Getting Started with the T-SQL

Getting Started with the T-SQL

Table of Contents

  1.  In order to start SQL server goto start button select Microsoft SQL Server Management studio from the sql software installed or type ssms  and run command button.
  2.  The management studio server is opened select the server type, server name (provide the same name that you have given during installation of sql) and click connect.
Getting Started with the T-SQL
  1. Then create a database by right clicking on the database folder in the left side provide the name.
Getting Started with the T-SQL
  1. Create the table by right clicking on the left side of the screen on tables. Provide all the field names and data types and save the table.
Getting Started with the T-SQL
  1. Right click on the table and select option edit top 200 rows the structure of table is created.
  2. When the structure is created we can edit the details of the fields in the table. Likewise we can create many tables.
Getting Started with the T-SQL

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