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There are more than hundred different software testing variations that can be listed. The list is available at the below links:

types of testing – set1

types of testing – set2

In this article, two of the types – compliance testing and unit testing are described.


Compliance testing is also called as conformance testing. It is a testing technique or method where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools and methods. Then sent to the concerned organisation (eg: IEEE) to check that the software meets a set of Standards. Once certified with that to release to the production. In general it is a validation of system’s processes and operational outcomes which comply to the rules and regulations. For example a credit card agency tests its service compliance with the security regulations.


Unit testing is technique of testing each smallest unit – a program independently. Developer does the unit testing as it involves one or two input and one output. A smallest part of code that is in workable condition is referred as units and the testing done to those units termed as unit testing. All syntactic errors are removed here. This testing is done prior to the integration testing . It improves the reusable capacity of the code and increases the confidence in the code changes they are made less interdependent. As the testing is conducted at every part or unit of the code the effort to find and fix the defects is less. The main goal of unit testing is to cut off each part of code and show that the individual portion of the code works correctly. For Example: we are testing a function with a condition or loop whether it works correctly or not. There are different tools to do unit testing for different software languages like JUNIT for java programming languages an XUNIT is for ASP, C#, C++ etc. The unit testing is conducted by the developers.

Unit testing is a white box testing. The test design techniques like statement coverage and decision coverage are used to perform the unit testing.

Check your understanding: 

1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.

53 Responses

  1. Ans.: The example of the scenarios / software for each of above different of testing:
     Compliance Testing: Compliance testing is also called as conformance testing. It is a testing technique or method where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools and methods. For example a credit card agency tests its service compliance with the security regulations.
     Unit Testing: Unit testing is technique of testing each smallest unit – a program independently. For Example: we are testing a function with a condition or loop whether it works correctly or not.

  2. Compliance testing : For example gmail application is tested in all the steps by Developers and QA using different tools ,then it is sent to the Gmail organization for compliance of the standards ,once approved it is ready for production.
    Unit Testing : it is done by developers as they create a small unit using code and then they test it ,example developers create a code for gmail log in and then they test its performance.

  3. The examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing:
    Compliance Testing : For example Net Banking websites tests its service compliance with the security regulations.
    Unit Testing : Writing Test cases for application programs using JUNIT for java application .

  4. Compliance testing or conformance testing: tests the application after complete development to check that the software meets a set of standards, rules, regulations. Example of the credit card agency tests its service compliance with the security regulation.
    Unit testing: tests the smallest unit by developers. the test is done at every part of the unit of the code to find and fix the defects. example of testing a function with a condition or a loop to find out if it works correctly.

  5. Compliance or conformance testing – where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools and methods and sent to concerned organisation to check the software meets a set of standards.
    eg. credit card agency tests its service compliance with the security regulations

    Unit testing – testing each small unit or program independently prior to integration testing. it is a white box testing and done by developers.
    Techniques like statement coverage and decision coverage are used to perform the unit testing.

  6. Compliance testing: Also known as conformation testing. It is validation of systems processes & operational outcomes which comply to the rules and regulations.
    Eg: Credit card agency test its service compliance with the security regulations.
    Unit testing: Testing is done to the smallest part of the code that is in workable condition which is referred as units. All syntax errors are removed here. It is done prior to integration testing. Main goal is to show individual portion of the code works correctly.
    Eg: Testing a function; whether loop or statement in a program is working properly or not.

  7. Compliance testing is when an application which is completely developed and tested will be sent to the compliance organization to check the software if it meets the rules and regulations. For example is the credit card services app, this will be sent to the security regulations to make sure it passes on the regulations.
    Unit testing is when testing for the smallest unit of the program/software. An example is the developer is testing a function with a condition or a loop in the program.

  8. Compliance Testing: It is a testing technique or method where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools and methods. there they check whether software meets set of standards. it is a validation of system’s processes and operational outcomes which comply to the rules and regulations. For example a credit card agency tests its service compliance with the security regulations like giving message alert to the person when the amount paid through the card.,etc.,
    Unit testing: it is technique of testing each smallest unit – a program independently. Developer does the unit testing as it involves one or two input and one output. A smallest part of code that is in workable condition is referred as units and the testing done to those units termed as unit testing.Syntactic errors are removed here.There are different tools to do unit testing for different software languages like JUNIT for java programming languages an XUNIT is for ASP, C#, C++ etc.

  9. Compliance/conformance testing: it is testing of software to check its compliance with respective rules and regulations.
    Eg: credit card company checks it’s service compliance with security regulations.
    Unit testing is testing each program/unit individually. It makes finding and fixing defects easy like syntax errors.
    Eg: code that contains a loop or condition is unit tested.

  10. Compliance Testing: Some IT group is working to develop the software for the Insurance company. After the development and testing the software, they send this to the insurance company to validate the software’s standard. Once certified with their standard software is ready to release for real users.
    Unit Testing: Unit testing is done by developers on the smallest unit of the program to check all the code are written in that program is correct or there is some syntax error.

  11. Examples:
    Compliance testing – Social Security information needs to be tested by the agency for security reasons
    Unit testing – A social security number in an application form needs to meet its requirements to be accepted

  12. Compliance testing: testing where the software once completely developed and tested is sent to to be tested meet the particular security standards.
    eg, credit cards sent to verify the security features.

    Unit testing: testing mainly done by developers to check the proper functioning of the codes.
    eg, gmail login opens with username and password

  13. Compliance Testing: EX: In healthcare, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) includes an administrative simplification section, which mandates protecting the information assets of patients.
    Unit testing: EX: The main aim is to isolate each unit of the system to identify, analyze and fix the defects. So, each code is isolated i.e. if a loop or a condition is presented in the code, then that exact unit is tested if it works correctly.

  14. Compliance Testing: This conformity assessment testing is done to make the software adheres to rules and regulations set out by IEE standard security frameworks. For examples, a social site application to secure customer’s personal information.
    While Unit Testing refers to developers testing pieces of codes statements with various individual conditions. Different programming language are used such as Java, C++ and more. Example could be of “If and Then statement, Loops, function, class etc…

  15. Compliance testing is done when whole application is developed. Then sent to certification and ready to release
    eg: validation of shopping website with all the rules and regulations
    The smallest testable component that a programmer developed during the development of whole
    software application is called unit and testing of that is called unit testing.
    eg: clicking location icon on navigation bar takes to store location page.

  16. Compliance testing is a technique of an application after completly developed and tested with others tools and methods, and sent to verify if the software met a set of standards. Eg: a credit card agency tests its service compliance with the security regulations.
    Unit testing tests each smallest unit independatly. developers do the testing of the smallest part of code with different tools. Eg: Gmail, login funtionality.

    It is a type of testing to determine the compliance of a system with internal or external standards.
    It is also known as conformance testing, regulation testing, standards testing.
    Ex: a web application development company might set the standard that all webpages must be responsive.
    Unit testing:
    it is technique of testing each smallest unit – a program independently.
    Ex: gamming applications, each unit might be every feature of the game or every stage.

  18. 1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.

    Compliance Testing- it is a validation of system’s processes and operational outcomes which comply to the rules and regulations
    Eg-Online bill payment system -The agency tests its service compliance with the security and privacy regulations.
    Unit Testing- technique of testing each smallest unit – a program independently
    Eg-Testing the deposit application in a banking software.

  19. Compliance Testing:It is also known as conformance testing.In it product ,process or services complies with requirement of specification, technical standard etc.Eg:online banking tests all functionalities such as bill payment, credit cards, money transfers etc meets the security and privacy regulation of the user’s.
    Unit Testing:It is also called component testing.All the programs in different computers integrated is called unit testing.Eg:each program is tested independently such as in gmail, functionalities like login, send,forward mail etc are tested before integration testing.

  20. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing
    Compliance Testing is also called as conformance testing. In this method of testing the application which is completely developed and tested sent to concerned organization to determine whether it meets the set of standards .For example A driver less car undergoes extensive testing to ensure compliance with rules of the road under likely conditions and scenarios.
    Unit Testing is a type of testing in which smallest testable parts of an application called units are individually and independently scrutinized for proper operation. This testing is done by the Developers. For example NUnit is widely used unit testing framework use for all .net languages. It is an open source tool which allows writing scripts manually. It supports data driven tests which can run in parallel.

  21. Compliance testing example: Health and Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has a set regulations for the healthcare industry. This kind if testing can be done by an external organization and it results in some sort of compliance certification.

    Unit testing example: Let’s say you have a system that has two units. By performing unit testing, you will test unit one and find issues and fix it. You’ll test unit 2 and fix any issues you find during testing. This test is done by developers.

  22. Compliance or conformance testing – where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools and methods and sent to concerned organisation to check the software meets a set of standards.
    eg. credit card agency tests its service compliance with the security regulations

    Unit testing – testing each small unit or program independently prior to integration testing. it is a white box testing and done by developers.
    Techniques like statement coverage and decision coverage are used to perform the unit testing.

  23. 1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    Compliance or Conformance Testing
    In this type of testing after the software is developed and all the software testing using different tools and methods is done. The software is sent to the concerned organization (eg-IEEE) where it is checked if it meets the standards. Once the software is certified it is released to the production. Example:
    ~credit card agency Tests its services are compliant with the privacy regulations.
    ~a food processing facility audits its food safety procedures.
    Unit testing
    Each and every program is tested independently. The main purpose is the individual code should work correctly. It is a type of white box testing and is done by the developer. Different tools are used for different programming languages like JUNIT for java programming, XUNIT for ASP, C++ etc. Decision testing and statement coverage testing are the testing techniques used in unit testing. It is done before the integration testing.
    Example- a function or loop or statement or condition etc is tested

  24. Let us consider an Example online Banking :
    Compliance testing test the banking techniques and methods where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools , then sent to concerned organization to check that the software meets the set of standards .Once certified with that release to the production.

    Unit testing test the small units of programs after developing those components . For example in online banking after developing the login portal screen, the user name, password and forgot password are validated and tested by developer.

  25. Compliance testing is a testing technique or method where the application is developed and tested with the testing tools and methods. this validates , weather the system developed meets the organization’s prescribed standards or not. Once certified the product is released to the production. For example a credit card agency tests its service compliance with the security regulations.
    Unit testing is a level of software testing where individual units/ components of a software are tested. The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software performs as designed. A unit is the smallest testable part of any software and has one or two inputs and one output. As the testing is conducted at ee the effort to find and fix the defects is less. The purpose is that each individual code works correctly. Example: Login page opens with correct user name and password.


  26. Compliance testing ensures that the system is compliant with certain rules and regulations and standards. Example would be online payment sites like credit card processing sites should be complaint with security and privacy regulations.

    Unit testing is a white bo testing, that goes to the level of the smallest testable module or unit. This is usually conducted by the developer. It may be statement coverage or branch coverage, based on that the testing has to be done. for example, if there is a check (if >5 message 1). This may have different unit tests based on coverage, if it is statement coverage, one check would be to set =6 and make sure message 1 is displayed. If it is branch coverage, then we also have to check for “false” condition where x=4 and make sure message 1 is not displayed. Thus, unit testing requires knowledge of internal working code and is conducted by developers.

  27. Unit testing is technique of testing each smallest unit – a program independently.
    Developer does the unit testing as it involves one or two input and one output.
    The main goal of unit testing is to cut off each part of code and show that the individual portion of the code works correctly.
    e.g, gmail account login opens with username and password.

    Compliance testing is also called as conformance testing.
    It is a testing technique or method where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools and methods.
    e.g: online bill payment a credit card agency tests its service compliance with the security regulations.

  28. Compliance testing needs outside government organization which deal with the rules and regulations determine or validate the software if it’s in compliance or up to the regulatory standards before the developing company can deliver the product to the client for final utilization. Example for a tax accounting software developer need the internal revenue code division to examine the software authenticity through the body of Federal statutory tax law of the United State of America.
    Unit testing techniques test each smaller unit. This test is done by the developer by testing each unit as a component of the main system or application. Example of this can be loan finance company’s account username, password, loan amount, interest rate, and terms of the condition are tested individual unit.

  29. Unit Testing:
    • In this testing we will test individual functionality of modules.
    • We will test functions and its output.
    • The main aim is to check functioning of individual modules.
    • Isolate each unit of the system to identify, analyze and fix the defects.
    • Defects are captured in very early phase.
    • Build gives the quality of the build as well.
    • Build means whatever version is coming for testing, a part of application.
    e.g.- in an video game or game application, each unit might be every feature of the game or every stage.
    Compliance testing:
    This is basically a kind of an audit which is done on the system to check if all the specified standards are met or not. To ensure that the compliances are met, sometimes a board of regulators and compliance expert people are established in every organization. This board puts a check whether the development teams are meeting the standards of the organization or not. The teams do an analysis to check that the standards are properly enforced and implemented. Compliance testing is performed to ensure the compliance of the deliverables of each phase of the development lifecycle. These standards should be well understood and documented by the management. If required trainings and sessions should be arranged for the team. Compliance testing is basically done through the inspection process and the outcome of the review process should be well documented.
    e.g: Online banking The bank monitors whether all the activities in the account like money transfer, withdrawal, bill payment, loans services, credit/ debit card issue and transactions are done according to the policies and procedures and the complain aces are met or not and approve or reject the application or activity .


    Compliance test: ex: Paypal. Testing that is done to ensure that the software. Comply with the rules and regulations. Such as personal information safety, credit card security, login security, etc.

    Unit testing: testing smallest module. Ex: Testing a function on gmail login with a condition or loop to see if it works correctly or not.

  31. COMPLIANCE TESTING also known as conformance testing, regulation testing, standards testing, is a type of testing to determine the compliance of a system with internal or external standards. … For example, a web application development company might set the standard that all webpages must be responsive.
    Unit Testing Example. For example you are testing a function; whether loop or statement in a program is working properly or not than this is called as unit testing. A beneficial example of a framework that allows automated unit testing is JUNIT (a unit testing framework for java).

  32. An example compliance testing would be for example a Securities Exchange company after having done a full system integration testing of their system then once completed and there are no defect and the results meet the client’s requirements, the code is sent to a concered organization such as IEEE that will check that the software meets a set of Standards.
    Unit Testing is where the programmer tests the program they have/as they develop. The programmer is testing that the program processes/produces the expected input and outputs.

  33. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.

    Compliance testing tests to see if the system developed is compliant with the internal and external standards. For example, after developing the online banking software ,it is sent to the relevant authority to check if conforms to the rules and regulations,
    Unit testing deals with checking if individual units of the system are working as per code. A unit is the smallest component ,so one or two units are checked to see if the output is the correct one. This is done by the developers, example checking if the deposit function is working in the online banking .

  34. Compliance testing- A driverless car undergoes extensive testing to ensure compliance with the rules of the road under likely conditions and scenarios.
    Unit testing-when the developer executes a function/method or a statement/loop to test if the program is working fine or not.

  35. Compliance testing is a method where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools and methods, after the software is submitted to an organization for certification to validate that it’s processes and operations comply with rules and regulations.
    Example: Online Banking System tests all its features with the security regulations.
    Unit Testing: is a White box testing, done by developer. A smallest part of code is called as unit and the testing done to those units individually to check the code works correctly, it termed as unit testing. The testing is conducted at every part or unit of the code to find and fix the defects, syntactic errors. It is done prior to the integration testing. It improves the reusable capacity of the code and increases the confidence in the code changes they are made less interdependent. There are different tools to do unit testing for different software languages like JUNIT for java programming languages an XUNIT is for ASP, C#, C++ etc.
    Example: Testing units individually like login to Bank of America one unit, account summary one unit, fund transfer one unit, etc

  36. compliance testing:
    Compliance /conformance testing is a method in which the software is submitted to an organization for certification to validate that it’s processes and operations comply with rules and regulations. For example, whatsapp application would need certification that it complies with all security and privacy regulations required to protect the user’s personal information.where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools and methods. Then sent to the concerned organisation (eg: IEEE) to check that the software meets a set of Standards. Once certified with that to release to the production. In general it is a validation of system’s processes and operational outcomes which comply to the rules and regulations.
    unit testing:
    For example, During development of the WhatsApp application modules like new group, calls, chats, whatsApp web/desktop,account…etc are developed by the individuals(developers) by writing code for each module As the testing is conducted at every part or unit of the code the effort to find and fix the defects is less. The main goal of unit testing is to cut off each part of code and show that the individual portion of the code works correctly. Before integration testing each independent module is unit tested. The main purpose to find out early defects to save time in detailed testing.Unit testing is a white box testing. The test design techniques like statement coverage and decision coverage are used to perform the unit testing.
    For Example: we are testing a function with a condition or loop whether it works correctly or not. There are different tools to do unit testing for different software languages like JUNIT for java programming languages an XUNIT is for ASP, C#, C++ etc. The unit testing is conducted by the developers.

  37. “Compliance testing” also know as Conformance testing is a nonfunctional testing technique which is done to validate, weather the system developed meets the organization’s prescribed standards or not.
    Example:- An Automation car undergoes regular compliance testing while in development. Test cases are designed to ensures that the vehicle complies with the laws of the road in all scenario that can be occur. The Test Cases themselves are considered valuable intellectual property as they are non-obvious.
    UNIT Testing is defined as a type of software testing where individual units/ components of a software are tested.
    Unit Testing of software applications is done during the development (coding) of an application. The objective of Unit Testing is to isolate a section of code and verify its correctness. In procedural programming, a unit may be an individual function or procedure. Unit Testing is usually performed by the developer.

  38. Compliance testing is a validation of the system’s processes and operational outcomes to ensure the system meets a certain set of standards and complies with rules and regulations. Example: customer information privacy, login security etc.

    Unit testing is a white box testing type that uses test design techniques like statement coverage and decision coverage, to test individual programs independently prior to integration testing. Example: testing a function with a condition to see if it’s behaving as expected.

  39. Compliance testing: testing where the software once completely developed and tested is sent to to be tested meet the particular security standards.
    eg, credit cards sent to verify the security features.

    Unit testing: testing mainly done by developers to check the proper functioning of the codes.
    eg, gmail login opens with username and password.

  40. Compliance testing example will be banking sector applications, After complete testing, they need to go through different agencies for conformance / security purpose.
    unit testing is done for all the software applications to check if modules working properly.

  41. Compliance Testing Technique or method where the application after completely developed or tested with all other testing tools then, send to the concerned organization to test whether it meets the standards, once certified released for production.
    Unit Testing is a technique where it tests single units independently. The main goal is it shows the code of each individual portion works correctly.

  42. Compliance testing
    Testing done once the application is tested by analysts and by the tools, when expectations are met it is sent to the organization to get the certificate of meeting the standards.
    Unit testing
    Each unit is checked in detail to combine to make a mdule

  43. 1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    – compliance testing: It is a testing technique where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools is sent to the concerned organization to check that the software meets a set of Standards. for example audits of software license’s.
    – unit testing/component testing: performed on a standalone module. for example test cases for log in: enter valid log in& pass, enter invalid login & pass, leave login & pass blank.

  44. Compliance testing is also called Conformance testing. In this case the testing is done by when the application has been developed and tested with all other tools and methods, and then sent to concerned organizations to check if the software meets standards required, for example online banking
    Unit testing is the method or technique where small units are tested , and its done by developers. The main reason for this testing is to make sure individual portions of the codes are working correctly, In this testing a single module is used, for example email account log in with valid username and valid password and it opens

  45. Compliance testing checks if the software has met the standards by a registered organization. Healthcare software’s are going to be checked my medical organizations for proper license and use by different manufacturers.

    Unit testing is the testing of individual component/module. Example can include the Login & Password button for an email account.

  46. Compliance testing is also known as conformance testing. This testing technique determines whether a software product complies with the software standards and regulations before it gets released into production. For example, withdrawing money from ATM can only be possible through customer verification. Unit testing is also known as component testing. This testing technique is where induvial units/components of a software are tested. For example, checking account balance on ATM, you have to insert card, type your pin number and select the balance menu.

  47. Compliance testing: In gmail application ,after the application is completely developed and and the software is tested.It will be send the concerned organisation to get it certified that it meets all the required standards. Once its certified it will be send to the production.
    Unit testing: In gmail application, there are many functionalities to be developed like login, password, textbox,, inbox, send. After developing these the developer will test these units separately.

  48. Examples of scenarios for each of the different types of testing in this article:

    Compliance Testing –
    A healthcare portal can undergo a compliance test to validate and ensure the privacy/confidentiality of patient information.
    Unit Testing –
    In a healthcare portal, before all the features of the software are tested while integrated, unit testing is performed for the individual lines of code.

  49. Compliance Testing/Conformance is a type of software testing to determine whether a software product, process ,computer program, or a system meets a defined set of internal or external standards before it’s released into production eg; A food product that displays organic claims on its packaging undergoes testing to confirm its production is free of synthetic chemical inputs.
    Unit Testing is a technique of testing each smallest unit of program independently. Smallest part of code that is in workable condition is referred to units and testing those units is termed as unit developer builds a calculator app testing would check if the user can input two numbers and get the sum .Subtraction ,multiplication and division could be the individual unit tests.

  50. Compliance testing: It is a testing where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools and methods. It is also called conformance testing.
    Eg: A solar panel manufacturer tests that its modules are following electrical safety codes.
    Unit testing: It is a technique of testing each small unit or program independently. It is a testing method using which every independent module is tested to determine if there is an issue by the developer.
    Eg: Testing a function with condition or loop whether it works correctly or not.

  51. Compliance Testing: It is testing technique or method where the application after completely developed and tested with all other testing tools and methods. Ex: User Access Rights and Security regulations.
    Unit Testing: Testing the smallest testable unit of an application. It is done during the coding phase by the developers. To perform the unit testing, a developer writes a piece of code to verify the code to be tested is correct. Ex: login functionality in Gmail.

  52. Compliance testing is also called conformance testing. It is a method where the application is completely developed and tested with all other testing tools and methods. Then sent to the concerned organisation to check that the software meets a set of Standards. For example: a credit card agency tests thats its services are compliant with privacy regulations.
    Unit testing is the technique of testing each smallest unit of a program independently. A smallest part of code that is in workable condition is referred to as units and the testing done to those units is termed as unit testing. For example: we are testing a function with a condition or loop whether it works correctly or not.

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