We live in a world where almost everything is done digitally. The rate at which emerging technologies are produced annually is alarming. Trends and concepts constantly fade away as new ones are brought to life. The same goes for the project management industry, where models like the Waterfall model are now archaic and new models are now in use.
These new models must possess some specific characteristics which are constant improvements, focus on quality, and short development cycles. One popular model that encompasses all three characteristics is the Agile model. Most software development companies make use of the Agile model because of its success rate. Studies carried out according to the 11th state of Agile, show that 98% of projects that use the Agile methodology are successful.
There are various kinds of Agile Methodology, but Scrum is undoubtedly the most famous of them. Scrum is an effective and powerful tool that helps software development companies to streamline their workflow. This leads to cost efficiency and productivity of the workers. Scrum is also beneficial when dealing with complex projects. The same studies mentioned above, also show that 58% of the companies that make use of Agile methodology also use the Scrum framework.
For an agile methodology enthusiast, there are various agile online training courses that you can apply for that will make you fully understand the concept of agile methodology. Also, since you will practically need to know the concept of scrum framework to understand the agile methodology, there are many scrum master training courses that you can apply for online.
In this tutorial, we will look at the concept of agile scrum methodology, as well as the various online platforms that you can learn from to become a certified scrum master. So without further ado, let’s get started.
What is Agile?
Agile methodology is a practice that involves iterating the testing and development of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) constantly. In simple terms, it is a philosophy that uses iteration to complete a given project. According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), the main goal that the Agile model achieves in a project is to create a return of investment that is early and measurable, through a defined and iterative delivery of the product or system characteristics. As a result of its iterative nature, you must constantly involve the client during the project to ensure the goals and expectations of the project are similar to yours. We can think of the Agile approach as an orientation that guides the way we approach a project.
The iteration in the Agile model has about two- to four-week sprints. The goal of each sprint is to develop the most important part of the product. Subsequently, the other parts of the product are built in the other sprints. The customers and stakeholders can also give their feedback between the sprints and if adjustments are to be made, it is easily done.
What is Scrum?
Scrum is a process under Agile methodology that allows teams involved in software development to primarily focus on providing business values within the shortest possible time. This is done by repeatedly and rapidly inspecting the actual software. If the Agile model can be termed a philosophy, then scrum can be termed a framework. The main quality of the scrum framework is teamwork, accountability, and iterative progress towards well-defined goals. According to Joseph Griffin, “Scrum is a specific methodology for how one manages a project work, it provides a process for how to identify the work, who will identify the work, how the work will be done, and the work is to be completed.”
Just like the Springboks team (the South-African national rugby team) and the All Blacks (the New Zealand national rugby team) are training for a big clash, the scrum framework encourages teams to self-organize when dealing with a problem, to learn from past experiences, and to reflect on their wins as well as their losses for improvement.
Scrum framework is based on constantly learning and adjusting based on the fluctuating parameters. It acknowledges that no team is an island of knowledge especially at the beginning of a project, so the experience of the team members is essential as the project progresses. This framework is helpful because teams can adapt naturally to the changing user requirements and conditions, and team members can re-prioritize leading to constant improvement and learning.
Three essential roles are present in a scrum team. They are the scrum master, the scrum product owner, and the scrum development teams.
- The scrum Master: These are the people that coach the product owners, the teams, and the business on the process of Scrum. They are the experts and champions of scrums in their respective teams. The work of an effective scrum master is to fully understand the work that is done by his fellow team members, helping them to optimize their delivery flow and transparency. As a scrum master, you are also a facilitator-in-chief because you are the one responsible for scheduling the needed human and logistical resources that will be used for sprint review, sprint planning, sprint retrospective, and stand-up process.
For you to become a scrum master, you must have passed through the scrum master training. This training can be taken online by applying for the certified scrum master course using various online learning platforms. You can also apply for the agile online training because you cannot fully understand scrum unless you grasp the concept of agile methodology.
- The Scrum product owner: These people focus on understanding the customer, the business, and the market requirements. They also prioritize the work that the engineering team does accordingly. Product owners are regarded as champions of their products. As an effective scrum product owner, you are responsible for building and managing the product backlog, you also closely partner with the team and the business and ensure every member understands the work listed in the product backlog. Finally, you guide your team on the next features that are to be delivered. The product owner fully ensures the team delivers the best value to the business.
- The Scrum development team: These are the people that get the main work done. These teams usually consist of about five to seven members. They are regarded as the champions for sustainable development practices.
What are the differences between Agile and Scrum?

Agile and scrum are two project management systems that have some similarities since scrum is under agile methodology. But they do also have some key differences. These differences are:
- Agile has more flexibility as compared to a scrum which is more rigid.
- Agile promotes the leadership teams while scrum promotes cross-functional teams.
- Agile is constantly iterating the testing and development process in the software development process while Scrum is a type of agile process that focuses on delivering the best business value within the shortest time frame.
- Leadership is a vital part of the agile process while Scrum thrives on a self-organizing, cross-functional team.
- Agile engages in collaboration and one-on-one interactions between the members of different cross-functional teams while Scrum engages in collaboration by having daily stand-up meetings.
- The software for agile methodology is delivered regularly for feedback while the software for Scrum is delivered after each sprint.
- The process design and execution of the agile process should be simple, while Scrum process design and execution can be experimental and innovative.
What makes Agile Scrum Methodology so effective?
Some two years ago, people were allowed to talk and have conversations in offices freely without any form of restriction; but in recent times, face-to-face meetings are limited in offices as a result of the ravaging Coronavirus pandemic where workers are forced to work from home. To deal with this challenge especially in organizations, teamwork has to be re-planned. Scrum, which is an adaptation of the agile methodology is beneficial in these trying times.
Agile methodology is said to be the most famous of all software development models. Also, the Scrum framework is mostly used under the agile model. Recurring tasks can also be facilitated by using the agile model. To counteract the effect of the locational barriers and to maintain an organized work mode, every team needs to practice the agile model. Within these smaller teams, their self-organized way of working provides transparent goals and flat hierarchies, increases productivity, and promotes communication. This makes the individual employees flow with the information in the company, and thus no one is left out.
Other features of the agile scrum that makes it effective are:
- It reacts fast to changing requirements.
- It ensures effective, efficient, and productive meetings making the developers get help when needed.
- It provides feedback from customers, stakeholders, and ends users during the development process.
- It provides shippable increments that are delivered early which enables the stakeholders to provide feedback.
- There is a sense of urgency as a result of the two- to four-week sprints, thereby increasing the speed of the development team.
What are the benefits of Agile Scrum Methodology?
Let’s look at some of the benefits of agile scrum methodology are:
- It involves lower costs.
- There is customer satisfaction.
- There is an increase in product quality.
- There is synergy in the organizational structure.
- The model is flexible and adaptable.
- Employees are satisfied.
- There is room for innovation and creativity.
Of all the benefits listed above, the fact that the model is flexible is the most beneficial. The model creates room for feedback after each sprint. If any problem occurs, the team quickly and easily adjusts the goals of the product during subsequent sprints. This provides more valuable iterations and the stakeholders get the desired products by getting involved along the process.
What are the elements of a good Agile Scrum Training?
As an agile scrum enthusiast, there are various agile online training courses and scrum master training courses available. There are also certified scrum master courses that you can take online that can guarantee you becoming a scrum master. But there are some elements to look out for in a training course that will determine if it is a good one. Some of these elements are:
- The Agile training must be an interactive session: The classes must be interactive in such a way that the instructor is following your learning curve.
- The training should be engaging: Exercises should be given after each class. Discussions should be made either with a fellow or with a group.
- The training should be fun.
- The instructors should share and give examples of experiences from real life.
From this article, we can see that agile scrum methodology makes work easier for a software development team. It also increases the workflow in an organization thereby yielding more effective and reliable outputs. Also, we saw that there are various online platforms where you can undergo agile online training as well as a scrum master course, with which you could become a certified scrum master.
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