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Random testing is a testing technique where programs are tested by generating random and independent inputs. It is a type of black box testing. The results of output generated are compared with the software specifications to verify if the result is correct or not. There are some strengths and weakness of random testing.

The strength of random testing are:

  1. It is inexpensive to use
  2. It does not have any bias
  3. The bugs are found very easily and quickly
  4. If software is used properly it will find the bugs.

The weakness of this testing is:

  1. It is capable of finding only basic bugs
  2. It is precise when specifications are imprecise.
  3. This technique compares poorly with other techniques to find the bugs
  4. This technique will create a problem for continuous integration if different inputs are randomly selected on each test.
  5. Some think that white box testing is better than this random testing technique

The characteristics of random testing:

  1. It is performed where defects in a software application is not identified by the regular intervals.
  2. Random input is used to test the system performance and its reliability.
  3. Saves time and effort than actual tests.
  4. Other testing methods are not used.

The common example of Random testing is: use of random integers to test the software function that returns the results based on those integers. Specifically when dealing with integers or other types of variables. Random testing is random as a set of random inputs that are used, in other words testers are bound to choose set of integers rather than infinite set.

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Random Testing
Random Testing


Types of random testing:

  1. With respect to the input

Random input sequence generation, random sequence of data inputs and random data selection from existing database.

  1. Guided vs Unguided

Undirected random test generation with no heuristics to guide its search and directed random test generation. Eg. adaptive random testing.

Most of the criticism about random testing is about misapplication of the technique. The key problem of random test is generating input that are part of the domain of the software under test. Random testing is great for testing

  • fault behaviour
  • data validation
  • Adherence to specifications
  • Concurrency


  1. What is random testing?
  2. What are the characteristics of random testing?
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  1. 1. Random testing is a type of black box testing.It is a testing technique where programs are tested by generating random and
    independent inputs. The results of output generated are compared with the software specifications to verify if the result is
    correct or not. There are some strengths and weakness of random testing.
    Random testing is great for testing:
    Fault behavior
    Data validation
    Adherence to specifications
    2. The characteristics of random testing:
    – It is performed where defects in a software
    – Application is not identified by the regular intervals.
    – Random input is used to test the system performance and its reliability.
    – Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    – Other testing methods are not used.

  2. Random testing is a testing technique where programs are tested by generating random and independent inputs. It is a type of black box testing. The results of output generated are compared with the software specifications to verify if the result is correct or not. There are some strengths and weakness of random testing.
    The characteristics of random testing:
    It is performed where defects in a software application is not identified by the regular intervals.
    Random input is used to test the system performance and its reliability.
    Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    Other testing methods are not used.
    The common example of Random testing is: use of random integers to test the software function that returns the results based on those integers. Specifically when dealing with integers or other types of variables. Random testing is random as a set of random inputs that are used, in other words testers are bound to choose set of integers rather than infinite set.

  3. Random testing to test the software application by randomly generated inputs to look for any defects.This is part of the black box testing.
    Characteristics include: This test is implemented to test the application to find out defects if they are not identified during intervals.
    It is inexpensive, it is better than white box testing. This is to check the performance and reliability of the software. save time and effort than actual tests.

  4. Random testing is a testing technique where programs are tested by generating random and independent inputs. It is a type of black box testing. The results of output generated are compared with the software specifications to verify if the result is correct or not. Here basic bugs are found very easily and quickly if software is used properly .
    The common example of Random testing is: use of random integers to test the software function that returns the results based on those integers. Specifically when dealing with integers or other types of variables. Random testing is random as a set of random inputs that are used, in other words testers are bound to choose set of integers rather than infinite set.
    The characteristics of random testing:
    It is performed where defects in a software application is not identified by the regular intervals.
    Random input is used to test the system performance and its reliability.
    Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    Other testing methods are not used.
    This technique will create a problem for continuous integration if different inputs are randomly selected on each test.

  5. Random testing- it is the testing technique with random or independence inputs. It is the black box testing.

    Characteristics of Random testing:
    It is performed where defects in a software application is not identified by the regular intervals. it saves time and effort than actual tests.

  6. What is random testing?
    Random testing is a black-box software testing technique where programs
    are tested by generating random, independent inputs.
    Results of the output are compared against software specifications
    to verify that the test output is pass or fail.

    What are the characteristics of random testing
    The characteristics of random testing:
    It is performed where defects in a software application is not
    identified by the regular intervals.
    Random input is used to test the system performance and
    its reliability.
    Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    Other testing methods are not used.

  7. Random testing
    It is a type of Black Box testing whee the programs are tested by generating random and independent inputs.

    Random testing is performed where the defects are not identified in regular intervals.
    Random input is used to test the system’s reliability and performance.
    It Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    Other Testing methods Cannot be used to.

  8. Random Testing, also known as monkey testing, is a form of functional black box testing that is performed when there is not enough time to write and execute the tests.
    In random testing is performed where the defects are ‘not’ identified in regular intervals.
    Random input is used to test the system’s reliability and performance.
    Saves time and effort then the actual test efforts.
    Other testing methods cannot be used to.

  9. 1.Random testing
    Random testing is a testing technique where programs are tested by generating random and independent inputs. It is a type of black box testing. The results of output generated are compared with the software specifications to verify if the result is correct or not.

    2. characteristics of random testing
    The characteristics of random testing:
    1.It is performed where defects in a software application is not identified by the regular intervals.
    2.Random input is used to test the system performance and its reliability.
    3.Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    4.Other testing methods are not used.

  10. In Random testing where programs are tested by generating random and independent inputs. The result of output generated are compared with the software specifications to verify if the result is correct or not

    Characteristics of Random testing:
    -It is performed where defects in a software application is not identified by the regular intervals.
    -Random input is used to test the system performance and reliability.
    -Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    -other testing methods are not used.

  11. 1. Random testing is a type of black box testing that tests programs by generating random and independent inputs.

    2. The characteristics of random testing include the following:
    – It is performed where defects in a software application are not identified by the regular intervals.
    – Random input is used to test the system performance and its reliability.
    – Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    – Other testing methods are not used.

  12. Random testing is a testing technique where programs are tested by generating random and independent inputs. It is a type of black box testing. The results of output generated are compared with the software specifications to verify if the result is correct or not.
    Characteristics of random testing
    The characteristics of random testing:
    1.It is performed where defects in a software application is not identified by the regular intervals.
    2.Random input is used to test the system performance and its reliability.
    3.Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    4.Other testing methods are not used.

  13. Random testing refers to the practice of using random inputs to test software. Different kinds of random testing all rely on the same basic idea, which is that the test implementation cases are chosen on a random basis. Random testing is a type of black box testing in which developers are not looking at the internal code for a software product—instead, they are entering random inputs into the system to see what the results are.
    – It is performed where the defects are NOT identified in regular intervals.
    – Random input is used to test the system’s reliability and performance.
    – Saves time and effort than actual test efforts.
    – Other Testing methods Cannot be used to.

  14. 1.Random testing is a testing technique where programs are tested by generating random and independent inputs. It is a type of black box testing.
    2.It is performed where defects in a software application is not identified by the regular intervals.
    Random input is used to test the system performance and its reliability.
    Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    Other testing methods are not used.

  15. Random Testing is when the software is tested by generating random and independent inputs.
    The results of the output is then compared to the software specifications to verify if it is correct or not.

    The characteristics are –
    It is performed where defects in a software application is not identified by the regular intervals.
    Random input is used to test the system performance and its reliability.
    Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    Other testing methods are not used.

  16. 1. Random testing is a type of black box testing where programs are tested by generating random and independent inputs.

  17. 1.) Random testing is a type of Black Box testing where programs are tested by generarting random and independent inputs. The results of the output generated are compared with the software specifications to verify if the results are correct or not.
    2.) Characteristics of Random Testing are:
    -> It is performed where defects in the software application are not identified in regular intervals.
    -> Random input is used to test system’s reliability and performance.
    -> Saves time and effort than actual tests.
    -> Other testing methods are not used.

  18. Random Testing is a type of Black box testing. In Random testing, programs are tested by generating random and independent inputs. The results of output are compared with the software specifications to verify if it is correct or not.
    The characteristics of random testing:
    Random inputs are used to test the system performance and reliability.
    Random testing is performed where defects in software are not identified by regular intervals.
    It saves time and effort than actual tests and useful in the absence of other testing methods.

  19. Random Testing is the testing process where programs are generating by random and independent inputs, and results of output are compare in software specification to varify that program has no Deffacts in it .This testing known as Black Box Testing . It saves time and effort than actual tests and useful in the absence of other testing methods.
    Characteristics are Random
    Random testing perform ed where deffacts in softwar are not identified in same interval its save time
    It saves time and effort than actual tests and useful in the absence of other testing methods.

  20. 1. What is random testing?
    Random testing is a type of Black Box testing where programs are tested by generating random and independent inputs.
    2. What are the characteristics of random testing?
    This test is implemented to test the application to find out defects if they are not identified during intervals.

  21. What is Random Testing:
    Type of black box testing, techniques where programs are tested by random and independent inputs. Used to test the system performance, saves time
    Some advantages inexpensive, no bias bugs found faster. Weakness are capable of finding only basic bugs, compares poorly, can create problems.

    Useful when software application is not identified by regular intervals. Random input used, saves time and effort. Testers are bound to choose set of integers rather than infinite set.

  22. Random testing is a black box software technique, where programs are tested by generating random, independent inputs. Resuls of the output are compared against software specifications and to verify that the result is pass or fail.

    Characteristics are
    1. Random testing is performed where defects are not identified at regular intervals.
    2. used to test system’s reliability and performance.
    3. saves time and effort than actual testing.
    4. performed where other testing are not used.

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