What is PyTorch all about?

What is PyTorch all about?

Table of Contents

PyTorch is a Torch and Python-based Deep Learning tensor library that is mostly utilized in CPU and GPU applications. Since PyTorch uses dynamic computation graphs and is entirely Pythonic, it is preferred over other deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras. It enables real-time testing and execution of certain sections of code by researchers, programmers, and neural network debuggers. Users can therefore check whether a portion of the code works or not without having to wait for the implementation of the complete program. Check out the Python online training to learn more. 

What is PyTorch all about?

PyTorch’s two primary features are:

  • Tensor Computation with robust GPU (Graphical Processing Unit) acceleration capabilities, comparable to NumPy
  • Deep neural network construction and training via automatic differentiation 

Basics of PyTorch

The basic PyTorch operations are pretty identical to Numpy. Let’s understand the basics first.

Introduction to Tensors

When representing data in machine learning, we must do so numerically. A simple container that can store data in several dimensions is a tensor. In contrast, a tensor is a basic piece of data that can serve as the basis for more complex mathematical processes. A multi-dimensional array like Numpy array, a vector, a matrix, or an integer can be used. To speed up operations, tensors can also be handled by the CPU or GPU. Tensors come in a variety of forms, including Float Tensor, Double Tensor, Half Tensor, Int Tensor, and Long Tensor, however PyTorch defaults to the 32-bit Float Tensor.

Mathematical Operations

In PyTorch and Numpy, the programs used to carry out mathematical operations are identical. Two tensors must be initialized by users before being subjected to operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 

Initialization of the matrix and matrix operations

Using the function randn(), which returns a tensor filled with random values from a typical normal distribution, you can initialize a matrix in PyTorch with random numbers. Every time you run this code, the same numbers will be generated if the random seed is set at the beginning. PyTorch’s basic matrix operations and transpose function are comparable to NumPy’s.

What is PyTorch all about?

Common PyTorch Modules

In PyTorch, modules are used to represent neural networks. 


The automatic differentiation engine in PyTorch, known as the autograd module, assists in quickly calculating the gradients in the forward pass. The input tensors are the leaves of the directed acyclic graph that Autograd creates, and the output tensors are the roots. 


The Optim module is a collection of pre-written optimizers’ algorithms that can be applied to the construction of neural networks. 


Numerous classes in the nn module aid in the development of neural network models. The nn module is a subclass of all PyTorch modules.

Dynamic Computation Graph

The PyTorch framework is able to determine the gradient values for the constructed neural networks. Dynamic computational graphs are used by PyTorch. Operator overloading is used to define the graph inferentially as the forward computation is running. In contrast to static graphs, dynamic graphs allow users to design and evaluate the graph concurrently, giving them greater flexibility. Due to the ability to execute code line by line, these are debug-friendly. PyTorch Dynamic graphs make it much simpler to find bugs in code, which is a key aspect that makes PyTorch such a popular option in the sector.

Every time an iteration takes place, computational graphs in PyTorch are created from the start. This enables the use of arbitrary Python control flow expressions, which may change the overall size and shape of the graph. The benefit is that not every conceivable path needs to be encoded before the training begins. You execute what you distinguish.

Data Loader

When working with huge datasets, all of the data must be loaded into memory at once. Programs become sluggish due to memory issues. Additionally, maintaining data sample processing code is difficult. In order to parallelize data loading with automated batching and improve code readability and modularity, PyTorch provides two data primitives: DataLoader and Dataset. Users can use both their data and pre-loaded datasets with the help of Datasets and DataLoader. Users may readily retrieve samples since DataLoader combines dataset and sampler and constructs an iterable around the Dataset, which holds the samples and their corresponding labels.

Solving an Image Classification Problem Using PyTorch 

Have you ever used PyTorch to create a neural network from scratch? If not, then you should read this article. 

  • Initialize the input and output using a tensor in step 1.
  • Create the sigmoid function that will serve as an activation function in step two. For the backpropagation stage, use a sigmoid function derivative. 
  • In step 3, use the randn() function to initialize the parameters, including the number of epochs, weights, biases, learning rate, etc. Thus, a straightforward neural network with a single hidden layer, an input layer, and an output layer has been successfully created. In contrast to backward propagation, which is used to calculate errors, forward propagation is used to calculate the output. The weights and biases are updated using the error. 

The PyTorch framework is used to generate a deep learning model in our final neural network model, which is based on a real-world case study.  

The current challenge is an image classification problem in which we must identify the type of clothing by examining several garment photographs.

Step 1: Classify the image of apparel into different classes. 

The dataset is divided into two folders: a training set folder and a test set folder. A.csv file with the image id of every image and its associated label name is present in every folder. The photographs from the particular set are located in another folder. 

Step 2: Load the data

After importing the necessary libraries, read the.csv file. Plot a randomly chosen image to better comprehend the visual appearance of the data. Utilize the train.csv file to load all training pictures.

Step 3: Train the Model

Create a validation set to evaluate the model’s performance on unexplored data. Use the import torch package and the required modules to define the model. Define variables such as the number of neurons, epochs, and learning rate. After creating the model, train it for a specified number of epochs. Each epoch’s training and validation loss should be saved, together with a plot of the data to confirm their consistency. 

Step 4: Getting Predictions 

Last but not least, load the test photos, make your predictions, and then submit them. After the predictions are submitted, try to improve the accuracy % by changing the model’s various parameters.


PyTorch is a crucial deep learning framework and a great option for someone learning their first deep learning framework. You can attend our Python online classes if computer vision and deep learning are topics that interest you.

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