Table of Contents

The software testing can also be classified as two types of testing one is positive testing and negative testing. Positive testing is the application functions as expected valid data sets. If  an error occurs during positive testing the test fails. In the Negative Testing, the application handles the unexpected  behaviour or invalid input. For example if a user tries to type a wrong data in the field it would display a correct message for incorrect data. The quality of the application improves due to the negative testing.

Negative testing is detecting the possible software crashes in different situations,  such as

  1. Populating required fields
  2. Correspondence between data and field types
  3. Allowed number of characters
  4. Allowed data bounds and limits
  5. Reasonable data

For example  the functioning of a lift in real life. When the people enter and press the floor button automatically the lift is made to move to the required floor. If the number of people exceed in the lift, if a power failure happens during the lift functions – all these cases are included in negative testing. Negative testing is important in the organisation’s perspective because it is the responsibility of every organisation to build  a good quality product to the customer. To achieve this we conduct the negative testing

Negative testing characteristics are:

  • It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
  • It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential  for exploitation
  • It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

Negative testing techniques are

  1. Skipping the data and proceeding
  2. Verifying each field type
  3. Verifying numeric data size and boundary tests.

The equivalence partition between negative testing and positive testing is



The different types of negative testing situations are:

  1. Filling the values in required fields: The applications behaviour is checked when the test leaves the required fields empty and analyse the response of the application.
  2. Data and field types correspondences: The forms that contain controls can be tested by entering the invalid values to know the proper function of the application.
  3. The number of characters which are allowed: Some fields allow limited characters to be entered. For example: the user name or password field has a specific number of characters
  4. Allowing data bounds and limits: Applications can accept the input value in a certain range of data. For example of negative test: Enter the data in an application that exceeds the data type limit.
  5. Reasonable data values: some applications have reasonable data limit. For example: Enter data limit in the age field in any application.
  6. Web – based testing: some websites have condition to log in or use captcha before opening the first webpage to check whether the application behaves properly.

In positive testing it always proves that the product always meets the requirement specifications.In negative testing the main intention is to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show. Negative testing is a procedure to identify the inputs where system is not designed. The reason behind the negative testing is to check the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect  data set.

Check your understanding:

  1. What is Negative Testing?
  2. Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
  3. What are the advantages of Negative testing?
  4. Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?

57 Responses

  1. 1.What is Negative Testing?
    negative testing is to make sure that application handles invalid data or input or unexpected user behavior.The purpose of negative testing detect such errors and prevent application from crashing.
    2. Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    postive testing make sure that application works as expected and gives the desirable results.If error occurs in positive testing application fails. Negative testing make sure that application handles invalid data or unexpected user behavior.Negative testing improves the quality of application.
    3.What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    negative testing ensures the stability of the application.
    it help software to survive under the failed conditions.
    the quality of application improves because of negative testing.
    4. Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    Negative Testing is performed to expose the software weakness and potential for exploitation.
    It is carried out tot he point which can lead to major failure
    it is conducted to detect the security breaches.

  2. 1. Negative Testing is the application that handles the unexpected behaviour or invalid input.
    Negative testing is a procedure to identify the inputs where system is not designed.
    In Negative testing we can detect the possible software crashes in different situations, like
    Populating required fields,Correspondence between data and field types,Allowed number of characters,Allowed data bounds and limits,Reasonable data.
    2. In Positive testing- the application functions same as expected valid data sets. If any error occurs during positive testing the test will fail.Where In Negative testing-the application that handles the unexpected behaviour or invalid input.
    In Positive testing it always proves that the product always meets the requirement specifications.Bt in Negative testing the main intention is to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show.
    3.The main advantage of negative testing is “the quality of the application improves”.That means Negative testing is helping every organisation to build a good quality product to the customer. Another advantage in the negative testing is to check the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect data set.
    4.Negative testing characteristics are:
    It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  3. Negative Testing : In this testing tester requires to enter invalid input in require field and if software provide valid output, these kind of testing improve the software quality. This testing called negative testing.

    Difference between Positive and negative testing
    Positive testing : If software perform as expected for instance: enter valid data then result will be right and if a bug comes then test fails. On the other side, in negative testing tester must enter invalid data to test the software performance.

    Advantages of Negative testing : It help to ensure that software reliability, performance, correctness with invalid data.

    Characteristics of Negative testing :
    Negative Testing pin point the faults which can lead to major failures.
    Negative Testing help to find the software weakness and its effect for damage.
    Negative Testing identify how the security breaches can occur.

  4. 1. What is Negative Testing
    It is the testing to ensure that the application can handle the invalid input. In the Negative testing the application handles the unexpected behavior of invalid Input.
    2.Mention the difference between Positive and Negative Testing?
    • Positive testing determines that the software works as expected .The testing is done with expected valid data set. If an error occurs during positive testing the test fails.
    • In the Negative Testing, the application handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input. The testing ensures that the software can handle the improper behavior of the system.
    . The difference between the positive and negative testing is that the exceptions are avoided in the positive testing whereas exceptions are tested in the negative testing.
    3. What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    • Negative testing improves the quality of the application
    • It verifies that the software equally handles the abnormal situations for the invalid input and maintain the stability of the software.
    4.Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    • It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    • It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    • It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  5. Negative testing is to test the behavior software with invalid data input. It is used to check stability of software under incorrect situation so that system does not crash.
    Positive testing is testing software with valid data input so that it meets requirements whereas negative testing is testing software with invalid data input to check stability of software under incorrect situation.
    – to overcome software weaknesses and potential exploitation.
    – to overcome security breaches
    It is used to find faults of software to avoid huge failures and also helps the system from crashing.

  6. Q. What is Negative Testing?
    – Negative testing is a type of testing that ensures that an application can handle invalid input or unexpected user behavior.
    Q. Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    – Positive testing is carried out against the valid inputs, negative testing is carried out against the invalid inputs.
    – Positive testing makes sure the software meets all the requirement specifications. Negative testing makes sure the software can handle all the unexpected inputs and user behavior as in whether the software shows error when it is supposed to. Negative testing tests the stability of the software.
    Q. What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    – Negative testing assures the security, quality, stability, and strength of the software
    – It reduces the risk factors.
    Q. Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    – Negative testing points out the faults which can lead to major failures
    – It finds out the software weakness, stability, and its potential for exploitation.
    – It reduces the chances of security breaches.

  7. -What is Negative Testing?
    In the Negative testing, the application can handle the unexpected behavior or invalid input.
    -Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    Positive testing proves that the product meets the requirement specifications.In negative testing, test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show. Negative testing is a procedure to identify the inputs where system is not designed. Negative testing is to check the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect data.
    -What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    >maintain the stability of software.
    >improves the quality of software.
    -Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    >It helps to find out the faults which can lead to major failures.
    >It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation.
    >It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  8. 1. What is Negative Testing?
    * Negative testing is done to detect the possible software crashes in different situations. It is to check the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect data set.

    2.Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    * In Positive testing the application functions as expected valid data sets. If an error occurs during positive testing the test fails. In the Negative Testing, the application handles the unexpected behaviour or invalid input. The quality of the application improves due to the negative testing.

    3. What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    – Negative Testing will improve the quality of Applicaton.
    – It can make out the faults in the application which can lead to major failures •We can find out the weak areas in the application.
    -To identify how the security breaches can occur.

    4. Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    Negative Testing is basically to check whether the behaviour of the application in different scenarios..
    1. empty required fields
    2. Invalid values
    3.Number of Characters
    4. Range and Limit of data..etc

  9. 1.What is negative testing?
    Negative testing is a procedure to identify the inputs where system is not designed.
    2.Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    Positive testing
    In positive testing it always proves that the product always meets the requirement specifications.
    Negative Testing
    In negative testing the main intention is to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show
    3.What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    Negative testing is important in the organisation’s perspective because it is the responsibility of every organisation to build a good quality product to the customer.The quality of the software improves due to negative testing.Negative testing is to check the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect data set.
    4.Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur

  10. 1.Testing the software beyond its boundary limits is called negative testing
    2.In positive testing we put all valid inputs and expect the positive results, In
    negative testing we use all invalid inputs and check if software is gives responding
    with right error message.
    3.Negative testing always ensures the software stability under the influences of
    various types of incorrect data input.
    4.The characteristics of negative testing is to point out faults which lead to major
    failures, exploit the limits to find software potential and weakness and to check the
    security of software.

  11. 1.What is Negative Testing ?
    Negative testing is to identify the inputs where system is not designed.
    In Negative testing we can detect the possible software crashes in different situations with invalid data.

    2.Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?

    Positive testing is to test with valid values. The negative testing is to test with invalid values to detect possible software crashes.

    3.What are the advantages of Negative testing?

    Negative testing helps to build good quality product to the customer by testing for unknown major failures.

    4.Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?

    It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures.
    It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation.
    It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  12. Q) What is Negative Testing?
    A)In the Negative Testing, the application handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input. For example if a user tries to type a wrong data in the field it would display a correct message for incorrect data.

    Q)Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    A)Positive testing- The application handles only the expected valid input and in case any error occurs due to unexpected invalid input then the test fails.
    Negative Testing- The application handles the unexpected invalid input. If you enter a invalid data then error message will show the valid data.

    Q) What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    A) Negative testing makes the application more reliable and stable.

    Q) Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    A) It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  13. 1. Negative testing is a method of testing to check if the system is properly handling invalid inputs with the correct error message.
    2. The main difference between a Positive and a Negative testing relies in the intention of validation. The positive is performed mostly to confirm the expectation as Pass, otherwise Fail. Whereas in the Negative testing, the goal is to identify all unexpected behaviors.
    3. This test is performed to detect all possible deficiencies in the system to help validate the software quality and strength.
    4. To avoid unexpected major failures in the system, Negative testing is required and done to identify defaults in various situations for quality and security protection.

  14. 1. What is Negative Testing? Negative testing is when the application handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input. It is detecting the possible software crashes in different situations.

    2. Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    Positive testing always proves that the product always meets the requirement specifications. While negative is to check the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect data set.
    3. What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    In negative testing the main intention is to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show. Negative testing improves the quality of an application.
    4. Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    Negative testing characteristics are:
    • It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    • It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    • It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  15. 1.What is Negative Testing?
    -Negative testing is the application with invalid data to see how the application will behave.It is the type of testing application that handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input.
    2. Difference between Positive and Negative testing?
    -Positive testing is an application that handles the expected valid data sets,whereas Negative testing is the type of testing application that handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input.Positive testing proves that the product meets the requirement specifications.In negative testing, test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show. Positive testing is done to identify known set of test condition, on the other hand Negative testing is done to identify the unknown set or unexpected behavior.

    3.What are the advantages of negative testing?
    -Negative testing assures the security, quality, stability, and strength of the software. It reduces the risk factors.

    4. Explain the characteristics of Negative testings?
    -It helps in finding the software weakness and its potential for exploitation.
    -It points out the faults which can lead to major failures.
    -it is performed to identify how possible security breaches can occur.

  16. 1. What is Negative Testing?
    It is the type of testing that can be performed on the system providing invalid data inputs. It checks whether the application behaves as expected with negative inputs. And it is to check that the application does not do anything that it is not supposed to do.
    Ex: If the input field accepts only numeric data, then try with invalid inputs such as enter alphabets as input data and it should not accept the input and do not show the result. Instead throw an error message saying invalid input data.

    2. Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    Positive testing: It is the type of testing that can be performed on the system providing valid data inputs. It checks whether the application behaves as expected with positive inputs.
    Ex: if the input filed accepts only numeric data, range between 0 to 99 then try entering any number with in 0 to 99. And it should accept the input and give the results as expected.

    Negative Testing: It is the type of testing that can be performed on the system providing invalid data inputs. It checks whether the application behaves as expected with negative inputs. And it is to check that the application does not do anything that it is not supposed to do.
    Ex: If the input field accepts only numeric data, then try with invalid inputs such as enter alphabets as input data and it should not accept the input and do not show the result. Instead throw an error message saying invalid input data.

    3. What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    The quality of the application or the product improves as we test using the negative data inputs.
    The exploitation of the application is reduced.
    Security breaches will be avoided.
    Major failures and Crashing of the application will be avoided.

    4. Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    • It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    • It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    • It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.
    • to check the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect/Negative data set.

  17. 1.What is Negative Testing?
    Negative Testing is identifying and handling unexpected behavior and invalid input. Negative Testing is used to detect possible s/w crashes to develop good quality s/w product and its reliability.

    2. Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    Positive Testing is done when the data input is valid and if error occurs positive testing fails.
    Negative Testing is done when data input is invalid and it handles the errors by showing messages.

    3. What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    It detects unexpected behavior and prevents it from s/w crash or undesirable output.
    Helps to maintain accuracy of expected input data. Improves quality and reliability of s/w.

    4. Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    It is performed to find out faults which can lead to major failures
    It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    It is performed to identify possible harm to the security of s/w.

  18. 1. what is Negative testing ?
    Negative testing is a method of testing where an appliction can handle the unwanted input & unexpected user behavior.It check s whether an application behaves as expected with the negative inputs. This is to test the application does not do anything that it is not supposed to do so.
    2. Mention the differenses between positive & negative testing ?
    Positive testing is carried out against valid inputs. Negative testing is just the opposite. The application validated against the invalid inputs.
    3.What are the advantages of Negative testing ?
    Quality of the application becomes better when negative scenarios are handled properly. There are less chances of crashes & the application will become stable.User will know the limitations.
    4. Explain the characterstics of Negative testing?
    Negative testing is performed to expose the software weakness and potential for exploitation . It is carried out to showdata corruption or security breaches.

  19. What is negative testing?
    Negative testing is a type of testing where intentionally invalid data is used as an input to check whether the application gives the expected results or error messages.
    Mention the difference between the negative testing and Positive testing.
    Positive testing is a type of testing where testing is done by providing valid data as input and checks whether the application gives the expected results or behaves as expected. It will never give any error.
    The main difference between these two kinds of testing is positive testing uses valid data set and negative testing uses invalid data set. If an error occurs during positive testing the test fails. The data has a limit and is less time consuming. Negative testing can have many options and can be time consuming.
    Positive testing proves that it meets the requirement specifications.
    Negative testing helps to find out the gaps of the application and also find out what kind of data is not giving the expected result, message or not behaving in the expected way.
    In both cases Test designer has to pay attention to the RTM by doing Boundary Value Analysis and by Equivalence Partitioning.
    Boundary Value Analysis, is a testing technique ( with numerical values), where data is out of the boundary or range or limit of the required field. This kind of data is invalid for that field and the testing is called Negative testing. When the data falls under the range or limit, that is called valid data and the testing is called positive testing.
    Equivalence Partitioning, is a software testing technique which divides the input data into many partitions. Values from each partition must be tested at least once. Partitions with valid values are used for Positive Testing. While, partitions with invalid values are used for negative testing.

  20. There are two types of testing one is negative tetsing and the other is positive tetsing .
    Positive testing is the application functions as expected valid data sets.While Negative testing the application handles t
    he unexpected behaviour or invalid input.
    Negative testing characteristics are:
    It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.
    The advantages of negative testing the main intention is to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show. Negative testing is a procedure to identify the inputs where system is not designed. The reason behind the negative testing is to check the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect data set.

  21. NEGATIVE TESTING: is a testing where the application handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input. For example if a user tries to type a wrong data in the field it would display a correct message for incorrect data.
    In POSITIVE testing it always proves that the product always meets the requirement specifications .In NEGATIVE testing the main intention is to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show.
    Negative testing improves the quality of the application and verify if the software equally handles the abnormal situation
    for the invalid input and maintain the stability of the software.
    It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  22. 1.If the system of the software handle the invalid input is called Negative Testing.
    2.Positive Testing is application functions as expected valid data sets, whereas in Negative Testing system handle the invalid input.If the error occurs during positive testing the test fails whereas negative testing if wrong data in the field it will display message for incorrect data.
    3.The advantage of Negative Testing is it fix the error of the software to avoid failure and system from crashing.
    4.The characteristic of Negative Testing are as follows:
    (a).It is done to find faults which result in failure.
    (b).The software weakness and its potential for exploitation are find out.
    (c).It is done to identify how the security breaches can occur.

    1. 1. What is Negative Testing
      It is the testing to ensure that the application can handle the invalid input. In the Negative testing the application handles the unexpected behavior of invalid Input.
      2.Mention the difference between Positive and Negative Testing?
      • Positive testing determines that the software works as expected .The testing is done with expected valid data set. If an error occurs during positive testing the test fails.
      • In the Negative Testing, the application handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input. The testing ensures that the software can handle the improper behavior of the system.
      . The difference between the positive and negative testing is that the exceptions are avoided in the positive testing whereas exceptions are tested in the negative testing.
      3. What are the advantages of Negative testing?
      • Negative testing improves the quality of the application
      • It verifies that the software equally handles the abnormal situations for the invalid input and maintain the stability of the software.
      4.Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
      • It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
      • It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
      • It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  23. What is Negative Testing?
    Negative testing is the application handles the unexpected behaviour or invalid input.Negative testing is important in the organisation’s perspective because it is the responsibility of every organisation to build a good quality product to the customer. To achieve this we conduct the negative testing.

    Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    In positive testing it always proves that the product always meets the requirement specifications.In negative testing the main intention is to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show.

    What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    The quality of the application improves due to the negative testing.

    Negative testing is detecting the possible software crashes in different situations, such asPopulating required fields,Correspondence between data and field types,Allowed number of characters,Allowed data bounds and limits,
    Reasonable data.

  24. 1. What is Negative Testing?
    Negative testing is done to ensure that a software application can gracefully handle invalid input or unexpected user behavior. For example if a user tries to type a wrong data in the field it would display a correct message for incorrect data. The quality of the application improves due to the negative testing. Negative testing is important from the software organization’s perspective because it is their responsibility to build and deliver a good quality product to the customer. To achieve this negative testing is conducted.
    Negative testing characteristics:
    • It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    • It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    • It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

    Q2. Difference between positive testing and negative testing:
    In positive testing the intention is to make sure that the product always meets the requirement specifications while in negative testing the main intention is to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show. Negative testing is a procedure to identify the inputs where system is not designed. The reason behind the negative testing is to check the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect data set.

    Advantages of Negative Testing:

    Negative testing is done to check that product deals properly with the circumstance for which it is not programmed. The fundamental aim of this testing is check that how bad data is taken care of by the systems, and appropriate errors are shown to client when bad data is entered. Both positive and negative testing play important role. Positive testing ensures that application does what it is implied for and perform each function as expected. Negative testing is opposite of positive testing. Negative testing discovers diverse approaches to make the application crash and handle the crash effortlessly.
    • The purpose of negative testing is to prevent the application from crashing and it also helps improve the quality of an application by detecting defects.
    • Negative testing helps to improve the testing coverage of the application.
    • Negative testing makes the application more stable and reliable.
    • Negative testing together with positive testing allows users to test the application with any valid or invalid) input data.

    Characteristics of Negative testing are:
    • It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    • It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    • It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  25. 1.What is Negative Testing? It is testing the software with invalid input data.
    2. Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing? Positive is testing with valid input data and negative vise versa.
    3. What are the advantages of Negative testing? Finding our how the software behaves in unexpected conditions.
    4. Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?Negative testing characteristics are:
    It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  26. 1. Negative testing is done to ensure that a software application can gracefully handle invalid input or unexpected user behavior. For example if a user tries to type a wrong data in the field it would display a correct message for incorrect data. The quality of the application improves due to the negative testing. Negative testing is important from the software organization’s perspective because it is their responsibility to build and deliver a good quality product to the customer. To achieve this negative testing is conducted.
    Negative testing characteristics:
    • It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    • It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    • It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

    2. In Positive testing – the application functions same as expected valid data sets. If any error occurs during positive testing the test will fail. It always proves that the product always meets the requirement specifications.
    In Negative testing – the application that handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input.
    The main intention is to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show.

    3. The main advantage of negative testing is “the quality of the application improves”. That means Negative testing is helping every organization to build a good quality product to the customer. Another advantage in the negative testing is to check the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect data set.

    4. Negative testing characteristics are:
    – It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    – It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    – It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  27. 1. Negative Testing:
    Negative testing is performed to check the function of the application with invalid input or when unexpected behavior occurs.
    In general it means to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it
    shouldn’t show
    For example: Entering more characters in input text fields when it accepts only 4-8 characters.
    2.Differences between Positive Testing and Negative Testing:
    Positive Testing:
    -Tested to check the application functions as expected.
    -Input is given as the system designed.
    -If errors occur during the positive testing the test fails.
    Negative Testing:
    -Tested to check the functions of application when unexpected behavior occurs.
    -Input is identified for which the system is not designed.
    -The testing ensures that the software can handle the improper behavior of the system.
    3.Advantages of Negative Testing:
    -By performing the negative testing we can ensure that the software can withstand the unexpected behavior of the system also
    ensures the stability and security of the software.
    -Good quality of the product will be provided to the client.
    4.Characteristics of Negative Testing:
    -Negative testing can recognize the faults which can leat to major failure of the software.
    -Negative testing can identify how the security breaches occure.

  28. 1. Negative Testing is a software testing that can be performed on the system by providing invalid data as input. It checks whether an application behaves as expected with the negative inputs. This is to test the application does not do anything that it is not supposed to do .
    2. Positive testing makes sure that the system accepts inputs for the normal use by the user. For example, checking the system for a user name and password combination to login is a way of positive testing. Positive testing determines that your application works as expected. If an error is encountered during positive testing, the test fails
    In the Negative testing the application is validated against the invalid inputs. It tests for excessive inputs. It is done with unknown set of test conditions and anything that is not mentioned in the client requirement is tested.
    3. The advantages of negative testing is to prevent the application from crashing and it also helps improve the quality of an application by detecting defects. Negative testing helps you to improve the testing coverage of the application. Negative testing is important in the organization’s perspective because it is the responsibility of every organization to build a good quality product to the customer.
    4. A) It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures.
    B) It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation.
    C) It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  29. 1) what is Negative testing?

    Negative testing is to find out how the software behaves by invalid inputs and data sets, for example: If we enter wrong input in required filed, it should give error message saying that enter valid details. So that way the user will enter correct details. Negative testing to know about the stability of the of the software when unexpected behavior occurs. It will helps to release the quality software product to the client. Ex- gmail login, when we enter Inavalid user ID and password, we expect to see an error message.

    2) Mention the difference between positive and negative testing?

    Positive testing will give you the expected results by valid inputs and data sets. If the positive testing gives you the error message then the software fails. In Negative testing, how the application behaves by invalid inputs and unexpected behavior . These invalid inputs are not designed in the project but we need to look for several of them to test the application how it responds and how we can avoid system crash in those particular situations.
    3) Advantages of the Negative testing:
    Negative testing helps to improve and provide the quality software to the client by testing invalid data sets on the application. It helps to save the application by crashing. At the end every organization responsibility to provide quality product to their customers.
    4) Characteristics of Negative testing?
    It is to identify the weakness of the software to avoid further exploitation
    It is to find out the faults which can lead to major problems
    It helps us to find out how the security breaching take place.

  30. 1. Negative is amethod of testing the software by entering invalid data in input fields to check for expected result and errors

    2. positive testing checks if the expected results are met as per the requirement specification by entering valid data , while negative testing checks the validity or expected result by entering invalid data .

    3.Negative testing checks the sanity of any software under the influence of various types of incorrect data .

    4. a.It is performed to find out the software weaknesses and its potential for exploitation
    b. It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  31. 1)Negative testing ensures whether the application is giving proper error message when invalid or incorrect data enters in the field. Negative testing also tests the stability of software under the influence of various types of invalid data given.
    2)Positive testing means application functions as expected with client requirements. Where as negative testing tests how the application functions when incorrect or invalid data given.
    3)we can prevent system crashing and data breech with Negative testing. software application quality also improves with Negative testing.
    4)1)It is carried to point out faults which leads to major failure.
    2)It is performed to find out software weakness and its potential exploitation.
    3)conducted to identify how the system breech can occur.

  32. 1. What is Negative Testing?
    Negative testing is the testing of a software using incorrect or invalid data. It is done to test the behavior of a software when incorrect or invalid data is used. It is done to make sure that the software does not work when invalid data is used.
    2. Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    Positive testing Negative testing
    Testing done with valid data Testing done with invalid, incorrect or incomplete data.
    To test if application works as expected when valid information is input. Makes sure application does not work or gives an error when invalid information is input.
    Tests efficient functioning Tests behavior in response to improper usage or handling.

    3. What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    – Improves quality of software
    – Detects situations which can cause system to crash
    – Ensures software is breach proof in terms of security.
    4. Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    – It is done to detect situations which can cause system to crash
    – To find areas of weakness in software.
    – To find scenarios in which the security of system can be breached.

  33. 1.Negative testing is to make sure that the software can handle any invalid data entries or any unusual situations.It is used to maintain the stability of the software without making the system crash.
    2.Positive testing is to check the application functions as expected with valid data sets. If an error occurs during positive testing the test fails. In the Negative Testing, the application handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input.
    3.Negative testing is important in the organisation’s perspective because it is the responsibility of every organisation to build a good quality product to the customer.
    4. a.It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    b.It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    c.It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  34. What is Negative Testing?
    Negative testing is a procedure to identify the inputs where system is not designed.
    Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    Positive testing is testing the application using valid data in the requirements. Negative testing is entering the invalid data or leaving blank, etc to test the application
    What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    It improves the quality, prevents application from crashing.
    Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  35. In the negative testing, the application handles the unexpected behavior or invalid. It should display the correct message for incorrect data. Negative testing improves the quality of the application.
    Positive testing checks the application working as expected with valid data or input. where as negative testing checks the application unexpected behavior with invalid data or input.
    The advantage of negative testing is to build a good quality product to the customer. It helps to stop the crash of the application.
    The characteristics of negative testing are to point out the fault which can lead to major failures. It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation. It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  36. 1.Negative testing is when you test the application whether handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input.
    2.Positive testing is the application functions as expected valid data sets. With invalid data the test fails.
    But Negative testing is when the application handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input. With invalid data, the error should be shown where the test pass.
    3.Negative testing improves the quality of the application
    4.Negative testing characteristics:
    -It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failure
    -to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    -conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur

  37. 1. Negative testing means the application handles the unexpected behaviors or invalid inputs, & it also detects the possibilities of software crashes in various situations
    2.In positive testing the application excepts only the valid data sets & if any error occurs in positive testing the test will fails
    In negative testing the application handles the unexpected behaviors or invalid inputs,it will detects the possibilities of software crashes in various situations
    3.Negative testing makes a software better functioning,it try to rectify all the errors that happening,even its from the user side,it improves the quality of the software & its also helps to overcome the unexpected behaviors
    4.Negative testing is performed to find the weakness of the software & its potential for development
    It is performed to point out the faults that causes major failures
    it is performed to identify how the security failures can occur

  38. 1.What is Negative Testing?
    Negative testing is done to make sure that application handles invalid data or input or unexpected user behavior. The purpose of negative testing is to detect such errors and prevent application from crashing.
    2. Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    Positive testing make sure that application works as expected and gives the desirable results. If error occurs in positive testing application fails. Negative testing make sure that application handles invalid data or unexpected user behavior. Negative testing improves the quality of application.
    3.What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    Negative testing ensures the stability of the application.
    It helps software to survive under the failure conditions.
    The quality of application improves because of negative testing.
    4. Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    Negative Testing is performed to expose the software weakness and potential for exploitation.
    It is carried out to the point which can lead to major failure
    It is conducted to detect the security breaches.

  39. Negative testing – is when we test the application to see how it handles incorrect input.
    Difference between Positive and Negative testing – Positive is when we enter valid data but still get an error and Negative is when we enter invalid data to test how the application handles the error.
    Advantages of Negative Testing – It shows the applications ability to handle errors.
    Characteristics of Negative testing – it tests the unexpected behavior, so that it can be addressed by the developers to prevent application crashes.

  40. What is Negative Testing?-
    Negative testing is the testing in which we test the software application with negative sets of data or we can say invalid data for example -login window for any application

    Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?- The Basic difference between positive and negative testing are
    positive testing can be done by positive sets of data or we can say valid sets of data.
    Negative Testing – Negative testing is the testing in which we test the software application with negative sets of data or we can say invalid data for example -login window for any application

    What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    the advantage of negative Testing is we can identify the negative cases of scenario and we can always see the application behavior with the invalid data.
    Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    By use of Negative testing we can identify the negative scenario for the application . and also we can make sure the behavior of the application with invalid sets of data.

  41. Negative Testing is done to identify how the application functions with input invalid. For example, when you enter incorrect allowed data.

    Positive testing is done to prove that the application functions as expected while Negative testing is done to find defects under different scenarios.

    Negative testing helps check how the application responds under unexpected scenarios of incorrect data inputs.
    It is done to find faults that can cause the application to fail/crash.
    It is done to find the application vulnerability.
    It is done to check where security breaches can happen in the application.

  42. Testing the applications reaction to unexpected bahavior and invalid input.
    Positive testing checks that the application responds correctly to expected input instead.
    Negative testing improves the quality of the application so that it will not crash or otherwise malfunction when it’s not used exactly as intended.
    It looks for potentially failure-causing faults and shows where security breaches could occur if someone exploited the weak points.

  43. Negative testing is a type of software testing that tests whether the application handles unexpected behavior or invalid data inputs.
    Differences between Positive and negative testing:
    Positive Testing: Application functions as expected with valid data sets. Tests the software and proves that the results are met as per the requirement.
    Negative Testing: Application handles invalid data sets or unexpected behavior. Tests the software to see if the results are showing the error as expected to show or showing error when it is not expected to show.
    Advantages: The advantage of Negative Testing is to make sure the software is developed in such a way that it will not crash or show abnormal behavior in negative scenarios. E.g. Incorrect data inputs. In other words, to check the stability of software under the influences of various of incorrect data sets.
    Characteristics of Negative testing:
    Negative testing is done
    – To show the faults that can lead to major failures.
    – To find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    – To identify how the security breaches can occur.

  44. Negative testing is a good method to ensure that the behavior is what the business wants it to be. By doing negative testing you are covering more scenarios of what could possibly happen with user in production.

  45. There are two types of testing.
    1.Positive testing : Testing that is done to ensure that the software application works as expected with the valid set of data. If error occurs during positive testing the test fails.
    2.Negative testing : Testing done on a software application by providing invalid set of data and to ensure that the software works as expected with the invalid or unwanted user inputs.

    Negative testing is important as it helps improve the quality of the software. Negative testing helps identify the stability of the software under the influence of various types of invalid data set.

    Characteristics of Negative testing:
    1.It is carried out to point out the fault in the software that could lead to major failures.
    2.It is performed to identify the software weakness and its potential for exploitation.
    3.It is conducted to find out how security breach can occur.

  46. -Negative testing is performed by providing improper and invalid datas to the software application. It makes sure that the application behaves as expected with the incorrect or invalid data.

    -In negative testing the invalid datas are provided as inputs on a software application to perform testing.
    In positive testing valid datas are provided as inputs on a software application to perform testing.

    -Advantage is that testing is performed by providing invalid data inputs to the software application to handle even during unexpected behavior hence its more reliable.

    -It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures. It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation. It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  47. What is Negative Testing?

    Handles the unexpected behaviour or in valid input, it means if the user tries to enter a number in the Name field it should display an error message .
    1. Negative testing is done to detect unexpected behaviors anf invalid input.
    2. Positive testing ia done to check the software is performing as expected Where as negative testing is done to see whether the software is showing the errors that are supposed to be shown.
    3. Negative testing improves the quality of the software.
    4.It is done to find out major faults, weakness that can cause exploitation of the software and possible security breaches.
    Positive testing is testing the system by entering valid data. And negative testing is testing the system by entering the invalid data

    What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    It improves the quality of software and it helps to find out major faults , weaknesses that can cause problems in softwarwand security breaches

    Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?

    a) It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures.
    b) It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation.
    c) It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

    Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?

  48. 1.Negative Testing
    Negative Testing is a testing method performed on the software application by
    providing invalid or improper data sets as input. It checks whether the software
    application behaves as expected with the negative or unwanted user inputs.

    2.Difference between Positive and negative testing:
    Positive testing determines that your application works as expected. If an error is
    encountered during positive testing, the test fails. Negative testing ensures that
    your application can gracefully handle invalid input or unexpected user behavior.

    3.Advantages of Negative Testing:
    Doing negative testing makes sure that all possible cases are covered.
    Intentionally or unintentionally there is a chance of negative test cases to occur. So
    to make sure all cases are covered we have to do negative testing along with
    positive testing.
    Negative testing will make more confidence to the client before going live.

    4. Characteristics of Negative testing:
    Negative Testing is done, with the purpose, of breaking the system, and to achieve
    failure, in the functioning of a software product, by feeding negative data.
    Negative Testing is performed to expose the software weakness and potential for

  49. Negative testing is checking how the application handles, against various types of invalid data.
    Positive Testing is testing the application with valid and expected data, to check if working as expected.
    Main advantage is it improves the quality of the application, therefore help in delivering stable and secure product.
    Characteristics are it identifies potential failures, security breeches and software vulnerability.

  50. 1.) Negative testing is a type of testing where you enter invalid data to detect possiblie crashes in different situations. Some different ways situations can be tested are populating required fields, correspondence between data and field types, allowed data bounds and limits, and reasonable data. Testing invalid inputs will help ensure the software stabaility in situations the software isn’t designed for and under the influences of various invalid data.

    2.) The difference between negative and positive testing is in the testing methods between the two. Positive testing is testing the application functions with expected valid inputs, if an error occurs with the correct input the test is considered failed. In negative testing the application is tested using invalid data to ensure there is no crashes or errors with inproper use of the software.

    3.) The advantages of negative testing are this method tests the unexpected using invalid data. Testing with the unexpected will ensure system stability and will show the software will operate correctly under many different circumstances. Some things are inevitable such as leaving something blank, typing in something wrong, incorrect password, blank user name, etc. By testing all these things I believe it will lead to higher customer satisfaction.

    4.) Negative testing uses invalid data to further test the quality and stability of a software by testing the unexpected. This type of testing also ensures the securuty if the software which is impotant to customer satisfaction. Some characteristics of negative testing are as follows:
    -It is carried out to point out the faults which can lead to major failures.
    -It is performed to find software weakness and its potential for exploitation.
    -It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  51. 1. Negative testing is the process of detecting possible software failures in different situations such as character limit, required fields, data and field type correspondence, data limits and bounds, and reasonable data.
    2. In positive testing, valid data sets and inputs are utilized to ensure the expected result from the application functions. The test fails if an error occurs. Unlike positive testing, negative testing utilizes invalid data sets and inputs to evaluate the application’s ability to handle errors.
    3. Advantages of Negative Testing:
    i. Ensures software’s ability to handle input errors
    ii. Ensures the stability of the software against invalid data.
    iii. Helps prevent major failures by identifying faults
    iv. Helps uncover methods of potential security breaches
    v. Helps locate areas of potential exploitation and weakness in the software
    4. Characteristics of negative testing
    i. Performed to identify faults that could cause significant failures
    ii. Performed to locate areas of weakness in the software and potential exploitation
    iii. Performed to uncover methods of potential security breaches

  52. 1. Negative testing is the process of detecting software failures using different situations such as, character limit, required fields, data limits and bounds, data and field type correspondence, and reasonable data.
    2. Positive testing is using valid data. If test fails, then the system fails. Negative Testing is using invalid data to test reaction of the system.
    3. The advantages of negative testing are this method tests the unexpected using invalid data. It improves the quality of the system because the security vulnerabilities and how the software handles wrong or different scenarios of input data has been tested.
    4. Negative testing identiffies faults that could cause significant failures, locate areas of weakness in the software, uncover potential security breaches

  53. 1. Negative Testing is the application handles the unexpected behavior or invalid input. it also accounts for detecting the possible software crashes in the many different scenarios
    2. Positive testing is the application functions checks to see if the program is working as expected. While negative testing is checking and handling parts of unexpected behavior, valid input, and/or crashes within the program.
    3. The advantages of negative testing it we can see the software and how it functions but also allows for the ability to not have any flaws or crashes within the program. It allows for the chance to review and to see what parts are actually matching the expected output.
    4. The characteristics of negative testing are it performs to identify the specific flaws that can lead to parts of failure within the program. We can utilize it to find the weakness and its potential for exploitation. It can also be conducted to identify any security breaches.

  54. 1) Negative testing is detecting the possible software crashes in different situations
    2). Positive testing is the application functions as expected valid data sets. If an error occurs during positive testing the test fails. In the Negative Testing, the application handles the unexpected behaviour or invalid input
    3)In negative testing the main intention is to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show.
    4)it is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation
    It is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

  55. Negative Testing : Testing performed on the software application by providing invalid or improper data sets as input. It checks whether on such unexpected conditions what will be the behavior of the software
    Positive Testing – Testing application is tested with valid input data sets. If unexpected result display, test case will fail. Application should provide results according to the requirement specifications.
    The main advantage of negative testing is the quality of the application improves that means Negative testing is helping every organization to build a good quality product to the customer. Another advantage in the negative testing is to check the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect data set.
    Negative testing characteristics are:
    It is carried to point out the faults which can lead to major failures
    It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation

  56. 1. What is Negative Testing?
    Negative testing is detecting the possible software crashes in different situations such as populating required fields, correspondence between data and field types, allowed number of characters, allowed data bounds and limits and reasonable data.
    2. Mention the difference between Positive and negative testing?
    Positive testing always proves that the product always meets the requirement specifications and in negative testing the main intention is to test whether the software is not showing the error when it is supposed to show or showing error when it shouldn’t show.
    3. What are the advantages of Negative testing?
    Negative testing checks the stability of any software under the influences of various types of incorrect data set.
    4. Explain the characteristics of Negative testing?
    It is carried to point out faults which can lead to major failures, It is performed to find the software weakness and its potential for exploitation and it is conducted to identify how the security breaches can occur.

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