Load testing goals

Load testing goals

Table of Contents

Load testing goals are:


  • Response time for each and every transaction
  • Performance of the system components under different loads
  • Performance of database components and their behaviour with different volumes of data
  • The network delay between client and server
  • Software application design issues affecting the performance
  • Server configuration like web server, application server issues

The load testing specifies whether the software needs a fine tuning or modified for hardware and software to improve the performance.

The advantages of load testing are

  • Reduces the cost of failure
  • Improves scalability
  • Increase customer satisfaction

Challenges of load testing:

  • Need of programming knowledge to use load testing tools
  • Tools can be expensive

Load testing is carried out with the varying users to assess ability of the system to work properly. The performance of the software beyond the expected maximum workload can be tested. The load testing tools like HP Loadrunner can be used for testing the different load scenarios by gradually increasing and decreasing the user load on the system.

For eg:

– test the system performance with 50 concurrent users

  • Ramp up(gradual increase in number of users) : 5 users every 2 min
  • Ramp down(gradual decrease in the number of users) : 5 users every 3 mins
  • duration: peak load: 10 mins
  • pacing between iterations: 5 seconds

This kind of scenarios cannot be tested manually because arrangement of resources, controlling  many number of users at a time is impractical

The load testing can be done in many testing cycles with different number of user loads.

For eg:

10 users, 30 users, 40 users, 50 users(peak load)

The main metrics used for load testing:

  • Response time:

The time taken by the system to respond to users request

  • Throughput:

The bytes per run

  • Transaction summary


  1. What are the Load testing goals?
  2. Explain difference between stress testing and load testing?

38 Responses

  1. 1. Load testing goals are:
    Response time for each and every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behavior with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues.
    2. Stress testing is the procedure to perform the Stability and reliability of the system and Load testing is to test the performance of the system with more number of users.

  2. 1. Response time for each and every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behaviour with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues
    2. Explain difference between stress testing and load testing?
    Stress testing is used to test the performance of the software with varying resources. Stress testing tests the stableness and reliability of the system. This test mainly specifies the robustness and error handling in heavy load conditions. This test specifies how system works under the extreme conditions. s. Stress testing is mainly used to check whether the system should not crash under extreme situations.
    Load testing is a type of performance testing. It is a procedure which determines the performance of a system with different number of users.

  3. 1.Load testing goals are:
    Response time for each and every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behaviour with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues
    2. difference bet load and performance testing:
    A Load testing is a kind of Performance Testing which determines a system’s performance under real-life load conditions. This testing helps determine how the application behaves when multiple users access it simultaneously.
    b. Performance Testing measures the response time of an application with an expected number of users. The aim of this is to get a baseline and an indication of how an application behaves under normal conditions. Does it meet the required response time or not.

  4. Load Testing- is testing the performance of the software with different number of users and thus identifying the maximum number of users supported by the software. It is used for testing web-based applications. Here, multiple users access a site/software simultaneously. With multiple number of users accessing the same website/application, it helps to determine the system performance or site speed by identifying the response time, determine the delay between client and server ,performance of system components, database components, any issues in the configuration of the software,web server issues or application server issues.

  5. Goals of Load Testing are:
    Response time for each transaction
    Performance of System components under various loads
    Performance of Database components under different loads
    Network delay between the client and the server
    Software design issues.
    Server configuration issues like a Web server, application server, database server etc.
    Hardware limitation issues like CPU maximization, memory limitations, network bottleneck, etc.
    Difference between Load Testing and Stress Testing is:
    Load Testing is a type of performance testing.It is a procedure which determines the performance of a system with different number of users.
    Stress testing is a form of deliberately intense or thorough testing used to determine the stability of a given system or entity. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results.

  6. Load Testing goals are:
    Response time for each and every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behaviour with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues
    Load testing testthe performance of the software with differnt number of users supported by the software.
    Stress testing test the performance of the software with different number of resources and identifying number of resourcesrequired by the software.

  7. Load Testing goals are
    response time for each and every transaction.
    Performance of the system components under different loads.
    Performance of database components and their behavior with different volumes of data.
    The network delay between client and server.
    Software application design issues affecting the performance.
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues.

    The difference between load testing and stress testing

    Load testing is a planned test to perform a number of requests in order to test the functionality of the system under different levels. The software performance is tested with varying number of users.

    Stress Testing increases the number of requests under the complete system failure. The software performance is tested with varying number of resources.

  8. Load testing goals are:
    -response time of each and every transactions.
    -performance of the different system components under different tools.
    -performance of database components and their behavior with different volumes of data
    -network delay between client and server
    software application design issues affecting the performance
    -server configuration like web server,application server issues
    Difference between load testing and stress testing:
    load testing: to test the performance of the software with different number of users.
    stress testing: to test the performance of the software with different number of resources.

  9. Load testing is a procedure which determines the performance of a system with different number of users.
    Goals of load testing are:
    1.Response time for each and every transaction
    2.Performance of the system components under different loads
    3.Performance of database components and their behavior with different volumes of data
    4.The network delay between client and server
    5.Software application design issues affecting the performance
    6.Server configuration like web server, application server issues
    7. Specifies whether the software needs a fine tuning or modified for hardware and software to improve the performance.

  10. Difference between Stress test and Load test is:
    Load testing is a procedure which determines the performance of a system with different number of users while Stress test mainly tests the stability and the reliability of the system in extreme conditions by testing robustness and error handling in heavy load conditions.

  11. Goals of load testing
    – Response time for each and every transaction
    – Performance of the system components under different loads
    – Performance of database components and their behaviour with different volumes of data
    -The network delay between client and server
    -Software application design issues affecting the performance
    – Server configuration like web server, application server issues
    Difference between stress testing and load testing
    A load test is a planned test to perform a specified number of requests to a system in order to test the functionality of the system under specific levels of simultaneous requests. A load test ensures that a web system is capable of handling an expected volume of traffic, and therefore is sometimes referred to as volume testing. The goal of a load test is to prove that a system can handle the expected volume with minimal to acceptable performance degradation. The threshold of acceptable performance degradation must be defined by the testers as some value considered acceptable to the end user so that users will not bounce from the site.

    A stress test is a test designed to increase the number of simultaneous requests on a system past a point where performance is degraded, possibly even to the point of complete failure. Where a load test will peak out in the number of simultaneous users, a basic stress test will continue to increase load on the system until the resources are overloaded. This pushes the system to a state of potential failure to see how the system handles it and whether the system can perform a graceful recovery.

    Within these definitions of a load test and a stress test, we find that they are certainly not completely independent from one another. Often times, when running the upper boundaries of a load test, you may effectively end up running a stress test where you push the system past the limits of available resources. At this point you might start to see failures in a load test identical to the failures typically seen when running a stress test.

  12. What are the load testing goals?
    a) Response time for each and every transaction
    B) Performance of the system components with different loads
    C) performance of the database testing and the behavior with different users.
    D) the network delay between client and server
    E) software application design issues
    F) server configuration issues

    Difference between Load testing and stress testing?
    Load testing is the testing performance of the software with different users and trying to identify the maximum users supported by the software.
    Example- during Black Friday sales there will be a large numbers users doing online shopping. We can take Macy’s for example. While doing so the Macy’s website will slow down due to load of users.
    Stress Testing is the testing of the performance of software with different resources and trying to identify the optimum resources supported by the software. We need to have optimum resources neither less nor more for the software to work efficiently.
    Example- resources like servers, network devices, hardware components.- how many do we require?

  13. What are the Load Testing goals?

    -Determines maximum functioning capacity of an application when multiple users hits simultaneously.
    -Determines the sustainability of the app for different users.
    -Determines whether the present infrastructure is sufficient to run the application.

    What are the difference between load testing and stress testing?
    Load testing & Stress testing are types of Performance testing.Load testing means putting different amount of load(users)
    on the system and waiting for its response.That means here we measure the system performance based on the different amount
    of users.While in Stress Testing we measure the break point of the system.It specifies how the system works under extreme
    conditions.Stress Testing is also known as Endurance Testing.The main use of this testing is to set the limit when
    ever the s/w or h/w crashes.

  14. Load testing goals are:
    To check the performance of the system under varying loads, in terms of
    1. Server response time
    2.Time taken for each transaction
    3.System components
    4.Design flow
    5.Database response

  15. 2. Load testing is done to check for the performance of the system with varying load of users whereas stress testing is done to check for the performance of the system with varying resources.

  16. -Response time for each and every transaction
    -Performance of the system components under different loads
    -Performance of database components and their behaviour with different volumes of data
    -The network delay between client and server
    -Software application design issues affecting the performance
    -Server configuration like web server, application server issues
    The load testing specifies whether the software needs a fine tuning or modified for hardware and software to improve the performance.

    -While testing the app with more than maximum number of user and input is defined as stress testing. ->In Load testing we measure the system performance based on a volume of users. While in Stress testing we measure the breakpoint of a system. Some parameters to check State of servers/application.

  17. Load testing goals are:

    Response time for each and every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behavior with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues

  18. 1.Load testing goals are:
    Response time for each and every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behaviour with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues
    2. Difference between load and performance testing:
    a. Load testing is a kind of Performance Testing which determines a system’s performance under real-life load conditions. This testing helps determine how the application behaves when multiple users access it simultaneously.
    b. Performance Testing measures the response time of an application with an expected number of users. The aim of this is to get a baseline and an indication of how an application behaves under normal conditions. Does it meet the required response time or not.

  19. 1. Load testing goal are:
    – Response time for each and every transaction
    – Performance of the system components under different loads
    – Performance of database components and their behavior with different volumes of data
    – The network delay between client and server
    – Software application design issues affecting the performance
    – Server configuration like web server, application server issues.
    2. Difference between Load Testing and Stress Testing:
    Load Testing:
    – Load testing determines the performance of the system with different number of users.
    – Load testing is a process of putting a load on the system and recording its response.
    – The load testing can be done in many testing cycles with different number of user loads.
    – Reduces the cost of failure and Improves scalability.
    – Test the system performance with 50 concurrent users.
    Stress Testing:
    – It is used to test the performance of the software with varying resources also tests staleness and reliability.
    – It mainly specifies the robustness and error handling in heavy load conditions.
    – It specifies how the system works under extreme conditions and checks whether the system should not crash under
    extreme situations.
    – eg: Identify the number of servers required by the software.

  20. Load testing goals are:
    -response time of each and every transactions.
    -performance of the different system components under different tools.
    -performance of database components and their behavior with different volumes of data
    -network delay between client and server
    software application design issues affecting the performance
    -server configuration like web server,application server issues
    Difference between load testing and stress testing:
    load testing: to test the performance of the software with different number of users.
    stress testing: to test the performance of the software with different number of resources.

  21. Goals of load testing:
    – response time for each and every transaction
    -performance of the system components under different loads.
    -Performance of database components and their behaviour with different volumes of data.
    -the network delay between client and server
    -software application design issues affecting the performance
    -server configuration like web server,application server issues.

    Difference between Load and Stress testing:
    Load testing test the performance of software with different number of users and identify maximum number of users supported by the software. It provides protection against poor performance with different number of users.
    Stress testing test the performance of software with different number of resources and to identify the maximum number of resources supported by the software.The main use of this testing is set the limit whenever software or hardware crashes.

  22. Load test goals are ,
    Response time for every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behavior with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues
    2. Difference between load testing and stress testing, is
    load testing –the performance of the software is tested under multiple number of users. where as stress testing the performance is tested under varying data amounts.
    load testing huge number of users, stress testing too much of data

  23. Load testing goals:
    .To identify maximum operating capacity of an application.
    .To determine whether the current infrastructure is sufficient to run the application.
    .To identify number of concurrent users that an application can support, and scalability to allow more users to access it.

    A load test is performed a specified number of requests to a system in order to test the functionality of the system under specific levels of simultaneous requests. Stress testing is done to increase the number of simultaneous requests on a system past a point where performance is degraded, possibly even to the point of complete failure. Both testing are certainly not completely independent from one another.

  24. Goals of load testing are – To record the response time for each and every transaction, performance of the system components under different loads,
    Performance of database components, network delay between client and server,
    Software application design issues, server configuration application server issues.

    In Load testing the load limit is the threshold of a break whereas in stress testing load limit is above the threshold of a break.
    Load testing also tests performance with huge number of users whereas in Stress testing it tests against too many users and data

  25. Goals of load testing:
    Response time for each and every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behavior with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues

    Difference between Load & Stress testing:
    Load test measures the performance of a system under an expected load. In contrast, a stress test overloads a system in order to find the breaking point.

  26. 1, The load testing goals are
    >>Response time for each & every transactions
    >>Performance of system components under different load
    >>Performance of data base components and their behavior with different volume s of data
    >>The network delay between the client and server
    >>Software application design issues affecting the performance
    >>Server configuration like web server,application server issues
    2. Load testing means the test performance of software with different number of users & identify the maximum number of users supported by the software
    eg:online shopping sites during sales
    Stress testing means the test performance of software with different number of resource’s & identify the number of resources required by the software
    eg:identify the no of servers required

  27. 1. The load testing goals are:
    Response time for each and every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behavior with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues
    2. Load testing: The software performance is tested with varying number of users and to identify the maximum number of users supported by the software
    Stress testing: The software performance is tested with varying number of resources and to identify the number of resources required by the software.

  28. Load Testing Goals are:
    Response time for each and every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behaviour with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues

    Difference Between Stress testing and Load testing:
    Stress testing: test the performance of the software with different number of resources and identify the number of resources required by the software. Stress testing test mainly the robustness and error handling in heavy load conditions. This test specifies how system works under the extreme conditions. Stress testing is mainly used to check whether the system should not crash under extreme situations. This testing is also known as endurance testing.

    Load testing: test the performance of software with different number of users and identify the maximum number of users supported by the software. It checks how the application behaves during normal and high loads under peak traffic condition.

  29. What are the Load testing goals?- in the load testing we have to test the performance of the software with the different number of user.

    Explain difference between stress testing and load testing?-

    In the stress testing we have to test the performance of software with different resources .

  30. Load Testing Goals are:
    Response time for each and every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behaviour with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues

    Difference Between Stress testing and Load testing:
    Stress testing: test the performance of the software with different number of resources and identify the number of resources required by the software. Stress testing test mainly the robustness and error handling in heavy load conditions. This test specifies how system works under the extreme conditions. Stress testing is mainly used to check whether the system should not crash under extreme situations. This testing is also known as endurance testing.

    Load testing: test the performance of software with different number of users and identify the maximum number of users supported by the software. It checks how the application behaves during normal and high loads under peak traffic condition.

  31. Load testing determines the number of users that an application or system can handle at once. The goals are to find the response times for transactions, how the application and database components perform under different loads, network delay, design issues that may affect performance, and any server issues. Stress testing tests how the software performs with different amounts of resources, as opposed to varying amounts of users.

  32. 1. What are the Load testing goals?

    Response time for each transaction
    Performance of System components under various loads
    Performance of Database components under different loads
    Network delay between the client and the server
    Software design issues
    Server configuration issues like a Web server, application server, database server etc.
    Hardware limitation issues like CPU maximization, memory limitations, network bottleneck, etc.
    Load testing will determine whether the system needs to be fine-tuned or modification of hardware and software is required to improve performance.

    2. Explain difference between stress testing and load testing?
    Load testing identifies the bottlenecks in the system under various workloads and checks how the system reacts when the load is gradually increased
    Stress Testing determines the breaking point of the system to reveal the maximum point after which it breaks.

  33. khaled albacha
    Load testing goals are:
    Response time for each and every transaction
    Performance of the system components under different loads
    Performance of database components and their behavior with different volumes of data
    The network delay between client and server
    Software application design issues affecting the performance
    Server configuration like web server, application server issues

  34. khaled albacha
    Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyze the performance of the system It is also called as Flood testing for example is if there is a requirement of an application to interact with the interface file which is reading or writing from file or to file. The database is stretched to the maximum threshold point and large volume of data is added and tested for system’s response.

  35. khaled albacha
    Stress testing is a performance testing type. It is used to test the performance of the software with varying resources. Stress testing tests the stableness and reliability of the system.
    The Goals of stress testing are

    -The main objective of stress testing is to analyze the behavior after the system is failed and display proper error messages under lot of load.
    -Massive data sets can be used to perform stress testing which may be lost
    -The testers should not lose the security related data while conducting the stress testing
    -The main purpose of stress testing is recoverability

  36. 1. Load testing goals include:
    i. Every transaction’s response time
    ii. Server configuration
    iii. Network delay between client and server
    iv. Issues with software application design that affect performance
    v. Performance of database components and how they behave with different data volumes.
    vi. The performance of system components under different loads
    2. While stress testing is performed to evaluate the behavior of the system under pressure and test the stability and robustness of the software, load testing focuses on finding the upper limit of the system and tests the performance under extreme load. In testing, stress testing utilizes an over-the-limit number of users and amount of data, while load testing utilizes multiple number of users. Stress testing ensures the security of the system, while load testing evaluates the operating capacity of the system.

  37. 1.) Goals of Load testing are as follows:
    -Response time for each and every transaction
    -Performance of the system components under different loads
    -Performance of database components and their behaviour with different volumes of data.
    -The network delay between client and server.
    -Software application design issues affecting performance.
    -Server configuration like web server, application server issues.

    2.) Load testing is a type of performance testing that determines the performance of a system with different numbers of users. This testing helps identify maximum functionality of an application with users, specifies whether present infrastructure is sufficient to run the application, determines sustainablility for different user loads, and number of concurrent users and scalability. The difference between load testing and stress testing is in stress testing the maximum workload limit where the system fails/crashes is tested, where as in load it is tested to see where the maximum workload can function.

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