Selenium automation certification course online is at present one of the best application tester courses of all time. This is because Selenium has been repeatedly recognized for its excellent characteristics and is used by large as well as small corporations all across the globe.
As a result, there is an increased demand for selenium resources with more and more institutions offering automation software testing courses for aspiring selenium testers.
A well-designed course offers familiarity with the standard practices of selenium. Selenium is best understood if you have a background in Java or a familiarity with any of the other object-oriented testing programming languages. In addition, if you have a fundamental understanding of testing ideas then the course can be a breeze to finish.
Understanding Selenium
Selenium training online courses the game with explaining selenium as a technology and a software program. As an open source transportable as well as software program testing resource, selenium is commonly used for web testing purposes. This program is capable of functioning along different operating units and even multiple browsers.
As a result, today selenium is often called a set of several tools rather than a single tool used for assisting testers for automating internet-based applications accurately. We have compiled a list of various applications that help make selenium one of the best and most convenient software programs used by testers today.
● Selenium IDE
The IDE or integrated advancement ecosystem of selenium is in reality a Firefox plugin designed specifically to help testers to document their progress as they work along the defined workflow required for the examination. This application also includes a graphical person interface. This interface is designed to record the Firefox actions of the user. Unfortunately, this interface is limited for use only with the Firefox browser as it is not supported by other browsers.
● Selenium RC
Next, let us explore Selenium RC. Selenium Distant Handle is regarded as one of the finest testing frameworks that is used by testers to execute simple browser actions or linear execution. This application is designed to take advantage of the strength of different programming languages like C#, Java, Python, PERL, PHP, and Ruby. These can be integrated and used for creating even more complex tests.
● Selenium WebDriver
The selenium webdriver follows selenium RC. In other words, it is designed to send instructions immediately to the browser in order to retrieve the outcomes without any time lag.
● Selenium Grid
The selenium grid is used for operating or executing tests simultaneously across distinctive browsers and different equipment. This is helpful for reducing the overall execution time for any application software tester.
Before deciding on any selenium automation software testing courses, it is important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of the software application in question.

- Selenium is an open source and can be easily extended for integrating different technologies like that exposed DOM.
- It can execute scripts using various browsers and distinctive operating methods.
- Selenium supports mobile devices as well and is capable of executing checks within the browser.
Like any other software technology, selenium is not without its set of disadvantages. Some prominent drawbacks include the following:
- Selenium only supports website scented herbs and cannot offer recovery scenarios.
- Selenium is also very selected as to which browser it can work with
- The software does not offer any check report technology and users have to depend on programming languages for parameterization.
Final Thoughts
Having understood what is included in a Selenium automation testing course, you are in a better position to decide whether selenium testing automation training is right for you or not. What you must keep in mind is that the benefits of learning selenium outweigh the drawbacks of the technology. As a free tool and an open source platform, selenium will always remain in high demand with software development organizations across the industry.
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