, you switch from telecom company to the bank website. To check if this transfer works properly, API testing is done.

  54. 1. Adaptability testing :Testing the software for its ability to adapt in the different environments
    eg: online Gaming apps
    2. Agile testing : A software testing that follows the principles of agile software development is called Agile Testing.
    eg: Rocket launching software
    3. Alpha testing: Alpha testing is a type of user acceptance testing. End to end testing of a software in the internal environment before going to production.
    eg: Microsoft new version of OS
    4. Analytical testing: The systematic analytical approach of testing the risk, designs of software.
    5. API testing: Testing the linked interfaces in the application are working properly
    eg: wikipedia

  55. Adaptability testing tests software for its ability to adapt in different system environments without any additional efforts. Testers test if software can be used in different devices such as tablets, computers, and smartphones. Agile testing is done using agile software development approaches. This is done when clients change requirements a lot and IT team releases the software by modules and checks if client is satisfied. Alpha testing is done in the IT environment. Some examples might be ATM machines, or online banking. Analytical testing looks at the risk, requirement, design, data sets, paths in program, etc. This can be done in an application like PayPal. API stands for application programming interface and API testing tests functionality, performance, reliability, and functionality. It is used in any websites, such as email application.

  56. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    Adaptability testing: Adaptability testing is the process of validating if the system is adaptable to each of the target environments. Using common communication standards between multiple systems can help in improving the adaptability of the system.
    Agile testing: Example: Adobe is working on project to come up with a competing product for Microsoft Word, that provides all the features provided by Microsoft Word and any other features requested by the marketing team. The final product needs to be ready in 10 months of time
    Alpha testing: Suppose a software company has made a website for MakeMyTrip and MakeMyTrip wants the website should handle more than 2000 users simultaneously and should not crash. Then before deploying this website, that software company will test it on its own by giving more than 2000 users simultaneous to check whether it will crash or not. Now, this testing is alpha testing.
    Analytical testing: Analytical Testing the parts of the Doping Control process performed at the Laboratory, which include Sample handling, analysis and reporting of results.
    API testing: The Google Maps API and Twitter API may be among the most widely used API examples, but most software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers offer APIs that let developers write code that posts data to and retrieves data from the provider’s site as well.

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