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QA Skill Test



Software testing steps play an important role in software development cycle. The Software testing is conducted at every level of software development with specific objective at each level. The software testing at each level can be done by different IT team members. The developers test programs and interfaces between programs. The software testers do system testing. The end users perform the user acceptance testing (UAT).


The software testing steps are also termed as STLC- software testing life cycle. STLC is a step by step approach to test the software. The software testing steps are listed below:

  • test requirements gathering
  • test plan and analysis
  • test design
  • test implementation and execution
  • defect reporting and tracking
  • test closure

Test requirements gathering:

The software testers gather the requirements from the Business analyst and other members of IT team to prepare the test documents for testing.

Test plan and analysis:

The test plans are prepared at each test levels by test lead. The software testers review the project documents to understand requirements and identify errors.

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Test design:

The test documents like traceability matrices, test data, test cases are prepared by the software testers.

Test implementation and execution:

The test environment is setup and verified for software testing. The test cases are tested and results are documented.

Defect reporting & tracking:

The software defects are reported to developers. The software testers track the defects and ensure defect fixing process.

Test closure:

The software testing level is ended by evaluating the exit criteria and documenting the testing experiences.

The software testing steps can be performed either as manual testing or using automation testing tools. The detailed study of the software testing steps are explained in further articles.

software testing steps
software testing steps

Check your understanding: 

  1. What type of testing is done by QA team?
  2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
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  1. 1)Both testing are done by QA
    2)Manual testing is perform by human when automation testing is done with some tools
    Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing.
    Automation testing is more reliable than manual testing.
    The different technology based software can be tested using automation testing.Where In the manual testing, human testers perform the testing steps with input data and observe the results.they use the excel sheet for testing.

  2. This article nicely describes the life cycle of software testing. The Software testing life cycle is a step by step approach to test the software. The various steps are mentioned below:
    – Test Requirement Gathering: QA gathers the requirements from BA to review and develop a test document to test the software.
    – Test Plan & Analysis: The Test Lead develops the plan and creates the test documents. QA reviews the document and find errors
    – Test Design: QA prepares RTM, Test Data and the Test Cases to test out the software
    – Test Implementation & Execution: Test cases are tested and the results are documented
    – Defect Reporting & Tracking: The QA reports defects to developers and ensures defects fixing process
    – Test Closure: Software testing level ends when exit criteria is met.
    The details and experiences of the software testing gets documented for further reviews.

  3. Different roles in a software testing team –
    Test requirement gathering – Gathers document from BA review it and prepare documents for IT team.
    Test plan and analysis – Software testers review the project documents to understand requirements and identify errors.
    Test Design – test documents like traceability matrices, test data, test cases are prepared by the software testers.
    Test Implementation and Execution – test environment is setup and verified for software testing, are tested and results are documented.
    Defect reporting and tracking – software testers track the defects and ensure defect fixing process.
    Test closure – software testing level is ended by evaluating the exit criteria and documenting the testing experiences.

    Software testing

  4. QA teams develop test cases. In a nutshell, a test case describes the preconditions, desired outcomes, and post conditions of a specific test scenario,. They perform both manual and automation testing.
    Difference between manual and automation testing:

    Manual testing doesn’t need coding or programming skills . It is done manually by human without the use of tools or scripts .this way of testing is time consuming.
    Automation testing is when skills like use of test tools are required and it used when the use for testing is repeatedly done. This testing increases efficiency and works effectively. This type of testing is used by big companies for bigger projects because it is expensive to use automation testing.

  5. 1.What type of testing is done by QA team?
    QA teams develop test cases. a test case describes the preconditions, desired outcomes, and post conditions of a specific test scenario,. They perform both manual and automation testing.
    Difference between manual and automation testing:

    2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    automation/manual testing
    is more reliable
    is not budget friendly but is manual testi9ng
    is useful for repetitive testing projects but MT is not
    is quick but MT is time consuming
    Like · Reply · 1d


  6. 1.What type of testing is done by QA team?
    – QA team usually do a combination of automation and manual testing.

    2.Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    – Manual testing
    _ In Manual testing test cases are executed manually by a human means without support of tools
    and script. It is time consuming as it is done by human. It is not accurate at all times due to human
    errors so it is less reliable. Investment is required for human resources.
    – Automation testing
    – In Automation testing test cases are executed with support of tools, script and software. It is
    significantly faster than a manual approach. Automation testing is more reliable as it is
    performed by software tools or scripts. Investment is required for testing tools.

  7. 1. QA team does system testing
    2. In manual testing the test cases are executed manually hence it is more time consuming
    In automated testing the test cases are executed using tools and scripts like UFT (Unified Functional Testing), IBM Rational Functional Tester, Selenium etc. Human intervention is minimal and it is more reliable and efficient for repeated testing.

  8. 1.System testing or black box testing is done by OA
    2.The difference between Automation testing and manual testing is
    Manual testing is done manually so time consuming and is is not as reliable as Automated testing ..Automated testing is more expensive and efficient.

  9. 1-What type of testing is done by QA team?
    QA team does both automated testing and manual testing
    2-Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    1-In manual testing , test cases are executed manually by a human, that is without any support from tools or scripts. In automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.
    2-Manual testing is slower than automation. Running tests manually can be very time consuming.
    Automation runs test cases significantly faster than human resources.
    3-Manual testing requires less cost than automation.
    automation testing cost is more than manual testing but useful always.
    4-Manual testing is slower than automation. Running tests manually can be very time consuming.
    Automation runs test cases faster than human resources.

  10. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    System Testing
    Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual Testing: Here testing is done manually by human without the use of tools or scripts, this way of testing is time consuming and has high chances of errors hence need of Automation test arised.
    Automation Testing:In Automation testing test cases are executed with the support of tools, script and software. It is
    significantly faster than a manual approach. Automation testing is more reliable as it is
    performed by software tools or scripts. Investment is required for testing tools.

  11. QA team does both automated testing and manual testing.

    Manual testing is perform by human manually and automation testing is done by using some tools.
    Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing.

    The different technology based software can be tested using automation testing. Where In the manual testing human testers perform the testing steps with input data and check the errors.

  12. 1-What type of testing is done by QA team?
    QA team does both automated testing and manual testing.

    Q2-Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    In manual testing , test cases are executed manually by a human, that is without any support from tools or scripts. In automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.
    Manual testing is slower than automation. Running tests manually can be very time consuming.
    Automation runs test cases significantly faster than human resources.
    Manual testing requires less cost than automation.
    automation testing cost is more than manual testing but useful always.
    Manual testing is slower than automation. Running tests manually can be very time consuming.
    Automation runs test cases faster than human resources.

  13. 1. QA team does system testing
    2. In manual testing, test cases are prepared and executed manually by the software testers. Usually for small and simple applications, manual testing can be done since number of test cases will be less and also inexpensive. Automation testing as the name suggests takes the help of various tools to perform the testing. It is faster and more exhaustive than manual and more costly too.

  14. 1. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    Software System Testing

    2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.

    Manual Testing
    1. Manual testing is time-consuming due to running test cases as everything is done manually.
    2. Testers can observe the application during testing, making the user-friendliness better.
    3. Less expensive in the short-term.
    4. Low accuracy result.
    5. Less reliable.
    6. Programming is not required
    7. Regression testing is time-consuming and laborious.
    8. The same amount of time is required to execute the test cases.

    Automated Testing
    1. Automated testing is much faster than manual testing due to using the software.
    2. Less UI feedback.
    3. It could be costly initially, but in the long-term, it will reduce the cost.
    4. High accuracy result.
    5. More reliable.
    6. Programming is required.
    7. Regression testing is easy due to using tools.
    8. Once the test suites are made, it requires the fewer tester to execute test cases.

  15. 1. Ans.: System testing is done by QA team.
    2. Ans. : The difference between manual testing & Automated testing are:
    • In manual testing (as the name suggests), test cases are executed manually (by a human, that is) without any support from tools or scripts BUT with automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.
    • Manual testing is not accurate at all times due to human error, hence it is less reliable BUT Automated testing is more reliable, as it performed by tools or scripts.
    • Manual testing is time-consuming taking up human resources BUT Automated testing is executed by software tools, so it is significantly faster than a manual approach.

  16. 1. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    System Testing.
    2.Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    In manual testing ,software testers use step by step process to check defects or bugs in the developed software, where as in automation testing software testing tools are used for testing.
    Software testers play important role in manual testing.Human interaction and manual efforts are needed at highest level in manual tesing for successful testing in contrast to automation testing where manual efforts are minimal.
    Automation testing is more reliable in comparison to manual testing.Reusable test scripts and programs in automation testing makes it faster and effortless in comparison to manual testing.Overall automation testing has larger scope and can be reapeated more number of times compared to manual testing.

  17. Q1. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    Ans. System testing (manual or automation) is done by QA team.

    Q2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Ans. in manual testing, all the test cases are executed manually by the software testers, it’s usually for small and low budget projects. Its time consuming, less accurate due to a great chance of human error and its unreliable.
    In automation testing software testing tools are used so its expansive but fast, accurate and reliable.

  18. 1.system testing
    2.In manual testing, test cases are executed manually (by a human, that is) without any support from tools or scripts. But with automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.

  19. QA is performed system testing
    Manual testing is a type of software testing that all the test cases are performed manually by humans
    Automation testing is a type of software testing which the test case are executed with the assistance of software.

  20. 1 Manual testing, automation testing, system testng are done by the QA team.

    2 Manual test cases are executed manually by human, its less reliable because errors can accure
    Automation testing is more reliable, test cases are executed by software toolsand scripts

  21. QA does both automation and manual testing. software testing is done by QA . Qa gather the requirements from BA and other team members in the IT project team to prepare test documents for testing.

    Manual testing is done by human and its very time consuming. Automation testing is done by software and time saving , efficient and quick.

  22. 1.Ans:
    System testing, manual testing or automation testing are done by QA testers.
    2. Ans:
    Manual testing is done manually where software testers gather all the test requirements, reviews the documents for errors and prepares all the test project reports/plans/design and execute the testing plan.
    Automation testing is done by software testers using Automation Testing Tools like Selenium, UFT, Rational Functional Tester,etc. This testing is used some programming languages to execute test scripts by QA. Automated testing tool is selected based on the budget, technology under development, test enviornment, vendor etc.

  23. 1.QA does both Manual testing & Automation Testing
    2.-Manual Testing :
    *Manual Testing is as the name implies is done manually without use of any automation tools.
    *In manual testing documents such as RTM, Test Cases, Test data are manually created and executed.
    *There is a chance of human error or delay in test results. Manual testing is generally used for testing software functionalities.
    -Automation Testing :
    *Automation on the other hand uses various automation tools like Loadrunner, SOAPUI,Unified functional testing ( UFI) etc to test the software on performance, web services etc.
    *QA using automation tools need to use some programming languages to execute test scripts. *Automated testing tool is selected based on the budget, technology under development, test enviornment, vendor etc.

  24. 1. System testing or black box testing and UAT is done by QA.
    2.Differences between manual and automation testing:
    A) In manual testing, test cases are executed manually or without the help of any tool while in automation testing, the test case is executed with the help of automation tool like Selenium, Cucumber etc.
    B) Manual Testing is time-consuming while Automation Testing is quicker than manual testing.
    C)Manual testing is done with human error but Automation Testing is done with no scope of human error.

  25. 1.System testing (black box testing) and user acceptance testing.
    2.Manual Testing is a type of Software Testing where Testers manually execute test cases without using any automation tools.
    Automation testing does not require human intervention.Automation Testing means using an automation tool to execute your test case suite.

  26. This article describes the various steps of Software Testing Life Cycle – Test requirment gathering, Test paln, Test design, Test implementation and execution, Defect reporting and tracking and Test closure.

  27. 1. QA team does the system testing.
    2. Manual testing is mainly done manually, which means all the test cases are executed individually by the tester, manually entering data and testing the case without the help of any external tools. Automation testing also does testing the test cases but with the help of tools.

  28. System testing is done by QA.

    In manual testing is done by entering valid, invalid or blank data without using any tools.
    Automation testing is done by using testing tools.

  29. 1.system testing 2.manual testing is done by human efforts so there are chances for errors but automation testing is done by software/tools where there no chance of errors.

  30. 1.QA team does combination of Manual testing and Automation testing.

    2.Manual testing as the name suggest is done manually without the help of any testing tools but is very time consuming,
    Automation Testing:Automation testing is done by testers using Automation Testing Tools like Selenium, UFT, Rational Functional Tester etc .

  31. 1. System testing, Manual or automation testing is done by QA.

    2. Manual testing is the process of using the functions and features of an application as an end-user would in order to verify the software is working as required. With manual testing, a tester manually conducts tests on the software. Automation testing is a technique uses an application to implement entire life cycle of the software in less time and provides efficiency and effectiveness to the testing software

  32. 1.QA team does system testing which is a black box test design technique.
    2. Manual Testing:
    In manual testing, test cases are executed manually by a human tester without using any tools.
    Manual testing is not accurate because of the possibility of human errors.
    Manual testing is time consuming and takes up human resources.

    Automation testing:
    In Automated Software Testing, testers use automation testing tools like Selenium, UFT, RFT to write code/test scripts to
    automate test execution.
    Automated testing is a reliable method, as it is performed by tools and scripts.
    Automated testing is significantly faster than a manual approach.

  33. System testing is done by QA team.

    3. The software testing steps are listed below:
    • test requirements gathering
    • test plan and analysis
    • test design
    • test implementation and execution
    • defect reporting and tracking
    • test closure

  34. 1. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    The QA Team performs System Testing that are executed manually (Manual testing) and with tools (Automation testing).
    2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing is done by Testers using hands. It demands more time to be completed and offers low accuracy result and less expensive. Whereas Automation testing is faster, done by Software and Tools to write Test Cases and Execute them. Automated testing is much reliable, helps increase effectiveness and efficiency of software testing.

  35. 1. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    System testing is done by QA team.
    2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    In manual testing test cases are executed manually (by a human, that is) without any support from tools or scripts. But with automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.

  36. Manual testing is testing of the software where tests are executed manually by a QA Analysts. It is performed to discover bugs in software under development
    Manual testing is testing of the software where tests are executed manually by a QA Analysts. It is performed to discover bugs in software under developmen

  37. 1. QA does System Testing
    2. Difference between manual testing and automation testing is:
    – Manual testing is time consuming as well as needs more manual intervention where automation testing can be done in less time and without human intervention
    -No tools are required for manual testing where testing is automated using automation tools in automation testing.
    -Unstable applications needs be tested manually whereas unstable applications can not be automated to avoid undesirable result.
    -Manual testing is expensive method whereas automation testing cost effective method.

  38. 1. The software tester(QA) do system testing. The software testing steps dobe by either manual testing or automation testing.
    2. The difference between manual testing and automation testing:
    Manual testing is accurate at all times due to human error, hence it is less reliale. Automatin testing is more reliable, as it is performed by tools and scripts.
    In manual testing test cases are executed manually by human without any suuport from tools or scripts. but with automation testing test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts and software.
    Manual testing is time-consuming, taking human resources. Automated testing is executed by software tools, so it is significantly faster than a manual approach.

  39. The software testers do system testing.
    Manual testing is testing of the software where tests are executed manually by a QA Analysts. It is performed to discover bugs in software under development.
    In Automated Software Testing, testers write code/test scripts to automate test execution. Testers use appropriate automation tools to develop the test scripts and validate the software. The goal is to complete test execution in a less amount of time.

  40. System testing is done by QA’s.
    Manual Testing: this test are done manually without any support of tools.Due to human errors the are not accurate and so not reliable.It is time consuming too.Eg:RTM
    Automatic Testing:It is done by software.As test are executed by tools,it is faster without errors and more reliable.

  41. What type of testing is done by QA team? QA team does system testing

    Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    In Manual testing, test cases are executed manually by human and without any support from tools or scripts.
    In Automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.

  42. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    manual testing and automation testing

    Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.In manual testing , test cases are executed manually without any support from tools or scripts. But with automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software

  43. 1. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    system testing
    2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    – In Manual Testing Software tester do the testing and finding the bugs. 100 percent manual interaction is compulsory.Here the software tester follows the manual steps to test the application.
    -The Automation testing uses different software tools to test the source code. This type of testing is used to reduce the manual efforts. The main advantages of automated testing are
    • It is fast
    • It is reliable
    • We can repeat tests many number of times
    • It is having a large scope
    • It is effortless

  44. 1.What type of testing is done by QA team?
    – System testing (manual or automation) is done by QA team.

    2.Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    In manual testing, test cases are executed manually or without the help of any tool while in automation testing, the test case is executed with the help of automation tool like Selenium, Cucumber etc.
    Manual Testing is time-consuming while Automation Testing is quicker than manual testing.
    Manual testing is done with human error but Automation Testing is done with no scope of human error.

  45. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    system testing
    Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    manual testing: testing the application manually with out using any tools is called manual testing. it consumes time.
    automation testing: testing the application with writing scripts and using automation tools is called automation testing. will be done quickly.

  46. QA Team performs the System testing.

    Manual Testing is where test is carried out manually without using any tools. This may be cumbersome and also error prone. It may also not cover the necessary load requirements in certain situations.

    Automation testing: is carried out using testing tools. The best examples would be for load testing, soak testing. Although the tools are precise, some situations call for manual testing.

    Neither Manual nor Automation testing is self-sufficient. Each has its role.

  47. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    System testing is done the QA team.

    Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing –
    ~100% human intervention , so Testing depends solely on the tester . Human errors cannot be avoided
    ~Exhaustive Testing is not possible
    ~ test cases are executed manually
    ~ most suited for exploratory Testing, adhoc Testing , usability testing

    Automation Testing-
    ~ Test cases are executed using tools
    ~Exhaustive Testing is possible
    ~ reduces QA cost and time
    ~can avoid manual errors
    ~ most suited for retesting , regression testing , data driven testing because is repeatability and reusablilty

  48. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    QA team does the system testing.
    Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual Testing:
    Testers manually execute test cases to find defects and bugs in software. Tester plays end user role to manually test the functionality and confirm that it works as per the requirement. Tests like exploratory testing, ad-hoc testing can only be done manually.
    Automation Testing:
    Testing is done by using test scripts in automation tools. The tools make the testing more efficient & effective and provide elaborate, reliable, consistent results. It is useful for tests that need to be frequently repeated. It’s faster than manual testing and less time consuming.

  49. system testing is done by QA.
    manual testing the test cases are executed by human without the help of any tools.
    automation testing the test cases are executed by using the tools. It is fast, and reliable.

  50. The QA team does the manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing : Manual testing ,all the test cases are executed manually by the software tester . Its low budget and time consuming . Less accurate and unreliable.
    Automation testing: automation testing is done by the tester using automation testing tools or scripts . Programming is required. Its costly but in long term reduces the cost and more reliable.

  51. 1. The system testing is done by the QA team

    2.Manual Testing – The tester follows manual steps rather than automated to test the complete behavior and characteristics of the software for the defects. Here the tester understands the issue and fixes from human perspective.
    Automation Testing – The manual effort is reduced in the automated testing. The test cases or scripts can be reused, maintained and are reliable.

  52. 1. System testing is done by QA.
    2. manual testing is testing of a software done manually without any tool support. While in automation testing, testing is done with the assistance of tools.

  53. system testing is done by QA.
    in manual testing,test cases are executed manually that is with human intervention,
    in automation testing test cases are executed using tools and scripts

  54. 1. System testing is done by QAs.
    2. Manual testing is performed by testers w/o using any automated tools.
    3. Automation testing: This testing is performed by QAs using tools and scripts and can be done repeatedly

  55. 1) System testing
    2) Manual testing – No type of tools are involved in the process of testing.
    3) Automation testing – Automation tools are used in this type of testing.

  56. 1) The QA team does system testing.
    2) Below are certain differences between manual and automation testing.
    – In manual testing, test cases are executed manually by humans without any support from tools or scripts. In Automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.
    – Manual testing is prone to human errors making it less reliable. Automation testing is more reliable as tools and pre-defined scripts are used.
    – Manual testing can be more time consuming and expensive whereas automation testing is very fast.
    – Manual testing is more suited for ad-hoc testing, exploratory testing. Automation testing is best for regression testing and testing that requires frequent test case execution.

  57. 1 QA team does System testing.

    2) Manual testing vs Automation testing.
    -> In manual testing test cases are executed by human tester. In automation testing tools are used to execute the test cases.
    -> Manual testing is time-consuming process whereas automation testing is faster than manual approach.
    -> Manual testing is not accurate because of possibility of human errors. Automation testing is reliable method where it is performed by tools ad scripts.
    -> Manual testing is not cost-effective for high volume regression , whereas automation is not cost-effective for low volume regression.

  58. * Software Testing

    * Manual Testing: For this one, the test cases are implemented manually by human
    * Automation testing: Test cases are implemented with the help of different software, tools, and scripts.

  59. 1. What type of testing is done by QA team? System Testing is done by QA
    2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    o In manual testing documents such as RTM, Test Cases, Test data are manually created and executed. There is a chance of human error or delay in test results. Manual testing is generally used for testing software functionalities.
    o Automation on the other hand uses various automation tools to test the software on performance, web services etc. Tests cases are executed using tools and scripts. Automated testing tool is selected based on the budget, technology under development, test environment, vendor etc.

  60. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    Software Testers do the System Testing.
    What is the Difference Between Manual Testing and Automation Testing?
    In Manual Testing,Testicases are Executed Manually,without any support from tools or scripts,whereas in automation testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software. Testing is an integral part of any successful software project.

  61. System testing is done by QA.
    Manual Testing: this test are done manually without any support of tools.Due to human errors the are not accurate and so not reliable.It is time consuming too.Eg:RTM
    Automatic Testing:It is done by software.As test are executed by tools,it is faster without errors and more reliable.

  62. System testing is performed by QA.
    Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    In manual testing , test cases are executed manually without any support from tools or scripts. Programming is not required. Manual testing is time-consuming due to running test cases as everything is done manually.
    Automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software. Programming is required. Automated testing is much faster than manual testing due to using the software.

  63. 1.Manual testing and Automation testing.
    2.Manual Testing :-test cases are executed manually that is with human intervention.
    Automation Testing :- test cases are executed using tools and scripts.

  64. 1. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    Manual and automation testing is done by the QA team.

    2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.

    In manual testing, tests are executed manually without the assistance of automation tools. In automation testing, tests are implemented by writing code and test scripts to automate test execution.

  65. 1.Manual testing and Automation testing is done by QA team.
    2.In manual testing test cases are executed manually human, without any support
    from tools or scripts.
    But with automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools,
    scripts, and software.
    . Manual testing is not accurate at all due to human error,it is less reliable.where as
    automated testing is more reliable,as it is performed by tools and or scripts.
    . Manual testing is time consuming. Automated testing is executed by software
    tools,so it is faster than manual testing.
    . Investment required for human resources. Investment is required for testing tools.
    . In manual testing test cases are run once or twice and frequent repetition is not
    required.In Automated testing test cases are run repeatedly over a long time period.

  66. 1. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    System testing is done by the QA team.

    2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing is the testing of the software where tests are executed manually by QA testers. Whereas, in automation testing, testers write code/test scripts to automate test execution by using appropriate automation tools.

    Since, manual testing is done by human, it is time consuming and takes up human resources. Whereas, automation testing is significantly faster than manual testing.

    Manual testing is not as accurate as automation testing because of possibility of human errors. Whereas, automated testing is reliable method as it is performed by tools and scripts, no possibility errors because of testing fatigue like with humans.

    Manual testing requires less costs compared to automation testing. But manual testing is not cost effective for high volume regression. Meanwhile, automated testing costs more than manual. And it is not cost effective for low volume regression.

  67. 1.The QA team does manual testing and automation testing.
    2.The difference between manual testing and automation testing is briefly described as follows:
    -manual testing:here the testing is executed manually by human without the support from any tools and scripts .hence it can be time consumimg method.Thus there mite be chance of more errors too.
    -automation testing:in this method the testing is executed using various testing tools and scripts like Loadrunner,UFT,soap,etc.Since tools are involved this method is faster than manual testing and also the chances of errors are also less compared to manual testing.

  68. 1. System testing (Manual testing and Automation Testing) is done by QA team.
    2. Manual testing – tester manually execute test case without using any automation tools. It does not require knowledge of any testing tools.
    Automation Testing – Testing is done through an automation tools, less time is needed exploratory test and more time is needed in maintaining test script It is well suited for large project.

  69. software testing steps plays an important role in the software development life cycle.
    these are the software testing steps
    1)Test REquirement gathering: The testers gather the information from the Bussiness analyst and client to prepare the documents for the test.
    2)Test Plan and Analysis:the test lead will plan and analyze.
    3)Test Design: Here they do documents like RTM, Test data, Test case.
    4)Test implementation and execution: Here they set up the environment and the test case results are recorded.
    5)Defect reporting and tracking: They report to the developers if any defects and testers track until the defects fixed.
    6)Test closure: once the defects are fixed they close the test.

  70. 1.The software testers do system testing.
    2. Manual testing – carried out by manual preparing the test documents like traceability matrices, test data, test cases are prepared by the software testers.
    Automation testing test cases are executed using tools and scripts.

  71. QA team either does manual or automation testing.
    Manual testing is done manually without using any automated tools. The RTM, test data and test cases are prepared manually. whereas in automation testing is a Software testing technique to test and compare the actual outcome with the expected outcome. This can be achieved by writing test scripts or using any automation testing tool

  72. System testing is the type of testing performed by the software testers.
    Manual testing is the tests that are performed manually without the help of any tools whereas automation testing are performed with the automatic testing tools with already written scripts.

  73. Functional and system testing done by the QA team.
    Manual testing is done by QA on the team by creating RTM,Test plan and Test cases. They manually execute test cases and compare the result with the expected result. While automation testing is done by testing tools. It is an automated process to validate software.

  74. System Testing or black box testing
    Q:Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing: –test execution Done manually by QA testers.
    Time consuming and less efficient.
    Difficult to ensure sufficient test coverage.
    Automated testing: –test execution done automatically using automation test tools.
    More testing in less time and more efficient.
    Easy to ensure greater test coverage.

  75. The QA team are responsible for the test plan done by the QA test leader, test design (RTM, test case, and test plan) by the testers, test implementation and execution as well as defect reporting and tracking done by the testers too.
    And test closure.

    Manual testing is done by the QA at anytime in the project for especially low budget projects
    Automation testing is performed with software tools or scripts. More reliable, can be repeated.

  76. System testing is done by the QA team.
    Manual testing is done by a human tester and automation testing are performed with by software or automation tools. In manual testing, test cases are executed manually, created manually by the test team. Whereas in automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools / scripts/ software.

  77. Answer 1:QA does the system testing that includes various types of testing like
    Exploratory Testing
    smoke Testing
    Functional Testing
    Regression Testing
    Performance Testing …….etc.
    Manual testing –In manual testing testers manually execute test cases without using any automation tools.
    Automation Testing – Testing is done through an automation tools,and scripts like Loadrunner,UFT,soap,etc.Since tools are involved this method is faster than manual testing and also the chances of errors are also less compared to manual testing.

  78. The type of testing done by the QA is system testing.
    QA testers perform manual testing steps with input data and observe the results.
    In the automation testing, the software is tested using the automation testing tools. The test execution steps are automated . It can perform the steps with different data sets and display the detailed results of software testing. The test scripts are created by the automation testers to perform the testing steps automatically and observe the results. The test scripts created once can be reused. The data driven testing framework allows the testing with different data sets stored in external files. Automation testing makes the software testing much faster than manual testing and it is more reliable than manual testing.

  79. The QA team is responsible for system testing.

    Manual testing is done by people, and automated testing is done with tools/software. Automated testing is faster, but not cost effective for low volume regression.

  80. 7.1.What type of testing is done by QA team?
    ANS:System testing is done by QA.
    7.2.Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing
    ANS:Manual testing is done manualy eg:human sitting in front of computer whereas automation testing is done by executing the test cases
    using tools.
    Test cases comes under test design,tehy are RTM,test data and test cases.

  81. System testing is done by QA

    Manual testing is done by executing test cases manually, it is time consuming and less reliable due to human error.
    Automated testing is done by executing test scripts using automation tools, it is fast and reliable.

  82. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    QA Team is involved in the system testing.
    Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual Testing: The test cases are executed manually by the testers. It is done for the software which doesn’t have repetitive tasks and which needs more tester attention.
    Automation Testing: The test cases are executed by automation tools.The automation can be done for software which is repetitive in nature and which does not need manual attention.

  83. 1. System testing is done by QA team.

    2.In Manual testing, the tester checks all the essential features of the given application or software. In this process, the software testers execute the test cases and generate the test reports without the help of any automation software testing tools.

    In Automated Software Testing, testers write code/test scripts to automate test execution. Testers use appropriate automation tools to develop the test scripts and validate the software. The goal is to complete test execution in a less amount of time.

  84. 1.System testing or black box testing is done by OA
    2.The difference between Automation testing and manual testing is
    Manual testing is done manually so time consuming and is is not as reliable as Automated testing ..Automated testing is more expensive and efficient.

  85. The software testers do system testing
    Manual testing is a type of software testing that tester identify the defect manually without using any automation tool.
    Automation testing is an Automatic technique where the tester writes scripts by own and uses suitable software to test the software

  86. 1. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    QA Team performs the System testing.
    2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing: Manual testing is a step by step process followed by the testers to make sure the software works as expected and there is no automation tool used to perform instead human performs the actions.
    Eg: Quality Center, ALM.

    Automation testing: Automation testing is performed by human using a automation tool. Where the tester executes the test scripts using coding language to perform this action. Eg: Selenium, RPA

  87. 1. System testing is done by QA team.
    2. Manual Testing is done manually by QA analyst (Human), and it is time consuming process, programming knowledge is not necessary for manual testing. Whereas Automation Testing is done with the use of script, code and automation tools (computer) by a tester, and it is very fast and programming knowledge for automation testing.

  88. 1. QA will done system testing, test the software and find the defects and report to the developers.
    2. in manual testing, a human do the tests step by step process with out test scripts, in automation testing tests are executed by using the tools.

  89. The software testing involve following steps:
    Test requirements gathering
    Test plan and analysis
    Test design
    Test implementation and execution
    Defect reporting and tracking
    Test closure

  90. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    System testing

    Difference between manual testing and automation testing
    Manual testing is the testing should execute manually by human. Each and every function and all details should be tested by human. whereas automation is performed by a software tool . however before automation there should be some basic test done manual

  91. What type of testing is done by the QA team?
    System Testing

    Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing- test cases are executed manually by a human without support form tools or scripts.
    Automation testing- test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software.

    -Automation testing and manual testing are done by the QA team.
    -Difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing:
    1. Manual testing is testing of the software where tests are executed manually by a QA Analyst. It is performed to discover bugs in software under development.
    2. All the phases of software testing life cycle (STLC) such as test planning, test deployment, result analysis, test execution, bugs tracking, and reporting tools come under the category of manual testing and is conducted in all phases successfully by human efforts.
    3. Without starting manual testing, we cannot start automation testing
    4. In manual testing, investment is required for human resources.
    5. In manual testing, the tester can do Random testing to find bugs
    6. We can find more bugs in manual testing by error guessing than automation testing.
    7. To execute the test cases manually, more testers are required.
    8. There is no need for programming language in manual testing.
    9. Manual testing is not useful in the case of long-running and repetitive testing. The results might be inconsistent and error-
    Automation Testing:
    1. In Automated Software Testing, testers write code/test scripts to automate test execution. Testers use appropriate automation tools to develop the test scripts and validate the software.
    2. In automation testing, all phases of STLC are conducted by the various open-source and purchased tools such as selenium, QTP, J meter, Load Runner, Win Runner, etc.
    3. Automation testing is a continuous process of manual testing.
    4. Investment is required for testing tools in the case of automation testing.
    5. Tester always tests through running test scripts in case of automation testing.
    6. In automation testing, we cannot find more bugs by error guessing.
    7. After making the Automation test suites, fewer testers are required to execute the test cases.
    8. Need for programming knowledge must be in automation testing.
    9. Automated testing can be consistent and free from human-generated errors in such cases.

  93. 1. What type of testing is done by the QA team?
    System Testing is done by QA. It can be broadly classified as functional and non-functional testing.

    2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    #Manual testing- Manual testing is done manually by the testers by executing the test cases. It is inexpensive way to test system but takes a lot of time. its less reliable as there are more chances of the human error. So only beneficial for small projects.
    #Automation testing- Test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software. Testers write scripts and use can be executed repeatedly. it is fast and reliable and efficient for regression testing for big projects.

  94. 1.System testing is done by the QA.
    2.Manual Testing is executed manually(by a human) hence it is more time consuming, less reliable, cost efficient
    Automation testing is test cases executed by the tools ,scripts and software ,hence more reliable ,less time consuming not cost effective but could be used for repetitive testing projects.

  95. Product owner: is responsible to meet with the customer, stakeholder, and understand the requirement and them he make it into an epic of story. Also, product owner prioritizes the feature, story based on the customer needs. Product owner is defining the product back log based on product backlog there is subset of product backlog is made which is backlog for a particular sprint. After compilation of each module the team gives a demo to product owner and based on the demo, he has the authority to accept the work or to reject it.
    Scrum master: scrum master facilities the project process. He or she is responsible for understanding of the project and to make sure everyone is working at the same pace. Scrum master facilities the meeting and resolve any impediment. Scrum master guides the team members and assists the product owner to manage the product backlog.
    Team of the scrum team: The development team is responsible for implementation of the software. It forms the group of technical members. The team develops the software in increments called sprint. The team is self-organizing and cross-functional. The development team focusses on developing the working software rather than detailed documentation.

  96. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    System testing is done by the QA team which is functional and non-functional testing.

    Difference between manual and automation testing:
    Manual Testing is done manually by QA analyst (Human) whereas Automation Testing is done with the use of script, code and automation tools (computer) by a tester.
    Manual Testing process is not accurate because of the possibilities of human errors whereas the Automation process is reliable because it is code and script based.
    Manual Testing is a time-consuming process whereas Automation Testing is very fast.
    Manual Testing is possible without programming knowledge whereas Automation Testing is not possible without programming knowledge.
    Manual Testing allows random Testing whereas Automation Testing doesn’t allow random Testing.

  97. 1.What type of testing is done by QA team?
    System testing is done by QA team.

    2.Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing is done by human and automation is done using different software tools.
    Manual testing may have human errors Automation is more reliable.
    Manual testing takes longer time thsn Automation.

  98. QA teams do manual and automation testing. Manual testing is done by humans where they execute test cases and automation testing is done by a computer using testing tools to run test cases.

  99. 1. What type of testing is done by QA team?
    System testing is done by QA team.
    2. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
    Manual testing is testing of the software where tests are executed manually by a QA Analyst. It is performed to discover bugs in software under development. In Manual testing, the tester checks all the essential features of the given application or software. In this process, the software testers execute the test cases and generate the test reports without the help of any automation software testing tools.
    In Automated Software Testing, testers write code/test scripts to automate test execution. Testers use appropriate automation tools to develop the test scripts and validate the software. The goal is to complete test execution in a less amount of time

  100. 1. QA team does system testing which includes functional and nonfunctional testing.
    2. Difference between manual testing and automation testing:
    Manual testing is done manually by performing without tools and using test cases. It is not accurate because of the possibilities of human errors and is time-consuming. It is possible without programming knowledge and allows random testing.
    Automation testing is done with the use of script, code and automation tools by a tester. It is reliable because it is code and script based and very fast. It is not possible without programming knowledge and doesn’t allow random testing.

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