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In this article, the system testing and system integration testing are described. The system testing is performed by the QA team to identify the defects and verify the software compliance with client requirements without involving the programming concepts. The system integration testing tests the interaction of the software with other software.


System testing means testing the whole system with respect to the software requirements. It involves testing the functional and non functional requirements. This testing is done before the system is handed over to the user for acceptance testing. The sole purpose of system testing is to conduct the series of tests for all integrated modules along with external  components to check how these components interact with one another along with the  system software as a whole. It is tested for  all possible inputs in order to get the desired output. There are more than 50 types of System testing. It works on user’s point of view. To do this testing one need not have the internal knowledge of code, design of the system. It is black box testing technique, that means we are not worried about the internal structure of the application and design. We are concerned about its quick output. Consider an example that an application has to be checked for gmail software for composing the mail. It should be validated for clicking the compose button then enter the recipient mail id then click on send button. It should be validated with the message in outbox then in the sent mail of the same system. This type of testing which is related to single system is called as system testing.


System Integration testing is testing type carried in integrated hardware and software environment to validate the behaviour of the whole system. In this type of testing the modules are tested individually then integrated then tested for the complete system.

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The main goal of system integration testing is, it fixes the defect earlier and improves data flow and enables proper timing and flexibility of a system application. For example consider a commercial bank where it has large system like mainframe system, online banking system, credit card access system. These different software applications need to be tested together in order to check their interactions. Suppose many different modules are tested we call it as System testing and all the modules are connected with the components of the external system to study the interactions we call it as System integration testing.

Check your understanding: 

1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.

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  1. Ans.: The example of the scenarios/software for each of above different types of testing:
    • System Testing: For example, an application has to be checked for gmail software for composing the mail. It should be validated for clicking the compose button then enter the recipient mail ID then click on send button. It should be validated with the message in outbox then in the sent mail of the same system.
    • System Integration Testing: System Integration testing is testing type carried in integrated hardware and software environment to validate the behavior of the whole system. In this type of testing the modules are tested individually then integrated then tested for the complete system. For example online banking system, credit card access system. These different software applications need to be tested together in order to check their interactions.

  2. System testing :Example for shopping site all the modules are tested as whole including select items ,add to cart ,view cart and payment with the external component including functional and non functional requirements. After testing is done it is a ready product for user acceptance.
    System Integration testing : For shopping site integration of one module to another like after creating a cart you should be able to click on payment button and link to the payment module ,and complete payment fixes the defect and improve data flow

  3. The scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing:
    System Testing : Testing all the pages and links in websites is an Example of System testing .
    System Integration Testing: Testing website integration with other payment application is an example of System Integration Testing .

  4. System Testing: tests the whole system of the software requirements, and the functional and non functional requirements. This also checks how the external components and all modules interact with one another. It tests the inputs to get the desires outputs. This is a black box testing techniques that is concerned about the quick output. Example of the gmail software.
    System Integration testing: the main goal is to find the defects earlier to improve data flow and enable proper timing, flexibility of a system application. Example of online banking, credit cards system.

  5. System testing – to identify and verify the software compliance with the client’s requirement without involving the programming concepts and involves functional and non-functional requirements.
    eg. online banking site testing the fund transfer functionality. simply giving the account no to be transferred, amount, date to be sent and click on continue.
    System integration testing – different modules are tested individually then integrated then tested for the complete system.
    eg. online banking site is having lot of modules like account summary, fund transfer, loan account, credit card etc, each module is tested individually and then integrated then tested to study the interactions of the whole system.

  6. System testing: Testing is done to test the system as a whole. i.e; all the modules and components are integrated together to verify whether the system works as expected and no issues of integrated modules.
    Eg: Gmail software for composing the mail. Validation should be done by clicking compose button and then enter recipient mail id and then check by clicking send button. Validated with the msg in outbox then in the sent mail of the sameness system.
    System integration system : Testing in which one or two modules which are unit tested and integrated to test and verification is done to verify if the integrated modules work as expected or not.
    Eg: LinkedIn application
    Verifying the interface link between the login page and the home page.
    Verifying the interface link between the home page and the profile page.
    Verifying the interface link between network page and your connection pages.
    Verifying the interface link between notification pages and say congrats button.

  7. System testing – System testing is the functional and nonfunctional testing of the entire application. Eg. Lets take an example of the library site where the system testing is done from the details of the books displayed in the site till the checkout of the books.

    Integration testing – All individual modules developed are integrated together to check the data flow and flow of the application together is called integration testing. Eg. When the user checksout a book then it should reflect in the Account of the end user and also in the inventory of the Library.

  8. Amazon shopping system as an example

    System testing is when QA’s will check or test for the Amazon’s member login page if its functioning as expected or not. It is one module testing or one functionality in one system.
    System integration testing is when the testers verify and integrates 2 or more systems working together . for example will be Amazon shopping site. After I logged in as a member I search for products in the search area, which is then going to the cart and then paying which means entering credit card information. It involved multiple system working as one. More complex testing than system testing.

  9. System Testing: it is done by QA,testing is done here before the system is handed over to the users for acceptance testing.Here they do functional testing and non functional is black box testing where we look into the quick output not thinking of internal structure of the application .Eg: checking the login functionality of gmail,compose mail function etc.,
    System Integration testing: it is testing type carried in integrated hardware and software environment to validate the behavior of the whole system.The main goal of system integration testing is, it fixes the defect earlier and improves data flow and enables proper timing and flexibility of a system application. Eg: commercial bank where it has large system like mainframe system, online banking system, credit card access system. All the modules are connected with the components of the external system to study the interactions we call it as System integration testing.

  10. System testing is testing of software as a whole with respect to client requirements.done by qa and is black box testing.tests both functional and non-functional requirements.
    Eg: for composing of email in gmail, we need to click compose button and give recepient email address and click on send button. Then check if email is in sent box.
    System integration testing is testing interaction of software with other softwares. Done by developers and is white box testing. Each module is tested individually and integrated and tested for the complete system.
    Eg: online banking site has different modules like account summary, bill pay, funds transfer etc . All these modules have to work when integrated to work as a whole application.

  11. Suppose, an application has 10 modules and we are testing the application with all 10 modules combined, we call it System testing and if application interacts with some other applications (External systems) to get or send data, to test with other application and external system or any other module we call it system integration testing. Eg: Bank of America’s online banking has multiple modules like login, account overview, fund transfer, account balance, account history etc. When we are testing all the modules combined, it’s called system testing. But when we are testing online banking system’s interaction with credit card system to get or send the data that is called system integration testing because in this testing two system are integrated to interact with each other.

  12. For example, let’s consider a refrigerator, all the functions in the refrigerator like water dispenser, ice maker, freezer, filter change, light, child lock, etc are tested individually for system testing and all these functions together are tested with the hardware and its interactions which is system integration testing.

  13. System testing is black box testing performed by QA. This type of testing involves both functional and non functional requirements. This testing is done before the system is handed over to the user for acceptance testing.
    System integration testing is type of testing carried out in an integrated hardware and software environment to verify the behavior of a complete system. It fixes the defect earlier and improves data flow and enables proper timing and flexibility of a system application.

  14. System testing: Ex: Lets consider an application has to be checked for shopping site for adding an item in to the cart. It should be validated for clicking on the size needed, quantity needed and clicking on the add to cart button this is a system testing.

    System Integration testing: EX: Lets consider shopping site, where it has large system like payment, billing information, items in cart. These are different software applications need to be tested together in order to check their interactions.

  15. System Testing: This testing is done by the QA team to verify and validate the system of “what” and “How” it is required to work based on the given requirements In the example of Verizon Wireless application scenario, all the features or functionalities will be tested and passed before giving it over to the user for acceptance testing.
    System Integration Testing: This testing is done for Software and Hardware compatibility and interoperability purpose. This required individual testing of modules first, then combined for full system testing and to external system for their interaction analysis.

    This testing is done before the system is handed over to the user for acceptance testing.
    The sole purpose of system testing is to conduct the series of tests for all integrated modules along with external components to check how these components interact with one another along with the system software as a whole.
    It is tested for all possible inputs to get the desired output. It’s is done QA.
    Ex: consider a shopping sites, whole shopping process like selecting products, add those products to cart, all functionalities working properly or not checked in system testing.
    System Integration testing is testing type carried in integrated hardware and software environment to validate the behavior of the whole system.
    ex:bill payment

  17. Example for System testing:
    Here we only check if the functions of application are working properly
    eg: login, functions on navigation bar, showing account details once login.

    Example for System integration testing:
    Here we check the interaction of our software application with other software application.
    eg: external bank transfers, bill payments etc where it needs to interact with other software for successful operation.

  18. System testing is done to identify the defects and to verify the software compliance with the clients requirements by the QA .Functional and non functional requirements are tested. Examples of email website , search engine.
    System integration system is carried in the integrated hardware and software environment to validate the behavior of the whole system. The modules are tested individually. eg: ATM, online shopping

  19. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing
    System testing is testing of a complete and fully integrated software product. This testing falls in black box testing wherein knowledge of the inner design of the code is not a pre required.
    Ex: Consider an example that an application has to be checked for yahoo software for composing the mail. It should be validated for clicking the compose button then enter the recipient mail id then click on send button.
    System Integration testing is a type of testing in which modules are tested individually then integrated then tested for the complete system.
    Ex: online Banking- sending funds from one bank to another bank , Bill payments ,credit card payments

  20. 1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    System Testing
    Eg. Testing Gmail Application :Login, Inbox, Compose, Sent mail etc
    System Integration Testing
    Ex .Online Banking: Fund Transfer -Transferring fund to another bank account, test the account balance in each account and test the interface between them to check whether the transferring is done as expected

  21. System Testing:As a QA the type of testing is done is called as System testing.It is for client which the software is developed, in it both functional and non functional testing is required.Eg:shopping site like selecting product, sorting by price, adding to cart, type of payment, shipping etc are tested before releasing to client.
    System Integeration Testing:The different modules are tested individualy then integrated then tested for the complete system.Eg:online banking different modules like accounts,bill payment, fund trasfer etc are integrated and tested as whole in system testing.

  22. System testing: is a high level testing and will be conducted at final level. It is testing the end to end business scenarios in the environment which is similar to production environment. Test cases for system testing are developed to simulate the real life scenario.
    Integration testing: is testing the interface between the modules and it can be top down, bottom up and big bang. This type of test will be done at each time of modules binding or a new module need to bind with the system. It is a low level testing. Test cases for integration testing are created with the express purpose of exercising the interfaces between the components or modules. It can be said that on completion of integration testing, system testing starts and not vice versa.
    For example we have an application that has 8 modules. Testing the entire application with all 8 modules combined, we call it System testing. If the application interacts with some other applications (external systems) to retrieve or sent data, to test with other application and external system or any other module we call it Integration testing or system integration testing.

  23. System Testing: it is done by QA,testing is done here before the system is handed over to the users for acceptance testing.Here they do functional testing and non functional is black box testing where we look into the quick output not thinking of internal structure of the application .Eg: checking the login functionality of gmail,compose mail function etc.,
    System Integration testing: it is testing type carried in integrated hardware and software environment to validate the behavior of the whole system.The main goal of system integration testing is, it fixes the defect earlier and improves data flow and enables proper timing and flexibility of a system application. Eg: commercial bank where it has large system like mainframe system, online banking system, credit card access system. All the modules are connected with the components of the external system to study the interactions we call it as System integration testing.

  24. system testing means testing the system as a whole and it is done by QA, Its a black box testing.Here all the modules/components are integrated in order to verify if the system works as expected or not.This plays an important role in delivering a high quality project.Both functional and non-functional requirements will be tested. eg: gmail,school data
    In system integration testing we tests the interaction of the software with other software.The modules are tested individually then integrated then tested for the whole system .so here errors can be fixed earlier eg: online banking,online shopping,flight booking

  25. 1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    System Testing – The whole system is tested by the QA. There are more than 50 types of system testing. It is a type of black box testing. In system testing, the functional and non functional requirements are tested. Example: testing an e-commerce website where the user browses the items , adds them to the cart and then checks out.
    System Integration Testing – It is a type of integration testing. This testing is integrated in the software and hardware environment to validate the behavior of the whole system.
    Example: commercial bank which has a large system – mainframe system, online banking system, credit card access system.

  26. Let us consider Makemytrip
    In System Testing , We would validate each and every functionalities like booking flights, hotels, cab, visa, login etc individually.Taking an example of hotel booking where in the functionalities of searching hotels ,filtering hotels based on price, customer reviews, rating ,reservation, cancellation etc are system tested

    In system Integration Testing different systems that are integrated are tested. For example makemytrip uses different bank portals for payment. So the integration between these system are tested are called system integrated testing.

  27. System testing means testing the system as a whole. All the modules/components are integrated in order to verify if the system works as expected or not. System testing is done after integration testing. Eg: , G-mail, search engines
    System Integeration testing is a level of software testing where individual units are combined and tested as a group. The purpose of this level of testing is to find defects in between the integrated units. Modules are tested individually then integrated then tested for the complete system. Banking website can be a good example.
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    Reshu Garg

  28. System testing is testing the functional and non-functional aspects of the software against the requirements. The application is tested as a whole. This testing is done before user acceptance testing, and is a black-box testing. Example, In a shopping website, all the functionality to search items, add items to cart, change the quantity, add username, billing and shipping address have to be tested as a whole.

    System Integration testing tests the interaction between 2 different systems. For example, the shopping website accepts payment from paypal, the we have to test to make sure that the gateway is working properly and the payment goes through and control comes back to the shopping website. Here the paypal payment processing is an external system, so the 2 systems tested together for interaction is called system integration testing.

  29. System testing is black box testing performed by QA. System testing is done to identify the defects and to verify the
    software compliance with the clients requirements by the QA. Functional and non functional requirements are tested
    e.g. Testing Gmail Application :Login, Inbox, Compose, Sent mail etc

    System integration testing is testing interaction of software with other software. Done by developers and is white box testing.
    Each module is tested individually and integrated and tested for the complete system
    e.g: external bank transfers, bill payments etc where it needs to interact with other software for successful operation.

  30. System testing test the whole system except the software aspect of the system. As a results, the examples of the scenario can be a finance company QA will test for login username and password functions, customer name, account number, loan amount, terms of the loan, and the monthly repayment functions based on the clients requirements. On the other hand, the developers or programmers, and designers will test and fixes the defects and improves data flow and enable proper timing and flexibility of the system applications.

  31. System testing:
    System testing is black box testing performed by QA. This type of testing involves both functional and non-functional requirements. This testing is done before the system is handed over to the user for acceptance testing.
    Example: Online shopping like in Amazon, you search for some product, then once we see the product, by clicking it takes you to the details about the product, price, user reviews, shipping time, also about the similar products etc.
    System integration testing means we test the individual modules first and then combine them with different modules and test as a whole system,
    Online banking is example.


    System Testing: Testing that is done as a whole as per software requirements. Tests that are done before acceptance testing.
    Simple example: Facebook. Where users need to login to see their facebook profile, photo, search button, etc

    System Integration Testing: Integration of software and hardware testing to check the behavior of the whole system.
    Example of system integration testing: Smule application. Where users need to have headset when they sing in the application. Both hardware and software needed to be tested on how they interact with each other to see their flow.

  33. System testing is a level of testing where the application as a whole is tested for its compliance to functional and non-functional requirements.The different type of system testing are- Functional testing, Performance testing, Usability testing, Reliability testing, Security testing, Scalability testing, Installation testing etc. The different approaches of performing integration testing namely – Top down, bottom up, big bang and hybrid integration.
    System Integration Testing: Whereas, in integration testing, we test the interfacing between the modules which are inter-connected with each other. In system testing, we check the system as a whole.
    he different approaches of performing integration testing namely – Top down, bottom up, big bang and hybrid integration.

  34. an example of System testing would be to test a single system’s entire process from initial input to final output.
    An example of System integration testing would be to test more than one system that provide/receive input/output to the other systems.

  35. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.

    System testing basically tests the application as a whole and it is tested for functional and non functional requirements. The classic example of this kind of testing is Gmail application. Here we test to see if we can compose an email.Input the recipient and then send the email and if the recipient has received it.

    System Integration Testing: Here the behaviour of the whole system is tested after the different modules are integrated into it. Examples would be online shopping, online banking.

  36. System testing and Integration testing-When a car is manufactured each and every component are developed separately and when these components are put together we are integrating the components and we test if they are working properly without affecting other. when all the components are integrated into one called system(car) we test the car to see if it is functioning as it should be with all the components functioning properly.

    System testing is the process of identifying the error in the software and checking the compliance of the software requirements as a whole system. for example

    1) search the products based on customer requests on the “search for products” bar and check whether the products display or not this term is called system testing.

    2)find a location

    3) track my order
    above these functionalities, we have to check whether working properly or not. this type of testing is called system testing.


    System integration is checking the integrated functionality of the software. for example, the same after customer finds the products then customers put them in the “Shopping Cart” and then pay the amount thru credit card or PayPal method of payments. we have to check the all those kind of integrated functionality it is called integrated system checking

  38. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    System testing is black box testing performed by QA. This type of testing involves both functional and non-functional requirements. This testing is done before the system is handed over to the user for acceptance testing.
    Example: Online shopping you search for some product, then once we see the product, by clicking it takes you to the details about the product, price, user reviews, shipping time, the product return policy also about the similar products etc.
    System Integration testing is testing type carried in integrated hardware and software environment to validate the behaviour of the whole system. In this type of testing the modules are tested individually then integrated then tested for the complete system.For example consider a commercial bank where it has large system like mainframe system, online banking system, credit card access system.

  39. The system testing is performed by the QA team to identify the defects and verify the software compliance with client requirements without involving the programming concepts. This testing is done before the system is handed over to the user for acceptance testing. It involves the functional and nonfunctional requirements.
    Example: Login email. Enter User name, password click on okay button. It takes you to the Inbox.
    System Integration Testing carried out in an integrated hardware and software environment to verify the behavior of the complete system. In this type of testing the modules are tested individually then integrated then tested for the complete system. The main goal of system integration testing is, it fixes the defect earlier and improves data flow and enables proper timing and flexibility of a system application.
    Example: Attaching documents to email from local computer. Click on compose, enter To address and Subject, Write body of the email, Click on Attach, Select file , Click on open, File attached to email, Click on send. It is integrating with local machine.

  40. System Testing:
    System testing is the testing of a complete and fully integrated Software product. The sole purpose of system testing is to conduct the series of tests for all integrated modules along with external components to check how these components interact with one another along with the system software as a whole. There are more than 50 types of testing. Example of system Testing is shopping sites and gmail, Yahoo etc.

    System Integration Testing:
    This testing is done with the integrated software and hardware environment to validate the behavior of the system. Each module is tested individually and then integrated and tested for the complete system. It fixes the defects earlier. Example of system integration testing is Online Banking system, where we can transfer money from one bank account to another bank account.

  41. System testing is a level of testing done after the integration testing where the application as a whole is tested for its compliance to functional and non-functional requirements.The different type of system testing are- Functional testing, Performance testing, Usability testing, Reliability testing, Security testing, Scalability testing, Installation testing etc. The different approaches of performing integration testing namely – Top down, bottom up, big bang and hybrid integration.
    For example, has different functionalities like account,cart,prime,clothing,sell,home,toys,…etc are checked whether they are working as expected or in compliance with the requirements.Non functional testing like any customer info leak, load test…etc.
    system integration testing: For example consider a health insurance application where it has large system like mainframe system, health care plans,medicare,life insurance..etc. These different software applications need to be tested together in order to check their interactions. Suppose many different modules are tested we call it as System testing and all the modules are connected with the components of the external system to study the interactions we call it as System integration testing.

  42. System Testing is the testing of a complete and fully integrated software product. Usually, software is only one element of a larger computer-based system. Ultimately, software is interfaced with other software/hardware systems. System Testing is actually a series of different tests whose sole purpose is to exercise the full computer-based system. mobile applications, operating systems, Gmail Login application are the example of system testing.

    System Integration Testing (SIT) is the overall testing of the whole system which is composed of many sub-systems. The main objective of SIT is to ensure that all software module dependencies are functioning properly and the data integrity is preserved between distinct modules of the whole system.
    Example:- consider a commercial bank where it has large system like mainframe system, online banking system, credit card access system. These different software applications need to be tested together in order to check their interactions

  43. System testing is all about testing the functional and non-functional aspects of the software against the requirements. It is a black box testing and this testing is done before user acceptance testing. For Example, In Walmart website, there are different functionalities like login, grocery, account, cart, search tool box,etc. When we do system testing, we will test all of these functionalities. E.g login functionality, we will put our login username and password, we must be able to see our Walmart account page.
    Whereas, system integration testing is done by developers and is a type of white box testing. Example: when we are doing shopping in Walmart, there are a lot of payment options like, credit card, debit card, PayPal etc. when you click on PayPal, it should transfer to the PayPal login page, and you will put your PayPal id and password and choose the payment type. Then you must be redirected back to the Walmart shopping cart page to finalize the order. This is an example of system integration testing, where two systems are integrated to interact simultaneously with each other.

  44. different software application need to be tested in order to check their interaction . many different module are tested
    its called system testing. all modules are connected with the external system to test their interaction called system
    interaction testing

  45. System testing example:
    Here we are checking if the functional and non functional requirements of application are working as per client requirements
    eg: login, view account details, application performance, user access/security etc.

    System integration testing example:
    Here we check if the interaction of the software with other applications are working as per client requirements.
    eg: external bank transfers, bill payments, deposits from external sources etc where it needs to interact with other software for successful operation.

  46. System testing: testing conducted on a complete integrated system to evaluate the system’s compliance with its clients requirements.

    System integration testing: overall testing of the whole system composing many sub-systems, and tests the system’s coexistence with others

    Example: Application has 8 modules.

    System testing: Testing the entire application with all 8 modules combined together.
    System integrated testing: If application interacts with external application to send or retrieve data

  47. for example, an airline booking system is an example of system testing, through which you can book a flight, manage reservation, etc. so all the functions will be tested through this.
    but these flights can be accessed through an airline booking system, then testing the modules separately and then integrating will come under system integration testing.

  48. The examples of the scenarios/ software for each above different type of testing:
    System testing : Means testing whole system respect to the software requirements. Example suppose the test case is to check sending mail features so as of system testing the steps will be
    1) Compose email
    2)Enter Repentance mail id
    3)Click on send button
    4)Validate if mail is sent message is displayed
    5) Validate mail is out box
    System integration testing: It is a type of software testing carried out in an integrated hardware and software environment to verify the behavior of the complete system. Example, software and/or hardware components are combineds and tested progressively until the entire system has been integrated.

    6) Validate mail in sent mail box.

  49. System testing means testing the whole system with respect to the software requirement which involves functional and non-functional requirements and is done before the system is handed to user acceptance.
    System Integration Testing here the modules are tested individually, Its main goal is to detect the defects earlier and improve the data flow.

  50. System integrated testing
    We check the performance of the whole system to make sure all the functionalities are performing as expected without any
    defects, done by QA’s

    Banking software
    payee account
    amount due
    so when the payee details are entered it interface with the sub datas to provide the full details.

  51. 1. Write the examples of the scenarios/ software for each of above different types of testing.
    – System Testing: focuses on the system as a whole. for example in a banking application it checks from the login module, and all the modules in between until it reaches the logout module. (end to end)
    – System Integration Testing: individual modules are combined and tested as a group. for example the customer is using the bank application and goes back and forth between current balance and transfer module.
    – there are 3 types of approaches: Big Bang, Top Down and Bottom Up approach.

  52. System testing eg: in application first we check the place ,check in and check out dates, no of person etc.
    System Integration testing eg: In application we check the integration between the different car rental companies which can be booked.

  53. System testing is when you are testing the whole system as a whole to find any defects and to verify client’s requirements. It also checks the functional and non-functional requirements. Common example is testing all modules of an email provider to check if it can compose a new email, can I add a recipient, and send an email to the email address. This is to check if the system is working before being sent to UAT.

    System integration testing involves the individual modules being tested first and then combined for the entire system. It is used to find defects and check the behavior between different systems. Example can include using Ebay and paying through credit cards and Paypal.

  54. System testing – this comes in black box testing. This means testing of a complete and fully integrated software product. Basically, the system is tested fully based on the software requirements. For example, deleting mail n Hotmail, you login into your account, select the messages that need to be deleted, and delete using the trash icon. System integration testing is the overall testing of a complete system, which is composed by many subsystems. An example would be online shopping or online banking.

  55. Example of System testing: An application has to be checked for Gmail software for composing the mail. It should be validated for clicking the compose button then enter the recipient mail id then click on send button. It should be validated with the message in outbox then in the sent mail of the same system. This type of testing which is related to single system is called as SYSTEM testing.

    Example of SYSTEM INTEGRATION testing: consider a commercial bank where it has large system like mainframe system, online banking system, credit card access system. These different software applications need to be tested together in order to check their interactions. Suppose many different modules are tested we call it as System testing and all the modules are connected with the components of the external system to study the interactions we call it as SYSTEM INTEGRATION testing.

  56. Examples of scenarios for each of the different types of testing in this article:

    System Testing –
    System testing can be performed for Amazon’s shopping cart. The process of clicking the “Add to Cart” button and having the item added to the cart can be validated. The process of clicking the “delete” button and having the item removed from the cart can be validated. The process of clicking the “Save for Later” button and having the item removed from the cart but stored in the “Saved for later” section can be validated.
    System Integration Testing –
    System Integration Testing can be performed for the PayPal payment method in the PlayStation Store. Since PayPal is an external system to PlayStation, System Integration Testing must be used to validate the interaction and communication between these two different software applications.

  57. System testing: It is testing the whole system with respect to software requirements. It involves testing functional and nonfunctional requirements. This testing is done before the system is handed over to the user for acceptance testing.
    Eg: Online banking system. Here we test the login page, account information, new payee, account activity, transactions, savings etc., When a user logs in, he or she can access all his personal and bank information in the online banking system.
    System integration testing: It is a testing type carried out in integrated hardware and software environment to validate the behavior of the whole system. The modules are tested individually and then integrated together and then tested for the complete system. The defects can be detected easily as we test the modules individually.
    Eg: Gmail
    First, we need to check log in and the mailbox’s module interface link so the user can go to the mailbox. The second module is to validate the compose and choose the send button. Like this each component is tested successfully and the overall system is tested.

  58. System Testing: System Testing is testing the system as a whole. All the modules/components are integrated in order to verify if the system works as expected or not. The system is done after integration testing. This plays an important role in delivering high- quality products. System testing is complete or end-to-end testing.
    Ex: In banking application it checks from the login module, and all the modules in between until it reaches the logout module.
    System Integration Testing: It is a sort of software testing that is performed in an integrated hardware and software environment to evaluate the overall system behavior.
    Ex: we check login and sign up features in an e-commerce app, we view them as separate units

  59. System testing is performed by the QA team to identify the defects and verify the software compliance with client requirements without involving the programming concepts. For example: an application of Gmail software which needs to be checked for composing mail. It should be validated for checking the compose button then enter the recipient mail id then click on send button. It should be validated with the message in the outbox then in the sent mail of the same system.
    System integration testing fixes the defect earlier and improves data flow and enables proper timing and flexibility of a system application. It tests the interaction of the software with other software. For example: a bank like online banking system, credit card system, funds transfer, etc. These different software applications need to be tested together in order to check their interactions between the functionalities.

  60. Pingback: UNIT TESTING

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