The only actual requirements for a good test automation solution are speed and reliability. How you wait after each page interaction in web automation is the single most crucial thing that affects both of these objectives. You can trigger an Ajax operation or a page transition by clicking, hovering over, or running a JavaScriptExecutor in Selenium function on a web element. Before you can do the subsequent procedure, you must wait for this to finish. Waiting too long causes the test to run more slowly than it should. Failures that are persistent or sporadic appear if you don’t wait or wait too little.
We are all aware that occasional test failures might occur when running Selenium tests. It works flawlessly when you try to resolve the problem and debug the same circumstance. The majority of the time, it occurs as a result of an element loading delay. The element is not yet rendered in the DOM when Selenium tries to perform any action on it.
You’re probably thinking that in this situation Selenium already offers a function called Implicit-wait, which continuously watches for an element to load and waits for a predetermined amount of time. So why do we get these issues when running Selenium? The response is due to JQuery or Ajax Calls. H2kinfosys is one of the best Selenium courses online to learn Ajax and JQuery.
What is Ajax?
AJAX is a method for sending and retrieving data for use on a web page by sending an XMLHttpRequest (out-of-band HTTP request) from a web page to the server. Asynchronous Javascript And XML are known as AJAX.
Interpretation: Ajax is a method for client-side browsers to interact with servers (for instance, to retrieve data from a database) without requiring a page refresh.
What is JQuery?
A javascript framework called JQuery (website) creates a ton of high-level functions that can be used to search and interact with the DOM in order to make dealing with it simpler. A high-level interface for making AJAX queries is implemented as part of the capabilities of jQuery.

- In contrast to AJAX, which is a collection of technologies used to allow asynchronous data transfer, JQuery is a small client-side scripting toolkit.
- JQuery and AJAX are frequently combined in web applications.
- JQuery is mostly used to dynamically edit data on the screen, and it uses AJAX to retrieve the data it requires without changing the state of the currently visible page.
How to check Ajax/JQuery on the Web Page?
Checking that the functionality of the application for which the tests are developed actually works is crucial. The technology utilised to create the web pages can be understood by speaking with UI developers. It will always offer you a good notion of what to expect from automation. The second option is to go look for yourself.
Using JavaScriptExecutor to handle Ajax calls in Selenium?
Due to these circumstances, our test will likely fail. Therefore, waiting for the Ajax call to finish is always a good idea. Using our JavaScriptExecutor interface, you may accomplish this. The concept is straightforward: if every JQuery execution has finished, == 0, which we can use in our Wait, will be a Wait.Until method to wait till the script returns true.
Wait for Ajax call to finish
You must be familiar with the ideas covered in the concepts of WebDriver Waits and Smart Waits in order to understand this. You should also be familiar with Java’s functions and predicates.

Here is some sample code to demonstrate how Selenium Webdriver handles AJAX controls. It can be incorporated into your class on test execution.
Boolean isJqueryCallDone = (Boolean)((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(“return”);
As the aforementioned script could only return True or False. However, we must keep running this code until either we get a true answer or the allotted time has passed. The Selenium WebDriver Wait, which would offer us an until method, is what we need to accomplish that.
Wait for Page Load using JavaScriptExecutor in Selenium
If you have used implicit wait in your software automation test, Selenium WebDriver will typically handle the software app’s page loading or wait for the page to load on its own. However, many development sites experience page loading issues, and the time it takes for a page to load changes with each iteration of a software test. Therefore, sometimes your test will go smoothly, and other times it will be unable to find some elements due to the page loading Issue.
Ajax and JQuery are important concepts that you need to understand in Selenium. Check out the Selenium training course online to learn more.
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