Cucumber Tool

Cucumber Tool

Table of Contents

Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by SmartBear. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. The development team works in collaboration with stakeholder team. 

BDD is Behaviour Driven Development is more of a user perspective and based on the behaviour of the system. 


Consider an example of creating the funds  transfer module for an net banking application. We have multiple ways to create this application and test it. They are:

  1. The fund transfer should take place if there is enough balance account in source account.
  2. Fund transfer must  take place if the destination account details are correct.
  3. Fund transfer should take place if transaction password or authentication entered by the user is correct.
  4. Fund transfer should always take place if the bank is NOT holiday.

The test scenario becomes more detailed and complex, as we consider more features like transfer amount X for an interval Z days and it should stop transfer when total amount reaches Y.

The general tendency of developers is to develop features and write code later. The developer will continue testing at program levels till release to testing team.  At that point he will do quick testing but ineffective testing. In order to overcome this issue BDD was introduced. 

Cucumber is a tool which supports behaviour driven development. It offers an understandable format to write test cases. Here the users write scenarios or acceptance tests which describes the behaviour of the system from the customer’s perspective. For the review, of application by the product owners before the developers write their code. Cucumber uses ruby programming language

Integration of Selenium and Cucumber:

Selenium is a famous tool in the IT industry most of the IT companies use selenium and want to integrate with cucumber. Cucumber acts as bridge between the software engineer and business analyst. In behavior driven development, before the developer develops a code the user writes  test scenarios as per the behavior of the system from customer’s perspective. With a simplicity and naïve view of scenarios cucumber works beautifully. 

For example:

Given a login page, when entered valid credentials user should see account.

Three salient features of Cucumber are:

1. Feature files: 

These are essential parts of cucumber and are used to write test automation steps or acceptance tests. This will be used for live document. If we can consider the login functionality feature file. There scenario is considered as login functionality, in which a user navigates through a login functionality. When the user logs in by giving user name and password, either the login should be successful or it should throw some error message. For this, we can verify by cucumber test.

2. Feature: 

Feature gives the information about high-level business functionality and its purpose of application under test. Everybody should understand the intent of feature file by reading the first feature step.

3. Scenario: 

Usually the scenarios represents the particular functionality which will be under test. Each scenario follows certain format called Gherkin files.

  1. Given: This specifies the pre-conditions. It is basically known as state.
  1. When: This is used when some action is performed. One of the example, when the user tries to log in using username and password which is considered as action. 
  1. Then: In this section, the expected result or outcome is placed here. For example, for verifying the login navigation page.
  1. Background: Whenever the step is required, those particular steps are placed in the background.
  1. And: This format is used to combine two or more actions.

Advantages of Cucumber tool:

The advantages of cucumber tool are:

  1. It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
  2. Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
  3. Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
  4. It has quick and easy execution and setup.
  5. Efficient tool for testing.
  6. Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
  7. Its open-source free software supports other languages.

22 Responses

  1. Cucumber is a tool which supports behaviour driven development. It offers an understandable format to write test cases. Here the users write scenarios or acceptance tests which describes the behaviour of the system from the customer’s perspective. For the review, of application by the product owners before the developers write their code. Cucumber uses ruby programming language.
    Selenium is a famous tool in the IT industry most of the IT companies use selenium and want to integrate with cucumber. Cucumber acts as bridge between the software engineer and business analyst.
    Salient features of this tool are:
    Feature Files:These are essential parts of cucumber and are used to write test automation steps or acceptance tests.
    Feature gives the information about high-level business functionality and its purpose of application under test.
    Usually the scenarios represents the particular functionality which will be under test.
    The advantages of cucumber tool are:

    It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
    Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
    It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    Efficient tool for testing.
    Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    Its open-source free software supports other languages.

  2. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD),very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by SmartBear . It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. The development team works in collaboration with stakeholder team.
    BDD is Behaviour Driven Development is more of a user perspective and based on the behaviour of the system. Cucumber acts as bridge between the software engineer and business analyst.
    Three salient features of Cucumber are: 1. Feature files 2.Feature 3.Scenario.

  3. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by SmartBear. It expects the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. The development team works in collaboration with the stakeholder team.
    Cucumber acts as a bridge between the software engineer and business analyst. In behavior driven development, before the developer develops a code the user writes test scenarios as per the behavior of the system from the customer’s perspective

  4. A cucumber is a tool based on Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework which is used to write acceptance tests for the web application. It allows automation of functional validation in easily readable and understandable format (like plain English) to Business Analysts, Developers, Testers, etc.

  5. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by SmartBear. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. The development team works in collaboration with stakeholder team.
    It offers an understandable format to write test cases. Here the users write scenarios or acceptance tests which describes the behaviour of the system from the customer’s perspective. For the review, of application by the product owners before the developers write their code. Cucumber uses ruby programming language.
    Three salient features of Cucumber are:
    1. Feature files:
    These are essential parts of cucumber and are used to write test automation steps or acceptance tests. This will be used for live document. If we can consider the login functionality feature file. There scenario is considered as login functionality, in which a user navigates through a login functionality. When the user logs in by giving user name and password, either the login should be successful or it should throw some error message. For this, we can verify by cucumber test.

    2. Feature:
    Feature gives the information about high-level business functionality and its purpose of application under test. Everybody should understand the intent of feature file by reading the first feature step.

    3. Scenario:
    Usually the scenarios represents the particular functionality which will be under test. Each scenario follows certain format called Gherkin files.

    Given: This specifies the pre-conditions. It is basically known as state.
    When: This is used when some action is performed. One of the example, when the user tries to log in using username and password which is considered as action.
    Then: In this section, the expected result or outcome is placed here. For example, for verifying the login navigation page.
    Background: Whenever the step is required, those particular steps are placed in the background.
    And: This format is used to combine two or more actions.
    Advantages of Cucumber tool:
    The advantages of cucumber tool are:

    It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
    Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
    It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    Efficient tool for testing.
    Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    Its open-source free software supports other languages.

  6. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by SmartBear. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. The development team works in collaboration with stakeholder team.
    Example are here:
    The fund transfer should take place if there is enough balance account in source account.
    Fund transfer must take place if the destination account details are correct.
    Fund transfer should take place if transaction password or authentication entered by the user is correct.
    Fund transfer should always take place if the bank is NOT holiday.Cucumber acts as a bridge between the software engineer and business analyst. In behavior driven development, before the developer develops a code the user writes test scenarios as per the behavior of the system from the customer’s perspective. With a simplicity and naïve view of scenarios cucumber works beautifully.
    The advantages of cucumber tool are here:
    It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really can’t read the code.
    Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
    It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    Efficient tool for testing.
    Plugin in cucumber works very fast.
    Its open-source free software supports other languages.

  7. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams and is supported by SmartBear. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. It offers an understandable format to write test cases. Here the users write scenarios or acceptance tests which describes the behaviour of the system from the customer’s perspective. For the review, of application by the product owners before the developers write their code. Cucumber uses ruby programming language.
    Cucumber acts as bridge between the software engineer and business analyst. Selenium is a famous tool in the IT industry most of the IT companies use selenium and want to integrate with cucumber.
    Three salient features of Cucumber are:
    1. Feature files:
    These are essential parts of cucumber and are used to write test automation steps or acceptance tests. This will be used for live document.
    2. Feature:
    Feature gives the information about high-level business functionality and its purpose of application under test. Everybody should understand the intent of feature file by reading the first feature step.
    3. Scenario:
    Usually the scenarios represents the particular functionality which will be under test. Each scenario follows certain format called Gherkin files.
    – Given: This specifies the pre-conditions. It is basically known as state.
    – When: This is used when some action is performed. One of the example, when the user tries to log in using username and password which is considered as action.
    – Then: In this section, the expected result or outcome is placed here. For example, for verifying the login navigation page.
    – Background: Whenever the step is required, those particular steps are placed in the background.
    – And: This format is used to combine two or more actions.
    Advantages of Cucumber tool:
    The advantages of cucumber tool are:
    1. It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
    2. Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    3. Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
    4. It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    5. Efficient tool for testing.
    6. Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    7. Its open-source free software supports other languages.

  8. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by SmartBear. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. The development team works in collaboration with stakeholder team.

    Three features of Cucumber are:
    Feature files

  9. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by Smart Bear. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. The development team works in collaboration with stakeholder team.

    BDD is Behavior Driven Development is more of a user perspective and based on the behavior of the system.

    Consider an example of creating the funds transfer module for an net banking application. We have multiple ways to create this application and test it. They are:

    The fund transfer should take place if there is enough balance account in source account.
    Fund transfer must take place if the destination account details are correct.
    Fund transfer should take place if transaction password or authentication entered by the user is correct.
    Fund transfer should always take place if the bank is NOT holiday.

  10. Cucumber is a tool which supports behavior driven development (BDD). BDD very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by Smart Bear. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language. Cucumber uses ruby programming language. Cucumber acts as bridge between the software engineer and business analyst.
    Selenium and cucumber are famous tool in the IT industry. Most of the IT companies use selenium and want to integrate with cucumber.
    Cucumber has three silent features like:
    • Feature files: These are essential parts of cucumber and are used to write test automation steps or acceptance tests. This will be used for live document.
    • Feature: Feature gives the information about high-level business functionality and its purpose of application under test.
    • Scenario : Usually the scenarios represents the particular functionality which will be under test.
    The advantages of cucumber tool are:
    • It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
    • Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    • Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test.
    • It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    • Efficient tool for testing.
    • Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    • Its open-source free software supports other languages.

  11. Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is more of a user perspective and based on the behavior of the system. The general tendency of developers is to develop features and write code later. The developer will continue testing at program levels till release to testing team. At that point he will do quick testing but ineffective testing. In order to overcome this issue BDD was introduced.
    Cucumber is a tool which supports behavior driven development (BDD). and offers an understandable format to write test cases. Here the users write scenarios or acceptance tests which describes the behavior of the system from the customer’s perspective. For the review, of application by the product owners before the developers write their code. Cucumber uses ruby programming language.

    Three Salient Features of Cucumber are:
    1. Feature Files: These are essential parts of cucumber and are used to write test automation steps or acceptance tests. This will be used for live document.

    2. Feature: Feature gives the information bout high level business functionality and its purpose of application under test. Everybody should understand the intent of feature file by reading the first feature step.

    3. Scenario: Usually the scenarios represents the particular functionality which will be under test. Each scenario follows certain format called Gherkin files.
    a. Given: This species the per-conditions. It is basically known as state.
    b. When: This is used when some action is performed. One of the example, when the user tries to log in using username and
    password which is considered as action.
    c. Then: In this section, the expected result or outcome is placed here. For example, for verifying the login navigation page.
    d. Background: Whenever the step is required, those particular steps are placed in the background.
    e. And: This format is used to combine two or more actions.

    Advantages of Cucumber Tool:
    1. It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
    2. Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    3. Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test.
    4. It has quick and easy execution and set up.
    5. Efficient tool for testing.
    6. Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    7. Its open source free software supports other languages.

  12. Cucumber lets you write test scenarios using plain language. It is a tool for behavior-driven development (BDD). It offers a way to write tests that anybody can understand, regardless of their technical knowledge. In BDD, users (business analysts, product owners) first write scenarios or acceptance tests that describe the behavior of the system from the customer’s perspective, for review and sign-off by the product owners before developers write their codes. Cucumber framework uses Ruby programming language.

    Advantages of Cucumber
    It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who can’t easily read code
    Cucumber Testing tool focuses on end-user experience
    Style of writing tests allow for easier reuse of code in the tests
    Quick and easy setup and execution
    A cucumber test tool is an efficient tool for testing

  13. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by SmartBear. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. The development team works in collaboration with stakeholder team. Cucumber is a tool which supports behaviour driven development. It offers an understandable format to write test cases. Here the users write scenarios or acceptance tests which describes the behavior of the system from the customer’s perspective. For the review, of application by the product owners before the developers write their code. Cucumber uses ruby programming language. Three salient features of Cucumber are:
    1. Feature files:
    These are essential parts of cucumber and are used to write test automation steps or acceptance tests. This will be used for live document. If we can consider the login functionality feature file. There scenario is considered as login functionality, in which a user navigates through a login functionality. When the user logs in by giving user name and password, either the login should be successful or it should throw some error message. For this, we can verify by cucumber test.
    2. Feature:
    Feature gives the information about high-level business functionality and its purpose of application under test. Everybody should understand the intent of feature file by reading the first feature step.
    3. Scenario:
    Usually the scenarios represents the particular functionality which will be under test. Each scenario follows certain format called Gherkin files.
    The advantages of cucumber tool are:
    It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
    Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
    It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    Efficient tool for testing.
    Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    Its open-source free software supports other languages.

  14. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. BDD is Behaviour Driven Development is more of a user perspective and based on the behaviour of the system.
    Three salient features of Cucumber are:
    Feature files
    Advantages are
    1. It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
    2 Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    3. Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
    4. It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    5. Efficient tool for testing.
    6. Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    7. Its open-source free software supports other languages.

  15. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behavioral Driven Development (BDD). It’s suitable for Agile Teams. It’s is supported by SmartBear. It is written in common and simple language. The development team works in collaboration with stakeholder team.
    Cucumber benefits are:
    1 focuses on end user experience
    2. easier to reuse of code in the test
    3. quick and easy execution and set up
    4. efficient tool for testing
    5. plugin cucumber works faster
    6. it supports other languages
    7. it is helpful for stakeholder who can’t really read codes.

    3 Salient features of cucumbers are:
    1. Feature files: live docs, essential part of cucumber which are to write test automation steps or acceptance test
    2. Features: info on high level business functionality and its purposes of application under test. Everyone must understand feature by reading the first feature step.
    3. Scenario: format is called Gherkin Files. It follows particular format
    * Given= pre-conditions known as state
    * When= actions are performed
    * Then= expected results and outcome
    * Background= steps are placed in background
    * And= used for two or more action

    Selenium and Cucumber Integration: Selenium is famous tool in IT industry. Many companies are trying to integrate cucumber to Selenium. Cucumber acts as bridge between Software engineer and BA.

  16. A cucumber tool is a software tool that supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), suitable for Agile teams. It contemplates the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language so that the customer can understand it easily. One example of using this tool is creating the fund’s transfer module for a net banking application. With simplicity and a naïve view of scenarios, cucumber works beautifully.
    On the other hand, Selenium is also a famous tool in the IT industry. Most IT companies use selenium and want to integrate it with cucumber. The salient features of Cucumber are feature files, features, and scenarios. There are several advantages of the cucumber tool:
    1. It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who can’t read the code.
    2. Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    3. Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
    4. It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    5. An efficient tool for testing.
    6. Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    7. Its open-source free software supports other languages.

  17. A cucumber is a testing tool that supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD). It offers a way to write tests that anybody can understand, regardless of their technical knowledge. The cucumber framework uses the Ruby programming language.
    Three salient features of Cucumber are:
    1. Feature files:
    These are essential parts of cucumber and are used to write test automation steps or acceptance tests. This will be used for the live documents. If we can consider the login functionality feature file. Their scenario is considered as login functionality, in which a user navigates through a login functionality. When the user logs in by giving the user name and password, either the login should be successful or it should throw some error message. For this, we can verify by cucumber test.
    2. Feature:
    The feature gives information about high-level business functionality and the purpose of an application under test. Everybody should understand the intent of the feature file by reading the first feature step.
    3. Scenario:
    Usually, the scenarios represent the particular function that will be under test. Each scenario follows a certain format called Gherkin files.
    Given: This specifies the pre-conditions. It is basically known as a state.
    When: This is used when some action is performed. One example is when the user tries to log in using a username and password which is considered an action.
    Then: In this section, the expected result or outcome is placed here. For example, for verifying the login navigation page.
    Background: Whenever the step is required, those particular steps are placed in the background.
    And: This format is used to combine two or more actions.
    Advantages of Cucumber Software
    < It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who can’t easily read code
    < The cucumber Testing tool focuses on end-user experience
    < Style of writing tests allows for easier reuse of code in the tests
    < Quick and easy setup and execution
    < A cucumber test tool is an efficient tool for testing

  18. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by SmartBear. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand.
    The advantages of cucumber tool are:

    It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
    1.Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    2.Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
    3.It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    4.Efficient tool for testing.
    5.Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    6.Its open-source free software supports other languages

  19. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD). BDD is more of a user perspective and based on behavior of system. Cucumber acts as bridge between the software engineer and business analyst. Here the users write scenarios or acceptance tests which describes the behavior of the system from the customer’s perspective. For the review, of application by the product owners before the developers write their code. Cucumber uses ruby programming language. Three salient features o cucumber are feature files, feature an scenario. Feature files are essential parts and are used
    To write automation or acceptance tests. Feature gives information about high-level business functionality and its purpose of application under test. The scenario represents the particular functionality under test. Each scenario follows certain format called Gherkin files. The advantages of cucumber tool are:
    1. It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
    2. Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    3. Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
    4. It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    5. Efficient tool for testing.
    6. Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    7. Its open-source free software supports other languages.

  20. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by SmartBear. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. The development team works in collaboration with stakeholder team.
    Consider an example of creating the funds transfer module for an net banking application. We have multiple ways to create this application and test it. They are:
    1.The fund transfer should take place if there is enough balance account in source account.
    2.Fund transfer must take place if the destination account details are correct.
    3.Fund transfer should take place if transaction password or authentication entered by the user is correct.
    4.Fund transfer should always take place if the bank is NOT holiday.
    Three salient features of Cucumber are:
    1. Feature files
    2. Feature
    3. Scenario
    Advantages of Cucumber tool:
    1.It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
    2.Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    3.Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
    4.It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    5.Efficient tool for testing.
    6.Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    7.Its open-source free software supports other languages.

  21. Cucumber tool is a software tool which supports Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), very much suitable for Agile teams. It is supported by SmartBear. It expects, the software behaviors to be written in common and simple language, the customer can understand. The development team works in collaboration with stakeholder team. 
    BDD is Behaviour Driven Development is more of a user perspective and based on the behaviour of the system. 
    Selenium is a famous tool in the IT industry most of the IT companies use selenium and want to integrate with cucumber. Cucumber acts as bridge between the software engineer and business analyst. In behavior driven development, before the developer develops a code the user writes  test scenarios as per the behavior of the system from customer’s perspective. With a simplicity and naïve view of scenarios cucumber works beautifully. 
    The three salient features of Cucumber are Feature files, Feature, and Scenario.
    The Advantages of Cucumber tool :
    * It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who really cant read the code.
    * Cucumber testing focuses on the end-user experience.
    * Style of writing tests permits easier reuse of code in the test
    * It has quick and easy execution and setup.
    * Efficient tool for testing.
    * Plugin in cucumber works very faster.
    * Its open-source free software supports other languages.

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