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The automation testing is to perform the test steps automatically with different data sets and observe the results. There are several automation testing tools commercialised by the organisations. There are benefits and risks of automation testing.

Benefits of Automation Testing:

The potential benefits of automation testing tools are listed below:

  • the automation testing tools are more reliable and consistent than human software testers because they are not error prone
  • suitable for testing repetitive steps with different data sets
  • automation test scripts are reusable
  • automation testing is faster than manual testing
  • comprehensive testing is possible using automation testing tools
  • detailed results are generated with metrics

Risks of Automation Testing:

The risks involved in the automation testing are evaluated to suit the software testing requirements of the project. The risks of automation testing are listed below:

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  • underestimating the potential of human testers in certain test scenarios
  • unrealistic expectations from the automation testing tools
  • incorrect evaluation of time and effort required for below factors:
    • selection and introduction of automation testing tool in organisation
    • training the software testers on how to use new tool
    • changes required in the organisational testing processes to implement the automation testing tool
  • version control and maintainability of test scripts and test results
  • incompatibility of the automation testing tools with the test environment and other software testing tools in the test environment
  • project budget
  • Vendor issues like:
    • inability to provide technical support
    • inability to update the automation testing tools with changes in software testing platform
    • liquidation and take over of the vendor organisation
    • a free tool is made the licensed version

The benefits and risks of automation testing is to be considered to make choice between manual testing and automation testing. The software testing requirements are also to be taken into account to make choice between the two software testing ways.

Check your understanding: 

1. List the different categories of software testing tools and explain their purpose in one sentence.

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  1. Categories – Manual and automation.
    Purpose – manual testing – for simple projects where the input and output data is been maintained manually on excel sheets.
    Automation testing – this are used for complex projects as they are repetitive in nature also modifications can be done often as per the requirements.

  2. The two main categories of testing are Manual and Automation. Both are used to find defects in software so the clients requirements are met.

  3. List the different categories of software testing tools and explain their purpose in one sentence.
    1. Load testing
    It is based on Users. Test the performance of software with different numbers of users And identify the
    maximum number of users supported by software.
    2. Browser compatibility testing
    Test compatibility of the software with specific Browser.
    3. System testing/External Interface testing.
    Test interface between two independent software.

  4. The different categories of software testing tools are:
    1. Functional and Regression test tools to test each functionality of the software in detail and in depth with different steps and data. Ex: micro focus UFT, IBM Rational Functional Tester, Selenium, Cucumber etc.
    2. Performance test tools are used to test the performance of the software such as load testing, volume testing, stress testing and soak testing. Ex: LoadRunner, JMeter, WebLoad etc.
    3. Mobile test tools are used for testing mobile software applications. Ex: Appium, Silk Mobile
    4. Test management tools are used for requirements management, test case design, test execution and defect management. Ex: ALM/Quality Center, QAComplete, Jira etc
    5. Defect management tools are those used specially for defect management, which is a part of test management. Ex: Bugzilla, IBM Rational ClarQuest, BugHost etc

  5. Different category of software testing tools are
    1. Functional and Regression Test tools
    Eg- Selenium ,UFT,IBM Rational functional Tester
    2.Performance Test tools
    Eg- LoadRunner,JMeter,Silk Performer
    3.Mobile testing tools
    Eg-Appium,Silk Mobile
    4.Test Management Tools
    Eg-HP ALM/QC ,JIRA ,QAComplete
    5.Defect Management Tools

  6. UFT -Use a single GUI for automating all types of functional testing. This visual experience helps you create automated testing for both GUI functionality and the back-end service (application business logic) parts of an application.UFT /QTP uses VBScript language to write Test Scripts and it supports MS Windows operating Environmental only.
    Selenium- is a portable software-testing framework for web applications. Selenium provides a playback (formerly also recording) tool for authoring tests without the need to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE).
    IBM Rational Functional Tester -is an automated functional testing and regression testing tool. This software provides automated testing capabilities for functional, regression, GUI and data-driven testing.

  7. List the different categories of software testing tools and explain their purpose in one sentence.

    1. Selenium
    Selenium is a testing framework to perform web application testing across various browsers and platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux.
    2.2. TestingWhiz
    TestingWhiz is a test automation tool with the code-less scripting by Cygnet Infotech, a CMMi Level 3 IT solutions provider.
    3. HPE Unified Functional Testing (HP – UFT formerly QTP)
    HP QuickTest Professional was renamed to HPE Unified Functional Testing. HPE UFT offers testing automation for functional and regression testing for the software applications.

    4. TestComplete
    TestComplete is a functional testing platform that offers various solutions to automate testing for desktop, web, and mobile applications by SmartBear Software.
    5. Ranorex
    Ranorex Studio offers various testing automation tools that cover testing all desktop, web, and mobile applications.
    6. Sahi
    Sahi is a testing automation tool to automate web applications testing. The open source Sahi is written in Java and JavaScript programming languages.

  8. Different category of software testing tools are
    1. Functional and Regression Test tools – Selenium ,UFT, IBM Rational functional Tester

    2.Performance Test tools – Load Runner, JMeter, Silk Performer

    3.Mobile testing tools – -Appium, Silk Mobile

    4.Test Management Tools -HP ALM/QC ,JIRA

    5.Defect Management Tools – Bugzilla,Mantis,BugHost

  9. Test Management Tool
    These tools help organize the end to end test Cycle
    Load Testing Tools
    These tools help performance/load test a site or application.
    Automated Testing Tools
    This category of tools helps automate functional and Regression Testing of your application under test.
    Defect Tracking Tools
    This category of tools help in defect/bug management.
    Mobile Testing Tools
    These tools help to automate testing of your Android or iOS applications.
    Cross-browser Testing Tools
    This category of tool help in Cross Browser Testing of your site across Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, Safari, and other browsers.
    API Testing Tools
    These tools help in testing REST/SOAP protocols
    Security Testing Tools
    These tools detect security vulnerabilities in your Application Under Test.
    CSS Validator Tool
    It is a free software developed by the W3C to help Web designers and Web developers to check their CSS. With the help of this validation tool. It also helps users to find errors or incorrect uses of CSS.

  10. Ans. : The different categories of software testing tools & their purpose are:
    • Webload: WebLoad is an excellent testing tool which offers many powerful scripting capabilities, that is helpful for testing complex scenarios.
    • Selenium: Selenium is the most popular automated testing tool. It specifically designed to support Automation Testing of functional aspects of web based applications, wide range of platforms and browsers.
    • Quick Test Professional (QTP): QTP is an automated functional GUI testing tool which allows the automation of user actions on a web or client based computer application. It is widely used for functional regression test automation. It uses a scripting language to manipulate the objects and controls of the application under test.
    • Unified Functional Testing (UFT): Unified Functional Testing tool has advanced image-based object recognition feature, reusable test components, and automated documentation.

  11. 1. List the different categories of software testing tools and explain their purpose in one sentence.
    Ans. Selenium is used to perform web application testing across various browsers and platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux.UFT tool has advanced image-based object recognition feature, its used for automated documentation and reuseable test components.
    QTP QuickTest Professional was renamed to HPE Unified Functional allows the automation of user actions.

  12. 1.Selenium
    Selenium is possibly the most popular open-source test automation framework for Web applications.
    2. Katalon Studio
    Katalon Studio is a powerful test automation solution for web application, mobile, and web services.
    Unified Functional Testing (UFT) is a well-known commercial testing tool for functional testing, and it provides a comprehensive feature set for API, web services, and GUI testing of desktop, web, and mobile applications across platforms.
    Watir is an open-source testing tool for web automation testing based on Ruby libraries.
    5.IBM Rational Functional tester
    IBM RFT is a data-driven testing platform for functional and regression testing

  13. The different categories of software testing tools and explain their purpose in one sentence:
    1.Browser Compatibility Testing: Browser Compatibility Testing is performed for web applications and it ensures that the software can run with the combination of different browser and operating system.
    2.Accessibility Testing:The aim of accessibility testing is to determine whether the software or application is accessible for disabled people or not.
    3. Integration Testing:This type of testing is especially relevant to client/server and distributed systems.
    4.Performance Testing:This term is often used interchangeably with ‘stress’ and ‘load’ testing. Performance Testing is done to check whether the system meets the performance requirements.
    5.Regression Testing: Testing an application as a whole for the modification in any module or functionality is termed as Regression Testing.

  14. HP’s LoadRunner provides end-to-end system performance testing
    StormRunner is performance testing tool.
    Quality Center, Bugzilla, ALM are Test management tool.
    Selenium tool is for to test web application and browser compatibility.
    SoapUI is a cross-platform functional automation testing tool.
    Browser shot is cross-browser compatibility testing tool.
    Test studio is windows based tool for the functional testing tool

  15. Test management tools-QC,Bug Zilla,IBM tool.
    Defect reporting and tracking tool-JIRA
    Functional testing tool-soap test ,Ranorex,Appswatch.
    Laod testing tool-Loadstorm,HP loadrunner,load Impact.

  16. This article talks about the benefits and risks of Automation Testing. Factors like time and budget need to be considered to make a choice between Manual and Automation testing.

  17. 1.BugZilla, Jira – Defect management tool
    2.appium : automation framework
    3.load runner : to use to test application.

  18. Software testing categories:
    Software testing can be manually or Automation testing is more reliable and consistent than manual testing because it’s an error prone.
    Quality center, bugzila, alm are test management tools which are used by the manual testing.
    JIRA is defect reporting and tracking tool.

  19. 1.Selenium is a automated testing suite for web applications across different browsers and platforms.

    2 .Loadrunner: It is used to test applications, measuring system behavior and performance under load.
    3. UFT(Unified Functional Testing) :provides functional and regression test automation for software applications and environments.

  20. – Cross Browser testing tool: test compatibility of the software with different versions of the different browsers. Ex: Browsershots
    – Performance testing: test the speed and efficiency of the software. Ex: Loadrunner
    – Unit/Functional testing: test each program independently. Ex: SQL Server
    – Regression testing: test if new defects are introduced into the software due to changes in software and its environment. Ex: Selenium

  21. HP ALM: is a web based tool that helps organizations to manage the application life cycle right from project planning, requirements gathering, until Testing & deployment, which otherwise is a time-consuming task.
    UFT/QTP: it is an automated functional GUI testing tool widely used for automated functional regression test. It is an easy understand for any beginner tester.
    Selenium: designed to support Automation Testing of functional aspects of web-based applications. Test cases prepared using this testing tool can be executed on any OS., it needs very less resources comparatively.

  22. Popular Test Tools for Functional and Regression Testing
    1. Selenium (Open Source Tool).
    2. UFT/QTP (Commercial Tool).
    3. RFT (Commercial Tool).
    4. SoapUI (Open Source Tool).
    5. Silk Test (Commercial Tool).
    6. Watir (Open Source Tool).
    7. Test Complete (Commercial Tool).
    8. Cucumber (Open Source Tool).

  23. Different categories of software testing tools:
    – Microsoft Visual Studio Unit Testing – Development tool
    – BugZilla,, Jira – Defect management tool
    – LoadRunner- LoadRunner is a software testing tool from Micro Focus . It is used to test application ,measuring system behaviour and performance under load.
    – Selenium – Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications
    – SOAP UI – Web Services testing
    – HP ALM & Microsoft test manager – Management tools

  24. Software testing can be manual or automated. Some of the testing tools are as follows
    Selenium- is a testing framework to perform web application testing across various browsers and platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux.
    UFT- Unified Functional Testing (UFT) tool has advanced image-based object recognition feature, reusable test components, and automated documentation.
    LoadRunner- is a software testing tool from Micro Focus. It is used to test applications, measuring system behaviour and performance.

  25. The different categories of software testing tools and their purpose are as follows:
    1.QTP:Quik Test Professional.It allows beginner tester to learn this tool in few minutes
    2.Selenium:It needs very lesser resources when compared to other testing tools.It support programming languages like Java.
    3.Appi Tools:Allows cross browser test in various devices.It automatically validate look and feels and user experience
    of the apps and sites.
    4.Loadrunner:It can stimulate thousand of user concurrently using application software recording and later analyzing the performance of the application.

  26. List the different categories of software testing tools and explain their purpose in one sentence.
    Selenium is an automated software testing tool for testing web applications. It automates browsers, enabling users to sail through various browser-specific testing purposes. What makes this even more important is that most major browser vendors are taking steps to make Selenium an integral part of their browsers.
    Robotium is a popular automation testing framework for Android. It supports native and hybrid applications, and makes writing automated black-box test cases easy. It also integrates seamlessly with Gradle, Ant, and Maven which helps to run test cases as continuous integration.
    Telerik Test Studio
    Test Studio is a comprehensive and one of the most intuitive automation testing tools available. It offers robust functional UI testing, exploratory testing, load testing, performance testing, testing in Visual Studio, and mobile testing apart from manual testing capabilities
    TestDrive helps in rapid automation; it effectively tests browsers and even legacy applications apart from GUI’s like Ajax, Java, Flex, and Silverlight.

  27. Different categories of software testing tools are
    Test Management tools manages all testing activities-Quality Center/alm
    Defect management tools used for defect reporting and tracking-bugzilla,Jira
    Automation tools-Selenium,Robotium
    Performance tools-WebLOAD, LoadUI NG Pro,
    webservice testing tools-Postman.Karate DSL.SoapUI.
    database testing tools used to generate the test data for a database system-Orion

  28. 1. List the different categories of software testing tools and explain their purpose in one sentence.

    1.Selenium is an automated testing suite for web applications across different browsers and platforms.
    2 .Load runner: It is used to test applications, measuring system behavior and performance under load.
    3. UFT(Unified Functional Testing) :provides functional and regression test automation for software applications and environments.
    4.Bugzilla, Jira – Defect management tool
    5. appium : automation framework

  29. The software testing is done in two ways, one is manual and other is automated.They both have there importance and priorities.The different tools like HP UFT(Unified Functional Testing),IBM Rational Functional Tester,HP ALM.All these tools is used to store, create,test cases, defects,reports and graphs.The other management tools like Bugzilla,JIRA,inbuilt tools used for tracking and reporting.

  30. Different categories of test tools are:

    Functional and Regression testing tools : Selenium, QTP, IBM Rational Functional Tester
    Performance Test tools: LoadRunner, IBM Rational Performance Tester, Silk Performer, JJMeter, NeoLoad, WebLoad
    Mobile testing tools: Appium, Silk Mobile
    Test Management Tools: Test management includes Defect Tracking and reporting. HP ALM / Quality Center, Jira, TestLink, QAComplete
    Defect Management Tools: Bugzilla, Mantis, IBM Rational Clearqquest,

  31. 1. List the different categories of software testing tools and explain their purpose in one sentence.

    Some of the software testing tools :-
    Test Management Tool
    To create and store RTM’s , test cases ; defects , generate detailed reports etc
    ~ Micro Focus APplication Lifecycle Management (ALM)
    >Modules of ALM are requirements, test plan, test lab, Defects
    > Highly used tool

    Functional and Regression Testing tool
    To test the functionalities of the application and do regression testing
    ~HP Unified FUnCTIONAL Testing (UFT)
    Benefits of UFT >Collaborative testing, broad technology support, 1 click automation from manual, continuous testing to integrate with Jenkins, keyword driven testing, image based object recognition, API testing , using simple programming language (VB)
    ~Selenium – thoughtworks
    > Selenium IDE, Selenium 1(RC),Selenium Web Driver, Selenium Grid
    >web applications testing
    ~IBM Rational Functional Tester
    > .NET, Java, powerbuilder etc

    Defect Reporting and tracking tool
    To report and track the software defects
    ~ Buggzilla

    Web services Testing tool

    Performance Testing Tool
    To test the speed /efficiency of the application
    ~HP Load Runner
    ~JMeter – Apache

    There are Other tools as well for mobile testing, Database testing , ETL testing etc

  32. different categories of software testing tools:
    Defect management tools: jira, bugzilla
    Test management tools: quality center

  33. Some software testing tools categories:
    Automated Testing Tools: used for functional and Regression testing. Ex: QTP, Selenium
    Cross-browser Testing Tools: used for testing website or web application functions work correctly in various web browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome and so on
    Mobile Testing Tools: used for testing Android or iOS applications. Ex: Robotium
    Load Testing Tools: used for performance testing. Ex: loadrunner
    Defect Tracking Tools: used for tracking of bugs and defects. Ex: Jira, Bugzilla

  34. Selenium is the testing frame work to perform web application testing in various browsers.
    Its the most popular automation testing tool.
    HP quick test professional tool that helps testers perform automated regression testing in order to identify defects.

  35. HP ALM – to create, store traceability matrices, test case, defects and generate various reports and graphs
    JIRA BUGZILLA – are defect management tools used for reporting and tracking the software testing defects
    Load Runner, Apache Meter – are software performance testing tools
    SOAP UI – are used to test the Webservices
    SQL – testing the database

  36. Different categories of Software Testing Tools
    • HP Quick Test Professional:- to identify any errors, defects or gaps in contrary to the expected results.
    • Selenium:- use for testing web applications
    • IBM Rational Functional:- to perform automated regression testing.
    • Silk Test: tool for automated function and regression testing of enterprise applications
    • Test Complete:- to create automated tests for Microsoft Windows, Web, Android (operating system), and iOS applications
    • Testing Anywhere:- uses SMART Web and object recorders to optimize and monitor software testing processes and can be used from remote
    • WinRunner:- to record and play back user interface (UI) interactions as test scripts
    • LoadRunner:- to test applications, measuring system behaviour and performance under load.

  37. selenium: tool specifically for automating web browsers.
    IBM rational testing tool:tool for automated testing of software applications from the rational software division
    of IBM
    UFT: is engineered to facilitate distributed test execution of multiple tests simultaneously.

  38. – Selenium is a free and open source that can be used on various platforms and browsers. With this being said, it is known for it’s flexibility and extensibility of test web-based applications.
    – IBM Rational Functional Tester is an automated functional and regression testing tool, supports a wide range of applications.
    – UFT provides functional and regression test automation for software applications and different enviornments

  39. Different categories of software testing tools are:-
    Selenium is a testing framework to perform web application testing across various browsers and platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux.
    2.UFT :
    HP QuickTest Professional was renamed to HPE Unified Functional Testing. HPE UFT offers testing automation for functional and regression testing for the software applications.
    TestComplete is a functional testing platform that offers various solutions to automate testing for desktop, web, and mobile applications.
    4.IBM rational functional
    It is primarily used by Software Quality Assurance teams to perform automated regression testing.

  40. UFT: it’s also known as HP quicktest professional. It provides functional and regression test automation for sotware applications and environments.

    Selenium: this is portable framework. it provides a playback tool for authoring functional tests without the need to learn a test scripting language

  41. The different categories of software testing tools are:
    1) Test Management Tools
    These tools help to collect, organize, monitor and communicate information about the testing process in a project.
    Ex: qTest, Testpad, Practitest, Zephyr, QMetry etc
    2) Automated Testing Tools
    These type of tools helps automate functional and regression testing of software applications.
    Ex: Selenium, QTP, Squish
    3) Load Testing Tools
    These tools help performance/load test a site or application.
    Ex: Webload, Loadrunner, Wapt
    4) Performance Testing Tools
    These tools are used for web servers and to analyze the performance and characteristics of the web application.
    Ex: LoadTracer
    5) Defect Tracking tools
    This category of tools helps in defect/bug management.
    Ex: JIRA, Mantishub, Bugzilla
    6) Mobile Testing Tools
    These tools help to automate testing of Android or iOS applications.
    Ex: Appium, Robotium, Espresso
    7) Cross-browser Testing tools
    This category of tools help in Cross Browser Testing of the client’s site across Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, Safari, and other browsers.
    Ex: Browsera, Browsershots
    8) Security Testing tools
    These tools detect security vulnerabilities in the Application Under Test.
    Ex: NetSparker, QA inspect

  42. Testing tools are of various kinds:
    Software testing can be manual or automated. Selenium- is a testing framework to perform web application testing across various browsers and platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux.
    UFT- Unified Functional Testing (UFT) tool has advanced image-based object recognition feature, reusable test components, and automated documentation.
    LoadRunner- is a software testing tool from Micro Focus. It is used to test applications, measuring system behaviour and performance.
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  43. Different Categories of Testing Tools
    –> Microsoft Visual Studio Unit Testing – Development tool
    –> BugZilla, Jira – Defect management tool
    –> LoadRunner- LoadRunner is a software testing tool from Micro Focus . It is used to test application ,measuring system behaviour and performance under load.
    – ->Selenium – Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications
    –> Automated Testing Tools
    These type of tools helps automate functional and regression testing of software applications.
    Ex: Selenium, QTP, Squish
    –> Load Testing Tools
    These tools help performance/load test a site or application.
    Ex: Webload, Loadrunner, Wapt
    –> Performance Testing Tools
    These tools are used for web servers and to analyze the performance and characteristics of the web application.
    Ex: LoadTracer

  44. Following are the categories of the software testing tools:
    Automated software testing tools – comes with the whole package of various types of software testing
    Database testing tools – specific to database testing
    Regression testing tools – specific to regression testing
    Browser testing tools – specific to browser testing
    API testing tools – specific to web services/API testing
    Functional testing tools – specific to functional testing
    UI test automation tools – specific to UI testing

  45. Different category of software testing tools are
    1. Functional and Regression Test tools
    Eg- Selenium ,UFT,IBM Rational functional Tester
    2.Performance Test tools
    Eg- LoadRunner,JMeter,Silk Performer
    3.Mobile testing tools
    Eg-Appium,Silk Mobile
    4.Test Management Tools
    Eg-HP ALM/QC ,JIRA ,QAComplete
    5.Defect Management Tools

  46. This blog proves that automation testing has both sides benefits as well as risks. All the points were very well defined.
    one more point I would like to add on its benefits is that

    Automation testing gives us the benefit of tracking each test script. All the test scripts executed will be visible in visual logs. The reports generated can evidently show the number of test scripts already executed, scheduled, their reported bugs or issues and the ways in which they have been fixed. for more information
    click here

  47. Well-defined Advantages of Automation testing, one more point I would like to add is :Robust and simpler reporting: Automation testing gives us the benefit of tracking each test script. All the test scripts executed will be visible in visual logs. The reports generated can evidently show the number of test scripts already executed, scheduled, their reported bugs or issues and the ways in which they have been fixed. for more information click here

  48. UFT: Unified Functional Testing HP Quick Test Professional was renamed to HPE Unified Functional Testing. HPE UFT offers testing automation for functional and regression testing for the software applications.
    Load runner:is a software testing tool from Micro Focus. It is used to test applications, measuring system behaviour and performance.
    Selenium:is a software testing tool from Micro Focus. It is used to test applications, measuring system behaviour and performance.
    Web based testing
    Visual basic

  49. A few categories of software testing tools are briefly described as follows:
    Automated software testing tools – comes with the whole package of various types of software testing.
    Selenium – Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications.
    UFT- Unified Functional Testing (UFT) tool has advanced image-based object recognition feature, reusable test components, and automated documentation.
    LoadRunner- is a software testing tool from Micro Focus. It is used to test applications, measuring system behaviour and performance.
    IBM Rational Functional Tester is an automated functional and regression testing tool, supports a wide range of applications.

    the automation testing tools are more reliable and consistent than human software testers because they are not error-prone
    automation test scripts are reusable and are faster than manual testing.
    Risks of Automation Testing: underestimating the potential of human testers in certain test scenarios
    unrealistic expectations from the automation testing tools
    project budget.

  51. Test management tools-QC, Bug Zella ,IBM tool.
    Defect reporting and tracking tool-JIRA
    Functional testing tool-soap test ,Ranmore ,Appswatch.
    Load testing tool-Load storm ,HP load runner ,load Impact.

  52. Some examples of software testing tools and its purposes :
    Selenium is the testing frame work to perform web application testing in various browsers.
    HP quick test professional tool helps testers perform automated regression testing in order to identify defects.

  53. UFT: one of the popular automation testing tool used for regression and functional testing
    Selenium: it is a open source automation testing tools and is compatible in many platforms and most common in use.
    IBM rational functional tool: It is compatible with most platforms.

  54. Selenium:Selenium is a testing framework to perform web application testing across various browsers and platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux
    HPE UFT : Its mainly used for retest and regression testing .
    Load runner: It is a load testing tool for Windows and Linux, which allows testing the web application’s load capacity.
    IBM (RFT): IBM(RFT)is maily used for regression and functional testing.

  55. Software testing tools :
    1. Selenium :-Seleniums a popular testing framework to perform web application testing across various browsers and platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux.
    2..Watir :- Watir , pronounced as water, is an open source testing tool made up of Ruby libraries to automate web application testing.
    3.HPE Unified Functional Testing (UFT) :-UFT software, formerly known as HP QuickTest Professional(QTP) is an automated functional GUI testing tool which allows the automation of user actions on a client based computer application.
    4.Jira:JIRA is a popular agile testing as well as a project management tool developed by Atlassian, a software company that develops products for project managers, software developers, etc.

  56. A. Different test tool categories are:
    1.Test Management Tool
    2. Automated Testing Tools
    3. Cross-browser Testing Tools
    4. Load Testing Tools
    5. Defect Tracking Tools
    6. Mobile Testing Tools
    7. API Testing Tools
    8. Security Testing Tools
    9. CSS Validator Tool

    B. These tools help organize the end to end test Cycle

  57. Unified functional testing- Commercial testing tool provides a comprehensive feature set for API, web services, mobile applications across platforms.
    Selenium-open source automated testing tool suite for web applications.
    SoapUI- cross-platform functional testing tool designed to help test APIs such as SOAP and REST interfaces.

  58. Testing Tools:Tools from a software testing context can be defined as a product that supports one or more test activities right from planning, requirements, creating a build, test execution, defect logging and test analysis.
    Classification of Tools
    Tools can be classified based on several parameters. They include:
    • The purpose of the tool
    • The Activities that are supported within the tool
    • The Type/level of testing it supports
    • The Kind of licensing (open source, freeware, commercial)
    • The technology used
    1.Test Management Tool: Test Managing, scheduling, defect logging, tracking and analysis and is used by testers.
    2.Configuration management tool: For Implementation, execution, tracking changes used by all team members.
    3.Static Analysis Tools:Static Testing used by developers.
    4.Test data Preparation Tools: Analysis and Design, Test data generation used by testers.
    5.Test Execution Tool:Implementation, Execution used by testers.
    6.Test Comparators :Comparing expected and actual results used by all team members.
    7.Coverage measurement tools:Provides structural coverage used by developers.
    8.Performance Testing tools:Monitoring the performance, response time used by testers.
    9.Project planning and Tracking Tools:For Planning used by project managers.
    10.Incident Management Tools:For managing the tests used by testers.

  59. 1. Test management tool
    2. Automated and testing tool
    3. Cross-browser testing tool
    4. Load testing tool
    5. Defect tracking testing tool
    6. Mobile testing tool
    7. API testing tool
    8. Security testing tool
    9. CSS validator testing tool

    All these testing tools perform very specific and limited function, some provide support for many different functions and are mainly used for testing software firmness, thoroughness and other performance parameters.

  60. Some tools are for defect management, reporting, and tracking like bugzilla, inbuilt tools

    Test management tools are more comprehensive and can manage test documents, defects, and reports. Examples are quality center/alm (application life cycle) and jira

    Automation tools have scripts for testing different things, like Selenium

  61. 1. Test Management Tool-Test Managing, scheduling, defect logging, tracking and analysis.
    2.Configuration management tool-For Implementation, execution, tracking changes
    3.Static Analysis Tools-Static Testing
    4.Test data Preparation Tools-Analysis and Design, Test data generation
    5.Test Execution Tools-Implementation, Execution
    6.Test Comparators-Comparing expected and actual results
    7.Coverage measurement tools-Provides structural coverage
    8.Performance Testing tools-Monitoring the performance, response time
    9.Project planning and Tracking Tools-For Planning
    10.Incident Management Tools-For managing the tests

  62. Ranorex
    Ranorex is an all-in-one testing tool that can be used for mobile, desktop, and web application testing. It can easily automate functional UI tests, data-driven tests, regression tests, and much more.
    Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool that comes as a testing suite with four different testing tools. It is widely used for regression testing.
    LambdaTest is one the best automation testing tool available in the market that allows you to run cross-browser testing for your web app across a combination of multiple browsers, operating system, and devices.
    TestComplete is another great automation tool for desktop, mobile, and web application testing. It allows you to build and run functional UI tests via robust record & replay capabilities. You can even run tests by scripting in your preferred language like Python, JavaScript, etc.

    Katalon Studio
    Katalon Studio is one of the most potent automation utilities that can be very helpful in testing API, web, and mobile apps. It is integrated with a rich set of features for automation testing and supports almost every platform, including macOS, Windows, and Linux.

  63. Selenium :automation tool used for testing web applications.
    UFT: Unified functional testing: automates regression testing
    ALM HP: this this manual tool used for testing

  64. Quality center (ALM): It is a test management tool. Used to manage testing activities. where all the requirments,test cases,defects reporting and tracking are manually done by human.
    QTP :is an automation testing tool that helps testers to perform automated functional testing seamlessly, without monitoring the system in intervals.
    Bugzilla: Bugzilla is a defect/bug tracking tool. Defect tracking systems allow developers and testers to track all the outstanding defects. Bugzilla can be linked to other testing tools like JIRA, QC or ALM

  65. 1. List the different categories of software testing tools and explain their purpose in one sentence.
    Tools: Selenium, JIRA, UFT, QC, RPA,
    Test management tools
    To track the tracebility and to test objects.
    Requirements management tools:
    Incident Management tools:
    Configuration Management tools:

    Tool support for static testing
    To review the documents
    Static analysis tools:
    Modelling tools

    Tool support for test specification:
    Test design tools aid in the creation of maintainable work products in test design and implementation,
    including test cases, test procedures and test data.
    Test Design tools:
    Test data preparation tools:

    Tools support for test execution and logging
    Tools exist to support and enhance test execution and logging activities.
    Test Execution tools
    Test harness/Unit test framework tools
    Test comparators
    Coverage Measurment tools
    Security tools

    Tools support for performance and monitoring
    Performance measurement and dynamic analysis tools are essential in supporting performance and load
    testing activities, as these activities cannot effectively be done manually. E
    Dynamic analysis tools
    Performance testing, Loading stress testing tools
    Monitoring tools

  66. Quality center and ALM these tools are used foe manual testing in Qc test management tools and defect management tools we will use for defect reporting and tracking.
    selenium, micro focus UFT these tools are used for automation tools.

  67. List the different categories of software testing tools and explain their purpose in one sentence.

    Selenium-the best free automation testing tool for web application testing. Selenium is an open source platform that is compatible with numerous browsers, operating systems, and programming languages. Selenium features details and advanced automation scripts, supports execution of parallel tests, and integrates other software testing tools.

    Appium- a mobile automation testing tool designed on a server

    Katalon Studio- a tool that can be integrated with both Selenium and Appium. This tool can simplify the automation testing of API, web apps, and mobile applications.

    Cucumber- an open source platform on BDD. Cucumber is designed to support only web access, focusing on enhanced user satisfaction.

    SoapUI- provides a creative API test for Representational State Transfers (REST) and Service-Oriented Architectures Program (SOAP) Main features include simple and reusable scripts, asynchronous testing and creative tests generation components.

  68. The two main categories of testing are Manual and Automation.
    Both are used to find defects in software and verify the compliance of client’s requirements

  69. The different categories of software testing tools are:
    1. Functional and Regression test tools to test each functionality of the software in detail and in depth with different steps and data. For example: Selenium, Micro focus UFT, IBM Rational Functional Tester, Cucumber etc.
    2. Performance test tools are used to test the performance of the software such as load testing, volume testing, stress testing and soak testing. For example: LoadRunner, JMeter, WebLoad etc.
    3. Mobile test tools are used for testing mobile software applications. For example: Appium, Silk Mobile.
    4. Test management tools are used for managing requirements, test cases, test execution and defect management. Ex: Quality Center also known as ALM nowdays, QAComplete, Jira.
    5. Defect management tools are used specially for defect management. It is a part of test management. Ex: Bugzilla, IBM Rational ClarQuest, BugHost.

  70. Different categories of software testing tools are manual and automation testing.
    Manual testing is done by a person putting the input and recording its output.
    Automation testing is with using the tools record and play back of the results.

  71. Different categories of software testing tools are
    1. Functional and Regression Test tools: these tools are used to test different type of functionality.
    Selenium ,UFT,IBM Rational functional Tester
    2.Performance Test tools: tools used to check the performance of the Application.
    LoadRunner,JMeter,Silk Performer
    3.Mobile testing tools: Testing tools to check mobile applications.
    Appium,Silk Mobile
    4.Test Management Tools: Test mangements includes all the testing activities.
    HP ALM/QC ,JIRA ,QAComplete
    5.Defect Management Tools: These are used to control and report the defects.

  72. 1. ACCELQ, -Test Automation Tools- It is codeless test automation and agile test management platform which is AI-based.
    2. Eggplant- Test Automation tools- Eggplant can test any technology on any device, OS, or browser or any layer from the UI to APIs to the database.
    Functionality Testing
    1. Appium-It is an open-source tool, used for performing functional testing of iOS and Android mobile applications.
    Compatibility Testing
    1. Browser Stack: This tool is a cloud-based testing tool that helps to perform cross-browser testing.
    2. Brow sera: It is one of the popular browser compatibility testing tool that helps to identify the cross-browser layout differences and scripting errors.

  73. The different categories of testing tools are manual and automatic. In manual testing, humans perform steps and execute the test cases one by one to see results. In automatic testing, a tool is used to perform test steps automatically. Some examples of automated testing tools are Selenium, UFT, IBM rational functional tester. Selenium can automate test cases, it is a free open source, can be used to test web-based applications, and can work on different languages such as python, Java, etc. IBM Ration Functional tester is made by IBM and can also test web-based applications. UFT has features like broad technology support, continuous testing, API and web services testing, etc.

  74. List the different categories of software testing tools and explain their purpose in one sentence.
    1. Test management tool: Test managing, scheduling, defect logging, tracking and analysis and is used by testers.
    2. Configuration management tool: Implementation, execution and tracking changes and is used by the team.
    3. Static Analysis tool: Static testing and is used by developers.
    4. Test data preparation tools: Analysis and Design, Test data generation and is used by testers.
    5. Test Execution tools: Implementation and Execution and is used by testers.
    6. Test Comparators: Comparing expected and actual results and used by the team.
    7. Coverage measurement tools: Provides structural coverage and is used by developers.
    8. Performance testing tools: Monitoring the performance, response time and is used by testers.
    9. Project planning and Tracking tools: For planning and is used by project managers.
    10. Incident Management tools: For managing the tests and are used by the testers.

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