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Pair testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas by this more ideas will be generated and it gives better test results. It is also called as Buddy testing. The testing pair can be any of the below:

  • tester and tester
  • tester and developer
  • tester and user

Characteristics of pair testing:

  1. Pair testing will generate effective test cases quickly and cheaply. It is an open-ended defect finding mechanism.
  2. Having testers in pairs will allow managers to gather performance of testers in the groups
  3. Pair testing is best way of approach to mentor and train the fresher or new candidates in a team.
  4. Testing in pairs will definitely generate the positive energy within team.
  5. Pairing domain expert with tester to develop the domain knowledge within team.

There are benefits in pair testing:

  1. The developer can learn more about the software application by exploring with the tester.
  2. The root cause of bugs can be analysed easily and tester can more easily test the bug fix when working with developer.
  3. The developer will learn better design skills
  4. It helps to share the knowledge and new ideas can be discovered for better implementation of software.
  5. It promotes the negative testing.
  6. The validation of the software is done be two people, which increases the confidence in the quality of the software.

But, pair testing is rarely applicable to script testing where all the test cases are written. It is not suitable when testing is automated. The concept of code analysis will be well known throughout the software industry and less known about the pair testing. Two developers work together on the same code on the same machine. The main aim of this process is, to write considerably high quality code than the results which would generate from the individual coding.


  1. What is pair testing? Give examples?
  2. What are the challenges in pair testing?
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  1. what is pair testing?
    Pair testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas by this more ideas will be generated and it gives better test results. It is also called as Buddy testing.
    for example:
    tester and tester
    tester and developer
    tester and user

    What are the challenges in pair testing?
    challenges in pair testing are
    1)At times, it is difficult to find two individuals who are willing to test the software together.
    2)pair testing is rarely applicable to script testing where all the test cases are written. It is not suitable when testing is automated.
    3)The concept of code analysis will be well known throughout the software industry and less known about the pair testing.

    what are the benefits of pair testing?
    Finds more bugs.
    Saves time.
    Eliminates the communication gap between testers and developers.
    Is an excellent opportunity for very efficient exploratory testing.
    Provides visceral, in-person learning opportunities.

  2. Pair testing: is a software development technique in which two team members work together at one keyboard to test the same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time,
    on the same code, on the same machine by exchanging ideas. by these more ideas will be generated and it gives better test results. It is also called as Buddy testing. One does the testing and the other analyzes or reviews the testing.
    pair can be either tester and tester, tester and developer, tester and user.
    1.It is not suitable for automation testing
    2. The pair should be equally engaged and be participative for the duration of the task Otherwise, there would be no benefits.
    3.People who have not tried it may think that it will double the cost because you are putting two programmers on one project. however, it is a misconception.

  3. Pair testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas by this more ideas will be generated and it gives better test results.

    For example: Tester and tester , tester and developer, tester and user.
    Challenges in Pair Testing
    Pair testing is rarely applicable to script testing where all the test cases are written. It is not suitable when testing is automated.

  4. What is pair testing? Give examples?
    Pair testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas by this more ideas will be generated and it gives better test results. It is also called as Buddy testing.
    What are the challenges in pair testing?
    1.This type of testing cannot be used for automation.
    2. Difficult to find two individuals who are willing to test the software together.

    2. difficult to find two individuals who are willing to test the software together

  5. 1. Pair Testing:
    Pair Testing is also known as Buddy Testing.It is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same feature of
    application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas by this
    more ideas will be generated and it gives better test results.
    The testing pair can be any of the below:
    – Tester and Tester
    – Tester and Developer
    – Tester and User
    2. Challenges in Pair Testing
    – This is type of testing cannot be used for automation.
    – The individuals who are testing together should be understanding and cooperative to each other.
    – Time consuming procedure as there will be chances for more negatve testing.

  6. Pair testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas by this more ideas will be generated and it gives better test results. It is also called as Buddy testing. Pair testing will generate effective test cases quickly and cheaply. It is an open-ended defect finding mechanism.The testing pair can be any of the below:
    tester and tester
    tester and developer
    tester and user

    Example:Two developers work together on the same code on the same machine. The main aim of this process is, to write considerably high quality code than the results which would generate from the individual coding.Having testers in pairs will allow managers to gather performance of testers in the groups
    Pair testing is best way of approach to mentor and train the fresher or new candidates in a team.
    Testing in pairs will definitely generate the positive energy within team.
    pair testing is rarely applicable to script testing where all the test cases are written. It is not suitable when testing is automated. The concept of code analysis will be well known throughout the software industry and less known about the pair testing.

  7. Pair testing is called buddy testing where two people test the same features of an application at the same time , same place by sharing their ideas for the better results which help to train new people come into the project. This can be done by tester -tester, tester-developer, tester-user.
    It can not apply to the automation testing.

  8. 1. Pair testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas by this more ideas will be generated and it gives better test results. It is also called as Buddy testing.
    Examples of Pair testing :
    tester and tester
    tester and developer
    tester and user
    2. Challenges of pair testing are :
    a. It is not suitable for automation or script testing.
    b. The concept of code analysis will be well known throughout the software industry
    and less known about the pair testing.
    c. Two developers working together on the same code on the same machine might reduce the chance to write high quality code

  9. What is pair testing? Give examples?

    Pair testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the
    same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on
    the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas by this more ideas will be
    generated and it gives better test results. It is also called as Buddy testing.

    For example,
    Two developers work together on the same code on the same machine. The main aim of
    this process is, to write considerably high quality code than the results which
    would generate from the individual coding.

    What are the challenges in pair testing?
    Challenges:it is rarely applicable to script testing where all the test cases are
    it is not suitable when testing is automated.

  10. 1) Pair Testing is a software testing technique in which two people test the same feature at the same place at same time by continuously exchanging ideas. It generates more ideas which result in better testing of the application under test.
    tester and tester
    tester and developer
    tester and user

    2) Challenges:
    Testing is an open-ended defect hunting process. Pair Testing will generate more effective test cases quickly and cheaply.
    Forming testers in pairs will enable test managers to gather performance of the testers within the group.
    Pair Testing is the best approach for mentoring and training the newbies in the team.
    Testing in pairs generates a positive energy within the team with increased coordination.
    Pair the domain expert with a novice tester to develop domain knowledge within the team.

  11. 1.pair testing. examples
    Pair testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas by this more ideas will be generated and it gives better test results. It is also called as Buddy testing.
    The testing pair can be any of the below:
    1.tester and tester
    2.tester and developer
    3.tester and user

    2. The challenges in pair testing
    1.the developer and the tester should work togather.they have to ba available at the same time to work.
    2.It is not suitable when testing is automated.

  12. Pair testing is testing where two people test same feature of application at same time on the same code and same machine by exchanging ideas and it gives better test results.

    -Pair testing is rarely applicable to Script testing
    -It is not suitable in Automated testing.

  13. 1. Pair testing is a software testing technique done by two people who test the same feature of an application continuously and simultaneously. This allows them to come up with more ideas and gives better test results.

    2. Pair testing is rarely applicable to script testing where all the test cases are written and pair testing is not suitable when testing is automated.

  14. In pair testing two team members test the features in an application /software at the same time, same place, on the same machine, same system environment.
    One of them is a tester and the other can be a tester, developer, user, or an analyst.
    The two team members will work at the same machine with one person controlling the test through the mouse and keyboard and one person giving feedback, asking questions, taking notes, and making observations. Both parties should be taking part in a collaborative discussion about the test scenario.
    challenges in pair testing;
    • It becomes difficult for the team to define the portions of the test that has been performed.
    • At times, it is difficult to find two individuals who are willing to test the software together.
    • This type of testing cannot be used during test automation

  15. 1.Pair testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas by this more ideas will be generated and it gives better test results. It is also called as Buddy testing.
    eg: tester and tester, tester and developer, tester and user
    2.pair testing is rarely applicable to script testing where all the test cases are written. It is not suitable when testing is automated.

  16. Pair testing or Buddy testing is a type of software testing where two people test the same features of application at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas. With this technique, more ideas will be generated and gives better test results. Examples: tester and tester, tester and developer, tester and user.
    Challenges in pair testing: Pair testing cannot be used in automated testing. It might be difficult at times to find a pair who are willing to do pair testing. It may be difficult to integrate pair testing into already established development and testing methods.

  17. 1.) Pair Testing also known as Buddy Testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same feature of application continuously at same place, same time, on same code and same machine by exchanging ideas to get new ideas and better results
    Tester and Tester
    Tester and Developer
    Tester and User
    2.) Challenges in pair Testing:
    ->Pair Testing is rarely applicable to script testing where all test cases are written
    ->It is not suitable for Automation Testing

  18. Pair testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas, which gives better test results. It is also called Buddy testing. An example of Pair Testing is when a tester and developer test a product together.

    The challenge in pair testing is when test cases are automated as in script testing. It will not work in such a scenario.

  19. 1.Pair testing is a type of software testing technique where two people test the same
    feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same
    code, on same machine by exchanging ideas by this more ideas will be generated
    and it gives better test results. It is also called as Buddy testing. The testing pair
    can be any of the below:
    -tester and tester
    -tester and developer
    -tester and user

  20. Pair Testing is a software testing technique in which two people test the same feature at the same place at same time by continuously exchanging ideas. It generates more ideas which result in better testing of the application under test.
    tester and tester
    tester and developer
    tester and user
    Challenges : it is rarely applicable to script testing where all the test cases are

  21. Paired testing is a type of testing technique where 2 people will test the same feature and work at same place on same code and same time by continuously exchanging the ideas. It helps in getting better ideas and writes more test cases which results in better testing.

    Not good for automation testing
    Rarely used for script testing

  22. Pair testing:
    Technique used where two people test the same feature of application continuously at the same place, at the same time, on the same code, on same machine by exchanging ideas.
    Characteristics: Effective results, allow manager to gather performance, the root cause of bugs can be resolved quickly by working as a team and sharing ideas to resolve solutions.

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