Software Architecture

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Software has become an integral part of human lives. The IT industry has evolved into a ubiquitous and prodigious sector, providing the software solutions to all the businesses. The strength of the software lies in its foundation i.e. software architecture. The software is developed with the objective of not just being defect free. It is essential that the software is usable, efficient, reliable, modifiable, robust, maintainable and a secured one. All these features can be implemented at the design level of the software.

The internet is loaded with definitions of Software Architecture by numerous technology specialists. However, in simple terms, it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. There are various software architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenario. The popular ones among them are client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model, and many others.

In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications. While the client-server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

Another widely used pattern is the layered or n-tier architecture, there are four layers usually- the front end or UI (user interface), the web servers, the application server, and database layer. The front end or the user interface refers to the pages displayed on the user screen. The UI should be made user-friendly creating the great user experience. The end users are most often, not technology experts and the UI has to be developed with this fact in the mind. The Web service layer has the protocols and the service components. The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc. The application server is wherein the software logic is implemented and the programs run. The database layer has the business data stored in an organized manner. The very popular database management systems (DBMS) are Microsoft SQL servers, Oracle servers, etc. The software with n-tier architecture is maintainable because each layer is independent of the other and hence easily scalable. The hardware is independently allocated to each layer based on the requirement. The resources are more efficiently utilized.

software Architecture

With a wide variety of software design patterns available, they are to be carefully chosen by the technical architects to get the benefits for the software systems development.

Check your understanding.

  1. What is Software Architecture?
  2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
  3. What is client-server model?

129 Responses

  1. What is Software Architecture?
    selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Apache, Microsoft’s IIS

    What is client-server model?
    in the model where multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network

  2. SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE: Software Architecture is defined as structuring the solution to meet technical operational requirements.Such as security, performance and manageability.

    EXAMPLE of web servers: Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
    Apache HTTP Server

    CLIENT SERVER MODULE: The client-server model is a distributed communication framework of network processes among service requests, clients and service providers. The client-server connection is established through a network or the Internet.

  3. 1.Software architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations

    2. Example of web servers Apache, Microsoft’s IIS

    3. Client server model is the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  4. 1. Software Architecture- Is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Examples of web servers are Apache, Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) and nginx etc.
    3. Client-server model- In this model the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. These servers are huge,centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It is suitable for web based software applications.

  5. 1) Software Architecture- it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2) Examples of Web Server- http/apache, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
    3) Client-server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  6. 1.Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. lighttpd,Jigsaw,Nginx web server, http/apache, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
    3. In this model, multiple users are connected to the server over the network. It is suitable for Web-based software applications.

  7. 1-Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2-http/apache, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
    3- Model in which users or clients are connected to the server over the network. It is suitable for web based application.

  8. 1)software architecture is a complex structure of selected structural components ,their interfaces and organization with in software system to satisfy their businesses requirement
    2)microsoft’s internet information,apache,
    3)client server model describe how a server provides resources to one or more clients

  9. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    1. Software Architecture is the strength of the software lies in its foundation.It is structuring of the result that meets technical and
    operational requirement.
    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    2. Oracle i planet,AOL server,Google web server,etc
    3. What is client-server model?
    3. Client-server model is communication between network and service requester. It also describe the relationship of cooperating programs in an application.It is centralized for huge storage of all information to provide high security.

  10. Software Architecture – it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    Examples of Web Servers – Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), Apache HTTP Server.
    What is client-server model – suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  11. 1.What is software architecture?
    Software is very essential in our lives and the strength of the software depends on its foundation called architecture. .It is a complex structure of structural components ,their interfaces and organizations within software systems.
    2. Examples of web servers
    Apache and Microsoft IIS
    3.What is client server model?
    In this model,the multiple users or clients are connected to the servers over the network. The server is huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. Its the simplest of all models and suitable for web based applications

  12. a)What is Software Architecture?
    Software Architecture- it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.There are various software architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenario
    b)List down the examples of Web Servers? Microsoft’s internet information,Apache
    c)What is client-server model?
    its a type of model where the multiple users or clients are connected to the servers over the network and provides resources to one or more clients

  13. 1. Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization
    within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operation.
    2. Apache, Microsoft Internet Information, Microsoft IIS , etc
    3. Client server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and
    make the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  14. 1. Software architecture is the structure of software where it interfaces its components, organization and system to meet the requirements or the purpose of business and organizational need.
    2. Examples of web server are Apache, amazon web server , Microsoft’s IIS etc
    3. In Client – server model where multiple users are connected to the server over the network.

  15. 1 Software architecture is the foundation of the strength of a software. It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2 Examples of Web servers are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS, AOL, Http etc
    3 Client server model is the model of software architecture where, multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network, suitable for web-based software applications.

  16. 1. Software architecture is a complex structure of selected structural components, their interfaces, and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Apache, Microsoft’s IIS
    3. The client server model is a type of software architecture in which the clients/users are connected to the server over the network, suitable for web based software applications.

  17. Software architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. The popular ones among these are client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model, and many others.
    Examples of web servers – Apache, Microsoft’s IIS.
    Client – server model is where multiple users are connected to the server through the network.

  18. What is Software Architecture?
    A1 : Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    List down the examples of Web Servers?
    A2 : Apache, Microsoft IIS

    What is client-server model?
    A3 : In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  19.  Software Architecture: It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
     Web Server examples: Internet Information Services (Microsoft IIS), Apache, BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
     Client Server Model: The multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  20. 1 Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    2 Web Server examples: Microsoft IIS, Apache etc

    3 Client server model, is where multiple users or clients are connected to the servers over the network. The server is huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. Its the simplest of all models and suitable for web based applications

  21. I software architecture is a complex structure of other structure component. They are other structure use Interface within the system to accomplish its purpose

    Apache, Microsoft IIS

    A client server is where client are connected to the server through the network

  22. What is Software Architecture?
    it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    What is client-server model?
    Is the model where multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network

  23. 1. Software Architecture- Is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Examples of web servers are Apache, Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) and nginx etc.
    3. Client-server model- In this model the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. These servers are huge,centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It is suitable for web based software applications.

  24. What is Software Architecture?

    It is a complex structure of the selected software components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business organization.

    List down the examples of Web Servers?

    Apache, IIS.

    What is client-server model?

    Here, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network.

  25. Q1.Is a complex structure of the selected structural components ,their interfaces and organization with the software system to achieve the requirements or the purposes of the business operation.
    Q2.Apache,Microsoft IIS
    Q3.In client-server architecture ,the multiple users or the clients are connected to the servers.

  26. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    Ans. Software Architecture is a set of structures, which is made up by some software tools and these tools are connected to each other for to gain the desire outcome. It is differ for each project depends on project requirement.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Ans. Apache HTTP Server, Microsoft SQL Server,

    3. What is client-server model?
    Ans. It is a centralized powerful computer that provides storage, high security to multiple client’s or user’s information. This is for web-based application.

  27. 1. Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Apache, Microsoft’s IIS
    3. In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  28. 1. Ans.: Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structure components, their interfaces & organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. Client Server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model are some of popular software Architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenario.
    2. Ans.: Examples of web server are: Apache HTTP Server, Microsoft IIS, NGINX, Node. JS.
    3. Ans.: Client Server is one of the popular software Architecture. It is the simplest of all the models & suitable for web-based software applications. In client server-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge & centralized & store all the information to provide high security.

  29. An architectural pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context. architectural patterns are often documented as software design patterns.
    Eg: NGNIX, Apache
    The client-server model is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service called servers and service requesters called client.

  30. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    Software architecture refers to the high level structures of a software system, the discipline of creating such structures, and the documentation of these structures. These structures are needed to reason about the software system. Each structure comprises software elements, relations among them, and properties of both elements and relations.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    1. Apache HTTP Server (also referred to as simply “Apache”)
    2. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
    3. Lighttpd
    4. Sun Java System Web Server
    5. Jigsaw Server

    3. What is client-server model?
    The client–server model is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients.
    When a client requests a connection to a server, the server can either accept or reject the connection. If the connection is accepted, the server establishes and maintains a connection with the client over a specific protocol. For example, an email client may request an SMTP connection to a mail server in order to send a message. The SMTP application on the mail server will then request authentication from the client, such as the email address and password. If these credentials match an account on the mail server, the server will send the email to the intended recipient.

  31. 1. software architecture: It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. ex of web servers: Apache, Microsoft’s IIS
    3. client-server model: It is the simplest and suitable for web-based software applications.The multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  32. 1.Software Architecture : It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. There are various software architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenario.
    2.Web Servers :
    *Microsoft’s IIS
    3.Client-server architecture :- In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications. While the client-server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  33. Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization
    Web server is a computer where the web content is stored. Examples are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc

  34. 1. Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations
    2. Apache, Microsoft’s IIS, AOL, Oracle HTTP

  35. 1 Software architecture is a complex structure of the structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operation.
    2 examples of the web servers: Apache, Microsoft IIS, nginx…
    3 Clients server model is the multiple users, the clients are connected to the server over the network. The server is centralized and stores all the informationfor high security.

  36. 1. Software architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components their interfaces and organisation within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Eg. for web servers: Apache, Microsoft (IIS), nginx
    3. Client-server architecture: Multiple users are connected to the server over the network. the servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  37. 1. Software Architecture- Is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Examples of Web Servers are:Apache, IIS, Nginx and LiteSpeed etc.
    3.Client-server model—> the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.While the client-server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  38. 1. Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Web server examples are: Apache, Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), Google Web server, etc.
    3. In a client-server architecture, multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. All computers that host websites, must have web server programs.

  39. 1. Software Architecture- Is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    2. Example of web servers: Apache, Microsoft’s IIS, AOL, Oracle HTTP

    Client server model: The client-server model describes how a server provides resources and services to one or more clients

  40. 1. Software architecture is the high-level structures of a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems.
    2.Web servers: Apache HTTP server, Microsoft’s Internet Information Server( Microsoft’s IIS), Oracle iPlanet server etc.
    3. Client-Server Model is a type of software architecture wherein multiple users are connected to the server over the network. It is suitable for Web-based software applications

  41. 1. Software Architecture:
    -It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of business requirements. Different software architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenario. Popular patterns are:
    -Client-server Architecture
    -layered Architecture
    -MVC ( model view control ) model.
    2. Examples of Web Servers:
    -Apache HTTP Server
    -Microsoft IIS
    -Oracle iPlanet
    -LiteSpeed web-server etc
    3. Client-Server Architecture: Multiple users or clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. This is simplest of all models and suitable for Web-based applications. Huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  42. 1.Software architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    2.Apache, Microsoft IIS, nginx

    3.Client-server architecture: multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  43. Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    example of web server are Apache (the most widely-installed Web server), Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS)

    Client-Server Architecture is multiple users or clients are connected to the server over the network.

  44. Software Architecture is like creating blue print for the software to be developed by experienced Developers know as Architects. They write various complex programs and test their interfaces for defects and functional requirements keeping the end users in mind . Client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control), n-tier architecture, model are some of the examples of Software Architecture.
    The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    In a client-server architecture model, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  45. What is Software Architecture?
    it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model,are few examples of this.

    List down the examples of Web Servers?
    The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS.

    What is client-server model?
    Multiple users or the clients connected to the serve over the network,these servers are huge and centralizes and store all the information to provide high is suitable for huge data managed but as the business information and logic on the same server makes model difficult to maintain and scale.

  46. 1. Software Architecture is a complex structure of structurally complex components, and thier interfaces.
    2. Examples of client-server model are Apache, and Microsoft’s IIS
    3. A client server model is the one wherein multiple users or clients are connected to the server containing huge amount of information.

  47. 1.Software architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components their interfaces and organisation within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Eg. for web servers: Apache, Microsoft (IIS), nginx
    3. Client-server architecture: Multiple users are connected to the server over the network. the servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  48. What is Software Architecture?
    Software Architecture s a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    List down the examples of Web Servers?

    Apache HTTP server, Microsoft Internet Information Services, Lighttpd

    What is client-server model?
    In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  49. Q. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    – Software Architecture s a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the
    software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    Q.2. List down the examples of Web Servers.
    – Examples of client-server model are Apache, and Microsoft’s IIS.

    Q.3. What is client-server model?
    – A client server model is wherein multiple users or clients are connected to the server containing huge amount of

  50. Software Architecture: it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations

    Apache , IIS from Microsoft are most popularly used web servers.

    Client-server model: The multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  51. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    Software architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    3. What is client-server model?
    4. Client-server model there are multiple users for which clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  52. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software elements, the externally visible properties of those elements, and the relationships among them.
    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    • Apache HTTP Server (open source software)
    • The Internet Information Server (IIS)
    • Jigsaw Server (open source and free)
    • Ighttpd (free web server)

    3. What is client-server model?
    Client server network architecture is a very popular model for computer networking that utilizes both client and server devices each designed for a set utilization. It describes the communication between two computing entities over a network. Clients are the ones requesting a resource or service and Servers are the ones providing that resource or service.

  53. 1.What is Software Architecture?
    Software Architecture is complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organizations within the software system to achieve the purpose of the business operations.
    2.List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Examples of web servers are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    3.What is client-server model?
    In a client-server architecture model, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the
    network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all
    the models and suitable for web-based software application

  54. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    Soft ware Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers
    The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc

    3. What is client-server model?
    In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  55. Q-1: What is Software Architecture?
    – Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. There are various software architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenario. The popular ones among them are client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model, and many others.

    Q-2: List down the examples of Web Servers?
    a. Apache (provided by Apache)
    b. Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    c. NGINX (provided by NGINX, Inc. and pronounced like “Engine X”)
    d. GWS (provided by Google and short for Google Web Server)

    Q-3: What is client-server model?
    – Client–server model is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients.
    In other words, a computer network in which one centralized, powerful computer (called the server) is a hub to which many less powerful personal computers or workstations (called clients) are connected over a network such as internet. The clients run programs and access data that are stored on the server.

  56. 1. Software Architecture is a design/blueprint of the softwares structural components, their intefaces & organization.
    2.ISS, Apache, NGINX
    3. Client server model is where there is a Client(who is the requester of resource or service) & a Server(who is the provider of the resource or service).

  57. 1)Software Architecture is the strength of the software lies in its foundation.It is structuring of the result that meets technical and operational requirement.
    2)Examples of web servers are Apache HTTP,Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    3)In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  58. 1.What is Software Architecture?
    The architecture of a system describes its major components, their relationships (structures), and how they interact with each other.It defines a structured solution to meet all the technical and operational requirements, while optimizing the common quality attributes like performance and security.

    2.List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Apache, IIS, Nginx and LiteSpeed

    3.What is client-server model?
    Client-server architecture is a computing model in which the server hosts, delivers and manages most of the resources and services to be consumed by the client. This type of architecture has one or more client computers connected to a central server over a network or internet connection. This system shares computing resources.

  59. 1.What is Software Architecture?
    Software Architecture is the high level structures of a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems.
    It is a complex structure of the software components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. There are various software architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenario. The popular ones among them are client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model, and many others.

    2.List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Examples of commonly used web servers are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.

    3 What is client-server model?
    In a client-server software architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications. While the client-server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  60. 1.What is Software Architecture?
    it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within
    the software system to achieve the requirements

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Google web server,Apache etc.
    3. .What is client-server model?

    In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network.
    The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.
    It is the simplest model and is used for web based applications.

  61. 1.What is Software Architecture?
    It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    3.What is client-server model?
    In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.The application server is wherein the software logic is implemented and the programs run

  62. 1.Software architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Apache HTTP server, Microsoft Internet Information Services, Lighttpd
    3.In a client-server architecture model, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  63. 1.Software architecture is a complex structure of selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within software to achieve requirements or purpose of the business operations.
    2.Apache HTTP, Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) and nginx , node.js
    3. A client server model is wherein multiple users or clients are connected to the server containing huge amount of

  64. What is Software Architecture?
    The strength of the software lies in its foundation that is the software architecture. The software nowadays should not only be defect free but also reliable, usable, robust, maintainable, secured. These features can be implemented in the design level of the software. The popular software architectures are: client server, layered , MVC. The technical architects should choose the model carefully to get the benefits.

    List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Web servers- Apache, Microsoft IIS etc

    What is client-server model?
    In client server model, there are multiple users connected over the network to the server. The servers are huge centralized and store information. This is a simple model suitable for web based software applications. Since the business information and logic is stored in the same server this type of model is less maintainable and scalable.

  65. Software Architecture a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    Examples of web servers are Apache, Google web server, Microsoft IIS.
    Client-server model: In this model, multiple clients have connected to a server over the network and the servers are huge to store the huge data securely.

  66. Answer 1. Software architecture is the process of converting software characteristics such as flexibility, scalability, feasibility, reusability and security in structured solution that meets the technical and business expectations. There are different types of Software Architecture.
    Black Board, Client Server(2 tier, 3 tier, n tier cloud computing exhibit this style), Component based, Data Centric, Event Driven (or implicit invocation), Layered, Monolithic application, Peer to Peer (P2P).

    Answer 2. The process is an example of client/server model. All computers that host we sites must have web server program. Most used web servers are Apache, IIS and Ngnix.

    Answer 3. It consists two parts Client and Server. Client Server Model is distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service called Servers and requesters called Client. The client direct their requests to a specific software server running on the overall server machine, The client server connection is established through a network or the Internet.

  67. What is Software Architecture?
    -it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    List down the examples of Web Servers?

    -Apache, Microsoft’s IIS
    What is client-server model?
    -In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications. While the client-server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  68. 1.Software Architecture?
    Software architecture of a system depicts the system’s organization or structure, and provides an explanation of how it
    .2.Examplesof Web-Servers
    Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris
    3.What is client-server model?
    In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  69. What is Software Architecture?
    software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    what is client -server model?
    In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security

  70. Software Architecture: is a foundation of the software. It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements
    Examples of Web servers
    – Apache, Microsoft’s IIS
    Client server model:- A server provide information with huge data to clients. But the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult.

  71. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    Ans. Software Architecture is a set of structures, which is made up by some software tools and these tools are connected to each other for to gain the desire outcome. It is differ for each project depends on project requirement.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Ans. Apache HTTP Server, Microsoft SQL Server,

    3. What is client-server model?
    Ans. It is a centralized powerful computer that provides storage, high security to multiple client’s or user’s information. This is for web-based application.

  72. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    Software architecture is a complex structure of selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or purpose of the business operations.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Apache, Microsoft’s IIS

    3. What is client-server model?
    Client-server model refers to the type of architecture, in which multiple users or clients are connect to a server over the network. Servers are huge and centralized. They store all the information to provide high security. This model is suitable for web-based applications.

  73. 1. Software Architecture- Is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Examples of web servers are Apache, Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) and nginx etc.
    3. Client-server model- In this model the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. These servers are huge,centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It is suitable for web based software applications.

  74. Software Architecture:- it is a complex structure of the selected structural components , their interface and organisation within the software system to achieve the requirement .

    WebServer eg- microsoft IIS, Google web server.

    Client Server Model:- Multiple user or the client are connected to the server over the network.

  75. 1. Software architecture is the structure of software where it interfaces its components, organization and system to meet the requirements or the purpose of business and organizational need. Software architects deign the framework. Most of the application are n-tier architecture.
    2. Examples of web server are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    3. Client server model is where multiple users are connected to the server over the network.

  76. 1) Software Architecture refers to the fundamental structures of a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems. Each structure comprises software elements, relations among them, and properties of both elements and relations.
    2) Example- Apache, Microsoft’s Internet Information Server, nginx (pronounced engine X) from NGNIX.
    3) Client server model is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the provides of a resources or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients.

  77. architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2.The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS .
    3.In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  78. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. There are various software architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenario. Some of the popular ones are client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model, and many others.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
    Apache HTTP Server

    3. What is client-server model?
    Client Server is one of the popular software Architecture. It is the simplest of all the models & suitable for web-based software applications. In a client-server model, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  79. Software architecture is a complex structure of selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within software to achieve requirements or purpose of the business operations. Most commonly used software architectures are client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model etc.
    In client-server model architecture, multiple users or clients are connected to server over the network. It is simplest model suitable for huge data applications also suitable for web based applications.
    Layered or n-tier architecture consists of four layers named as front end or UI (user interface), web servers, application server, and database layer. Web server models are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc

  80. 1. What is Software Architecture?

    It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations so that the software is usable, efficient, reliable, modifiable, robust, maintainable and a secured one.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?

    Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.

    3. What is client-server model?

    In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  81. What is Software Architecture?
    Software architecture is a complex structure of selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within software to achieve requirements or purpose of the business operations. Most commonly used software architectures are client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model etc.
    List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Apache web server, IIS
    What is client-server model?
    In client-server model architecture, multiple users or clients are connected to server over the network. It is simplest model suitable for huge data applications also suitable for web based applications.

  82. Software Architecture
    It is a complex structure of selected structural
    Components,their interfaces and organization
    With in the software system to achieve the requirements or purpose of the business operations.
    2.*client server model
    *Layered Architecture
    *MVC(model view control )
    3.Client server Model
    *** Here multiple users or clients are connected to one huge network.Where all the data is centralized and also at the same time provide high security.

  83. 1.Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. The web server: Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS),Apache HTTP
    3.Client server model: multiple users or clients are connected to server over the network.

  84. 1)Software architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2)The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    3)Client server model are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  85. Software Architecture: It is a complex structure of a system and the components and their interfaces to achieve the objective of business operations.
    The popular architectures are client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model, and many others.

    Examples of WebServers are : Microsoft IIS and Apache.

    Client Server Model: Many clients are connected to the servers over a network where data is centralized.

  86. 1. What is Software Architecture? It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers? The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc

    3. What is client-server model? In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network.

  87. This article shows how software architecture is the process of converting software characteristics such as flexibility, scalability, feasibility, reusability, and security into a structured solution that meets the technical and the business expectations. This definition leads us to ask about the characteristics of a software that can affect a software architecture design. There is a long list of characteristics which mainly represent the business or the operational requirements, in addition to the technical requirements.

  88. 1.What is Software Architecture?
    it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. There are various software architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenario.
    2.List down the examples of Web Servers?
    The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    3.What is client-server model?
    While the client-server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  89. What is Software Architecture?
    List down the examples of Web Servers?
    What is client-server model?
    1.Software architecture is a complex structure of selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within software to achieve requirements or purpose of the business operations.
    2.Apache HTTP, Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) and nginx , node.js
    3.A client server model is where multiple users or clients are connected to the server containing huge amount of informations.

  90. 1.Software architectur is the comlex structure of the selected
    structural components and their interfaces and organisation with in
    the software to achieve the requirements and purpose of the business
    2.Web server eg:Apachi,Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    3.Client server architecture is one where the multiple users or the clients connected to the server over the network.The servers are huge and centralised and store all the data to provide high security.

  91. Q1. Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    Q2. Web servers: Apache, Oracle, Microsoft IIS
    Q3. Client server architecture is where multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. It is a simple model. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  92. 1. Software architecture is the foundation of a software. It is a complex structure of the structural components, their interfaces, and organization within the software system. This will help too to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Some examples of Web servers are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS, AOL, Http, etc
    3. Client server models are the models of software architecture in which multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network.

  93. A complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations
    Web Servers:
    Apache, Microsoft’s IS etc.
    Client-server model
    It means the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network.

  94. Software Architecture-:It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    Examples of Web Servers-:Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc
    Client-server model-:The multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  95. 1. Software Architecture- it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. Examples of Web Server- http/apache, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
    3. Client-server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  96. Answer 1 – it is complex structure of features designed to meet requirements of business operations.

    Answer 2 – Apache, Microsoft’s IIS

    Answer 3 – It is a simple model where multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. This model is suitable for web-based software applications

  97. SOFTWARE ARTITECHTURE is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.Example :Apache,Microsoft IIS. the client-server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  98. Software Architecture :Software architecture is the structure of an information system consisting of entities and their externally visible properties, and the relationships among them.
    Example of the web Server : Google Web Server (GWS),Apache, Microsoft Internet Information Service (Its).
    Client Server Model :- In a client-server Model , the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network.

  99. What is software Architecture ?
    Software Architecture by numerous technology specialists. However, in simple terms, it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. There are various software architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenario.
    List down the examples of web server.
    Apache HTTP Server
    -Microsoft IIS
    -Oracle I Planet
    -Lite Speed web-server etc.
    what is the client server model ?
    The client-server model is a distributed communication framework of network processes among service requests, clients and service providers. The client-server connection is established through a network or the Internet.

  100. It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    The popular software architectures are client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model etc.
    Examples of web server are
    Microsoft IIS
    Mac OSX
    Client server model
    In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.
    This model is simplest and suitable for web-based software applications.
    The disadvantage of using a client-server model is suitable, huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  101. What is Software Architecture?
    Software architecture refers to the fundamental structures of a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems. Each structure comprises software elements, relations among them, and properties of both elements and relations.

    List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Web server examples: The top 5 servers
    Apache Web Server. Apache is currently the most used web server in the world. …
    IIS. Also one of the most popular web server examples. …
    NGINX. It’s one of the most popular web server software. …
    Apache Tomcat. Tomcat is a free web server, specialized in Java Servlets. …
    Lighthttpd. …
    Conclusion about web server examples.

    What is client-server model?
    Client–server model is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients. … A server host runs one or more server programs, which share their resources with clients.

  102. 1)Software Architecture: Software Architecture is the foundation for every software. it is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations
    2)Apache, Microsoft’s IIS
    3)Client server model is the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security

  103. 1.Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    The popular software architectures are client server architecture, layered architecture, MVC (model-view-control) model etc.
    2.Examples of web server are
    Microsoft IIS
    Mac OSX
    3.In Client-server model multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications.

  104. What is Software Architecture?

    A complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations
    Web Servers:
    Apache, Microsoft’s IS etc.
    Client-server model
    It means the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network.

  105. Software architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations
    Web Servers:
    Apache, Microsoft’s IS etc.
    Client-server model
    It means the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network.

  106. 1.What is Software Architecture?
    It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    2.List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Apache, NGINX, IIS, Apache Tomcat, GWS, etc.

    3.What is client-server model?
    The client-server model describes how a server provides resources and services to one or more clients.

  107. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    – A complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. The strength of the software lies in its foundation, which is software architecture.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    – Apache, Microsoft’s IIS

    3. What is client-server model?
    – The simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications where multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  108. 1.Software Architecture
    A complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or
    the purpose of the business operations.
    2.Web Servers:
    Apache, Microsoft’s IS etc.
    3.Client-server model
    It means the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network.

  109. Software architecture refers to the fundamental structures of a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems.
    Web server: Apache, Microsoft Internet info system IIS, GWS etc
    client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network.

  110. Check your understanding.

    1. What is Software Architecture?
    It is a structure within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. In simple terms, Software architecture is the structure of structures of an information system consisting of entities and their externally. visible properties, and the relationships among them.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    a) Apache b) Microsoft IIS c) nginx d)GWS

    3. What is client-server model?
    When the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. In this model the server is huge and centralized to store all the information to provide high security, it is to be called the simplest of all the models and it is best suitable for web-based software applications.

  111. software architecture is the structure of a system, their elements, and the relationship between those elements. it is an abstraction of a software system.
    web server examples: apache, microsoft’s internet information services, Ngins.
    the client server model is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workload between the providers of a resource or service.

  112. 1.What is Software Architecture?
    Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.The architecture of a system describes its major components, their relationships (structures).

    2.List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Example of Web Servers are Apache, IIS, nginx, GWS etc.

    3.What is client-server model?
    Client server model is where the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge, centralized and store all the information to provide high security and is more suitable for web-based software applications.

    What is Software Architecture?
    Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. The strength of the software lies in its foundation i.e., software architecture. The software is developed with the objective of not just being defect free. It is essential that the software is usable, efficient, reliable, modifiable, robust, maintainable and a secured one. All these features can be implemented at the design level of the software.

    List down the examples of Web Servers?
    The web servers that are commonly used are Apache HTTP server, Nginx, Microsoft’s IIS (The internet information server) web server, etc.

    What is client-server model?
    In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It is the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications. While the client-server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  114. What is Software Architecture?
    Software architecture is the organization of a system. This organization includes all components, how they interact with each other, the environment in which they operate, and the principles used to design the software to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Apache HTTP server
    Microsoft Internet Information Servers (IIS)
    Google web server (GWS)

    What is client-server model?
    Client-server model is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients. Examples of computer applications that use the client-server model are email, network printing, and the World Wide Web.
    It is a Centralized system with all data in a single place. It is cost efficient requires model and requires less maintenance cost and Data recovery is possible.
    As business information and logic is on the same server and thus, makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  115. Software Architecture
    Software architecture is, simply, the organization of a system. This organization includes all components, how they interact with each other, the environment in which they operate, and the principles used to design the software. In many cases, it can also include the evolution of the software into the future. There are various software architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenario.
    – In a client-server architecture, multiple users or clients are connected to the server over the network.
    -The front end or the user interface refers to the pages displayed on the user screen.
    -The Web service layer has the protocols and the service components. The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS, etc.
    -The application server is wherein the software logic is implemented and the programs run. -The database layer has the business data stored in an organized manner.

  116. It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations. In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network.

  117. 1. Software Architecture is the strength of the software lies in its foundation. It is structuring of the result that meets technical and operational requirement.
    2.The top 5 servers
    Apache Web Server: Apache is currently the most used web server in the world.
    IIS: It is also one of the most popular web server examples.
    NGINX: It is one of the most popular web server software.
    Apache Tomcat: Tomcat is a free web server, specialized in Java Servlets.
    3. Client-server model is the communication between network and service requester. It also describe the relationship of cooperating programs in an application. It is centralized for huge storage of all information to provide high security.

  118. Software architecture refers to the fundamental structures of a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems. Each structure comprises software elements, relations among them, and properties of both elements and relations.
    Examples of web server:
    Apache Web Server. Apache is currently the most used web server in the world.
    IIS. Also one of the most popular web server examples.
    NGINX. It’s one of the most popular web server software.
    Apache Tomcat.
    Client_Server Model:
    Often clients and servers communicate over a computer network on separate hardware, but both client and server may reside in the same system. A server host runs one or more server programs, which share their resources with clients. A client usually does not share any of its resources, but it requests content or service from a server. Clients, therefore, initiate communication sessions with servers, which await incoming requests. Examples of computer applications that use the client-server model are email, network printing, and the World Wide Web.

  119. 1. What is a Software Architect?

    A Software Architect is one who plans and builds the infrastructure of a software product for a potential client.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?

    Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.

    3. What is the client-server model?
    Client-server model is when multiple users/clients are connected to the server all at once. The server is centralized and this model is best implemented in web based applications. However its a tad bit risky because of the data a business information is stored within the same server. This makes it harder to eventually scale.

  120. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    Refers to the fundamental structures of a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems.
    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Apache HTTP, Microsoft IIS, Tomcat
    3. What is Client-Server model?
    The huge data in a software application is managed by client server model. This model is
    used for web- based software applications.

    1. What is Software Architecture?
    Refers to the fundamental structures of a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems.

    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    Apache HTTP, Microsoft IIS, Tomcat

    3. What is Client-Server model?
    When a software application is using huge data in a software application, it is managed by client server model. This model is used for web- based software applications.

  121. 1. Software architecture is a foundational structure consists of all the components, interfaces within the software system to achieve the client requirement.
    2. Apache, Microsoft IIS are examples of Web servers.
    3. Client -Server is a type of Software Architectural model where multiple Clients are connected to the server to implement Web based Applications. Servers are huge and centralized to store all the information and provides high security.

  122. 1. What is Software Architecture ?
    Software architecture is, simply, the organization of a system. This organization includes all components, how they interact with each other, the environment in which they operate, and the principles used to design the software.
    2. List down the examples of Web Servers ?
    Apache, Microsoft IIS, Apache Tomcat, Google Webserver
    3. What is client-server model?
    Client-server architecture, architecture of a computer network in which many clients (remote processors) request and receive service from a centralized server (host computer).

  123. 1.Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components ,their interfaces and organizations within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations .There are various software architecture patterns designed to suit the project scenarios EG: client server architecture, layered architecture and MVC (model view control).
    2.Apache ,Microsoft Internet Information Servers(IIS)
    3.Client server model is when multiple users or clients are connected to the server over the network but the business information and logic on the same server makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  124. Software Architecture:
    Software architecture is, simply, the organization of a system. This organization includes all components, how they interact with each other, the environment in which they operate, and the principles used to design the software. In many cases, it can also include the evolution of the software into the future.

    Examples of Web servers:
    Cloud flare Server
    Lite Speed
    Google Servers

    What is client server model?
    Client-server model is a distributed application structure that tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients. … Examples of computer applications that use the client-server model are email, network printing, and the World Wide Web.

  125. 1. Software Architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.

    2. The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.

    3. In a client-server architecture, the multiple users or the clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security. It’s the simplest of all the models and suitable for web-based software applications. While the client-server model is suitable huge data is to be managed but the business information and logic is on the same server and makes the model difficult to maintain and scale.

  126. Software architecture is a complex structure of the selected structural components, interfaces and organization within the software to achieve the requirements of the business. Some examples of web servers are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS, etc. In client server architecture, multiple users or clients are connected to the server over the network. The servers are huge and centralized and store all the information to provide high security.

  127. 1. What is Software Architecture?
    It is a complex structure of the selected structural components, their interfaces and organization within the software system to achieve the requirements or the purpose of the business operations.
    2. List down the examples of Web Servers?
    The web servers that are commonly used are Apache, Microsoft’s IIS etc.
    3. What is client-server model?
    A client server model is the one wherein multiple users or clients are connected to the server containing huge amount of information. It is the simplest model for web-based software application.

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