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There are different items of the software to be tested. They are tested by different people in the team at different levels of software development. QA team performs system testing. System testing steps defined in STLC(Software Testing Life Cycle). There are two software testing ways. They are manual testing and automation testing.

Manual Testing: 

In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results. The software testing steps are:

  • test requirement gathering
  • test plan and analysis
  • test design
  • test implementation & execution
  • defect reporting & tracking
  • test closure

The testers prepare the test specifications for testing, usually in excel format. The tests are executed and results are recorded. The test data is used for testing the software. The defects are identified, reported to developer and tracked.

Automation Testing:

In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools. All the steps listed in the STLC(Software Testing Life Cycle) cannot be automated. The test execution steps are automated in software automation testing. The automation testing tools can perform the steps with different data sets and display the detailed results of software testing. The test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results. The test scripts created once can be reused. The data driven testing framework allows the testing with different data sets stored in external files.

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The automation testing tools are also called replay and playback tools. The regression testing is most often automated. The repeated steps can be automated by creating test scripts. There are many popular automation testing tools like micro focus UFT, selenium and so on. Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing. Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing. The different technology based software can be tested using automation testing.


Both the different ways of software testing have their benefits and risks. The selection of the software testing ways depends on the items of the software to be tested. The other influencing factors are budget, schedule, types of testing etc.


Check your understanding:

  1. Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.
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  1. Ways to perform Software Testing:
    Manual Testing- All the steps of the STLC can be followed thoroughly in order to develop a defect free software. With the presence of the software management tools like QC Explorer and popular testing tools like Jira and Bugzilla- it is possible to execute tests using these tools with the shared work and input from the team involved for the software development.
    Automation Testing- It can be more efficient to perform the automation testing on repetitive, regression or the data related test scenarios; where the possibilities of human error can be reduced as well as testing can be performed faster.

  2. Manual testing is perform by human when automation testing is done with some tools
    Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing.
    Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing.
    The different technology based software can be tested using automation testing.Where In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results.they use the excel sheet for testing.

  3. Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing
    manual testing – In this human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results. testers prepare the test specifications for testing, usually in excel format . The defects are identified, reported to developer and tracked. eg; jira,bugzilla.

    Automation testing – in this the software is tested by automation tools , test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results also can be reused. The data driven testing framework allows the testing with different data sets stored in external files, also called as replay and playback tools, this are more reilable than manual testing. eg – micro focus UFT, selenium.

  4. Manual testing is inexpensive ,doesn’t require testers to have coding or programming skills and it is time consuming. This testing is used mostly be small companies.

    Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing. Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing. The different technology based software can be tested using automation testing.

  5. in manual testing test cases are executed manually without any support of tools and scripts,
    it is time-consuming
    manual testing is less reliable

    in automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools scripts and software.
    investment required for the testing tool
    more reliable

  6. 1.Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing
    _ In Manual testing test cases are executed manually by a human means without support of tools
    and script. It is time consuming as it is done by human. It is not accurate at all times due to human
    errors so it is less reliable. Investment is required for human resources.
    – Automation testing
    – In Automation testing test cases are executed with support of tools, script and software. It is
    significantly faster than a manual approach. Automation testing is more reliable as it is
    performed by software tools or scripts. Investment is required for testing tools.

  7. The two ways of software testing are manual testing and automation testing.
    In manual testing, the testers perform testing based on the test specifications like test data and test cases they prepare. The test cases are created mostly in excel format. The test steps are then executed manually and the results are recorded. Any defects found during the testing process are reported to the developer to be fixed and they are retested by the testers. This method of testing is more time consuming, but provides improved customer experience because of more human intervention.

    In automation testing, automation testing tools like micro focus UFT, IBM Rational Functional Tester, Selenium are used for testing. Testers write test scripts and the tests are executed automatically by the tools. Different data sets are used by the tools to perform test execution and the results are displayed. The test scripts can be reused which means automated testing is very efficient for regression testing. This method of testing is more faster and reliable.
    The decision to choose the method of testing relies on the budget, schedule of the project, experience level of the members and the types of testing to be conducted.

  8. Difference between Manual testing and Automation testing are
    1. Manual testing is done by humans with input data and observe the results.
    2.In automation testing,the software is tested using the automation testing tools.
    3.Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing.
    4.Automation testing makes the software testing more reliable than manual testing.
    5.Automation testing are also called replay and play lack tools.
    Popular Automation testing tools are Micro Focus UFT,Selenium

    In conclusion both Manual testing and Automation testing have their benefits and risks,selecting of software testing depends on many factors like budget,Schedule , types of testing etc.

  9. 1-In manual testing , test cases are executed manually by a human, that is without any support from tools or scripts. In automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.
    2-Manual testing is slower than automation. Running tests manually can be very time consuming.
    Automation runs test cases significantly faster than human resources.
    3-Manual testing requires less cost than automation.
    automation testing cost is more than manual testing but useful always.
    4-Manual testing is slower than automation. Running tests manually can be very time consuming.
    Automation runs test cases significantly faster than human resources.
    5- In manual testing to execute the test cases every time tester requires the same amount of time
    After making Automation test suites, fewer testers required to execute the test cases..

  10. Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.
    In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results.
    it is time consuming and chances of human errors are more. it is suitable for low budget and small projects.

    Automation testing: In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools. All the steps listed in the STLC(Software Testing Life Cycle) cannot be automated. The test execution steps are automated in software automation testing. The automation testing tools can perform the steps with different data sets and display the detailed results of software testing. The test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results. The test scripts created once can be reused.
    Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing. Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing. The different technology based software can be tested using automation testing.

  11. Manual testing is inexpensive ,doesn’t require testers to have coding or programming skills and it is time consuming. This testing is used mostly be small companies.

    Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing. Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing. The different technology based software can be tested using automation testing.

  12. Manual testing Automation Testing
    Slow Fast
    Inexpensive Costly
    Used for small and simple Used for complex and large projects

  13. Manual Testing
    1. Manual testing is time-consuming due to running test cases as everything is done manually.
    2. Testers can observe the application during testing, making the user-friendliness better.
    3. Less expensive in the short-term.
    4. Low accuracy result.
    5. Less reliable.
    6. Programming is not required
    7. Regression testing is time-consuming and laborious.
    8. The same amount of time is required to execute the test cases.

    Automated Testing
    1. Automated testing is much faster than manual testing due to using the software.
    2. Less UI feedback.
    3. It could be costly initially, but in the long-term, it will reduce the cost.
    4. High accuracy result.
    5. More reliable.
    6. Programming is required.
    7. Regression testing is easy due to using tools.
    8. Once the test suites are made, it requires the fewer tester to execute test cases.

  14. Manual testing:
    1.Is a manual step by step process to check the defects or bugs in the software .
    2.Software testers play important role in testing the quality of software.
    3.Manual effort and human interaction are very essential.
    4.Less reliable and slower compared to Automation testing.
    Automation Testing:
    1.This type of testing uses different software tools to test the quality of the developed application.
    2.Manual effort and human interaction are very minimal.
    3.Maximum number of tests are performed in less duration.
    4.Much reliable and faster than manual testing .
    5.Tests can be repeated many times and test scripts can be reused.

  15. Ans. : The difference between Manual testing & Automated testing are:
    • In manual testing (as the name suggests), test cases are executed manually (by a human, that is) without any support from tools or scripts BUT with automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.
    • Manual testing is not accurate at all times due to human error, hence it is less reliable BUT Automated testing is more reliable, as it performed by tools or scripts.
    • Manual testing is time-consuming taking up human resources BUT Automated testing is executed by software tools, so it is significantly faster than a manual approach.

  16. 1. Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.
    Ans. In manual testing, testers prepare the test specifications for testing on excel format, the tests are executed and results are recorded. Since human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results so it’s a time consuming, unreliable and not always accurate.
    In automation testing, software testing tools are used so its fast, reliable and more accurate but expansive. Although both the testings have their pros and cons so it depends on the project to decide which testing procedure should be used.

  17. In manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results. Testers use excel format, and execute the test cases with test data, record the result, reports defect to developers and track the defects.
    In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools, and only the test execution steps are automated. Test scripts are created by testers. The popular tools are Selenium, micro focus UFT. Automation testing is more reliable and faster than manual testing.

  18. Manual Testing is done by Human Testers. They use Excel for this purpose. Entire STLC is covered in Manual testing.
    Aautomation Testing is used dureing Test Execution steps only. Test Scripts written by automation testers. These can be rerun, and can be used for different sets of data.

  19. The differences between manual testing and automation testing:
    *Manual Testing:
    The testers prepare the test specifications for testing, usually in excel format. The tests are executed and results are recorded. The test data is used for testing the software. The defects are identified, reported to developer and tracked.
    *Automation Testing:
    In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools.The test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results. The test scripts created once can be reused.
    The automation testing tools are also called replay and playback tools.There are many popular automation testing tools like micro focus UFT, selenium and so on. Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing. Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing. The different technology based software can be tested using automation testing.

  20. Differences between manual and automation testing:
    A) In manual testing, test cases are executed manually or without the help of any tool while in automation testing, the test case is executed with the help of automation tool like Selenium, Cucumber etc.
    B) Manual Testing is time-consuming while Automation Testing is quicker than manual testing.
    C)Manual testing is done with human error but Automation Testing is done with no scope of human error.

  21. Difference between Manual and automation testing:
    In manual testing, the testers perform testing based on the test specifications like test data and test cases they prepare. The test cases are created mostly in excel format. The test steps are then executed manually and the results are recorded. Any defects found during the testing process are reported to the developer .
    In automation testing, automation testing tools like micro focus UFT, IBM Rational Functional Tester, Selenium are used for testing. All the steps in STLC can not be automated.Testers write test scripts and the tests are executed automatically by the tools.The test scripts can be reused which means automated testing is very efficient for regression testing. This method of testing is faster than manual testing.

  22. This article highlights the features of the two types of software testing – Manual testing and Automation testing.

  23. 1. Manual testing uses excel sheets to prepare test documents, but automation testing uses tools to prepare them.
    2. In manual testing, test cases are executed by manually inputing the data, whereas in automation, execution is done with the help of tools.
    3. Manual is time consuming and automation takes less time.
    4. Manual testing might require more testers than automation testing.

  24. In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools. All the steps listed in the STLC(Software Testing Life Cycle) cannot be automated. The test execution steps are automated in software automation testing.
    While in Manual testing is done manually by putting the data and it is followed by software testing life cycle. No tools are used.

  25. a.In Manual Testing the test cases are created by testers manually , where as Test scripts are created in Automation testing.

    b. Chances of human errors are more in Manual than Automation testing.
    c. Manual can be time consuming

  26. 1. Manual testing is the process of using the functions and features of an application as an end-user would in order to verify the software is working as required. With manual testing, a tester manually conducts tests on the software.

    2. Automation testing is a technique uses an application to implement entire life cycle of the software in less time and provides efficiency and effectiveness to the testing software

  27. Manual testing: human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results.
    Automation testing: The test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results. The test scripts created once can be reused. The automation testing tools are also called replay and playback tools.

  28. 1. Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.
    manual testing:
    • In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results.
    • The testers prepare the test specifications for testing, usually in excel format. Like RTM, test data, test cases.
    • The test data is used for testing the software. The defects are identified, reported to developer and tracked.

    automation testing:
    • In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools.
    • The test execution steps are automated in software automation testing.
    • The automation testing tools can perform the steps with different data sets and display the detailed results of software testing.
    • The automation testing tools are also called replay and playback tools. The regression testing is most often automated. The repeated steps can be automated by creating test scripts.

  29. In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results. The software testing steps are:
    test requirement gathering
    test plan and analysis
    test design
    test implementation & execution
    defect reporting & tracking
    test closure
    The testers prepare the test specifications for testing, usually in excel format. The tests are executed and results are recorded. The test data is used for testing the software. The defects are identified, reported to developer and tracked.

    n the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools. All the steps listed in the STLC(Software Testing Life Cycle) cannot be automated. The test execution steps are automated in software automation testing. The automation testing tools can perform the steps with different data sets and display the detailed results of software testing. The test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results. The test scripts created once can be reused. The data driven testing framework allows the testing with different data sets stored in external files.

  30. Manual Testing as the name suggests is done by manual generation of reports and testing of the test cases. There is always a chance of human error associated with manual testing along with longer time duration as compared to automation testing.
    On the other hand in automation testing although the test cases are identified manually they are executed using automation tools like UFT, Selenium etc. It saves lot of time and minimizes errors. Automation, test scripts generated once can be reused hence its also called playback tool or replay tool. Regression testing is mostly done with atomation tools.

    Choice between Manual and Automation is made by the test manager depending on the budget, risk involved , type of technology used etc

  31. Manual testing is testing of the software where tests are executed manually by a QA Analysts. It is performed to discover bugs in software under development.
    In Automated Software Testing, testers write code/test scripts to automate test execution. Testers use appropriate automation tools to develop the test scripts and validate the software. The goal is to complete test execution in a less amount of time.

  32. Manual Testing:There are different testing steps which are;
    Test requirement gathering
    Test Plan and analysis
    Test Design,Test Implementation and execution
    Defects reporting and tracking
    Test Closure
    Eg: RTM, test data and test case
    Automatic Testing:The software is tested by automation testing tools.The testing tools can perform steps with different data sets.They are more faster and reliable
    Eg:Loadrunner,Functional testing

  33. In Manual testing, test cases are executed manually by human and without any support from tools or scripts.
    In Automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.

  34. Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.
    Automation Testing uses automation tools to execute test cases.
    In manual testing, test cases are executed by a human tester and software.
    Automated testing is significantly faster than a manual approach.
    Manual testing is time-consuming and takes up human resources.
    Automation does not allow random testing
    Exploratory testing is possible in Manual Testing
    The initial investment in the automated testing is higher. Though the ROI is better in the long run.
    The initial investment in the Manual testing is comparatively lower. ROI is lower compared to Automation testing in the long run.
    With automation testing, all stakeholders can login into the automation system and check test execution results
    Manual Tests are usually recorded in an Excel or Word, and test results are not readily/ readily available.
    Performance Tests like Load Testing, Stress Testing, Spike Testing, etc. have to be tested by an automation tool compulsorily.
    Performance Testing is not feasible manually

  35. In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results. 100 percent manual interaction is compulsory. The testers prepare the test specifications for testing, usually in excel format. The tests are executed and results are recorded. The test data is used for testing the software. The defects are identified, reported to developer and tracked.
    The Automation testing uses different software tools to test the source code. This type of testing is used to reduce the manual efforts. The main advantages of automated testing are
    • It is fast
    • It is reliable
    • We can repeat tests many number of times
    • It is having a large scope
    • It is effortless

  36. In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results.he testers prepare the test specifications for testing, usually in excel format. The tests are executed and results are recorded. The test data is used for testing the software. The defects are identified, reported to developer and tracked.

    In Automated Software Testing, testers write code/test scripts to automate test execution. Testers use appropriate automation tools to develop the test scripts and validate the software. The goal is to complete test execution in a less amount of time.Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing. Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing.

  37. identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.
    In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results.
    The testers prepare the test specifications for testing, usually in excel format. The tests are executed and results are recorded. The test data is used for testing the software. The defects are identified, reported to developer and tracked.
    in automation testing,In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools.The automation testing tools can perform the steps with different data sets and display the detailed results of software testing.The regression testing is most often automated. Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing

  38. Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.

    In Manual testing , the software tester uses software testing steps for testing. There is 100% human Intervention. The software testing steps are
    Test requirements gathering
    Test plan and analysis
    Test design
    Test implementation and execution
    Defect reporting and tracking
    Test closure

    The tester prepares the test documents in excel, executes the test cases and records the results. The defects identified are reported to the developer and tracked.

    But there are certain drawbacks to manual testing like it can be costly , time consuming, human errors, cannot do exhaustive testing etc

    In Automation testing, the tester uses software testing tools to automate the testing procedure. By using the testing tools , repeatable and reusable testing is possible. Because of this we can do retesting, regression,data driven testing. Detailed report generation is possible now. The test result metrics can be used for better control over the software testing process. In automation testing, The test scripts are created to test the functionalities of the application with huge data sets, check the expected outcomes and generate result sets. Because of testing tools now testing has become more reliable, effective and there is more confidence. The popular testing tools are IBM Rational Functional tester, Selelium, HP UFT.
    Benefits over manual testing are – QA cost, time reduces ; accurate; exhaustive testing, Can perform tedious tasks, avoid manual errors , consistent test procedures etc.
    Risks of automation testing are – unrealistic expectations of automation testing ; ignoring the potentiality of human s in certain test scenarios ; project budget; need to change the organizational testing process, need to train the testers; may not get vendor support if it is a free tool etc

  39. Manual testing involves testers manually performing each and every task. This is resource intensive and expensive. Also it is slow. But some steps of the software testing need to be manual.

    Automated testing use testing tools and scripts. This is advantageous ffor repeated testing like regression testing. Also it helps in testing wit different data sets. The tester has to set up the test scenario and can repeat several times. This is precise and repeatable and faster than manual testing.

    The type of testing that suits the project will be based on budget, time and resources.

  40. Manual testing:
    The testers prepare the test specifications for testing, usually in excel format. The tests are executed and results are recorded. The test data is used for testing the software. The defects are identified, reported to developer and tracked.
    Automation testing: The automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools. The test execution steps are automated in software automation testing. The automation testing tools can perform the steps with different data sets and display the detailed results of software testing. The test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results. The test scripts created once can be reused. The data driven testing framework allows the testing with different data sets stored in external files.

  41. Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing?
    Manual Testing:
    -Human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results
    -The testers prepare the test specifications for testing, usually in excel format.
    -Testing types like ad-hoc and exploratory testing can only be done manually.
    Automation Testing:
    – the software is tested using the automation testing tools.
    -All the steps listed in the STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle) cannot be automated. The test execution steps can be automated.
    -The test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results.
    -Its faster than manual testing
    -Its more reliable than manual testing
    -Different technology based software can be tested.
    – It is useful for tests that need to be frequently repeated
    -Examples of Automation tools: Selenium

  42. Manual testing ,all test cases are executed manually by the software testers . Its low budget and time consuming.
    Automation testing is done by testers using automation testing tools or scripts . Its costly but in long term reduces the cost and more reliable.

  43. Manual Testing – The tester follows manual steps rather than automated to test the complete behavior and characteristics of the software for the defects. Here the tester understands the issue and fixes from human perspective.

    Automation Testing – The manual effort is reduced in the automated testing. The test cases or scripts can be reused, maintained and are reliable

  44. Manual testing is testing of a software manually without any tool support. That is with input data and observe the results. While
    Automation testing, testing is an execution which requires less or no human interaction. It is done with the assistance of tools. Since in automation testing tools are used for execution, it makes (automation testing) to be more reliable, accurate, time saver and faster as compared to manual testing.

  45. Manual Testing is as the name implies is done manually without use of any automation tools.
    In manual testing documents such as RTM, Test Cases, Test data are manually created and executed.Henerally testers
    use excel format for keeping this data.
    There is a chance of human error or delay in test results. Manual testing is generally used for testing
    software functionalities.

    In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools.
    All the steps listed in the STLC(Software Testing Life Cycle) cannot be automated. The test execution
    steps are automated in software automation testing. The automation testing tools can perform the steps with
    different data sets and display the detailed results of software testing. The test scripts are created by the
    automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results.
    The test scripts created once can be reused.
    The automation testing tools are also called replay and playback tools.

    eg: tools like Loadrunner, SOAPUI,Unified functional testing ( UFI) etc

    he selection of the software testing ways depends on the items of the software to be tested.
    The other influencing factors are budget, schedule, types of testing etc.

  46. When it comes to software testing, automated testing and manual testing are the two methods of software testing and both of them are crucial for software development.
    Manual testing is perform by human manually without using tools. Testers create RTM, Test data, and Test cases in Excel format and then start testing by using valid inputs and check the result as expected.Manual testers follows all th STLC steps.
    Where as in automation testing, the test cases are identified manually they are executed using automation tools like UFT, Selenium etc. It saves lot of time and minimizes errors. Automation, test scripts generated once can be reused hence its also called playback tool or replay tool. Regression testing is mostly done with atomation tools.

  47. 1) Manual – human testers are input the data and observe the results that occur. The testers typically use an excel sheet, and whenever a defect is found, they write it down and report it to the dev team as they go. The test data that is gathered is used for testing the software.
    2) Automation – Automated tools are used for this type of testing, and when results of the test are given back, they usually consist of detailed results. Once test scrips are created, they can be reused during testing. There are many automation tools, and each one make the testing go by faster, and it’s more accurate than manual testing.

  48. Below are certain differences between manual and automation testing.
    – In manual testing, test cases are executed manually by humans without any support from tools or scripts. In Automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.
    – Manual testing is prone to human errors making it less reliable. Automation testing is more reliable as tools and pre-defined scripts are used.
    – Manual testing can be more time consuming and expensive whereas automation testing is very fast.
    – Manual testing is more suited for ad-hoc testing, exploratory testing. Automation testing is best for regression testing and testing that requires frequent test case execution.

  49. Below are certain differences between Manual and automation testing.
    -> In manual testing test cases are executed by human tester. In automation testing tools are used to execute the test cases.
    -> Manual testing is time-consuming process whereas automation testing is faster than manual approach.
    -> Manual testing is not accurate because of possibility of human errors. Automation testing is m reliable method where it is performed by tools ad scripts.
    -> Manual testing is not cost-effective for high volume regression , whereas automation is not cost-effective for low volume regression .

  50. Manual testing requirest test requriement gathering, test plan and analysis, test design, test implementation and execution. On the other hand automation test are automated by creating test scripts. They use tools such as micro focus UFT, selenium. It’s also makes the software testing faster than manual and it’s more reliable than manual testing as well.

  51. o In manual testing documents such as RTM, Test Cases, Test data are manually created and executed. There is a chance of human error or delay in test results. Manual testing is generally used for testing software functionalities.
    o Automation on the other hand uses various automation tools to test the software on performance, web services etc. Tests cases are executed using tools and scripts. Automated testing tool is selected based on the budget, technology under development, test environment, vendor etc.

  52. In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results.
    In Automation Testing Software is Tested usin Automation Tools
    n the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools. All the steps listed in the STLC(Software Testing Life Cycle) cannot be automated. The test execution steps are automated in software automation testing
    Manual Testing is not Accurate at all times due to human errors,hence it is less reliable,Automated testing is more reliable as it is performed by tools and/or scripts.
    Manual Testing is time-Consuming,taking up human resources,
    Automated testing is executed by software tools,so it is significantly fatser than a manual Testing.

  53. Manual testing is inexpensive ,doesn’t require testers to have coding or programming skills and it is time consuming. This testing is used mostly be small companies.

    Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing. Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing. The different technology based software can be tested using automation testing.

  54. Manual Testing: Manual testing are the software testing where test is executed manually by a QA Analyst. Tester does not use any automation tools It is performed to discover bugs in software development. The tester checks all the essential features of the given application or software. Time consuming than Automation testing.
    Automation Testing: Tester writes code/test script to automate test execution. Test is done using appropriate tools to develop the test script and validate the software. It entirely relies on the pre-scripted test which runs automatically to compare actual result with the expected results. Faster than manual testing.

  55. The difference between manual testing and automation testing are briefly explained as follows:
    in manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results. In manual testing documents such as RTM, Test Cases, Test data are manually created and executed. There is a chance of human error or delay in test results. Manual testing is generally used for testing software functionalities.
    in automation testing,the software is tested using the automation testing tools. Since in automation testing tools are used for execution, it makes to be more reliable, accurate, time saver and faster as compared to manual testing.

  56. SOFTWARE TESTING WAYS: There are two software testing ways manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual Testing: human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results.
    test requirement gathering
    test plan and analysis
    test design
    test implementation & execution
    defect reporting & tracking
    test closure
    Automation Testing: the software is tested using automation testing tools.
    here are many popular automation testing tools like micro focus UFT, selenium and so on.

  57. Difference between Manual and automation testing:
    In manual testing, the testers perform testing based on the test specifications like test data and test cases they prepare. The test cases are created mostly in excel format. The test steps are then executed manually and the results are recorded. Any defects found during the testing process are reported to the developer .
    In automation testing, automation testing tools like micro focus UFT, IBM Rational Functional Tester, Selenium are used for testing. All the steps in STLC can not be automated. Testers write test scripts and the tests are executed automatically by the tools. The test scripts can be reused which means automated testing is very efficient for regression testing. This method of testing is faster than manual testing.

  58. Manual testing is performed by the human whereas automation testing is done by using automation tools.
    Manual testing is time consuming. Less time is used in automation testing.
    Initial investment in manual testing is lower on the other hand, investment in automation is higher
    Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing

  59. Manual testing is performed manually by the testers whereas automation testing are conducted with the help of automation test tools. Automation testing are faster than the manual testing. Automation test scripts once prepared can be reuse for future projects. Automation testing are more reliable compare to manual testings. However, they require more skilled testers.

  60. Manual testing is done by QA on the team by creating RTM,Test plan and Test cases. They manually execute test cases and compare the result with the expected result. While automation testing is done by testing tools. It is an automated process to validate software.

  61. Q:Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing: test execution Done manually by QA testers.
    Time consuming and less efficient.
    Difficult to ensure sufficient test coverage.
    Automated testing: test execution done automatically using automation test tools.
    More testing in less time and more efficient.
    Easy to ensure greater test coverage.

  62. Manual testing:
    In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results.The tests are executed and results are recorded. The test data is used for testing the software. The defects are identified, reported to developer and tracked.

    Automation testing:
    In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools. Although all the steps listed in the Software Testing Life Cycle cannot be automated. The test execution steps are automated. The automation testing tools can perform the steps with different data sets and display the detailed results of software testing. The test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results. The test scripts created once can be reused. The data driven testing framework allows the testing with different data sets stored in external files.

  63. In manual testing, a human performs the testing by following the STLC and recording the results. Whereas in automation testing, testing is done using automation tools. In automation testing, all the steps of STLC cannot be followed using tools and so test execution steps are automated using the software. Test scripts are created by human automation testers.

  64. Manual Testing is done manually by QA analyst (Human) whereas Automation Testing is done with the use of script, code and automation tools (computer) by a tester.
    Manual Testing process is not accurate because of the possibilities of human errors whereas the Automation process is reliable because it is code and script based.
    Manual Testing is a time-consuming process whereas Automation Testing is very fast.
    Manual Testing is possible without programming knowledge whereas Automation Testing is not possible without programming knowledge.
    Manual Testing allows random Testing whereas Automation Testing doesn’t allow random Testing.

  65. In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results.
    In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools. The test execution steps are automated . It can perform the steps with different data sets and display the detailed results of software testing. The test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results. The test scripts created once can be reused. The data driven testing framework allows the testing with different data sets stored in external files. Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing and it is more reliable than manual testing.

  66. Manual testing is done by humans and manual testing is done by software (also known as replay and playback tools), but not all the steps of the STLC can be automated. Automated testing can perform the test execution step with many data sets and display detailed results. The scripts used for this can be reused. Automated testing is both faster and more reliable.

  67. Manual Testing:
    Manual testing is performed by human testers following steps in STLC(Software Testing Life Cycle) which are
    -Test requirements gathering
    -Test plan & Analysis
    -Test design
    -Test implementation & execution
    -Defect reporting & tracking
    -Test closure

    In manual testing the tester will identify the defects in the software , reported to developer, tracked and retested till it get fixed.

    Automation testing:
    In automation testing the software is tested with automation testing tools.
    All steps of STLC cannot be automated, but most of the steps can be automated and reused.
    The test scripts are created by automation testers. It can be expensive in the beginning, but it helps in the long run.
    Popular tools are micro focus, selenium, etc.,
    Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing.

  68. 9.Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.
    ANS:Manual testing:Testers perform the test steps with the input data and observe the results.The software testing life cycle is tested by testers.
    They are test requirements,test plan and analysis,test design,implementation and execution,report and record the tracking defects and test closure.
    Testers prepare the test specifications in excel format.
    Automation testing:These test are done automatically.Not all the steps in STLC are automated.Test scripts are created and
    executed by testers automatically and observe the results.

  69. Manual testing is done by executing test cases manually, it is time consuming and less reliable due to human error.
    Automated testing is done by executing test scripts using automation tools, it is fast and reliable.

  70. Differences between manual and automation testing:
    Manual testing is done by human testers and automation testing is executed by automation tools.
    All the steps in the software testing life cycle can be performed by human testers whereas it cannot be performed using the tools.
    Automation testing is more reliable and faster than Manual testing.

  71. Manual testing is human testing done by QA analysts. This is where the QA testers use the software testing steps to check all the essential features of the software and all the bugs and defects are reported to the developers.
    Automation testing is where a automated testing tool is used to test the software. The tool runs different data sets and displays the result of the software test. It is faster and more reliable that manual testing.

  72. Manual testing
    _ In Manual testing test cases are executed manually by a human means without support of tools
    and script. It is time consuming as it is done by human. It is not accurate at all times due to human
    errors so it is less reliable. Investment is required for human resources.
    – Automation testing
    – In Automation testing test cases are executed with support of tools, script and software. It is
    significantly faster than a manual approach. Automation testing is more reliable as it is
    performed by software tools or scripts. Investment is required for testing tools.

  73. Automation Testing uses automation tools to execute test cases.
    Automated testing is significantly faster than a manual approach.
    Automation does not allow random testing.
    Automated testing is a reliable method, as it is performed by tools and scripts.
    Manual testing
    manual testing, test cases are executed by a human tester and software.
    Manual testing is time-consuming and takes up human resources.
    Exploratory testing is possible in Manual Testing
    Small changes like change in id, class, etc. of a button wouldn’t thwart execution of a manual tester.

  74. Identify the d1ifferences between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing Automation testing
    1. done manually by human 1. done by using tools
    2. testers use excel format 2. testers use software/tools
    3. not reliable 3. reliable
    4. slower 4. faster
    5. tests are not automated 5. tests are automated
    6. Excel/QC Explorer 6. UFT/Selenium/Microfocus
    7. Selection of software is not needed 7. Selection of software is needed
    8. Budget, scheduled, types 8. Budget, scheduled, types
    of testing is not determined of testing is determined
    9. Customer support is not 9. Customer support is
    needed if tool is not working needed if tool is not working. .

  75. Manual Testing is done manually by QA analyst where the QA testers use the software testing steps to check all the essential features of the software and all the bugs and defects are reported to the developers. This is time consuming process.
    Automation Testing is done with the use of script, code and automation tools by a tester. This is more reliable and faster than manual testing because it is code and script based.

  76. manual testing is done by human testers human testers perform the testing steps with input and observe the results.
    automation testing , the software is tested using the automation testing tools with test scripts its created by automation testers, we can reuse this, we have many automation testing tools like micro focus uft and selenium etc. automation testing is more reliable than manual testing. both have risks and benefits the software selection is based on some factors ex: budget, types of testing etc

  77. Identify the difference between manual testing and automation testing.

    Manual testing is done by human with the input data and the result was observes the result and it is recorded.
    Automation testing is performed using the automation testing tool. The tool perform the steps with different data set and display the detailed results on software testing tool. The test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically. The test script created once can be reused again so it is called as replay and playback tools. The regression testing is often done using automation testing tool. The repeated steps can be automated by creating test scripts. Automation testing makes testing faster than manual testing. The different technology based software can be tested using automation.

  78. In manual testing, a human performs the tests step by step. Manual testing needs analysts and QA engineers to be highly involved in everything from test case creation to actual test execution, which makes it slow and tedious. But advantages is its better handling capability, particularly in complex projects.
    Automation testing is the process in which testers utilize tools and scripts to automate testing efforts. Though it requires coding and maintenance but it is much faster and more efficient.

  79. Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.

    Manual Testing- test cases are executed manually by a human, without the support from tools or scripts. Manual testing is suitable when the test cases are run once or twice. Automation testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts and software. Automation testing is suitable when the test cases need to run repeatedly for a long duration of time.

    Identify the differences between Manual testing and Automation testing
    Manual testing:
    _ In Manual testing test cases are executed manually by a human means without the support of tools
    and script. In Manual testing- the tester performs the testing steps with input data and observes the results. Testers prepare the test specifications for testing, usually in excel format. The defects are identified, reported to the developer, and tracked. e.g. Jira, Bugzilla. . It is time-consuming and less reliable.

    Automation testing:
    – In Automation testing the software is tested by automation tools, test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results also can be reused. The data-driven testing framework allows the testing with different data sets stored in external files, also called replay and playback tools, this is more reliable than manual testing. e.g. – microfocus UFT,

  81. Difference between Manual and Automation testing:
    1. In Manual testing, tests are executed by human. Whereas in automation, testing tools are used to execute the tests using scripts.
    2. Manual testing is more time consuming than the Automation testing.
    3. Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing because there are chances of human errors.
    4. Automation test cases called scripts can be run number of times, whereas that is not possible in case of Manual testing.

  82. In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results. Whereas in automation testing the software is tested using the automation testing tools.

  83. Difference between Manual testing and Automation testing;
    1.Manual testing, is executed manually(human testers). Whereas in automation ,testing is done by tools, software to execute the test scripts.
    2.Manual testing is time consuming than automation testing
    3.Maunal testing is more economical as compared to automation testing.
    4.Automation testing is more reliable as compared to manual testing(human errors).

  84. • Manual Testing is done manually by QA analyst (Human) whereas Automation Testing is done with the use of script, code and automation tools (computer) by a tester.
    • Manual Testing process is not accurate because of the possibilities of human errors whereas the Automation process is reliable because it is code and script based.
    • Manual Testing is a time-consuming process whereas Automation Testing is very fast.
    • Manual Testing is possible without programming knowledge whereas Automation Testing is not possible without programming knowledge.
    • Manual Testing allows random Testing whereas Automation Testing doesn’t allow random Testing.

  85. Difference between Manual and Automation testing:
    1. Manual testing isdone by human and Automated testing is done by running testing scripts with testing tools.
    2. Manual is time consuming whereas Automation testing are fast and reliable.
    3. Manual testing handles situations better then Automation.

  86. In manual testing, humans perform test steps with input data and see the results. The testing steps are test requirement gathering, test plan and analysis, test design, test execution and implementation, defect reporting and tracking, and test closure. In automation testing, testing is done with automation testing tools. All the steps in STLC cannot be automated. The tools used are selenium, micro focus UFT, etc. It makes testing faster and more reliable than manual testing.

  87. Identify the differences between manual testing and automation testing.

    Manual testing is one of the most conventional testing processes that help identify both visible and hidden software defects. The bugs and feature issues identified are reported through manually created documents and depend significantly on the knowledge, skill sets, and experience of the manual tester.

    Automation testing refers to the software testing technique that uses specialized automated testing tools to execute a test case suite. Automation testing software can help enter test data into the system Under test, compare expected results and actual results and render detailed test reports. Using a test automation tool helps in repeated execution of the same test suite that allows recording test suites and re-play them as required.

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