Table of Contents

The dynamic testing can be either white box testing or black box testing. For the broad classification of testing refer to the link: classification of testing. The software is executed to identify the defects in functional and non functional features of the software.

The list of software testing types with 100 types of software testing types are published in two articles –

Black box testing:

The black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users. The software behaviour is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the qa team. The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.

White box testing:

The white box software testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs. The programs and interfaces between the programs are conducted by the developers. The functional and non functional features can be tested. The white box testing is also known as structural testing because the internal structure of the software program components are tested. The two testing techniques of white box testing that are widely used are:

  • Statement testing
  • Decision testing

Statement testing:

The testing of the statements executable in the code or program is called statement testing. In the statement testing, the type of errors that are identified include the inconsistencies in code, logical errors, memory leaks, violation of programming standards, dead code issues, incorrect declarations, variables with initialisation and reference etc. The statement testing should be done to achieve 100% statement coverage by choosing the appropriate data sets.

Decision testing:

The decision testing is also called branch testing. The various decisions and conditions in the code are tested, The test cases should be written to cover both the TRUE and FALSE conditions, possibles outcomes are tested. The data sets chosen should test all the possible outcomes to achieve the 100% decision coverage.

The statement testing & decision testing techniques are explained in detail in the further articles.

Check your understanding: 

  1. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.

103 Responses

  1. 2. Identify the difference between white box and black box testing.
    -White Box Testing:
    a. Performed by the Developer
    b. software testing is performe at the program or component level and interfaves between the
    c. The functional and non-functional features can be tested.
    d. It has two testing techniques:
    1. statement testing 2. decision testing

    – Balck box testing:
    a. Performed by the QA team and end users
    b. Software behaviour is tested to identify the defects and
    system compliance by the qa team
    c. End users test the usability of the software for the aceptance of the s/w
    d. It has no other techniques to test

  2. –> 5 more different software testing types not menrioned in the above list:
    1. Regression Testing
    2. Stress testing
    3. Retesting
    4. Performance Testing
    5. Browser compatability Testing

    Performance testig:
    -to test the speed or efficiency of the software
    -it depends on number of activie users of the software
    -it depends on the volume of the data in the database
    -it depends on the resources supporting the software
    -it depends on the usage of the software.

    white box testing:
    This test is done by developer, it is also called as structural testing
    It is plerformed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs.

  3. White Box Testing is performed at the program level and interfaces between the programs. Functional and Non Functional features can be tested and the internal structure of the software program components are tested. It is done by two testing techniques like; Statement Testing and Decision Testing.
    Black Box Testing is performed by QA team and End Users. The software behaviour is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the QA team. The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.

  4. Black box testing is to test to identify defects and system compliance by QA and to test usability by end users. White box testing is done by developer, and called as structural testing. It is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs, and there are two techniques: Statement testing and Decision testing.

  5. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.

    White Box Testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is known to the tester. Testing is done by the developer during development of the software.

    Black Box Testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is NOT known to the tester. Testing is done by the user/customer.

  6. white box testing also known as structural testing because internal structure of the software program components are tested. it is also performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs. the tests are conducted by the developers. Types of techniques are statement testing and decision testing.

    Black box testing will be performed by the QA team and end users. In this method software behavior is tested to identify errors.

  7. The white box testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programmes. The programmes and interfaces are conducted by the developers. white box testing is also known as structural testing because of the internal structure of the software program components are tested.
    White box testing eg: unit testing and integration testing.

  8. white box testing: done by developers, statement testing and decision testing
    black box testing: done by software testers.

  9. The difference between white box testing and black box testing:
    White box testing : The white box testing is performed by developer.The white box software testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs.The white box testing is also known as structural testing because the internal structure of the software program components are tested.
    Black box testing : The black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users. The software behaviour is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the qa team. The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.

  10. 1. Ans.: The difference between white box testing & black box testing are:
    • The white box software testing is performed by developers at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs BUT The black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users.
    • White-Box test design treats the system as a Transparent Box, which allows anyone to see inside the “Box” WHEREAS Black-Box test design treats the system as a “Black-Box” (Wherein the tester can’t see as to what is there inside the box).
    • White-Box is also known as Structural-Box or Glass-Box or Clear-Box or Translucent-Box test design WHEREAS Black-Box is also known as Behavioral-Box or Functional-Box or Opaque-Box or Gray-Box or Closed-Box.

  11. White box testing is done to develop programs and interfaces between the programs are conducted by the developers. The white box testing is also known as structural testing because the internal structure of the software program components are tested. While The black box testing is to test software, behavior to identify the defects and system compliance by the qa team. The end users test acceptance of software.

  12. White box testing: is to test test each program independently and performed by the developers.
    Black box testing: is the user acceptance test by user and to test the software and identify the defects by QA team.

  13. The white box testing is performed at the program level and interfaces between programs by the developers. This is a structural testing because the internal structure of the software is tested as well as the functional and non functional testing.
    Where as, the black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users. The software behavior is tested to identify defects and systems compliance by Qa team. The usability of the software is tested by the end users do the acceptance of the software.

  14. White box testing is to test the program level, divided into unit/component test and Integration test. Unit/component test is to test the program, and Integration test is to test the interface between programs, and both is done by developers. On the other hand, Black box testing is to test the system, and is done by QA and end users.

  15. Difference between white box testing and black box testing are :
    White box testing is also called as structural testing and it verifies the structure of the code in software programs and it is done by developers during unit testing/component testing and integration testing
    Black box testing is also called as specification testing and it is used to verify the functional and non functional aspects of the specifications or functions of software and it is done by QA . The types of black box testing as system testing and UAT.

  16. 1.White box testing: This test is done by the developer and this is a structure based testing. Knowledge about the code is required.
    Most popular white box testing are of two types.
    a.Statement testing: Here each and every statement that goes into the code of the application is tested for any error in the code, error in the logic etc
    b. Decision tree testing: Here the decisions and conditions of the code is tested for correctness.
    2. Blackbox testing: Done by the QA team to find if there is any defect in the application and whether it is in comply with the client requirement. The tester dont have to know about the internal code of the application.

  17. Difference between Black box testing and White Box testing:
    when the tester has no idea of the internal working of the system which he is testing, that approach is called black box testing. QA and UAT perform such type of testing. The tester examines requirements and specifications of the system. Whereas White Box testing when tester has the knowledge of the internals of a system and knows how the system is implemented. The tester uses this knowledge to develop test cases that will examine the control flow, information flow, data flow, exception and error handling as well as coding practices of the system. Developers perform such testing.

  18. White Box Testing:It is done by developers at the programming level.it is done for errors like logical errors,violations of programming standards and interface.

    Black Box testing:Done by QA and end users to find the defects in the software and verify the compliance of the software requirements.

  19. The difference between black box testing and white box testing
    Black box testing :
    – performed by the QA team and end users
    – behavior of the software is tested to identify the defects
    -end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software
    White box testing :
    – performed by the developers
    – software testing is performed at he program or component level and interfaces between the programs
    -functional and non functional features can be tested
    – known as structural testing
    -it has two techniques
    statement testing
    decision testing

  20. : white box testing and black box testing are :
    White box testing : is also called as structural testing and it verifies the structure of the code in software programs and it is done by developers during unit testing/component testing and integration testing
    Black box testing : is also called as specification testing and it is used to verify the functional and non functional aspects of the specifications or functions of software and it is done by QA . The types of black box testing as system testing and

  21. 1. Ans: Black box testing is performed by the qa team or end users.
    White box testing is performed by the developers.
    Black box software is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by QA team.
    White box software is tested functionally and non functionally features by the developers.
    In the black box testing, the end user test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.
    White box testing is tested by the internal structure of the software program components.
    Black box testing use the acceptance of the software.
    White box testing use two techniques of the software named statement testing and decision testing.

  22. White box testing:
    – Testing is done at program level. Usually performed by the developers at the development platform.
    -Structure of the software used to derive the test cases.
    – The statements, the possible paths, decision loops & so on in the programs are tested.
    – Also called as structure based testing or glass box testing.
    Black box testing:
    -Testing is done by the software testers at system testing.
    – The specifications of the software requirements are used to prepare the test documents.
    -System behavior is tested.
    -Techniques like boundary value analysis, equivalence class partition, use case testing are used.
    -Also known as specification based testing.

  23. White Box Testing- is testing of interface of the software. The developers tests the internal structure of the software.
    Black Box Testing- is for users and end users to test the behavior of the software during the user acceptance phase.

  24. The black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users.
    The white box software testing is performed at the program level by developers .

    Black box testing is a specification based testing and White box testing is a structural based testing .

  25. white box testing is performed at the program development level by the software developers. It is through the program codes where they checked if software is working non-functional and functional. It is also called the structural testing because it tests mainly in the internal structures of the software program. Black box testing is performed by QA testers and users. It tests for defects for certain functionalities of the system. It tests for usability of the software and for the acceptance of it by users.

  26. White box testing is done by developers where the programs and their interfaces are tested. Also called structural testing. Can find logic errors, inconsistencies in code etc.
    Black box testing is done by QA n end users where we don’t need to go into the programming details of the product. We just test the behavior of the software.

  27. – White box testing is done at the program/ component level, black box testing is done at a level where the programs are no more visible.
    – Unit testing, Interface testing are mainly done in white box, system testing and user acceptance testing are done in black box.
    – White box testing is done by the developers, whereas black box testing is performed by the QA testers and the Users.

  28. Black Box testing is performed by QAs and end users to test the software behavior to identify the defects and system compliance.system testing by QA and UAT done by users. Where as White box testing also called as structural testing and this is done by developers. They do the testing on performance of the program, interfaces between the programs.there are 2 techniques in the white box testing: statement testing and decision testing.

  29. 1. Black Box Testing is done to check software’s behavior while White Box Testing is done at a program level and to check interface between 2 different programs.
    2. System testing, UAT is done in Black Box Testing while unit testing and integration testing are done in White Box testing.
    3. Black box testing is done by QA and end users while White box testing is done by developers.

  30. White box testing is also known as structural testing is done by the developers and it verifies the structure of the code in software program.
    Blackbox testing is also know as system testing . The software behaviour is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the QA team.

  31. White box testing is software testing in which internal structure of the software is tested.. Black box testing is a software testing technique in which functionality of the item being tested without knowing internal code structure.

  32. Difference between white box testing and black box testing.

    White Box Testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is known to the tester. Testing is done by the developer during development of the software.

    Black Box Testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is NOT known to the tester. Testing is done by the user/customer.

  33. Black box testing performed by QA team.The software is tested by the QA team to identify the defects and system compliance.

    white box testing performed by program or component level and it is conducted by developers.It is also called structural testing because internal structure of the software is program components are tested.

  34. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    The black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users. The software behaviour is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the qa team. The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software. The white box software testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs. It is conducted by developers.

  35. Black box testing is done to identify the defects and system compliance. Testing is done by the QA and end users.

    White box testing is done by developer to test the code in program.

  36. Difference between WhiteBox Testing and Black Box Testing :

    The white box software testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs. The programs and interfaces between the programs are conducted by the Developers. The functional and non functional features can be tested.

    In the Black Box testing, the software behaviour is tested to identify the defects and system compliance.This testing is performed by the QA team and end users by without looking at the internal code structure, implementation details and knowledge of internal paths of the software.

  37. Black Box testing is the process to test the different specifications of the software. Mainly it includes system testing and user acceptance testing to test the functionality of the software. there is no need to test the programs. this is done by QA and customers as user acceptance testing. It is also known as specification testing. eg: ATM
    White Box Testing: this testing is done by the developers, it mainly focuses on programming /coding of the software. It includes unit testing and integration testing to check the interface between each program. it is also known as structured testing. There are two types of white box
    1. Statement Coverage Testing
    2. Decision testing.

  38. Black box testing: This testing has done by QA tester and end users to make check the reliability of the software. This testing also test defect and errors of the software.
    White box testing: This testing is done by software developer during the programming label and this testing also called structural testing because internal structure of the software has to be tested. This testing has 2 types.
    1: Statement testing: This kind of testing is done during the coding to check the errors in the software like memory leaks,logical errors etc.
    2: Decision Testing: This testing updates both true and false condition of the software and the other possible result and the types of decision tested in the code. This testing also knows as branch testing.

  39. Q1.Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.

    Ans1.After the software is developed by the developer it is tested before it is released to the client.The software should not only be free from defects but should meet the clent’s requirements.
    So testing is classified into static testing and Dynamic testing.
    Static testing is where the project documents is reviewed by the QA.
    In dynamic testing it is further classified into white box testing and Black box testing.
    In white box testing programme is tested by the developer .
    Under white box testing we have unit testing and integration testing.Both these testing are tested by developer.Now in black box testing we have system testing and UAT(user acceptance testing).In balck box testing actual software is tested by the QA.So system testing is tested by the QA.

  40. white box testing also called as structural based testing is done by developers at the program level. it has two types -unit esting and integration testing.
    black box testing is done by QA and end users . no programming is done here.it has two types : System testing and UAT.

  41. In White box testing, the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is known to the tester ( Developer). It includes unit/components and integration testing. Unlike White box testing, the Black box method tests the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is NOT known to the tester. It involved QA testing to identify the system’s behavior and acceptance testing by users to test the usage.

  42. 1. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.

    Black Box testing- performed by the QA team and end users. The software behaviour is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the qa team. The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.
    White Box testing- also known as structural testing The white box software testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs by the developers The functional and non functional features can be tested

  43. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    Black box testing: The internal structure/design/implementation of the item being testing is NOT known to the testers. This is also called behavioral testing. This type of testing can be functional or non-functional.

    White box testing: The internal structure/design/implementation of the item being tested is know to the tester. This is also called Glass box testing, Clear box testing or open box testing. The explicit knowledge of the internal working of the item being testing are used to select test data. (programming code knowledge is required)

  44. In White box testing the tester should know the internal structure of the system or the coding for the application. The white box testing technique is also called as structure-based testing technique or glass box testing technique. This is usually done in association with developers under developers’ platform/environment.
    In black Box testing the internal structure of the system is unknown. is also called as specification-based testing. no Coding knowledge or no programming skills required in black box testing. This is done under testers test environment.

  45. Black ox testing is done by QA and users where the function of software is tested in compliance with client requirement.
    White box testing is performed by programmers where testing is done at code level to eliminate future errors.

  46. Black box testing is the Software testing method which is used to test the software without knowing the internal structure of code or program. This type of testing is carried out by testers.Implementation Knowledge is not required to carry out Black Box Testing.Programming Knowledge is not required to carry out Black Box Testing.Testing is applicable on higher levels of testing like System Testing, Acceptance testing.Black box testing means functional test or external testing.In Black Box testing is primarily concentrate on the functionality of the system under test.

    White box testing is the software testing method in which internal structure is being known to tester who is going to test the software.Generally, this type of testing is carried out by software developers.Implementation Knowledge is required to carry out White Box Testing.Programming Knowledge is required to carry out White Box Testing.Testing is applicable on lower level of testing like Unit Testing, Integration testing.White box testing means structural test or interior testing.In White Box testing is primarily concentrate on the testing of program code of the system under test like code structure, branches, conditions, loops etc.

  47. Black box testing:
    • The black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users. Programming knowledge is not required.
    • The software behavior is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the qa team.
    • The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.
    White box testing:
    • The white box software testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs.
    • The programs and interfaces between the programs are conducted by the developers.
    • Widely used techniques of white box testing are:
    Statement testing and Decision testing

  48. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    Black box testing is a type of testing which is done without knowing about the internal structure of the code . But in White box testing the internal structure of the code is known to tester who will test the software. Black box testing is done by tester but white box testing is generally done by developer.

  49. The difference between white box testing and black box testing are as follows:
    White box testing: This is based on program of the software developed by the developers and they test interfce between programs.
    Black box testing:Its not program based software.It is done by the QA and testers.

  50. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    White box testing
    In white box testing the internal structure of code is known. (Need to know programming)It is done by developers or programmers. It is also known as structural testing or glass box testing. Unit testing and integration testing are two types of white box testing. The techniques used in white box testing are
    ~Statement Coverage Testing or line coverage testing – 100% statement coverage is achieved only when all the statements are tested at least once or when all the lines in the code are tested.
    ~Decision Testing or branch testing or condition testing-
    100% decision testing is achieved when all the possible paths( both true and false conditions) from start to the end are covered.
    Black box testing
    In black box testing, the internal structure of the code is not known( no need to know programming) . It is done by the QA and the users. It is also known as behavioral testing or specification based testing. The system testing and User Acceptance Testing are the two types of black box testing. The techniques used in black box testing are
    ~Equivalence Class Partitioning Technique (type of data)
    The data is organized into different partitions.
    ~Boundary value Analysis (range of data)
    The defects are mostly found near the boundaries. It tries to limit the testing.

  51. White box testing is done to develop programs and interfaces between the programs are conducted by the developers. The white box testing is also known as structural testing because the internal structure of the software program components are tested. While The black box testing is to test software, behavior to identify the defects and system compliance by the qa team. The end users test acceptance of software.

  52. Black box testing is to test the useability of the software fron end users perspetive. the software behaviour is tested t identify the defects. Programming knowledge is not required. This testing is performed by the QA team and end users.
    White box testing is performed at the program or component level and interface between the programs.The white box testing requires internal knowledge of the system and the program skills.. The testing techniques used to test the program :
    System testing
    Decision testing

  53. Whitebox testing: It will be done on a single program and component level to verify the interfaces between the programs, decisions and the logic in programming. This testing is done by developers before system testing starts.
    Blackbox testing: Black box testing is done by QA and end users to make sure that the software 100 percent defect free.

  54. Black box testing is performed by end-users and testers. It checks the functionality of the sotfware as per the requirements.

    White-box testing – this is performed at the code level and can be statement testing or decision testing. this usually reuires knowledge of coding and may be performed by developers at unit level.

  55. Black box testing is performed by QA team and end users, the behavior of the software is tested and end users test the usability of the software before accepting the software.
    White box testing is performed by developers at the program or component level and at the integration of different components.

  56. Black Box Testing:
    The black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users.The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.
    Mainly applicable to higher levels of testing:Acceptance Testing
    System Testing
    White box testing:
    The white box software testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs. The programs and interfaces between the programs are conducted by the developers. The functional and non functional features can be tested. The white box testing is also known as structural testing because the internal structure of the software program components are tested. The two testing techniques of white box testing that are widely used are:
    Statement testing
    Decision testing.
    Mainly applicable to lower levels of testing:Unit Testing
    Integration Testing.

  57. Black box testing is when the QA team and end users test the software in a real environment to be sure everything works properly and the software can be accepted.
    White box testing is testing that is done within the program by the developers. The functional and non functional process can be tested in this.

  58. – White Box testing is performed by the developers to test the internal structure of the software. (Also called structure-based testing technique or glass box testing technique). Black Box testing is done by software testers or end users during system testing to make sure that the software’s features meet the requirements laid out initially. (Also called specification- based testing)

  59. Difference between black box and white box testing:
    Black box testing is performed by QA and end users while White Box testing is performed by developer.
    No coding is required on black box testing whereas is required on white box testing.
    In white box testing, internal structure of the software is tested whereas on black box testing, how the software works on various environment is observed.

  60. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    The Black box testing is done by the QA and the end users to test the behavior of the software and identifies the defects and verify the compliance of the software. The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.

    The White box testing is performed by the developers to check the source codes, design, loops. The programs and the interfaces between the programs are conducted by the developers.

  61. The black box testing is performed by QA team and end user and programming knowledge is not required.
    White box testing is performed by the developer to check the code . The programs and the interfaces between the programs are conducted by the developers.

  62. 1. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    White Box Testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between programs. It is done by the developers. The White box testing also know as Structural testing because the internal structure of the software program components are tested.

    Black Box Testing is done by QA and end users. Software is develop at this stage of the testing. Not the programs but the software behavior is being tested to identify the defects and system compliance

  63. 1. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    Black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users, to test functionality, compliance and usability, and identify any defects. White box testing also known as structural testing is performed by developers to test the program or component level and interfaces between the programs, and the functional and non functional features. The two white box testing techniques that are widely used are 1) Statement testing and 2) Decision testing

  64. Difference between white box testing and black box testing:
    1.Black box testing is performed by the QA team and end user. Where as white box testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs, which is conducted by the developer.
    2.In black box testing implementation knowledge is no required, where as in white box the knowledge of implementation is required.
    3.Black box testing can be referred as outer or external testing. White box testing is a inner or internal software testing.
    4. Black box testing is functional test of software. White box testing is structural test of software.
    5. In black box testing programming skills is not required. In white box testing it is mandatory to have programming knowledge.

  65. The difference between white box and black box testing are-
    -White Box Testing:
    a. Performed by the Developer
    b. software testing is performed at the program or component level and interferes between the
    c. The functional and non-functional features can be tested.
    d. It has two testing techniques:
    1. statement testing 2. decision testing
    – Black box testing:
    a. Performed by the QA team and end users
    b. Software behaviour is tested to identify the defects and
    system compliance by the qa team
    c. End users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the s/w
    d. It has no other techniques to test

  66. 1. black box testing is the known a behavioral or specification based testing to be done by testers and users with out looking at the internal code structure, Its a process of testing the functionality of the software according to the specification or requirement given.
    2. Whit box testing is the structural testing done by program at unit level. its based on application internal code structure

  67. white box testing: is testing base on application internal code structure. this kind of testing is at the program unit level since it requires coding skill.

    Black box testing: its a behavioral or specification based testing, its a software testing method which tests or evaluate the functionality of the software according to the given requirement or specification.

    The dynamic testing can be either white box testing or black box testing.
    Black box testing:
    The black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users. The software behaviour is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the QA team.
    White box testing:
    The white box software testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs. The white box testing is also known as structural testing because the internal structure of the software program components are tested.Two testing techniques of white box testing that are widely used are:
    Statement testing:
    The testing of the statements executable in the code or program is called statement testing.
    Decision testing:
    The decision testing is also called branch testing.

  69. Whitebox testing: The white box testing are performed by the developers at the programming level in the development environment. There are two types of whitebox testing: unit or component testing and interface testing. Unit or component testing is done to test each unit or code to detect defects and also defects are immediately repaired. The interface testing is done to check the interfaces between components. There are two types of interface testing: component interface testing and system interface testing. Whitebox testing are also call structural testing as it is use to test the structures of the software.

    Blackbox Testing: The blackbox testing are performed by the QAs and the end users. There are two types of blackbox testing: System testing and User acceptance testing. System testing is performed by the QAs to identify defects in the overall system as a whole and defects are reported to developers. UAT or user acceptance testing are performed by the end users to check the overall performance of the system. If the test is performed within IT environment then they are called alpha testing and if in the real time then called beta testing or field testing.

  70. Difference between White box and black box testing —
    . Programming knowledge is not needed for the black box testing.
    . It is also known as a data driven testing, box testing and Functional testing system under check.
    . Implementation knowledge is not requiring during black box testing
    . The main objective of the testing to check the functionality of the software.

    . Programming knowledge must require for the white box testing .
    . It is also called structural testing, clear box testing, code-based testing, or glass box testing.
    . Complete understanding needs for Implement the white box testing .
    . The main objective of white box testing is done to check the quality of the code.

  71. White box testings are conducted by Developers Whereas the Black box testings are conducted by QA team and users
    White Box testing are conducted to test the internal structure of a software program on the other hand the Black box testing is conducted to check the behavior and the usability of the software

  72. 1.White box testings are conducted by Developers Whereas the Black box testings are conducted by QA team and users.

    2. White Box testing requires coding and programming knowledge whereas Black Box testing doesn’t require the same.

    3. White Box testing are conducted to test the internal structure of a software program on the other hand the Black box testing is conducted to check the behavior and the usability of the software.

  73. 1.White box testing is done by the developers Whereas the Black box testings are conducted by QA team and users

    2. WhiteBox testing requires coding and programming knowlege whereas Black Box testing doesn’t require the same

    3. White Box testing are conducted to test the internal structure of a software program on the other hand the Black box testing is conducted to check the behaviour and the usability of the software

  74. Difference between white box testing and black box testing:

    Black Box Testing: is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is not known to the tester.

    White Box Testing: is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being tested is known to the tester. The two testing techniques of white box testing that are widely used are:
    Statement testing & Decision testing.

  75. Black box testing: In Black-box testing, a tester doesn’t have any information about the internal working of the software system. Black box testing is a high level of testing that focuses on the behavior of the software. It involves testing from an external or end-user perspective. Black box testing can be applied to virtually every level of software testing: unit, integration, system, and acceptance.

    White box testing: White-box testing is a testing technique that checks the internal functioning of the system. In this method, testing is based on coverage of code statements, branches, paths, or conditions. White-Box testing is considered as low-level testing. It is also called a glass box, transparent box, clear box, or codebase testing. The white-box Testing method assumes that the path of the logic in a unit or program is known.

  76. Black box testing is done by the QA team and end users. The code of the application is not seen, and the testers are looking for defects and to ensure requirements are met. White box testing is conducted by the developers. They can see the code and use statement testing and decision testing techniques.

  77. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    The black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users. The software behavior is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the QA team. The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.
    The white box software testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs. It is conducted by developers.

  78. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing?

    white box testing is performed by developer/programer, it is visible
    black box testing is performed QA team. its not visible outside

    Black Box Testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/
    implementation of the item being tested is not known to the tester.
    White Box Testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure/ design/
    implementation of the item being tested is known to the tester.

  79. White box testing:

    White box testing is done by the developer with different unit/component. It can be functional or non functional testing. This testing can be done with coding knowledge.
    The two different white box testing are statement testing and decision testing.

  80. 3.Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    Black Box testing:-Testing is an Application Under Test (AUT) without referencing the internal structure is called the black box testing.
    The main objective of the tester is to identify the functionality/behavior of the testing.It is performed by testers
    using only GUI,hence no coding knowledge required.Test cases should be written based on the requirement specifications.
    White box testing:-
    Tesing an application with reference of the internal structure of the software component is called white box testing.
    The main objective of the tester is to test the infrastructure of the application.This is done by software developers and can be
    done at the early satge before the GUI gets ready, hence it requires coding knowledge.Test cases should be written based on the
    Detailed Design Document.
    Conclusion:-A tester should be able to identify how much testing can be done either in the black box or in the white box testing
    to certify that an application is working as expected.

  81. 1. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    White box testing is conducted by the developers and is performed on the program level. Includes 2 types of testing: statement & Decision.
    Black box testing is conducted by the QA team and end user, the software behavior is tested as well as the usability.

  82. Black box testing is done by QA team and end user and the tester does not need to know the code. It is done to identify the defects and system compliance but white box testing evaluates the code and internal structure of a program. It could be done in unit, integrated or system testing stages of a software.

  83. White box testing is performed by developers and also its called structural testing because of the internal structure of the software program components are tested
    Black box testing is performed by QA team and end users, software behavior is tested to identify the defects and compliance

  84. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    Black box testing Identify the defects and system compliance by the qa team. The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software. The white box software testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs.

  85. 1. Identify the difference between white box testing and black box testing.
    White Box Testing
    White Box testing is performed at the program level and interfaces between the programs. The programs and interfaces between the programs are conducted by the developers. The functional and non functional features can be tested.
    The two testing techniques of white box testing that are widely used are
    Statement Testing
    Decision Testing
    Black Box Testing
    The Black Box testing is performed by the QA team and end users. The software behavior is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the QA team. The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.

  86. 3. Black Box Testing is also known as Input Output Testing. It is tested by the QA and the users/clients. It tests the behavior of the software to find defects.

    White box Testing is tested by developers to check the internal aspect of the software. Statement testing and decision testing are the 2 techniques under the white box testing. The programming aspect is the major difference in White Box Testing.

  87. 3. White box testing- is testing of the internal software, done by the software developers. Knowledge of the internal structure/ codes are necessary.

    Blackbox testing – is also known as internal/ external testing. It is used to test the behaviour of the software. It is usually tested by the QA and end users

  88. Black Box Testing is performed by the QA team and end users. In White Box Testing it involves programs, component level or interfaces in the program hence it is mainly performed by the developers .In Black Box Testing the software behavior is tested to identify the defects and system compliance also known as behavioural testing. The white Box Testing is also known as Structural testing as the internal structure of the software program components are tested.

  89. The black box testing is performed by the QA team and end users. The software behavior is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the QA team. The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.

    The white box software testing is performed at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs. The programs and interfaces between the programs are conducted by the developers. The functional and non functional features can be tested. The white box testing is also known as structural testing because the internal structure of the software program components are tested.

  90. White Box Testing is performed at the program level and interfaces between the programs.
    Functional and Non Functional features can be tested and the internal structure of the software program components are tested. It is done by two testing techniques Statement Testing and Decision Testing.
    Black Box Testing is performed by QA team and End Users. The software behaviour is tested to identify the defects and system compliance by the QA team. The end users test the usability of the software for the acceptance of the software.

  91. Difference between black box testing and white box testing:
    Black box testing: In this process we are testing the behavior of the software. It is done by QA team.
    White box testing: In this process we are testing the software. It is done by developers. The software testing is done by unit testing and integration testing. The developers also do the statement testing and decision testing.

  92. Difference between black box and white box testing

    In Black box testing the software external behavior is tested to check the functionality of the application according to the specification requirement. In black box testing the internal behavior and the design of the application is unknown to the tester.

    This type of testing does not require any programming knowledge and it can be performed by a developer, QA team, and a customer who acts as an end user.
    Since the tester and a developer are dependent on each other it is difficult to automate black box testing.

    It is used for system testing and user acceptance testing.
    It is also known as functional testing, data driven testing, and box testing.

    In white box testing the internal structure of the software program component is tested to verify the code quality and functions of the application under test. In white box testing the internal behavior and the design of the application is known to the tester (developer).

    This type of testing requires programming knowledge and since the developer performs the white box testing themselves, it is easy to automate it

    It is used for unit testing and integration testing.
    It is also known as clear box, glass box, structural and code based testing.

  93. Differences between the white box testing and black box testing
    Black box testing: It is software testing in which the internal structure or program or code is hidden. Implementation of code is not needed. It’s a functional software mostly done by testers. It is the behavior test of the software and applicable to the higher levels of the software. It can be done by trial-and-error ways and methods.
    White box testing: It is a way of testing the software in which the tester has knowledge about the internal structure or the code or the program of the software. Code implementation is necessary. It’s a structural software mostly done by developers. It is the logic testing of the software and applicable to the lower levels of the software. Data domains along with inner or internal boundaries can be better tested.

  94. Black box testing means functional test or external testing. It is done by the QA team and end users.

    White box testing means structural test or interior testing. It also includes statement testing and decision testing.

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