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Grey box testing is also called as grey box analysis which is a strategy of software debugging.  It is based on black box testing and white box testing. It is a technique where test of a software product is done with the partial knowledge of the internal process of a system. Grey box testing is a process where errors related to web systems are identified first. Generally it is a combination of black box testing and white box testing.

In white box testing internal structure is known

In black box testing internal structure of system is unknown

In grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known


grey box testing
grey box testing


Grey box testing tests the both sides of an application, presentation layer and code part. It is performed for the below reasons

  • It provides benefits of black box testing and white box testing.
  • It combines the inputs of both developers and testers and provides a better quality result.
  • It reduces the all over long process of functional and non functional types.
  • It provides a lot of free time for a developer to correct his errors.
  • Testing is conducted from user’s point of view apart from designer’s point of view.

The techniques used in grey box testing are:

Matrix testing:

It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.

Regression testing:

To check whether the new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.

Pattern testing:

Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure.

It is named as Grey box testing because the product which has to be tested by a tester is like a grey box which is translucent box where the tester sees partially in it. The tester will not require the access to the code that is why grey box testing is unbiased and non-intrusive. To test web service application grey box testing is usually used.

Check your understanding:

  1. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
  2. What are the techniques used in grey box testing?

44 Responses

  1. 1.Grey box testing is different from black box testing and white box testing.
    Grey box testing is a process where errors related to web systems are identified first. Generally it is a combination of black box testing and white box testing.In white box testing internal structure is known,In black box testing internal structure of system is unknown, where In grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known.
    2. The techniques are Matrix testing,pattern testing and regression testing.

  2. 1. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    • Grey box testing is based on black box testing and white box testing. It is a technique where test of a software product is done with the partial knowledge of the internal process of a system.
    • In white box testing internal structure is known
    • In black box testing internal structure of system is unknown

    2. What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    • Matrix testing
    • Regression testing
    • Pattern testing

  3. Grey box testing is testing of software with partial knowledge of internal structure of system whereas black box testing is testing software without knowledge of system. White box testing is testing software with internal knowledge.
    techniques of grey box testing:
    Matrix testing:
    It defines all the variables of software designed by the developer.
    Regression testing:
    It tests if any new defects are introduced into the system due to changes in software or its environment.
    Pattern testing:
    Tester accesses depth of code for testing and determines the cause of failure.

  4. 1.How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    “Grey box” testing is based on white box testing and black box testing. In gray box testing internal structure of system is partially known and in white box testing internal structure is completely known whereas in black box testing internal structure of system is unknown.
    2.What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    Matrix testing
    Pattern testing
    Regression testing

  5. Q. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    – In white box testing internal structure is known and in black box testing internal structure of system is unknown. On the other hand, in grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known.

    Q. What are the techniques used in grey box testing?

    – Matrix testing: It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.

    – Regression testing: To check whether the new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.

    – Pattern testing: Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure.

  6. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    In Grey box testing internal structural is partially known where In Black box testing internal structural is not unknown. But In White box testing all the internal structural are known.
    What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    >Pattern testing
    >Regression testing
    >Matrix testing

  7. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    In white box testing internal structure is known, in black box testing the internal structure is unknown where as in grey box testing the internal structure is partially known.
    What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    1.Matrix testing.
    2.Pattern testing.
    3.Regression Testing.

  8. 1. Grey Box testing is where the testing is done with partial knowledge of code part and the presentation part of the software. It
    is combination of both partially white box and black box testing.
    2. The techniques used in Grey box testing:
    Matrix testing, Regression testing and Pattern testing

  9. 1.How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?

    Grey Box testing test both the sides of an application the presentation layer and the code part.
    Grey box testing is a combination of black box testing and white box testing.
    In white box testing internal structure is known.
    In black box testing internal structure of system is unknown.
    In grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known.

    2.What are the techniques used in grey box testing?

    Matrix testing: It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.

    Regression testing: To check whether the new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.

    Pattern testing: Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure.

  10. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    In Grey box testing the internal structure is partially known to the tester.
    In white box testing the internal structure is known to the tester whereas in black box testing the internal structure is totally unknown to the tester.

    What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    -Matrix testing
    -Regression testing
    -Pattern testing

  11. 1.How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    _ Grey Box Testing is a combination of Both White and Black Box testing. In Grey box testing we have only a partial view or partial knowledge of the internal structure of the programme. But in Black box testing we no need to have the code or programme knowledge. In White box testing normally done by the developers should have the knowledge of internal code.

    2. What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    – In Grey Box we have
    * Matrix testing – we test every variable of the programme
    * Regression testing – we test any new defects introduced in the new version software
    * Pattern Testing –

  12. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    Grey-box testing is a testing approach when the testers have only a partial access to the internal structure. Often it includes databases and the information about algorithms used, though it depends on the case. Still, testing is done from the point of view of an ordinary user like in the case of black-box testing.

    What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    The test design techniques based on grey box testing:
    o matrix testing
    o regression testing
    o orthogonal array testing
    o pattern testing

  13. 1. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    -Grey box testing is testing of software with partial knowledge of internal structure of system whereas black box testing is testing software where system knowledge is unknown.. White box testing is testing software with internal knowledge.
    2. What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    -There are three types of techniques used in Grey box testings….
    a. Matrix Testing = It defines all the variables of software designed by the developer.
    b. Regression testings = is done to check if any new defects are introduced into the system due to changes in software or its environment.
    c. Pattern testing = it is done to determine the causes of failure of any codes

  14. 1. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    In white box testing internal structure is known, in black box testing internal structure of system is unknown while in grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known.

    2. What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    The techniques used in grey box testing are:
    Matrix testing:
    It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.
    Regression testing:
    To check whether the new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.
    Pattern testing:
    Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure.

  15. 1. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    In White box testing the tester should know the internal structure of the system or the coding for the application.
    In black Box testing the internal structure of the system is unknown.
    But in Grey box testing the tester should know partial internal structure of the system and errors related to web system are identified first. Therefore, it is a combination of both white box and black box testing.

    2. What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    The techniques used in grey box are
    1. Matrix testing: It defines all the variables of the programs which are designed by developers.
    2. Regression Testing: It is the process of initial testing to check if there are any new bugs or defects introduced due to the change in previous program or version and software environment.
    3. Pattern Testing: Unlike the black box testing the grey box testing reachs the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure.

  16. 1. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    Grey box testing is combination of white box and black box testing. It has partial knowledge of design or presentation layer and partial knowledge of coding or internal part.

    2. What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    1. Matrix testing:
    It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.
    2. Regression testing:
    To check whether the new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.
    3. Pattern testing:
    Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure.

  17. In white box testing internal structure is known, in black box testing internal structure is unknown.
    But in grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known
    The techniques used in grey box testing are: Matrix testing, regression testing and pattern testing.

    In grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known

  18. 1.How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    In white box testing internal structure is known .In Black box testing internal structure of system is unknown.
    In grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known. Grey box testing tests the both sides of an application, presentation layer and code part.
    2.What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    The techniqlues used in Grey box testing are
    >Matrix testing
    >Regression testing
    >Pattern testing

  19. White Box testing is done at the program or component level and interfaces between the programs while developers still conducting the programs and interfaces between the programs. It is also known as structural testing because the internal structure of the software program components is tested.
    Black Box testing is done by the QA team and end users. They do not have any knowledge about the internal structure of the system.
    Grey Box testing is a software debugging strategy. It is a combination of White Box testing and Black Box testing. Like its name Grey Box Testing has the characteristics of Black Box and White Box testing that has made this kind translucent where you can have the partial knowledge of internal system but can’t access the code but errors related to web systems are identified first.
    The Techniques used in the Grey Box testing are,
    Matrix Testing: The developers design all variables for testing.
    Regression testing: It checks if a new defect has developed in the program due to the change in the previous version of the program and software environment.
    Pattern testing: Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure.

  20. 1. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    Grey box testing is the combination of white and black box testing.
    In white box testing internal structure is known
    In black box testing internal structure of system is unknown
    In grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known.
    2. The techniques used in grey box testing are:
    It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.
    To check whether the new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.
    Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure.
    It is named as Grey box testing because the product which has to be tested by a tester is like a grey box which is translucent box where the tester sees partially in it. The tester will not require the access to the code that is why grey box testing is unbiased and non-intrusive. To test web service application grey box testing is usually used.

  21. 1.The Grey Box Testing is different in a way that it is internal structure is partially known whereas in white box testing the internal structure is known where as in black box testing the internal structure is unknown.
    2.The different techniques used are:
    a.Matrix Testing:It defines all the variable in the programs which are design by developers.
    b.Regression Testing:Due to the change in the previous programs or software environment to check new defects are introduce.
    c.Pattern Testing:It is done to reach the depth of program code and determine the cause of a failure.

  22. 1.Grey box testing is testing of software with partial knowledge of internal structure of system whereas black box testing is testing software without knowledge of system. White box testing is testing software with internal knowledge.
    2.Matrix testing, regression testing, pattern testing

  23. 1. Grey box testing is differ from black box and white box testing. In White box testing, developer know the actual code to do the testing. In black box testing, tester doesn’t know about the code but he should know full functionality of particular software or domain. Grey box testing is the combination of both white box and black box testing.In grey box testing, tester has partial knowledge of internal structure and detail knowledge about functionality of the product.

    2. techniques used in grey box testing are:
    1.Matrix testing
    2.Regression testing
    3.Pattern testing

  24. Q1
    Grey box testing, also called as grey box analysis is a strategy of software debugging. It is based on black box testing and white box testing. It is a technique where test of a software product is done with the partial knowledge of the internal process of a system. Grey box testing is a process where errors related to web systems are identified first. Generally it is a combination of black box testing and white box testing.
    Grey box testing tests the both sides of an application, presentation layer and code part. It is performed for the following reasons:
    • It provides benefits of black box testing and white box testing.
    • It combines the inputs of both developers and testers and provides a better quality result.
    • It reduces the all over long process of functional and non-functional types.
    • It provides a lot of free time for a developer to correct his errors.
    • Testing is conducted from user’s point of view apart from designer’s point of view.

    The techniques used in grey box testing are:
    Matrix testing:
    It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.
    Regression testing:
    To check whether any new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.
    Pattern testing:
    Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure. It is named as Grey box testing because the product which has to be tested by a tester is like a grey box which is translucent box where the tester sees partially in it. The tester will not require the access to the code that is why grey box testing is unbiased and non-intrusive. To test web service application grey box testing is usually used.

  25. 1.Grey box testing is a process where errors related to web systems are identified first. Generally it is a combination of black box testing and white box testing.
    In white box testing internal structure is known
    In black box testing internal structure of system is unknown
    In grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known
    2. Different techniques used in gray box testing are:
    Matrix testing, regression testing, pattern testing.

  26. Grey box testing is also called as grey box analysis which is a strategy of software debugging. It is based on black box testing and white box testing. It is a technique where test of a software product is done with the partial knowledge of the internal process of a system. Grey box testing is a process where errors related to web systems are identified first. Generally it is a combination of black box testing and white box testing.

    The techniques used in grey box testing are:
    – Matrix testing:
    It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.
    – Regression testing:
    To check whether any new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.
    – Pattern testing:
    Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure. It is named as Grey box testing because the product which has to be tested by a tester is like a grey box which is translucent box where the tester sees partially in it. The tester will not require the access to the code that is why grey box testing is unbiased and non-intrusive.

  27. Grey box testing tests the both sides of an application, presentation layer and code part. It is performed for the below reasons
    It provides benefits of black box testing and white box testing.
    It combines the inputs of both developers and testers and provides a better quality result.
    It reduces the all over long process of functional and non functional types.
    It provides a lot of free time for a developer to correct his errors.
    Testing is conducted from user’s point of view apart from designer’s point of view.
    Matrix testing:
    It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.
    Regression testing:
    To check whether the new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.
    Pattern testing:
    Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure.

  28. 1. Grey box testing which is also called as grey box analysis is a strategy of software debugging. grey box testing is done based
    on black box testing and white box testing. in black box testing the tester doesn’t know the internal working of application
    where as in white box testing the testing is performed on source code and architecture of the system and the tester will have
    complete knowledge of internal working system.
    Grey box testing is done based on white box testing and black box testing where the tester will have partial knowledge of the
    internal working system. Grey box testing will provide the benefits of black box testing and white box testing.
    2. Grey Box Testing techniques:
    – Matrix Testing: states the status report of the project.
    – Regression testing: it implies rerunning of the test cases if new changes are made.
    – Pattern Testing: verify the good application for its design or architecture and patterns.

  29. 1) Grey box testing is a process where errors related to web systems are identified first. Generally, it is a combination of black box testing and white box testing. Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure. It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers. It combines the inputs of both developers and testers and provides a better-quality result.
    2) A) Matrix testing: It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.
    B) Regression testing: To check whether the new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.
    C) Pattern testing: Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure.

  30. 1)Grey box testing is strategy of debugging. It is combination of White box testing and Black box testing. Where the internal process of system is partially known.
    2) techniques are
    1) matrix testing: Defines all variables in program designed by developers.
    2)Regression Testing:New defects are checked due to change in previous version of programs and software environment.
    3)Pattern Testing: Testing ensures depth of program code and determines cause of failure.

  31. 1. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    White box testing is testing done by Developers and mainly the programs or codes are tested. Black box testing is testing done by Testers and mainly the application or functions. Grey box testing is a combination of testing done by both developers and testers where both sides of each application of software (code and functionality) are tested. It provides a better quality to the final product by testing software from both user’s and developer’s perspective.
    2. What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    Techniques used in grey box testing are:
    Matrix testing, Regression testing and Pattern testing.

  32. 1.How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    a.In grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known where as in white box testing internal structure is known and in black box testing internal structure of system is unknown.
    b.Grey box testing tests the both sides of an application, presentation layer and code part.
    c.It provides benefits of black box testing and white box testing.

    2.What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    a.Matrix testing
    b.Regression testing
    c.Pattern testing

  33. Grey box testing is the combination of black box and white box testing, it is a process used for software debugging. It test the software product with partial knowledge of the internal process of system. It identifies the errors related to web system.
    In White box testing the internal structure is known
    In black box testing is internal structure is unknown
    In grey box testing the internal structure is partially known.
    It provide the benefits of white and black box testing
    It combines the data from testers and developers to give better results
    It gives enough time to developers to fix the errors
    It test the software process in user pint of view not design point of view
    It reduces the long process of functional and non functional types
    2) Techniques
    Matrix testing- It defines the variables present in the program developed by developer
    Regression testing- it is to check if the new defects are present in the software due to changes in the previuos version of the software environment
    Pattern testing- Unlike black box testing, it goes to the depth of the program code and find outs the failures.

  34. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    Grey box testing is combination of white box and black box testing. It has partial knowledge of design or presentation layer and partial knowledge of coding or internal part. if its only white box testing, internal structure is known, and in black box testing internal structure is not known.

    What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    Regression testing, Pattern testing, matrix testing

  35. 1. Grey box testing is a technique where test of a software product is done with the partial knowledge of the internal process of a system.

    2. The techniques used in grey box testing are:
    -Matrix testing
    -Regression testing
    -Pattern testing

  36. 1.Grey box testing is a technique where the test of a software done with the partial knowledge of the internal process of a system & it is a process where error related to web based systems are identified first, it is a combination of white box testing & black box testing, in white box testing the internal structure of the system is known,in Black box testing the internal structure of the system is unknown & for grey box testing the internal structure is partially known
    2. matrix testing- defines all variables in the programs designed by developers
    Regression testing- to find out any new errors affected or not while new version of the software updated
    Pattern testing- reaches the depth of the program code & determines the cause of the failure

  37. Difference between Grey box testing and White box testing and Black box testing:
    In grey box testing internal structure of system is partially known whereas in white box testing internal structure is known and In black box testing internal structure of system is unknown.
    The techniques used in grey box testing are:
    – Matrix testing:
    It defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.
    – Regression testing:
    To check whether any new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.
    – Pattern testing:
    Unlike black box testing the grey box testing reaches to the depth of the program code and determines the cause for the failure. It is named as Grey box testing because the product which has to be tested by a tester is like a grey box which is translucent box where the tester sees partially in it. The tester will not require the access to the code that is why grey box testing is unbiased and non-intrusive.

  38. In Grey box testing, testers have Partial knowledge of the internal structure, whereas in White Box testing there is complete knowledge of the internal structure and in Black Box Testing there is NO knowledge of the internal structure.
    In Grey box testing – the tester and developer work hand in hand to get to the root of the problem.

  39. How Grey box testing is different from white box and black box testing?
    The grey box testing is based on white box testing and black box testing or we can say its is the combination of white box and black box testing

    What are the techniques used in grey box testing?
    white box testing – this type of testing is done by the developer it has unit testing and interrogation testing
    Black box testing – this type of testing done by the QA this testing contain a hole process of STLC .

  40. Grey box testing is to test software product with the partial knowledge of the internal process of a system. It is a software debugging strategy. It is a combination of black box testing and white box testing.

    Pattern testing
    Matrix testing
    Regression testing

  41. In white box testing, you see the code, and in black box testing you do not. Gray box is a combo of the two where the tester has partial knowledge of the internal structure. The techniques used are matrix testing (defining all the variables), regression testing (checking if new defects are introduced by fixes), and pattern testing.

  42. Grey box testing is a technique used to test both sides of an application presentation layer and code part. It is known as a combination of white box testing and black box testing.
    Different techniques used in grey box testing are:
    Matrix testing.
    Regression testing.
    Pattern testing.

  43. Grey box testing is a combination of white box and black box testing. The difference is in Grey box testing, the internal structure is partially known unlike in white box testing where the internal structure is known and in black box testing where the internal structure is unknown. Grey Box Testing = White box testing + Black Box Testing
    Grey Box testing: internal structure is partially known
    White Box Testing: internal structure is known
    Black Box Testing: the internal structure is unknown

  44. Grey box testing is a combination of white box and black box testing. The difference is in Grey box testing, the internal structure is partially known unlike in white box testing where the internal structure is known and in black box testing where the internal structure is unknown. Grey Box Testing = White box testing + Black Box Testing
    Grey Box testing: internal structure is partially known
    White Box Testing: internal structure is known
    Black Box Testing: the internal structure is unknown
    Techniques used in grey box testing:
    The techniques used in grey box testing are: Matrix Testing, Regression Testing, Pattern Testing. Matrix testing: defines all the variables in the programs which are designed by developers.
    Regression testing: checks whether new defects are introduced in the software due to the change in the previous version of program and software environment.
    Pattern testing: checks the software to the depth of program code and determines the
    cause of failure.

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