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Glass Box Testing

What is Glass box testing? 

Glass box testing tests the program structure ie. testing software at the program level. The different names of glass box testing are white box testing and structure-based testing. The glass box testing is conducted by the developers. The programming or coding tools have the components to the structure of the software like debug mode, step in and out, test the loops and logic, testing the variables, etc.

Classification of software testing:

Software testing possesses to be performed the tiniest amount bit the quantity of all software development levels for both functional and non-functional requirements. The broad classification of testing is static testing and dynamic testing. Dynamic testing is further classified into white box testing and specification-based testing. White box testing is to test the software at the program level. Specification testing involves testing the software during execution without the programs being visible.

Glass box testing techniques: 

The Glass box techniques are: 

  1. Statement coverage- This process aims at exercising all programming statements with minimal tests. The 100% statement coverage is achieved by testing all the statements of program a minimum of once. The values of the variables must to be chosen specified we achieve 100% statement coverage. 
  2. Branch coverage- This process is running a series of tests to verify that each one branches of the programs within the software are tested a minimum of once. All the control statements with if..else, nested if’s, switch/ select case, loops etc must to be tested with possible variable values to incorporate both True and False conditions.
  3. Path coverage- This process corresponds to testing all paths of different conditions.

Glass box test suites are easier constructs than black-box test suites. A glass box test suite could even be a path complete if it exercises every potential path through the program. This is typically impossible because it depends upon the number of times each loop is executed and also the depth of every recursion. Even a path-complete test suite doesn’t guarantee all the bugs are exposed.

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For example consider 

def abs(x):

“Assumes x is an integer

Returns x if x >= 0 and –x if x < 0”

if x <= -1:

return –x


return x

This specification mentions that there are two possible cases, x is either negative or positive. this means that set of inputs is sufficient to understand all the paths within the specification. the sole problem is that this test suite won’t expose the particular fact abs(-1) will return -1.

Types of Glass box testing:

Glass box testing is visiting to be further classified as unit testing and integration testing. 

Unit testing: Unit testing is additionally called component testing or program testing. Each program possesses to be tested independently using stubs and driver programs. Integration of erroneous programs can cause defects within the software affecting the alternative program components of the software. Hence every program component should undergo testing before integrating with other programs.

Integration testing: Integration testing is to test the interfaces or links between the programs.

Benefits of Glass box testing:

  1. While this testing it’s not seen from the tester point of view, but from the developer’s point of view. This makes sure that the total code is tested and to spice up the code’s application with the assistance of branch coverage.
  2. This testing is completed manually which might be easily automated with the assistance of java and selenium tools. This makes the work of testers easy and fewer loaded. they’ll do number of tests on the code at faster rate. With the rigorous testing in statement, path and branch, bugs which might be accustomed identify hidden errors that are delivered to notice of the developers. They like this testing although it’s time consuming because of this rigorous behaviour if the testing.
  3. Once the testing is completed, issues and codes which are don’t seem to be working is additionally identified easily. This helps the testers to figure out with developers which knows the code and to identify the bugs within the code. Hence the issues are sorted out and also the code is made working efficiently within the system.
  4. By this behaviour of the testing, it’s easy to understand the structure of the code and also actions of the software application likewise because of the accuracy of the code.

 Advantages of Glass box testing:

  1. It forces developers to reason carefully about implementation.
  2. exposes errors in “hidden” code.
  3. identifies the dead code or other issues with relevancy to best programming practices.

The disadvantages are:

  1. It is expensive together possesses to spend both time and money to perform white box testing.
  2. There is every possibility that few lines of code are missed accidentally.
  3. In-depth knowledge about the coding language is critical to perform white box testing.
  4. In-depth knowledge about the programming language is necessary to perform white box testing.
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  1. Glass Box Testing
    Glass box testing tests the program structure ie. testing software at the program level. This testing is conducted by the developers. The programming or coding tools have the components to the structure of the software like debug mode, step in and out, test the loops and logic, testing the variables, etc.
    The Glass box techniques are:
    1. Statement coverage- This process aims at exercising all programming statements with minimal tests.
    2. Branch Coverage – This process is running a series of tests to verify that each one branches of the programs within the software are tested a minimum of once.
    3. Path Coverage – This process corresponds to testing all paths of different conditions.

  2. Glass box testing also refer as white box or structure based testing is done at the programming level and is performed by the developer. Unit and integration testing is done under this testing. when a small unit/program or component is tested, its called unit testing. To check the proper linking between different components or programs, integration testing is done. The programming or coding tools have the components to the structure of the software like debug mode, step in and out, test the loops and logic, testing the variables, etc.

  3. Glass box testing is a testing technique that examines the program structure and derives test data from the program logic/code. The glass box testing is conducted by the developers. As the name suggests, a tester can see the entire code and this technique helps in the coverage of entire statements written in the program.

  4. The Glass Box Test, also known as White Box Test or Structural Test. It shows which parts of the program under test have, or have not been executed. Many Glass box testing tools are available for almost any programming language. Industry standards for safety-critical software require a very high or even complete coverage.
    Glass box testing is classified as unit testing and integration testing. when a small unit/program or component is tested, its called unit testing. To check the proper linking between different components or programs, integration testing is done. The programming or coding tools have the components to the structure of the software like debug mode, step in and out, test the loops and logic, testing the variables etc.

  5. t is testing software at the program level, it is also called white box testing and structure-based testing. Glass box testing is visiting to be further classified as unit testing and integration testing.

  6. Glass box testing is also referred as White Box testing, clear box testing, open box testing is a testing technique which checks the internal functioning of the system
    White Box Testing, Glass Box Testing, offers an insight into the program code of the software and derives test data from the same program code or logic. The main objective of this type of testing is to use the internal knowledge of the software to guide the selection of the test data and to improve the test design.

  7. Glass box testing tests the program structure ie. testing software at the program level. The different names of glass box testing are white box testing and structure-based testing. Glass box test suites are easier constructs than black-box test suites. A glass box test suite could even be a path complete if it exercises every potential path through the program

  8. Glass box testing is a testing technique that examines the program structure and derives test data from the program logic/code. The other names of glass box testing are clear box testing, open box testing, logic driven testing or path driven testing or structural testing.

  9. Glass box testing is the method type of testing where the code of the software is tested.Itis also called white box testing. Glass box testing is done by developers. Coding knowledge is required for Glass box testing.
    Glass box testing techniques are
    1.statement coverage: In this all th statements in the code are executed at least once.
    2.Branch coverage: In this all the brach/loops in the code are tested
    3.path coverage: In this all the possible path in the program are tested.

  10. The glass box testing is conducted by the developers. The programming or coding tools have the components to the structure of the software like debug mode, step in and out, test the loops and logic, testing the variables

  11. the glassbox testing is to test the software at thr program level.the glassbox testig are white box and structure based testingThe glass box testing is conducted by the developers. The programming or coding tools have the components to the structure of the software like debug mode, step in and out, test the loops and logic, testing the variables, etc. White box testing is to test the software at the program level. Specification testing involves testing the software during execution without the programs being visible.Glass box testing is visiting to be further classified as unit testing and integration testing.

    Unit testing: Unit testing is additionally called component testing or program testing. Each program possesses to be tested independently using stubs and driver programs. Integration of erroneous programs can cause defects within the software affecting the alternative program components of the software. Hence every program component should undergo testing before integrating with other programs.

    Integration testing: Integration testing is to test the interfaces or links between the programs.

  12. The Glass Box Test, also known as White Box Test or Structural Test. It shows which parts of the program under test have, or have not been executed. Many Glass box testing tools are available for almost any programming language. Industry standards for safety-critical software require a very high or even complete coverage.
    Glass box testing is classified as unit testing and integration testing. when a small unit/program or component is tested, its called unit testing. To check the proper linking between different components or programs, integration testing is done. The programming or coding tools have the components to the structure of the software like debug mode, step in and out, test the loops and logic, testing the variables

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