Installing Web Server Tomcat
Apache Tomcat includes various Java Enterprise Editions like Java Servlet, JSP, Web socket, etc. It provides a web server environment to run Java codes on the server.
Tomcat helps in making the deployment of web pages easy to manage, and it can easily be installed on the Windows platform.
Before installing Tomcat on Windows, you first need to install JDK or JRE on the system.
Steps to download Tomcat Server:
Step 1: Open the browser and navigate to URL 2: Click on the latest version of Tomcat available on the left-hand side of the page, and it will then navigate to the URL
Step 3: You will find the 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer link. Click on that link.
Clicking on this link will automatically start downloading the exe file of the Tomcat server. Once the download is complete double click the exe file to begin the installation of Tomcat.
The installation wizard will take a few minutes to complete. Once it is finished, it will ask for various settings.
Steps to install Tomcat Server:
Step 1: The first page will install what the installer will do. Click on the Next button.
Step 2: Before the installation starts, you need to agree to the Apache License Agreement. Click on I Agree.
Step 3: Click on the drop-down option available under Select the type of Install. Choose the Full installation option and then click Next.
Step 4: The next screen will be the configuration screen, which helps to set up any default ports with which the service will connect. You can also set an administrator username and password.
You can also configure these settings later whenever you want. Choose the settings and click next.
Step 5: The next step is to choose the location path where you want to install the tomcat server and click Install.
Step 6: To ensure that the Tomcat is correctly installed on your server, choose the correct location of the Java Related Software.
Step 7: This will be the final step, where all the installation process is complete. Once this process is complete, uncheck the Show Readme checkbox and click Finish.
To ensure that this service is properly running, go to the Windows start menu and type services.cmd. A list of all the available services will appear, find the Apache service and start the service by right-clicking on the service name. Running status next to the name of the service can be seen.
To test that Tomcat is successfully working on your server, open the browser and type localhost:8080 or whatever port you have entered while installing the Tomcat.