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Career Scope in Selenium- The Future of Testing

When we first start studying selenium, the main concern that crosses our minds is: Is this a career worth pursuing? Undoubtedly, a plethora of questions will be racing through your mind at the same time: what are the job options in Selenium, what is the average salary for professionals in this industry, is Selenium still relevant in the long run, and much more?

This article will allay your concerns about picking a career in selenium and assist you in achieving your goals. Check out the Selenium certification course to learn more.

An open-source framework called Selenium is used to automate tests on various platforms and browsers. Selenium Test Scripts are written in a variety of computer languages, including Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, Perl, and others. Selenium is a suite of tools, not just one tool, that may be used for all of an organisation’s testing requirements. WebDriver, Selenium Grid, Selenium IDE, and Selenium Remote Control (RC) are the technologies that make Selenium the most widely used and optimal option for automation.

The popularity of Selenium

In the software industry, one of the most popular options for developers is Selenium. The most widely used web testing tool, Selenium, has seen a staggering 300 percent increase in job posts over the previous three years, according to BusinessWire. Selenium has the highest adoption rate among open-source automated testing technologies, according to research firm Gartner. However, the following factors increase Selenium’s appeal to the point where large companies start using it:

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  • A non-proprietary software
  • Multi-Browser Compatibility
  • Multi-Platform Support
  • Supports Cross Browser Testing
  • Multiple Programming Language Support
  • Support Test Mobile Web Applications 
  • Comprehensive documentation and support.

The most in-demand skill in the testing industry is selenium, which is in high demand in countries like the US, Australia, the UK, India, and others where employment opportunities are many and well-paying. For their automated testing requirements, many top organisations, like Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Linkedin, etc., favour Selenium.

Selenium Job Roles

Jobs at Selenium range from web application development to mobile development, depending on the firm. The following are some examples of jobs that a Selenium WebDriver specialist might have:

  • Selenium Tester
  • Selenium Automation Engineer
  • Senior Quality Engineer – Automation
  • Java Selenium Automation Engineer
  • Mobile Testing Lead
  • Senior QA Automation Engineer
  • Selenium Test Analyst
  • Software Development Test Engineer
  • What does a Selenium Tester do?

Some of the key responsibilities of Selenium testers include:

  • Using Selenium, ascertain the necessary automation testing approach based on company needs.  
  • Make a test strategy and write test scripts.
  • Maintain the current test scripts and regression suites.
  • Participate in agile meetings for the projects you are given (e.g., daily scrum meetings, backlog refinement, and sprint planning).
  • Run regression tests.
  • Offer solutions to stakeholders, project managers, developers, and manual testers.
  • Assess new tools/APIs

Selenium Job Salary Trends

Salary ranges for jobs with selenium varied throughout companies based on experience and skill levels. The US median compensation range for selenium testers is $62,509 to $100,971 annually, according to Indeed.

Selenium-related occupations are becoming more and more common in the UK as well, with remarkable median wages of about 50,000 pounds. The demand for Selenium testers and their average salary are shown in the graphs below.

By 2024, the global automation testing market is expected to have grown by around USD 28.8 billion, according to Markets and Markets. This demonstrates unequivocally that the selenium market is expanding and is not about to slow down. Thus, this is the ideal moment for testers to continue pursuing this career path in order to secure a high salary.

Career Scope in Selenium- The Future of Testing

Which companies are employing professionals with selenium?

Some of the biggest companies that frequently employ professionals with an in-depth understanding of Selenium are:

  • Tech Mahindra
  • UnitedHealth Group
  • Oracle
  • IBM
  • ADP
  • Dell
  • L&T
  • Cognizant
  • Deloitte
  • Capgemini
  • ValueLabs
  • Hitachi
  • CGI

Selenium Future Scope 

Web applications are seen by many companies as the next big thing, and Selenium is in high demand as the test automation market trends continue to rise. For their test automation requirements, a large number of eminent companies worldwide rely on Selenium resources. In case you’re prepared to delve deeply into test automation and acquire a high degree of proficiency in it, Selenium can assist you in securing a more fulfilling and successful professional role.

But software has never been created without defects, which makes it abundantly evident that automated testing is always necessary. As a result, Selenium appears to have a bright future full of prospects.

What are the skills required for a selenium Tester?

You can find the appropriate set of Selenium abilities needed for your level of competence by using the below suggestions. Additionally, you’ll find it much simpler to expand your skill set.

Entry Level (0–2 years):

  • Learn how to write test suites and record scripts using the Selenium IDE.
  • From the Jenkins dashboard, run Selenium tests.
  • Working with web apps requires a rudimentary understanding of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS.
  • Tools for managing source code should be understood.
  • Possess a solid grasp of DOM and be adept with XPath, ID, CSS, and By-ID selectors.
  • Understand test scenarios so that you can verify the application before deploying it.

Intermediate level (2-5 years)

  • Should be familiar with Selenium WebDriver in order to test websites.
  • Prior knowledge of the testing frameworks JUnit and TestNG.
  • Any knowledge of Java, Python, or .NET programming is required.
  • Utilise Selenium WebDriver’s method to manage AJAX calls.
  • Able to enhance the current test frameworks with additional functionality.
  • Regularly check on Jenkins (CI) jobs and take care of malfunctioning builds.

Advanced level (5-10 years)

  • Experience managing projects using advanced Webdriver skills and work knowledge with design patterns. 
  • Automate data-driven test requirements and translation.
  • Proficiency in SQL will be beneficial while testing database validation.
  • Possess past expertise using tools for behaviour-driven testing such as Cucumber, JBehave, EasyB, Concordion, JDave, etc.
  • Able to mentor younger players on the team when needed.
Career Scope in Selenium- The Future of Testing

Expert level (10+ years)

  • Have hands-on experience running tests in parallel in a virtualized environment.  
  • Configure ongoing delivery for ongoing projects.
  • Must be able to integrate automation results with any bug-tracking program, such as JIRA or TestRail.
  • Oversee automation agents on the Amazon cloud infrastructure.  
  • Debug the source code of the Selenium web driver and be able to provide recommendations or fixes to the Selenium core team.
  • How to use Selenium WebDriver to create reusable frameworks and libraries that shorten execution times and increase performance.


After a great deal of discussion on the topic, the one thing we can conclude is that there are plenty of opportunities in the industry for professionals looking to advance their careers in selenium. Additionally, as automation is the foundation of the technology industry, those skilled in this field will reap significant rewards in the years to come. To learn more, check out the Selenium training online.

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